Month: March 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: March 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

‘what is and what might have been’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s provocative Title Tuesday!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"…they're all there, (the clark is so very easy to spot, don't you think?)"

“…they’re all there, (the clark is so very easy to spot, don’t you think?)”

I would ask (my) Reader’s indulgence as I am still in a slight….transitional stage with these weekday Posts. It would seem to me that I no longer quite ‘have a handle’ on my readership, which is not a bad thing! The mere fact that I have a readership is pretending damn amazing, at least if you go back to the first couple of years of this blog. Back then, it was all ‘oh man! if I had a readership, then I would know how to shape my message you know? I know! lets give shit away!! That’s the answer to explaining the Wakefield Doctrine!’

…wait a minute!  no, sorry, that is no longer the answer to the question, ‘how do I explain the Wakefield Doctrine‘   (But that question, interestingly enough,  provides the answer to the question, ‘which of the three personality types is writing that Doctrine blog’.)

Of course all you regular Readers recognize the statement, ‘feeling that I am ‘in transition” is all anyone needs to identify me as a clark. Which, after acquiring a basic familiarity with the characteristics of the three worldviews of the Doctrine, is the second thing we all do, i.e. ‘infer the worldview of the other person’.

The ‘first thing’?  Thank you whoever that was in the back of the room! Next time please identify yourself rather than shouting out questions and answers.  The first thing we all do, the first value of the Wakefield Doctrine is to ‘understand how we relate ourselves to the world around us’.

Whole Posts can, (and have), been written on the topic of ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’, and someday I’ll get this blog organized so that you could search the Posts (all 1,042 of them) on such a keyword. For today, let me briefly restate the intended inference.

how I relate myself to the world around me‘  I did not say ‘how I relate to the world around me’. The difference is the implied responsibility for my relationship. It is not enough to say, ‘well they’re being a jerk, so I must be….passive/a bigger jerk’.  With the Wakefield Doctrine, like it or not, it must be, ‘shit! I am such a clark that I am more afraid of being exposed and identified as ‘the Outsider’ than I am allowing the total lack of respect that the other person has for me. Oh well, guess I better not make a fuss, something bad may happen‘.  When it comes to the world around me, the only thing I can account for is how I relate to it.  However, when it comes to my interactions with the world (meaning the people) around me, I have total freedom and range of options, because I am aware of the nature of my worldview. (Lets re-state that, and then get to today’s re-print.)

I am a clark. I am aware of being an Outsider. When I travel through my day, I am first and foremost concerned with not being found out, identified as being the Outsider…in front of everyone. My second goal is to learn, from watching and listening, how to be a ‘real person’. That I am not (a real person) is not something I can afford to let the people around me find out. My actions, my strategies, what ‘I put up with from the people around me’ is all in service of this one (well, alright, it is actually two) goal. This is the difference between, ‘how I relate to the world around me’ and ‘how I relate myself to the world around me’

(Hey! you know, maybe this is the best approach to my current conundrum…how do I ‘write to the new Readers’ and ‘write for the adept Readers’ in one Post.  I’ll do both!)

below is a reprint from…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

To all of the new Readers we see comin ’round the Doctrine, we want to extend a three-pronged Wakefield Welcome (better write and ask one of the DownSprings what the hell that means).
Today we will get all basic-elementary Doctrine for y’all.

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool and (is) a toy for people with a certain outlook on Life.  If you are the kind of person who:

  • wonders if the things on the news are ever just made up (for the sake of the ratings)
  • hates it when someone who pretends to be a friend to a person when there are others around, but tends to get mean in private
  • thinks that there should be a way to make sense of the behavior of friends and family
  • has the most fun, when out with friends, starting the game of ‘people watching’
  • …is the person (at work or school) that everyone comes to to confide a secret to
  • …is the person that everyone looks to when things are getting dull and there needs to be a party
  • …the person everyone comes to when there is a complicated problem that needs unraveling

then the Wakefield Doctrine is for you.

