Month: December 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: December 2020 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Merry Christmas, yo-ho-ho!*

Yow… I knew exactly which post I wanted to reprint today, but I’d forgotten how long ago I wrote it. (In keeping with the admittedly clarklike fascination of the abstruse in the middle of simple expression), I find more…. damn! really?1 I only just realized that, from today, this post was written long ago, but from the beginning of the blog itself, it was but a few months. This serves to remind me, as I’m sure the topic of the inflationary period following the Big Bang, in the Planck Time intervals, allows the psychophysicists plenty of time for discussion, like the interval that elapsed immediately after I hit ‘Publish’ on the first Wakefield Doctrine post.

December 24, 2009

…where was I?

The post! The post! (Below is an iteration from later in the aforementioned inflationary period… evidenced by a photo of Una)

(the original Post Title}:

Merry Christmas and/or insert perferred culturo-religio-recognized-by-major-Greeting-Card-Companies Day here

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

There is an old saying, ‘repetition is the most efficient form of creativity‘, to which we will add, ‘you can say that again’!

Given the enormity of the holiday, we would be remiss in our self-imposed duty to provide one more insight into human nature from the perspective of our little personality theory, if we did not tell you why Christmas is a holiday that resonates with all three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. But, due to the increasing influence of our rogerian aspect, let us first extend the heartfelt wishes of those of us here at the Doctrine, to those of you out there in Reader-ville:

To all of our Readers and Visitors:

Angola…Feliz Natal e (feriados felizes do específico da cultura)!
Australia..Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…on the barbe
Belgium…Vrolijke Kerstmis en Gelukkig (kweek specifiek) Vakanties!
Bosnia and Herzegovenia… Čestit Božić i Srećna (specifična kultura) praznici! (I hope!)
Brazil….Feliz Natal e (feriados felizes do específico da cultura)!
Canada…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…eh?
Columbia…¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz (cultiva específico) Feriados!
France…Joyeux Noël et Heureux (cultiver spécifique) les Vacances !
Germany…Fröhlich Weihnachts und Glücklich (kultivieren spezifisch) Feiertage!
Ghana…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…(!click!)
Greece…Καλά Χριστούγεννα και ευτυχισμένο (πολιτισμός συγκεκριμένες) διακοπές!
Ireland…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…go bragh
Israel…חג מולד שמח ושמח (תרבות ספציפי) חופשה
Italy…Buon Natale e Felice (la cultura specifica) le Vacanze!
Philipines…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays!…(send translation-o)
Slovenia…vesel Božič ter vesel ( kultura poseben ) dopust
Spain…¡Feliz Navidad y Feliz (cultiva específico) las Vacaciones!
Sweden…Munter Jul och lycklig (odla specifik) Helgdagar!
United Arab Emirates…عيد الميلاد قد وسعيد (ثقافة معينة (العطلة?! (dude!)
United Kingdom…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays! pip! pip!
United States…Merry Christmas and Happy (culture specific) Holidays! y’all!

(Special Greeting Update! courtsey of our friend Melanie Chisnall over at Scribbles and Smiles )
South Africa…Geseende Kersfees!

Apologies to any whose (translated) Greeting comes out as “I hope the dog eats all your fish..” or something.  It’s the damn internet, I want to click once and get an accurate translation into any language in the world.  What’s un-reasonable about that?

The enormity of the Christmas holiday? It has clear appeal and, in fact, resonates strongly with all three personality types:

  • clarks: who love to give…selflessly, and to an extreme, we will give everything that we (think) we have to give, in the hopes of becoming so much a part of the group…which is, in fact all, of you ‘out there in the world’…that we will no longer consider ourselves the Outsiders
  • scotts: who love to give because there is so much life and activity inherent in a celebration such as is manifested by Christmas, that all they can do is run around and bark at the lights (or bark using lights), chase down and herd those who gather together on this holiday, never stopping, until without warning, they drop into a sleep, like a 2 month old puppy… wherever they last stood, eyes closed, teeth showing, legs twitching as the chase continues in their dream with the occasional wag of the tale, showing their essentially good natures
  • rogers: a tradition and the participation of nearly all people, Christmas has everything they could want and to top it all off, there is the second most feared manifestation of ‘referential authority’ there is:  the gift giver who keeps records, verifies those records and rewards and punishes behavior, all by standards that, while thought by most to be understood, are never explicitly stated.

So to all our friends (new and old), those of us here at the Wakefield Doctrine say, ‘Yo Ho Ho’!


Of course, Cindy Lauper offers appropriate tuneage, she a clark, non? (And, if I may say so, a credit to her people.)


* the difference a single vowel can make, right?

