Month: February 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: February 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

god! another morning dredging my mind for words? the Wakefield Doctrine “hey! new TToT participants this is still the best ‘hop in the ‘sphere!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and roger)

(hey!  zoe!!..well, you asked! ..and the answer is: I see something and it makes me laugh…not always 'ha ha' but always laugh)

(hey! zoe!!..well, you asked! ..and the answer is: I see something and it makes me laugh…not always ‘ha ha’ but always laugh)

You know, I was reading the other Posts in this weekend’s TToT and what struck me was the number (or percentage of the total) of Posts from people writing in for the first time. I thought to myself, I thought, “even allowing for my own Y Chrome drive for competition and being bigger, better and more than anyone else around, Lizzi and the co-hostinae must be totally pleased with how many people are coming around.” It’s in the description of this bloghop (at the bottom of the page,  that our Ms. Rogers clearly states her goal to create a community) and each weekend I sit back in semi-awe at the  success that is manifesting in the 2 days of grat lists.

….then I thought, “and all those new Readers get to learn about the Doctrine… oh oh”  I will state, categorically, that I am not embarrassed by the…er challenging nature of my weekly contributions. I know that my co-hosts enjoy and even encourage my wanderings from the path of traditional gratitude lists. As a matter of fact, I will say that it is a strength of the TToT itself, that creativity is encouraged, that not only can lists be….er  weird, but if, for some reason, you are able to meet the core criteria of the TToT, there is (also) something called the Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules) that offers us ‘the cover’ when we must stray from the middle path. Provided, of course, that we are convincing.

…anyway. I just wanted to mention that to the new, (and not so new), Participants in the TToT this weekend.  (“…go ahead, clark, show them how strange you are and (how) comprehensive the BoSR really is!”)  For today’s Sunday Post, I’d like to state my appreciation for some of the Posts I read yesterday:

1)that cynking feeling’  for a traditional ‘numbered’ Post that uses photos and images, I really appreciate  that she not only illustrates, but enhances the ‘story’ being told.  There is something very cool about photos showing ‘a reality’ to accompany the text of the post

2) ‘Something Something‘ …a first time participant in the TToT, I believe… this Post has the elements that I often cite as goals that I have for my efforts: sharing something personal and meaningful and managing to laugh at the same time…. (yes, to a certain extent I’m hoping for some ‘cover’, given my Comment to this Post… (in my defense, I will say, ‘you’re the one who mentioned Chuck Norris’!)

3)that’s Life, sometimes!!!’  certainly not a new participant in ‘the blog hop that Lizzi built’, Rich is one my blog role models.  If I aim to write a vignette, a little insight, Rich manages, in a single Post, to write a successful 13 week season of a TV dramady….  lol

4) ‘Life, Unexpectedly’ unless I am mistaken (‘I know!  yeah, right), Stephanie has been with us since the beginning last Summer… the thing I like about her ‘grat lists’ is that they read like a page from a diary that is written on a single sheet of paper, a list and yet (it) still offers an insight into the real life of a real family…. cool

5)  hey! you new people!  you know how different the path here at the Doctrine is?  no, no you don’t!  this Item Number Five? its reserved for a Post that has not been submitted yet this weekend!
Wait!!  still 10 minutes to go!…actually I have a Post for number 5  Kristi and Finding Ninee ’cause she’s an example of the kind of people that I get to become acquainted with that I would not have had the nerve  to introduce myself to, we were to meet in the ‘real’ world… talented writer, and funny and a good person

6) and this spot at #6 too!  (sorry, you’ll just have to come back at the end of the day…say  9:30 pm…)

7) I will say I am, at the moment, grateful that the snow has stopped… I was beginning to get that endless winter horror-vibe that Peter Straub created so effectively in his book, ‘Ghost Story

8)  … certainly not as redundant or self-referential as may appear, on first blush, but this weekend exercise, the writing of 2 posts? is not only all kinds of gratitude-enhancing and sharing and other girl-based ideals for a happy life, but it’s practice… as in ‘practice writing’. I may not have mentioned this before, but I got, like, solid ‘C’s in all English, Composition and Grammar related classes back in High School and college…no!  really.  (lol)  but while I’m reading everyone’s Posts, I’m also trying to figure out ‘how you do it’… you know: create a mood, a character, an effect, relate a story so that your Readers feel that they are there…Christine does that really well  and be funny and creative too… (although on the creative end of the scale, Lizzi totally owns the franchise)

9) Hey! new Participants…. did Lizzi and them tell you about the TToT  GuardVirgins yet?  well, there are….7 of ’em too!  go make them tell you about it, it will totally help when you come to the point where you need to invoke the Book!