Not a stuffy old theory that you take a test for or have to have some one explain to you and not a ‘use once and the fun is gone, like a piece of gum’, the Doctrine is a way of looking at the world and getting something back. Our  theory of clarks, scotts and rogers will let you know that you have an advantage when you’re around strangers, our Doctrine will let you have more fun with your friends, this thing that we do here will answer at least one of the questions that you have been struggling with, the question, “why on earth would he/she do something like that? I thought I knew them better than that’!

Even though we will now tell you the whole secret of the Wakefield Doctrine, we assure you that it does not mean that you can go out and use it, play with it, teach it to your friends or otherwise get everything of value, just ’cause we told you the whole secret’! We know that this is true because we know 2 things that you, the new Reader, does not know:

  1. the Doctrine addresses 3 aspects of your personality, (the one that you think you are and the other two that would tell you otherwise)
  2. even though your think you understand the Doctrine right away ( we’re looking at you scott! ) and think you have it figured out ( don’t look away, clark) and you are sure this is nothing worth your time ( roger!) it is…

The thing about the Doctrine. The fun part and the exciting part? is seeing more and more people coming back and reading Posts and not thinking it’s all that weird and reading people who say things like,   I am enjoying the process of watching the Doctrine spread and I am especially enjoying seeing a growing group of people who share this odd, but very, very powerful insight into human nature. We are the glowing French rats, the ones that Marie thought had died, we are running through and around the sewers of Paris, glowing like hell and scaring the everyday people.
We welcome you to join us.


damn! I forgot to write down when this Post was originally written…  free Wakefield Doctrine docTee to the first Reader who can put the date to the original Post of this here reprint here  and hey!! thanks for the cool docTee photo, Cyndi!


TToT XL the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s not just Spring, it’s no longer Winter’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Today is Saturday, so this must be the TToT Post (god, I hope I got the Roman numeral thing right!) (no, I have no idea why I feel it is necessary to not check my work before I publish, must be some repressed exhibitionism surfacing, yeah Dyanne, again!)  In any event, I’d like to welcome new participants (and Readers) to the bloghop. It is a special bloghop, which I recognize is a rather bold claim, given the fact that there are slightly fewer blogs than there are Emperor penguins in the Antarctic. But, here we are, the 40th Installment of a bloghop with the simple Rule: ‘tell us about Ten Things that you are Grateful For’.
The rest is left to those who feel that writing a Post on this topic would be, interesting, enlightening, fulfilling, gratifying (well, duh), educational, inspirational and fun!   (as will be amply clear once you get caught in the funhouse of a grat list below… ‘the first Rule of TToT is…’)



.                   probably one of the biggest events to occur this week past, is a new insight in the rogerian worldview. Fairly technical, it promises to allow the rest of us to better understand that strange and majority-of-the-population people

___            return of the Wakefield Doctrine Video Interviews with Interesting people series, simpler to let you go and see for yourself over here

images-112         jean, who has been very  ‘ -ing’ with Doctrine Posts. Clearly everyone who writes a Comment is special, however, Jean adds that element of simple energy that is unmistakably scottian… illustrating a worldview every time she comments

screen-shot-2011-10-30-at-8-58-05-pm        the subtle shifts and changes in way that this bloghop appears each weekend, so much of what Lizzi has created (and continues to nurture) here at the TToT, is not overly noticeable at first, dealing, as it does, with allowing for the changes in the participants perceptions of what a good bloghop should be and encouraging that and, simultaneously preventing some of the forces of ridgidification from taking hold and causing the air to be drawn out of this space

pentagon.jpg      can’t do a list without mentioning the Weather, which oddly enough, (and thanks to the news shouters and fear mongers in our culture), I am noticing the tendency to think the word ‘climate’ when all I really was thinking was, ‘I wonder how the weather is out today’  damn, they some weird shit going on these days

