Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of secondary (and) tertiary aspects” | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of secondary (and) tertiary aspects” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…of secondary (and) tertiary aspects”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Jael, over at the Six Sentence Story, wrote, in a comment this weekend,

I think I’m able to appear the extrovert for brief periods (and in a more than less safe zone of folks); but then I often retire with hands to my face, mumbling 2nd-guessed remorse: “what did I say? I’m a total idiot–what a horrid impression I’ve made!”

What an excellent starting point for today’s Post.

Funny thing, about how useful and fun this here Doctrine here is, in, like, every situation? Back in the day, when there were more new people stopping by and checking out our Doctrine, it was not uncommon to get a message saying, “I read your blog. I found it really interesting. The problem is that, based on what I read, I am all three of the personality types. Sorry, guess it doesn’t work for everyone.”

We’d laugh. The reason we’d laugh was that, thanks to the Doctrine, knew something about the person writing the message. We’d know they were, a) a roger or, 2) a clark who was working to throw off the shackles and ask a question they suspected they knew the correct answer to, but didn’t want to be wrong.

Its not overly surprising that a clark would ask the question. The most commonly encountered secondary aspect is that of the Predator(scott). For example, I am a clark with a significant secondary scottian aspect. Even though the concept of a secondary, (and tertiary), aspect is inherent in the Doctrine, our friend Cynthia helped bring it into focus, early on. She, (Cynthia), was, at the time, beginning to develop her formidable skills as a teacher of mediation. (Quick note: Cynthia is a self-identified clark*) She started making videos for her blog. Way before everyone else. (Well, she is a clark…lol)

And Cynthia wasn’t just excellent. She was a natural… clearly enjoyed relating through the lens of a camera… in other words, very scottian.

So what gives?

(As we know), we’re all born with the capability to experience the world as one of three characteristic realities. These are the reality of the Outsider(clarks), the world of the Predator(scotts) and the life of the Herd Member(rogers). We settle into one (and only one) of these three and develop our strategies for relating ourselves to the world around us (aka get us a personality type).

We never lose the capacity to experience the world and the people who make it up as ‘the other two’. In other words, we can, under certain circumstance, see the world of the Predator, or observe the life of the Herd Member, we can even witness the reality of the Outsider. But our world (whichever) is our personal reality. The one we trained throughout our Baby Years** to become as sufficient as possible.

So we all have the potential to exhibit traits and skills (and mostly, the relating on different terms) of any of the three.

It (this potential) is also the key to power of self-improvement to be found in the Wakefield Doctrine.

…to be cont’d




* a small, relatively obscure rule, (like there are so many), is: No one can tell another person which of the three types they are. We can guess, we can discuss, (a lot of fun to talk about famous and otherwise public people and figure out if they’re clarks, scotts or rogers), but no one can say, ‘You are a roger…you’re such a scott or, come on! clark‘….At least they cannot claim any authority in doing so. This is all about personal reality. Only the individual can decided for themselves.

** hell yeah! visualize away! I’m getting a toddler with a toga and laurel wreath… lol… wait! not its a lab coat and mortar and pestle…









clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Jael Stevens says:

    Thanks for the mention! “Throw off shackles”–now, that has to be my goal for 2021 (and Miss Bedelia’s too)!! :) Blessings to you this week!! <3

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Surely an interesting resolution… we would all benefit if all we do is become aware of the shackles, (awareness decreases their power)

  2. If you can’t pull out your inner Roger, you have nothing to chat about at the annual Christmas tea with the ladies who actually hold an annual Christmas tea.