1) just noticed the dates on the Christmas posts


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Six Sentence Story bloghop.

It is hosted by Denise.

It has few rules: prompt word involvement and six sentences are all there can be in your story.

This is a ‘Whitechapel Interlude‘ week, so the Six bellow is the next installment in the serial story.

This week’s prompt word is: HORIZON

“Are you alright?” I sat opposite Sarah at the table farthest from the door; serving as dining hall and class room, depending on the time of day, we were alone.

Dabbing the mutton and gravy in the wooden bowl with her spoon, despite smiling a non-committal response, the lack of consensus from the rest of her face triggered a feeling in my stomach I associated with my father, when on a hunting trips and our quarry was most desperate, he would say it was, ‘going to earth’.

“While I am most pleased to see the two of you back to normal, I must ask you to lower the bowls and look beyond the stew horizon long enough to indulge your old teacher for a moment.”

Brother Abbott filled the doorway, his voice commanding attention, “To eat with such hearty appetites is the nature of youth and the wistful dream of the elderly, I regret I must spoil your meal”; he threw a packet of newsprint across the room with such control and precision that it came to rest at the end of our table, the front page clear and impossible to ignore.


Tragedy in Whitechapel

A Woman stabbed in 39 Places

A perplexing feature in connection with the out-rage is the number of injuries on the young woman’s body… the wound over the heart was alone sufficient to kill, and death must have occurred as soon as that was inflicted. Unless the perpetrator was a madman, or suffering to an unusual extent from drink delirium, no tangible explanation can be given of the reason for inflicting the other 38 injuries some of which almost seem as if they were due to thrusts and cuts from a penknife.






Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Who just said reprint?!?!

Ok… ok, but only because its short and from 2010.*

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

You know how we discussed Thanksgiving as being the perfect rogerian holiday? Of course you do! So, you are no doubt thinking to yourself, what’s the deal with Christmas? The answer:

scott (adj; scottian) If there is a more scottian holiday than Christmas I do not know what it is, unless you include Valentine’s Day. Which we won’t  discuss ’cause that  be just plain confusing, will not be a discussion of how it is that Valentine’s Day is a scottian holiday (hint: emotional vulnerability and carte blanche to send a ‘message of love’ to total and near-total strangers).

But that is not the topic today! Today the topic is Christmas as the primary scottian holiday. Why is that you ask? One word:

Christmas Lights!

Tonight as you drive home, you will know which of your neighbors is a scott. (As will any person passing within a mile, including but not limited to jetliners making the final approach if there is an airport in your community). It is said that Einstein spent his life looking for a Grand Unified Theory, which  would connect all forms of energy through one elegant statement. Well, Albert!  I can help connect sound and light:  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! GODDAMN LOOK AT MY HOUSE!! HAVE I LEFT ANY SPACE UNLIT??!!
Such is the gentle message on the day of the birth of our Saviour, courtesy of our scottian friends.

There should be some sort of ‘tie-in’ to the discussion going on in the previous Post. Said discussion being:

…If the scott in DS’s scenario saw another scott, then it’s just a matter of sorting out the pack order.
If he sees a roger, then it’s a matter of hunting now or later; now would be preferable if there were an audience. If he sees a clark, he may have an ally, but must consider a clark a threat until the alliance has been established. clarks are known to occasionally reprimand a scott, given the circumstances; and that could be very costly to the scott, especially if the exchange was observed by other pack members.

(the previous being the Progenitor roger‘s continuing of the conversation initiated by DS#1.) The roger’s point is well taken, scotts hunt usually as solitary predators but on occasion there will be a pack formed in a particular circumstance and (as roger) points out, the dynamics change. It is important to point out that scotts prefer to hunt alone. Observe 2 scotts at, say a Christmas party, if you could watch their movements, as from afar (in other words, as a clark) you would notice that the scotts would be at ‘opposite ends’ of the room. By definition each would be aware of the other, but there normally is not a competition for prey between scotts. Always be plenty of rogers, yo,

But as to the larger, albeit more informative question: “when is it safe to approach a scott“? The Doctrine answer is, depends on if you are a clark or a scott or a roger.

If you are a clark, then it is always “safe” to approach a scott as long as you have a rolled up newspaper handy
If you are a roger, then it is always “safe” to approach a scott as long as you are in the mood for dinner ( being dinner, that is)
If you are a scott, then it is always safe to approach another scott…it would be fun (like those videos of the pack playing with their prey, tossing it up in the air to give everyone a chance at it?)