250px-Regular_hexagon.svg_      I am truly grateful for the attitude of allowing a simple concept such as the one that this very blog hop is predicated on, ‘to reflect on the things in life that one has cause to feel grateful for and, thereby, increasing the feeling of gratitude that one feels, assuring a continuation of this very life-affirming viewpoint’ (…am I in the clear yet?…. cool)

clipart_7_sided     gotta go with ‘the Seven GuardVirgins’  this wonderfully open-ended image/concept is the second thing that I saw happen here at the TToT that totally convinced me that something special was going on…  provided by the delightful Cyndi  who is both a Friend of the Doctrine (Adept) but also a great illustration of the genuinely (and) aggressively creative characteristic of the clark worldview.  The Official Function of the Seven GuardVirgins is to manage access to the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules), they, (the SGVs), provide a tabula rasa of astounding potential… they are young and there is one who is old but ya wouldn’t know it to look at her, and there are two who share a secret that were you to discover that secret and they became aware of that fact, your only 2 choices would be to: a) become of the Seven, 2) give up blogging altogether or c) create another countervailing concept

nonagon    as should come as no surprise to anyone reading this, today’s weird-ass numbering convention is inspired by Mistress Lizzi, I forget what she said, something about Victoria’s Secret and donuts and the English rain, but I thought everyone should know, lest they leave this Post thinking “that Doctrine fellow, he’s a little odd, don’t you think?”

victorias-secret-has-a-model-casting-tactic-thats-worth-billions    (this isn’t being too, too obvious is it?)  (and would someone please tell me, why it should cross my mind, “boy I hope Christine is in a good mood this morning!”

hendecagon.jpg   Secret Rule 1.3  I believe this Rule is the first ‘discovered’ or ‘un-covered’ by participants of this bloghop, once the BoSR became more available, which is to say, the GVirgins began to relax and let down their collective and individual guards.

I believe that will be all…for today



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Hey, you know how you hear a song and, even though you know everyone has heard it a thousand times, you’re still all hey!!  listen to this!!

….hey! l


the zoe Interviews the Wakefield Doctrine ‘hey! look at all the hot women! they seem a little confused about this Post…no! don’t stare and don’t make fun!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we return to the practice of posting video interviews with interesting Friends of the Doctrine.  (er…. FTSF Readers?  I think you want the block quote section…right down there at the bottom of the Post…there ya go!)

I am fortunate in having zoe agree to do this for us. This is not the false modesty that it may seem, as I am out of practice both from a technical as well as an Interviewer perspective. But I had fun and got something out of this interview and we all know that is the bottom line expectation for anyone joining in with us at the Wakefield Doctrine, have fun and learn something about yourself and the other person. (yeah, a real party animal…I know!)

Three Parts. All over the waterfront. Lets begin!


finally and in conclusion…


(don’t forget! tonight is Friday night and George and Jane are expecting you over at their house tonight at 8:00 pm EDST  on the google+ hangout!!  if you don’t know what that means, ask Lizzi or Michelle… they hook you up  real good

Hey!!! FTSF Readers!! Down here… I think this is the section you are looking for…

Foot Note Section:

1) 3rd grade  Sister Imelda, as I walk from the back of the class to the black board, she said, ‘you know you walk a little funny’ she said it out loud… it must of taken me 20 fuckin minutes to get back to my seat, lol  I still think about that when I walk up to speak before a group

2) Elementary School, ‘Our Lady of Mercy School’, totally believers in the palmer method complete with yellow pads of paper with dotted lines halfway between the ‘real’ lines

3) I always seemed to score monster on intelligence and reading tests (my mother, a clark, totally let all her children know how cool it was to read, so it was never a thing that I feared or hated learning) and, for reasons uncertain, I took this to mean that Grades did not count that much so I didn’t bother with the very real work of getting A’s

4) I think this issue appeared and irresistibly  rose up and grew for me in Junior High School  self-image issues (as do most clarks)

5)  Footnote 3   testing confidence held over, well into high school, where the PSAT and SAT lurked in the spring of ‘will  you go to college’ I did not and, to this day,  do not have test anxiety

6) this love-of-reading seems to be a theme… and while I know that the Sentence to be Finished has to do with school, I know for a fact that my love (and unavoidable) proficiency in reading grew from my mother ‘presenting’ reading as a pleasure, gift, something that you reward yourself with…

7) ah…. the Outsider thing.  this relates to one of the three ‘personality types’ of the Wakefield Doctrine (the other two being: the Predator and the Herd Member…corresponding to clarks, scotts and rogers) but, I am feeling guilty for tricking you onto this page, so enough about the Doctrine. If you have questions  join us on the vidchat tonight!