10) Speaking of GuardVirgins…. I am grateful for the friendship of Cyndi… over at Pictimiltude  she is not only a hell of a blogger….(and all around artistically talented life form) but she is a power of example for those of us who are working to understand (how to use) the Wakefield Doctrine to our advantage…. and she also contributed the above referenced GuardVirgins!   thanks Cyndi!

…what the hell, we did a full album yesterday, lets do one today…an oldie and while this is not Winter music, it has memory traces that make me believe that Winter will end.



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


‘the TToT Mid-February Report’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…based, in part, on a personality theory named after a town in southern Rhode Island’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Welcome to ‘the Weakened at the Wakefield Doctrine’ blog. As a co-host (with a majority of the most sought after attributes found in blog hop co-hosts, as determined in extensive surveys of both blog hop hosts and Readers of same), of ‘the blog that Lizzi built’ I will submit my own attempt to identify ten things, qualities, events, people and any other aspects of my life, (however) if presented as a contrasting negative, it will make clear that there is something that I am, in fact, feeling grateful for in today’s Post.

(…no, I have no idea where this ‘word by the pound’ approach is coming from, nor do I have any idea where it will take us…and, contrary to popular opinion, I do tend to agree with our resident scottian women, Christine, Dyanne and Jean more often than most people think and, today in particular, I am in agreement with all three (well, maybe not so much Jean, as she has a higher degree of secondary clarklike aspect) as they think to themselves, “…clark, clark, clark, if you would simply write the list, it would be so much less work!”)

This week, if it helps for you to understand the context of this writing, I will let you all know that  I have  ‘Abbey Road’ (full album) playing as I write.  Not certain if there is a value in my sharing this, except to the extent that it’s a fundamental aspect and characteristic  of the worldview of clarks that, it is better to know more than to know less… and so to Item One (an all time record breaker for repeat appearances in this and other TToT Post)!!

1) the Wakefield Doctrine.  To state that I am grateful for the Wakefield Doctrine would not only be painfully redundant, it would simply be wasteful… as there are so many angles and aspects that have this Doctrine thing at it’s root, lets just allow that this item serve as an alert to new Readers about how the TToT plays here at everyone’s favorite personality theory (speaking of ‘plays’… right now it’s ‘Octopus’s Garden’  with Ringo’s voice coming from the speakers…cool)

2) speaking of Readers, it just occurred to me that one of the interesting things about bloghops in general, and the TToT, in particular, is the Writer’s relationship with the Reader and how that (perception of the audience) shows in the style of writing, especially in the context of the TToT, which is fairly straightforward, i.e.  ‘hey! tell us 10 things that you are grateful for…this week’    Of course, it is axiomatic that scotts perceive the Reader a certain way that is different from the way that a rogerian Writer will imagine those who would read their words. and, of course, us clarks?…. can you say ‘carefully, and at times, self-referential to the point that it seems like clarks believe that the Reader will not believe that they (the clarks) are the Writer.

3) the Weather… as an prompt for me to appreciate life and age and (relative) health…nothing like getting out there and facing a 200 foot driveway full of 20 pound-per-shovel wet snow to appreciate life!  Only one flaw to reflecting on work (shoveling) and capacity to exert myself (how cold can I get and how wet I can feel) is that my house is no more than 200 feet away. Sort of diminishes the fantasy of ‘hey, if I really had to, I could do this kind of work like my ancestors did‘… no, that is not a valid thought, as our ancestors, braving winter blizzards did not have a warm house, with electricity and every person they knew inside a plastic box…all they had, (I choose to believe), is the family they created with another person and not being dead.  There’s a difference.

4) Vidchats are good. Last night  we had Joy and zoe and Denise and Michelle and Kristi and Lizzi… kind of a slipper-socks and flannel robe kind of chat… not too raucous, but still worth staying up for, you should put your name on the sign up sheet next week

5) Valentine’s Day!!  a Special Day when I can share my sweet love with those in my life who feels the power and majesty of my affection, especially on this one Special Day of the year

6)  yeah, right

7) …oh, oh! I’m at 766 words, lets wrap this up. I’m especially grateful for my health, as, this particular morning, I can feel a ‘cold’ taking hold… (you know, that weird aluminum-foil-head feeling, where the roots of your hair start to hurt, not major kind of hurting, just odd … like the nerve endings are saying, ‘hey! betcha you didn’t know we could do this!’  In any event, I do, in fact, remind myself that relative to a whole bunch of people, I am in pretty good shape

8) work… fuck work  (no, let me take that back… I do not hold my work responsible for how I get stressed and feeling …not good.  I do remind myself, as the Doctrine tells us, it is my relationship to the work that I do that is responsible for how I feel, especially when I get stressed out.

