Month: May 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: May 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

the Wakefield Doctrine: “a unique and fun perspective on the three personality types”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clark, scotts and rogers)

Fun?!  Did the Title say ‘Fun’? Yes, it did say fun, as in …'(a) fun perspective on personality types’

(Earlier in this week, I realized that it was time to get back and find the fun in writing (this blog). What will separate the new Readers from the old will be their ability to reconcile to this sentiment and the title of (this Post).)

So where is the fun?

Paranthenses and music videos,  that’s where the fun is!  From my perspective this morning,  sitting at my new (and much reviled Apple Mac), the fun is to find disparate and/or unrelated pieces of our common reality and present them in a context that will afford you the Reader a new:

  • appreciation of the song, photo or common knowledge
  • perspective on a song, photo or fact of life that you have so taken for granted that you have not thought about it since you were 13 years old
  • understanding of the people in your life, their personality and behavior
Yeah, I’m1 starting to get that feeling back… there is a challenge to sorting through photos, for all of me a random process, until I see the image that jumps out and says. “Me!! Me!!! Use me in the lead photo!!”  As often as not, when I look at the Post, after I hit ‘Publish’ I am surprised at the linkage, or connection or whatever the hell you call it when there is clearly a connection between the various choices…
(New Readers?  …this is kinda what all the Posts at the Wakefield Doctrine are like, most of the time…not counting Contests and displays of Wakefield Doctrine hat-wearin-heads and such.)
In any event, that should get us back on the track for this week.
Road Trip3 coming in June… ‘...we maybe comin to your town
(…Contest…Contest, got to come up with an idea for a Contest.) How about:
‘Contest Idea’ Contest!  (perfect4)  The Idea for a Contest that is voted best by the Wakefield Doctrine League of Secret Voters will Win a Free Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt!  Contest ends Friday…this coming Friday.


1) I just noticed that I hardly ever use contractions! What the hell!!? Go back and read some old Posts, like  ‘you do not want to look down‘   it’s all ‘I am’ and ‘we were’…jeez what I am frickin Data?2

2)  geek reference to the character on the second Star Trek series

3) twice a year I have to travel for business, the road trip is basically ‘getting home the long way’…anywhere I can go and still get home the same day that I would if I went directly home is allowable

4)  please provide a sarcastic, preferably rogerian voiceover for this ‘perfect‘  as you read




the Wakefield Doctrine: the Week in (pre)View, of elevator pitches and interview strategies

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Three things on the Doctrine ‘To Do’ List for this week:

  1. write an updated ‘elevator pitch’ for the Wakefield Doctrine
  2. complete our Series on the Job Interviews
  3. find the way (back) to the simple fun of this thing of ours
Pretty manageable list, no?
First things first:
… the Wakefield Doctrine is a viewpoint on personality types and it is a tool that will let you   way to know more about the other person than they know about themselves  people.  With the Wakefield Doctrine,  have you need never again ever heard yourself say, “Now why on earth would they go and say a thing like that? I really thought I knew them better than that!” What the Wakefield Doctrine really does is let you see the world that the other person is experiencing.     the Wakefield Doctrine will let you be better at whatever it is you think you do    give you an edge, an advantage!  The Wakefield Doctrine will make you a better you!
…and the Doctrine is fun! You and your friends will have fun!
(so, what do you think?  Did we get you excited about this Doctrine thing, or what?)
Second things second:
  • the clark gets the corporate job that he Interviewed for and thinks that he is happy ….for a while. As soon as the novelty wears off, though, he begins to sabotage it…
  • the rogerian female (Emily) is offered the Waitress job and accepts the position. Upon returning home that evening, all excited  with her successful Interview,  she gets into an argument with her husband (who feels that the position is beneath her) and afterwards finds herself doubting what she felt was the positive aspect of working in the restaurant.
  • the scottian guy realizes that nothing he does in the interview is getting a rise out of the young woman who is interviewing him. To make matters worse,  she offers him the job on a trial basis, if he performs up to the standards during the initial probationary period, the job becomes permanent. If not… He is uncomfortable with this arrangement, but begrudgingly agrees to her terms.
Fun yet?  Well give us a little time, we are just warming up!  Stop back later this week, I think I feel a Contest coming on!