Finish The Sentence Friday the Wakefield Doctrine (‘hey! there’s a different Post at the top of the page! are they allowed to do that?!?!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I participated in this, the FTSF bloghop, last Friday after a semi-brief hiatus and enjoyed myself as much as when I wrote my very first FTSF post. As I mentioned last week, I hope to be able to return to this ‘hop, provided I can manage my time. Today will be an experiment, in that I have a video interview with Friend of the Doctrine zoe that I just completed that I want to post and I still want to write this Post. My first thought was, ‘hey! combine the two Posts into one!’ A few of my Doctrine friends do this and do it quite well, Michelle and Lizzi come to mind. But they are writing a Post that legitimately can be read by ‘either’ audience. I do not believe that I could do that with my Video Post and have too much respect and fondness for the hostinae of this here bloghop here to duct tape a Post and pass it off as a FTSF. So I will try this: write a standalone Post (very touching and clever and provocative, of course) and post it as a featured Post and link it to the FTSF. I will publish ‘the zoe Interview’ and post that as the Lead Story. (all of this is probably un-necessary, as the Readers (and Writers) that I have been lucky enough to hang out with are pretty damn and would have figured it all out by themselves.

So, Stephanie and Kate and Janine walk into a strip club… upon entering the semi-dark room, they hear a voice from a table in front a small stage, “hey! over here!! I got a bag full of 5’s and 10’s!!” As the house lights dim, the three sit down with Kristi…

“I’m done with school, but…”

I still find myself: wondering if I walk funny1; trying to make the small letters exactly half the height of my capital letters2; having nothing but confidence when required to take a test, irrespective of whether I know a single thing about what I am being tested on3; being intimidated by attractive people, especially opposite gender-ettes4; continue to believe (that) demonstrations of intelligence trumps consistent performance every time5; loving to read books of fiction and books of fact and hating being the Outsider6,7

There you have it! My FTSF Post.


You know how, in a lot of the Doctrine Posts, I appear to present myself as this modest, self-effacing, semi introvert blog writer and all?  Maybe I’m the last to know, but I don’t think I’m quite as much the shy person I think people think I am, the reason I say that is the following:

1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7  the full footnote will be found at: Full Footnotes



‘Lessons of Life’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘it’s movie clip Thursday!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(thanks out to zoe and Denise, Stephanie and Jean for the secret mental highway roadblocks that lead me overslept mind to the idea of a advice on life through movie clips)


Planet of the Apes:

Little Shop of Horrors



…you’re probably wondering, “…ok, fun clips and all, but you did say something about ‘Life Advice’, didn’t you?”

yes, yes I did! But the thing about the Wakefield Doctrine, (the thing that, until I totally ramp up my rogerian aspect, will prevent this personality theory from getting too widespread), is that our little Doctrine is not ‘an Answer’ it’s a tool. We might have even gotten all ‘cutsy aphoristic’ and said, ‘the Doctrine is not an Answer, it’s a Question‘….but that would be too easy and, in truth, not accurate. The Doctrine is neither a Question nor an Answer, it’s a perspective. The Wakefield Doctrine offers, to those with the kind of intellect secure enough in itself to play with odd ideas and enjoys imagining the things that simply are not reality, an insight into the behavior of people.

the basic perspective is simply that we all grow up and develop mentally, socially, physically and spiritually in a world in which we are:

  1. the Outsider. these are clarks who are outside of everything and spend their lives trying to learn their way back in, convinced that the answer is in their minds and that until such time as they belong, they must avoid being scrutinized
  2. the Predator. the scotts who live life to the fullest today, were it not for their clarklike and rogerian aspects, (we all have all three), they would be totally happy all the time, embracing (and eating and loving) what is, never concerned with what is not, scotts see the light within and try to confront it, but (they) are as trapped in their limitations as clarks are…forever trying to ‘take’ what is within themselves already
  3. the Herd Member, rogers live in a world where the Answer is available and if it is not, then the Question is irrelevant there is a Right Way and everyone else’s way… the roger is best equipped to deal with their own limitations

there ya go!

Anyone have any clips send ’em on in! (try to include the Life Advice that the clip contains….lol)