9) Can’t do a TToT list without mentioning the Book of Secret Rules (aka Secret Book of Rules)… hell, there are, what, a thousand blog hops in the world today? right?  there bigger and there are smaller ‘hops and some are poplar with thousand, maybe even millions of Readers… but I am feeling confident saying that I bet very few of them have a Book of Secret Rules… co-hostinae?  you should take a bow…. no, go ahead…I’ll just sit back here…

10) Rule 1.3  (plus I think, for the older Readers I’ll put the ‘full album’ link to the Beatles  down below.  It should explain why this Post was written as it was.)



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Friday the 14th the Wakefield Doctrine Saint Arrow-through-the-heart Friday!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


No, I have no idea how, of late, I’ve come to feel that it’s necessary to write a ‘new’ Post every damn day of the week! Apparently I have. I gotta do something.

There! Done!

In this first line of words, not only have I illustrated the three worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine, but I also provided an insight to the source of most challenging problem that afflicts the one worldview that has the greatest need (and, fortunately, the strongest desire) to understand and do something about our lives.

You guys good with this?

’cause I got lots to do today… two things:

  1. post another video post (and, in the course of this video today, make the salient points of this Post….convincing!)
  2. exert myself by appealing to Readers to join in on the Friday Night vid chat tonight, and to do so effectively!
  3. find a new way to look at where I am in this process of developing the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool and a method for self-improvement

other than that….. TGIF!!! binyons!


Friday?  yes
Valentine’s Day? so what?… you got a romantic evening with a new person, not sure how the evening will turn out?  welll… you do remember that this is the Wakefield Doctrine, right?  and how we totally got your back?  damn straight… so if your evening falters or seems to be careening off the Highway of Love… then here’s what you do… take out that smart phone and dial us up.. we will already be in progress and if you need a wingman or a push over the cliff* or if you have a total dud on your hands** we will so be there to hep ya

the Wakefield Doctrine presents:

the Awesome bloggers Friday Night  ( Valen-frickin-tines Day!!!) vidchat   7:00pm EST

* and, to illustrate our point:

** and here:


…Today’s somewhat late Doctrine Video Post


‘yeah, with it snowin and all, you’d think I’d put more effort into today’s Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…but then you’d be wrong, wouldn’t you?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know that cool restaurant that you remember  hearing about back as a kid? The Automat1? That’s almost what we’re gonna do for a Post today. A re-print Post on semi-steriods (yeah, I know! wtf?!?  twice in a week or is that a fortnight?  Where the hell is Curtis Knight when you need him?2)

We’re going to do something a little different with this here re-print here. Seeing how I wrote (this) Post back when I was more socially linked (the early days of my participation in FTSF) in today’s Post I’ll be providing the links to all those who commented. Sort of like, ‘where are they today?’  Like on TV, back before they convinced the audience that they would rather watch un-trained, not-necessarily-talented, hardly-ever-particularly-likeable people do stuff/act mean/act like assholes on ‘reality’ TV. During Sweeps Week,  they used to  go right for the nostalgia g-spot and do a show devoted to showing us the people that anchored our youthful dreams and fantasies, only with wrinkles and bags and screechy voices. (Back in the 70’s, P.J.O’Rourke, when he wrote for the National Lampoon and was still funny, wrote a line about getting old (this was, of course, before any of us were), “…and everything gets bigger, hairier and closer to the ground.” )

Where the hell was I?  Oh! yeah. gonna put up a Post from last year and then put up links to everyone who commented on that Post. In fairness, I will do it as links, just links.  (Hey!! clarks!!  don’t you just fuckin hate it when you find yourself feeling that it is critically important that you’re being ‘fair’… sort of like running back into the burning building because everyone is not out yet….mind you, you’re not running back to actually get them out of the building!  you’re just being careful that no one has their feelings hurt by the fact that you’re quicker to run than they are…. you want to know the real reason you hate that?  then you better Subscribe to follow the Wakefield Doctrine.)