13 things to say when someone asks you about your Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt! the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘the clothes define the lifeform’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

So we have Mel and Nell, DS and ‘KH, Claire and even Molly (from the big square State in the middle of the Continent), stylin’ in theys Wakefield Doctrine Tee shirts! What controversy can that create? Why would not their lives be happy, serene and satisfying?

I’ll tell you why, dammit! When our Friends and DownSprings finish dressing their bodies, they will go out into the world at large where they will encounter people, who, though full of admiration and maybe a little envy, will say, “Heyyy! nice Tee Shirt! What the hell is a Wakefield Doctrine?”  or maybe they will glance at the front of our friends and say without embarrassment, “I appreciate the color and the fit, but you must tell me about the ‘theory of clarks, scotts and rogers‘!”

What is the best way to answer these interrogatives?

  1. Say, ” I’m so happy you asked!” (if your gender is female): follow this statement with a clap of hands, (an) offer to hug or whatever else is appropriate; (if your gender is male): then offer ‘High 5″, knuckle bump or simply glare at them challengingly
  2. Walk away, with as many hands as are available over your ears while singing, “La La La La…I think I can’t hear you now…La La La La!”
  3. Smile and say, “clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel! Do you need any more information than that, scott/roger?”
  4. Look at their faces, if they immediately smile (in a non-threatening manner) but look around to see who else heard them, they are a roger, if they immediately smile and say nothing, then you got a scott…don’t worry about clarks, they will have someone else ask
  5. Put your hands over your ears, open your mouth and scream soundlessly.
  6. Ask the person if they feel that they have the quality of flexible intelligence and, no matter what they answer, smile and start, “Well, in the early 1980’s clark was visiting scott at work…
  7. Say to them, “the Wakefield Doctrine is a productive and unique and totally fun tool for understanding the people in your life. You do have people in your life, don’t you?”
  8. Say, ” Why thank you! I love my shirt but would rather not discuss the Wakefield Doctrine. You will respect my wishes, won’t you?”
  9. (If you feel that this person is a scott), then look them in the eye and say, “You would not believe what this stands for!! People kinda get upset when I tell…maybe I should just leave it be,  you would only get upset!”
  10. (If you feel the person is a roger) then look around a few times and lean in towards them and say, “I’m not supposed to talk about it! It’s kind of a secret club kinda thing…ya know?…everyone would get mad at me…I hope you don’t mind”
  11. Ask the person to please repeat the question and when they have done so, say “That’s what I thought you said” and walk away.
  12. Start running
  13. Ask them to repeat the question. (If they do) tell them that the Wakefield Doctrine has a blog site (point to your back) and that if they really want to know about it, they need to visit the site and leave a Comment.
  14. (Optional Response: Look at them and say, “I have been empowered to reveal that information only to people who meet the criteria. In your case…”)

what do you mean, ‘they have their own line of clothing??!’ the Wakefield Doctrine? are you sure?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

How difficult can it be to write a Post when you have 2 photos of a Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt-clad hominid in the wild?
(Thanks to fellow bloggenista, author of Mostly Teachable and Friend of the Doctrine, “Mel” for sending in the photos! )

Well, now that I think about it, it’s pretty damn  difficult! We have been lagging behind on our recent efforts to present the practical applications of the Wakefield Doctrine and have missed at least 2 Video Friday installments. But that’s not important now!