* at this point in the process, we had not formalized the expression of ‘the Everything Rule’. New Readers would be well advised to acquire a familiarity with this most auspicious Rule.1

  1.  but the abbreviated definition. (Sure, the website is hard to search… but back when this was new, Readers had to simply ‘back-button’ through as many posts as necessary to find specific information.) the Everything Rule states: ‘Everyone does everything at one time or another.’**

** back-button be right up there on the left, binyon. Get



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A dog ('Una') sitting on the ground, bracketed by newly sprouted corn stalks, She is mostly black, with sable paw and eyebrows. She is smiling at the camera

The first day of Summer!

We were going to get all rogerian* and cite exact numbers for the length of daylight (down to as many decimal places as possible) but decided not to.

The day tomorrow will be longer than the day today. And each successive day after that, longer still.

To those who shouted, ‘Hey! Yesterday was the first day of winter… didn’t you notice the piles of snow?!?’ we say, ‘Warm air is Summer set free, it is born, however slowly, of light.’

Whoah! Who let the poets out?!

ok… I know the song, but let’s wrap up this two hundred word post.

The ultimate use of the Wakefield Doctrine is two-fold: a) To better appreciate, (then accept, and finally to improve), how we relate ourselves to the world around us and 2) to increase our capacity to see the world as the other person is experiencing it.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?




* of the three predominant worldviews, the Herd Member(rogers) are those who developed the style of interacting with the world (and the people who make it up**) living in a life that is, at its heart, quantifiable.

** why yes, this is one of my favorite cleverly humorous ways to talking about reality. …well, if you must know, the joke is obliquely referencing Carlos Castaneda. Or, more properly, his protagonist don Juan Matus ,who, in endeavors to describe the world (of the sorcerer) to his student, Carlos, as being something we learn from those around us.


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of secondary (and) tertiary aspects”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Jael, over at the Six Sentence Story, wrote, in a comment this weekend,

I think I’m able to appear the extrovert for brief periods (and in a more than less safe zone of folks); but then I often retire with hands to my face, mumbling 2nd-guessed remorse: “what did I say? I’m a total idiot–what a horrid impression I’ve made!”

What an excellent starting point for today’s Post.

Funny thing, about how useful and fun this here Doctrine here is, in, like, every situation? Back in the day, when there were more new people stopping by and checking out our Doctrine, it was not uncommon to get a message saying, “I read your blog. I found it really interesting. The problem is that, based on what I read, I am all three of the personality types. Sorry, guess it doesn’t work for everyone.”

We’d laugh. The reason we’d laugh was that, thanks to the Doctrine, knew something about the person writing the message. We’d know they were, a) a roger or, 2) a clark who was working to throw off the shackles and ask a question they suspected they knew the correct answer to, but didn’t want to be wrong.

Its not overly surprising that a clark would ask the question. The most commonly encountered secondary aspect is that of the Predator(scott). For example, I am a clark with a significant secondary scottian aspect. Even though the concept of a secondary, (and tertiary), aspect is inherent in the Doctrine, our friend Cynthia helped bring it into focus, early on. She, (Cynthia), was, at the time, beginning to develop her formidable skills as a teacher of mediation. (Quick note: Cynthia is a self-identified clark*) She started making videos for her blog. Way before everyone else. (Well, she is a clark…lol)

And Cynthia wasn’t just excellent. She was a natural… clearly enjoyed relating through the lens of a camera… in other words, very scottian.

So what gives?

(As we know), we’re all born with the capability to experience the world as one of three characteristic realities. These are the reality of the Outsider(clarks), the world of the Predator(scotts) and the life of the Herd Member(rogers). We settle into one (and only one) of these three and develop our strategies for relating ourselves to the world around us (aka get us a personality type).

We never lose the capacity to experience the world and the people who make it up as ‘the other two’. In other words, we can, under certain circumstance, see the world of the Predator, or observe the life of the Herd Member, we can even witness the reality of the Outsider. But our world (whichever) is our personal reality. The one we trained throughout our Baby Years** to become as sufficient as possible.

So we all have the potential to exhibit traits and skills (and mostly, the relating on different terms) of any of the three.

It (this potential) is also the key to power of self-improvement to be found in the Wakefield Doctrine.

…to be cont’d




* a small, relatively obscure rule, (like there are so many), is: No one can tell another person which of the three types they are. We can guess, we can discuss, (a lot of fun to talk about famous and otherwise public people and figure out if they’re clarks, scotts or rogers), but no one can say, ‘You are a roger…you’re such a scott or, come on! clark‘….At least they cannot claim any authority in doing so. This is all about personal reality. Only the individual can decided for themselves.

** hell yeah! visualize away! I’m getting a toddler with a toga and laurel wreath… lol… wait! not its a lab coat and mortar and pestle…







