‘yeah, with it snowin and all, you’d think I’d put more effort into today’s Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…but then you’d be wrong, wouldn’t you?’ | the Wakefield Doctrine ‘yeah, with it snowin and all, you’d think I’d put more effort into today’s Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…but then you’d be wrong, wouldn’t you?’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

‘yeah, with it snowin and all, you’d think I’d put more effort into today’s Post’ the Wakefield Doctrine ‘…but then you’d be wrong, wouldn’t you?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know that cool restaurant that you remember  hearing about back as a kid? The Automat1? That’s almost what we’re gonna do for a Post today. A re-print Post on semi-steriods (yeah, I know! wtf?!?  twice in a week or is that a fortnight?  Where the hell is Curtis Knight when you need him?2)

We’re going to do something a little different with this here re-print here. Seeing how I wrote (this) Post back when I was more socially linked (the early days of my participation in FTSF) in today’s Post I’ll be providing the links to all those who commented. Sort of like, ‘where are they today?’  Like on TV, back before they convinced the audience that they would rather watch un-trained, not-necessarily-talented, hardly-ever-particularly-likeable people do stuff/act mean/act like assholes on ‘reality’ TV. During Sweeps Week,  they used to  go right for the nostalgia g-spot and do a show devoted to showing us the people that anchored our youthful dreams and fantasies, only with wrinkles and bags and screechy voices. (Back in the 70’s, P.J.O’Rourke, when he wrote for the National Lampoon and was still funny, wrote a line about getting old (this was, of course, before any of us were), “…and everything gets bigger, hairier and closer to the ground.” )

Where the hell was I?  Oh! yeah. gonna put up a Post from last year and then put up links to everyone who commented on that Post. In fairness, I will do it as links, just links.  (Hey!! clarks!!  don’t you just fuckin hate it when you find yourself feeling that it is critically important that you’re being ‘fair’… sort of like running back into the burning building because everyone is not out yet….mind you, you’re not running back to actually get them out of the building!  you’re just being careful that no one has their feelings hurt by the fact that you’re quicker to run than they are…. you want to know the real reason you hate that?  then you better Subscribe to follow the Wakefield Doctrine.)

Here is the Post   (titled: Always Chilled, Never Heated)

Here are the blogs of the People who were nice enough to Commentate  on the Post

Janine:   ‘Confessions of a Mommyholic’

Terrye: ‘The Adventures of a Misplaced Alaskan

Cyndi:  ‘Pictimilitude’

Kristi: ‘Finding Ninee

Kate Hall: ‘Can I get another bottle of Whine

Stephanie: ‘Mommy, for Real’

Kerri: ‘Undiagnosed but OK

Jessica: ‘the Wandering Brain

Joan Robertson: ‘Semblance of SpanishAmerica

the roger:  ‘the Secessionist Rag

Denise: ‘girlie on the edge

Not yet invented, but I know that they surely would have commented: Lizzi and Michelle and zoe  and Jenay

Tomorrow:  new Content!!  hey! I’ll probably be doing another video …might head over to Wakefield to give the video a backdrop that is interesting, seeing as how you’ll have me staring at ya while I talk.




1) “The New York Automats were popular with out of work songwriters and actors. Playwright Neil Simon called Automats “the Maxim’s of the disenfranchised” in a 1987 article.” (wikipedia.org)

2)  a free Wakefield Doctrine docTee* for anyone who can tell me something/anything/preferably what really famous person he is associated with  without using ‘the google’…. you are allowed to ask one person, but that has to be a person…. real, as in  ‘in person’,  no emails to ‘Ask Melanie ‘ or twittering to ‘Old Person Central’   just tell us about Curtis  No one with all of the following letters in their name is eligible to play: ‘r’, ‘e’, ‘g’, ‘o’

* when we do the next batch, that is


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. So, in other words, it’s a snow day and you’re buried? Not going to work today? HAHA

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      (hold that thought)… lol no, I am actually heading in to the office right now. the forces of aging are insidious and reasonable (or is that insidiously reasonable) whatever hey!! if you check on this comment ask me a question cause I am thinking today’ would be a great day to tape this week’s video Post!

  2. yes, I loved the automat!!!

  3. Denise says:

    Hey, thanks for the linky-link. Have a post kinda in que. Kinda sort. Maybe? Yeah. Snow day here so no excuses!

  4. and then there is this: http://youtu.be/jkZGg0qNdCc !!!

  5. zoe says:

    only been to an automat once…snowed for most of my life…

    loved the original post… ah the 19 yo bod before everything went to hell….

  6. Lizzi R says:

    *not invented yet*

    *may not yet have been*

    *knows what you mean about the not hurting feelings thing. Unless in scott-mode, then fuck-em*

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      seeing the date on the (reprinted) Post and the lack of a Comment, we must have had the total whirlwind romance…blog mutual affectionistically-speaking, of course!

      yeah.. for scott? they (hurt feelings) can be like, I don’t know, melted butter when eating lobster… not essential, you would eat the poor damn crustacean anyway, but it adds a certain piquant quality …ya know?