Today we will discuss:

  1. the Wakefield Doctrine’s line of ready to wear fashion and accessories
  2. the final installment in our  series,  ‘the Wakefield Doctrine’s  Secrets to Successful Job Interviewation
  3. a sneak peak at the projects coming up this Summer including, Doctrine Road Trip  2012 Part 2
  4. none of the above

Hats and Tee Shirts. Readers! If we can ask for your help. Please draw on your own perception of popular culture (au couture, of course!) and insert the name of someone currently bringing out a line of: sportswear, leisure wear and/or Summer fashion: here.
(Being kinda out of touch with current fashion,  I catch myself thinking,  “Cheryl Tiegs? no!….Puff Daddy? no?!…Johnny Miller? Roger” and realize that it would be best to sit this one out). To see more about the Wakefield Doctrine Fashion lines, best you just ‘click over’ to the Fashion Page 

Secrets of Successful Job Interviewification. We will be concluding our series of Three Interviews, which are proving very useful in demonstrating what the Doctrine has to offer today’s Job Seeker. A sample of what you will read:

“…when we last saw our three Job Applicants:

  1. (the) clark, having just mentioned to the Interviewer ( a total roger)  the fact that one of his references sat on the Board of Directors of the Company  is desperately  trying not to blink*
  2. emily, our Urdu-speaking rogerian diplomate, finds herself trying to decide if the man sitting across from her, who appears to be speaking to: someone she cannot see, several people she can’t hear and herself, is really the person she wants to work for,  or just forget the whole waitress job thing and go back to school for yet another degree (perhaps a graduate degree in paleo-canine cultures)
  3. scott (our scott) is trying to remind himself that he is sitting in front of his former boss (a roger) and an oddly unresponsive girl (a clark) both of whom hold the key to his getting his old job back, that he really needs to stop talking
*first and most important lesson in Wakefield Doctrine interview technique….do not talk past your Close”
Be sure to read the Doctrine as this series concludes in the coming week!
So from all of us,  a big projectile greeting to ‘Mel and them’ out there in “Michigan”!
Oh yeah, a Contest?!!
…sure, why the hell not?   For the Reader who sends us the best photo of a Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt being worn in a setting that you normally do not see Tee Shirts worn…. a Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt!





Mattresses, cars and my FM radio stations… the Wakefield Doctrine ( you really need to learn about it!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine!

When I am in my car, which is at least 3 hours a day, I enjoy listening to the radio. Having appropriately* eclectic taste in music, the pre-sets will take me straight to anything except ‘Talk Radio’. To be a little more revelatory, these are:  (2)  ‘dinosaur rock’ stations,  (2) college stations, (1) country music, (1) top 40 and one Classical Music station. There are, however, two things about time in radio-land that really bother me:

  1. at least once every two weeks or so I will hear the same song played on two ‘different’ rock stations at the same time. Really. (Yeah I suppose given a playlist that can’t exceed 40 songs, I shouldn’t sound so surprised) and
  2. nearly all the commercials are for cars and mattresses…I’d guess 80% of all ads run during business hours are for stores selling ‘sleep systems’ and stores selling cars (NEW! PRE-OWNED!! IMAGINARY!!).  These little announcements include: a car dealer telling me that he will give me money and a new car if I bring him my car (“Drive it or push it or have it towed!! We don’t care!! Just get it down here!“) followed by an advisory that ‘the most trusted Mattress Institution in the world’ is having a sale, followed in turn by another, different car dealer who wants to put me inside of a new car as soon as possible!! (they confide in me that  JD Powers Institute for Demographic Excellence is considering them to be best car dealership in the Western World in 2012).
I will stop complaining now.
Fortunately, I have my 2 college stations (  and ). While these stations don’t have commercials,  they do have PSAs ( Public Service Announcements) to run every hour or two. (These PSA’s consist of listening to a sincere child actor tell us how bullying is a crime against nature and how it is important to: “remember the piping plover when you ride your bike to the natural food store to buy some groat clusters for lunch.”) All in all a very small price to pay for the excellent musical variety.
Molly had provided an observation via her Comment yesterday!
“…I find it interesting that the different mindsets of people illicit different responses from others, though the actions look the same. And yet, people tend to respond to us as we see the world (unless they are too caught up in themselves).”
Well said, especially the part about “…people tend to respond to us as we see the world…”  A true statement and the reason for the Wakefield Doctrine! (Molly) is noting that it is our perception of the world, i.e. our personal reality that shapes the behavior of the people we encounter in our day-to-day lives. We have often said, …”(with the Wakefield Doctrine) you will never have to say, “Now why would they go and say something like that? I really thought I knew them better!”


* I am a clark

