the Wakefield Doctrine: “a unique and fun perspective on the three personality types” | the Wakefield Doctrine the Wakefield Doctrine: “a unique and fun perspective on the three personality types” | the Wakefield Doctrine

the Wakefield Doctrine: “a unique and fun perspective on the three personality types”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clark, scotts and rogers)

Fun?!  Did the Title say ‘Fun’? Yes, it did say fun, as in …'(a) fun perspective on personality types’

(Earlier in this week, I realized that it was time to get back and find the fun in writing (this blog). What will separate the new Readers from the old will be their ability to reconcile to this sentiment and the title of (this Post).)

So where is the fun?

Paranthenses and music videos,  that’s where the fun is!  From my perspective this morning,  sitting at my new (and much reviled Apple Mac), the fun is to find disparate and/or unrelated pieces of our common reality and present them in a context that will afford you the Reader a new:

  • appreciation of the song, photo or common knowledge
  • perspective on a song, photo or fact of life that you have so taken for granted that you have not thought about it since you were 13 years old
  • understanding of the people in your life, their personality and behavior
Yeah, I’m1 starting to get that feeling back… there is a challenge to sorting through photos, for all of me a random process, until I see the image that jumps out and says. “Me!! Me!!! Use me in the lead photo!!”  As often as not, when I look at the Post, after I hit ‘Publish’ I am surprised at the linkage, or connection or whatever the hell you call it when there is clearly a connection between the various choices…
(New Readers?  …this is kinda what all the Posts at the Wakefield Doctrine are like, most of the time…not counting Contests and displays of Wakefield Doctrine hat-wearin-heads and such.)
In any event, that should get us back on the track for this week.
Road Trip3 coming in June… ‘...we maybe comin to your town
(…Contest…Contest, got to come up with an idea for a Contest.) How about:
‘Contest Idea’ Contest!  (perfect4)  The Idea for a Contest that is voted best by the Wakefield Doctrine League of Secret Voters will Win a Free Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt!  Contest ends Friday…this coming Friday.


1) I just noticed that I hardly ever use contractions! What the hell!!? Go back and read some old Posts, like  ‘you do not want to look down‘   it’s all ‘I am’ and ‘we were’…jeez what I am frickin Data?2

2)  geek reference to the character on the second Star Trek series

3) twice a year I have to travel for business, the road trip is basically ‘getting home the long way’…anywhere I can go and still get home the same day that I would if I went directly home is allowable

4)  please provide a sarcastic, preferably rogerian voiceover for this ‘perfect‘  as you read




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Downspring#1 says:

    A new appreciation? Ya mean like after listening to the first music vid I can now (armed with what I know about the Doctrine) easily picture a bunch o’ rogerian young women gettin’ their party on with their rogerian boyfriends. circa 1960 whateva. lol
    Meanwhile a bunch of clarks 10 years later are all sittin’ ’round a dorm room trying to articulate abstract theories of an inverse universe (the one that’s running parallel to this one of course. Except on Sundays) …..

    The Doctrine is life changing. It all sounds so dramatic, but facts are facts. Knowing how another person looks at life, life events and such is the coolest thing. And what a relief. Talk about lightning the load. And you can literally shock and amaze total or almost total strangers. I know because I have done this.
    Hey, The Wakefield Doctrine may not be for everyone….but it damn well should be!!

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    yeah, the changes alter the people perceiving the thing being changed… ( Lou!! yeah!)

    I would allude to moving finger writing and such, but I might need it for tomorrow’s Post… there are those of us who see the changes as it is relative to a certain point in time and there are those, new to this place, who take it all for granulated.

    Lets recruit!

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    And they all laughed at Columbus….

    Aha! I look forward to the reference on the finger writing (had forgotten!) in the next post.

  4. AKH says:

    Can any of you readers who have been around long enough care to explain what “take it all for granulated” is for our new readers? Hint: Rogers

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      …roger? you wish to take first crack at this? it is your people whow would talk like that

  5. RCoyne RCoyne says:

    Yes, of course.
    These are always fun because you have options. You can go with the above-stated play on ” taken for granted”, or you might opt for yet another word beginning with ” gra”; ie, feelings of grandeur, or feelings of heightened granulation?
    Try one yourself! Just grab a commonly used word or phrase and beat the bejesus out of it.
    Here’s a classic from Wakefield pre-history; ask the clark to define ” matriculator.”

  6. AKH says:

    Care to share Mr. Progenitor?

  7. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    aye eesh

    What we have in the two examples of casual word murder above are actually two very distinct uses of language. It might be better to say that, the intent and purpose of using these words are similar, but the context is very different.

    With both the rogerian expression and the clarklike wordation, the intent is to be aggressive, but the manifestation is a result of the individual reality.

    Given that the roger is acting within a reality in which there is a natural community, the innate belonging to the herd, to be aggressive is to invite others to understand you while (you) are deliberately using the wrong words. When the progenitor announced to the other guests at his (former) wife’s dinner party that he would, ‘surpass on the mashed potatoes’ it was not just an incorrect choice of words, it was rather almost like saying, “…since you asked me, I will invoke the privilege of using a word that I know that you will compensate for and, by doing so, will be showing respect” You could not create a rogerian expression without membership in the group.

    This is in contrast to the clark’s improper use of words. In the case of a clark, it is altering a correct word and daring anyone listening to correct it. Since the word is patently incorrect, one is forced to pay attention to the speaker and seeing that (this person) does not seem the least concerned about whether the word is properly used or not, include them in…. in a sense for a moment the perennial outside, the clark is part of a group of people who agree to create their own language.