Here is the Post   (titled: Always Chilled, Never Heated)

Here are the blogs of the People who were nice enough to Commentate  on the Post

Janine:   ‘Confessions of a Mommyholic’

Terrye: ‘The Adventures of a Misplaced Alaskan

Cyndi:  ‘Pictimilitude’

Kristi: ‘Finding Ninee

Kate Hall: ‘Can I get another bottle of Whine

Stephanie: ‘Mommy, for Real’

Kerri: ‘Undiagnosed but OK

Jessica: ‘the Wandering Brain

Joan Robertson: ‘Semblance of SpanishAmerica

the roger:  ‘the Secessionist Rag

Denise: ‘girlie on the edge

Not yet invented, but I know that they surely would have commented: Lizzi and Michelle and zoe  and Jenay

Tomorrow:  new Content!!  hey! I’ll probably be doing another video …might head over to Wakefield to give the video a backdrop that is interesting, seeing as how you’ll have me staring at ya while I talk.




1) “The New York Automats were popular with out of work songwriters and actors. Playwright Neil Simon called Automats “the Maxim’s of the disenfranchised” in a 1987 article.” (

2)  a free Wakefield Doctrine docTee* for anyone who can tell me something/anything/preferably what really famous person he is associated with  without using ‘the google’…. you are allowed to ask one person, but that has to be a person…. real, as in  ‘in person’,  no emails to ‘Ask Melanie ‘ or twittering to ‘Old Person Central’   just tell us about Curtis  No one with all of the following letters in their name is eligible to play: ‘r’, ‘e’, ‘g’, ‘o’

* when we do the next batch, that is


another ‘Wed-nes-Day’ Post …the Wakefield Doctrine, ‘no, nothing new and exciting…well, maybe a little new, but definitely not exciting!!!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, the fun of scotts and the dogma of rogers)

Picture 3

Hell, anyone can pose Questions and provide Answers, the blogosphere is full of Posts that will tell us: what women want, what men want, how to tell if you have a chance, how to get that job, how to surprise your wife, what to say when your husband is disappointed and three ways to put the fire back into: your blog/sex life/dreams/housework, you know? The Wakefield Doctrine prides itself on trusting the Reader more, after all, we’re talking about life, right? And it’s your life, right? So you already have the answers!  It’s just a matter of figuring out two things:

  1. how to get at the answers
  2. how believe that you have the right to know what the right answer actually is
  3. how to overcome a lifetime of accepting the wrong Answer (for yourself)

ya know?

(We better get some basic Principles established before we go any further, n’est-ce pas? )

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all live our lives in one of three characteristic personal realities (aka worldviews), which are: the reality 0f the Outsider(clark), the life of the Predator(scott) and the life of the Herd Member(roger).  Our predominant worldview describes and defines our strategy for dealing with life, it is our ‘personality type’. While everyone has a predominant worldview, we always retain the potential of the ‘other two’ worldviews. These are called secondary and tertiary aspects. This is where the Wakefield Doctrine directs us when we ask, “what the hell can your damn Wakefield Doctrine do to help me change and be a better person?!? Tell me that!

In the coming weeks we will be laying out the process by which the Wakefield Doctrine can be employed as a tool for changing the things we want to change about our own selfs.

Step 1: Determine your predominant worldview

Step 2: Determine your secondary aspect

(…enough for now, we’ll return to this topic in the coming days and weeks. Try to take the first steps, take notes and  write us your thoughts and impressions and such)


You know how I started this Post with how anyone can pretend to be answering Readers Questions and how everyone loves to believe that there are others who are thinking the same as they are and when they see these Questions in a blog, they’re all like, ‘oh you are so insightful, everyone really loves what you say can I join in with the crowd?

…well, this being the Wakefield Doctrine, we kinda like to do things a bit differently. The Doctrine maintains that you already know the Answer, it’s just a matter of drawing it out and putting it in a new Context. So, instead of, ‘Questions that Readers Ask’, we’ll just go ahead with,  ‘Answers to Questions that (some) Readers are Thinking’


“yep, you’re absolutely correct!”

“No, it’s like that, but you’re letting your desire for a particular answer limit your picking the correct one.”

“…sure, if you insist, no…no one here is going to force you to do anything.”

“who the fuck cares?”

“why not?”


If you want to let us know when we have answered (any) of your Questions, be sure to Comment!


HEY!  before you go…if you haven’t taken the  ‘Predominant Worldview Assessment’  better go ahead and do that now.  and if you have, we are looking for additional scenaria to add to the test, so if you have some life situations  that you think might be useful let me know. I’ll follow up and explain how the process works.

