Month: February 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: February 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Dysphonia Phriday the Wakefield Doctrine “’s all with the Board of Education.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(-hey!! today’s Video is not ready to Post!… please standby)

while we resolve our Technical Difficulties please enjoy the following Encore Presentation:  The First Wakefield Doctrine Road Trip and Claiming by Rite of Hat

Still waiting for today’s Video Post, check back in, I don’t know, around 2:00 pm EST?

Speaking of ‘around 2:oo pm EST’  tonight is Friday (sorry, I meant Phriday) and that means:

the Wakefield Doctrine  


 the Fabulous bloggers Friday Night Vidchat!

Starting at: 7:30 (when clark finishes cleaning up the seating area, empties the ashtrays, puts out the coasters on the good furniture, checks to see if the refreshments are there, walks by the door to the kitchen and sees scratches in the the molding of the doorframe…. thinks “did she really?!”  shaking his head laughing to himself he looks at the time…”shit! almost time to sit on the porch and greet the early arrivals”)

Ending at: 9:30 or later (when Lizzi’s response time started to hit double digits (in seconds, of course) and all of the special effect hats have been put on and just before someone, probably Starr or…even more likely Kristi says, innocently enough and à propos of nothing, “hey, you guys want to hear a joke?”

(with your hosts the Siren of Southhampton: Lizzi  and  Michelle: the Sinaporean Delight)

I want to thank everyone for the lively discussion of the inference of worldviews as perceived by Readers and Viewers in Literature, Fairy Tales and Movies, while the Discussion has just gotten started, this might be a good time (and place) to take note of the salient points coming out (of this week’s typetalk)

surely the Award* for this weeks agent provocateur goes to Stephanie for:

“I know, — you are the mighty Clark, the creator of the doctrine, but I — totally disagree for whatever reason. I see Hamlet / Snow White as clark, Claudius / Evil Queen as scott, and Gertrude as roger, maybe with a clarkian secondary aspect. The dwarves, I see —clark, or (collective) clark — or a herd of connected outsiders. *waiting for the retribution*   (ed. note. ok, a little edited  but only for: space and content and my own perverse enjoyment of the mighty editorial sword!!)”

well, that certainly got things started! Then it was Lizzi with:

“Doc – roger
Sneezy – scott
Happy – scott
Grumpy – clark
Dopey – scott
Bashful – clark
Sleepy – roger


and Jean jumped in:

“How I loved Toy Story! “falling, with style!”     I think you did great Lizzi! ” 

the zoe with:

“…absolutely love how you explained your thinking about the dwarves ….its just too bad they’re Rogers.”

and then Christine walks by on the sidewalk, sees the discussion beginning to get quiet and lobs in the door:

“Go Stephanie, having the guts to challenge you!”



* Hey!  remind me to ask everyone about the consensus on the style of docTee…


5 out of 234 people reading this Post won’t say, ‘wtf?!? the Wakefield Doctrine “because different things are fun at different times, ya know?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Today’s Post is one of those Posts that are written for a couple of semi-different, not un-mutually reinforcing reasons. The two reasons are:

  1. to continue our discussion that started in the Comments to yesterday’s Post, about whether the Seven Dwarfs, (in Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs), represented a scottian or rogerian or clarklike worldview. In addition, there were differing interpretations of the worldview represented by some of the other characters in this story (and in Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’)
  2. to demonstrate the fact that disagreement and discussion with interpretation of  the worldview of  people (including fictional characters) is not only allowable, it is totally desirable… (this is prompted by Stephanie’s Comment expressing concern how her disagreement with my conclusions might be met, in this, she is to applauded. I suspect many people have disagreed but few have had the temerity to say so…at least that was the case before last year, before the Doctrine acquired a more… astute, talented, headstrong bunch of Readers
  3. …notice the ‘and’ in Item 2?  notice it’s underlined and everthing? totally serious there… we all learn by hearing from each other what we see as expressions of clark or scott or rogerian behavior, attitude, posture (physical and rhetorical), characteristics, but  the emphasis in on the sharing of impressions, understandings, interpretation and other things we see in people in the world, Doctrineistically-speaking, i.e. “I gotta go with scott, do you see how the appetite combines with a clear impersonal view of the humanity of the other characters” sense.

the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective, it’s a way we can choose to look at the world around us, the people and the things that they do. As a perspective, the Wakefield Doctrine does not have ‘An Answer’, it does not presume to say, ‘this is the nature of Man and Woman and Life and Such’.  No. It does not. What the Doctrine does say is, ‘hey you know what? If you can imagine that reality is not just the everyday, ordinary common sense thing, but that reality, at a certain level of experience, is…personal, then what if there were three kinds or styles of personal realities? And these personal realities are real, ya know? The three personal realities (lets call them worldviews, ok?) are:

  1. the reality of the Outsider (in which you are different, and there is a gap between you and the world around you and there is an un-stated imperative that you not allow yourself to be identified as the different one and there is, an equally un-reconciled drive to distinguish yourself, to not be ”un-noticed’)
  2. the world of the Predator  ( where each day is all that is real, that your appetite is your only certainty and while you strive to keep the civilized company of those you encounter at work or at school or even your own family, you are willing to surrender all in service of this need you have to dominate or take or bring into a personal relationship…a pack, if you will)
  3. the life of the Herd Member (you don’t question any of this Doctrine, it makes sense to you, not by virtue of it’s accuracy in reflecting the inner world that you experience, rather you are coming to see the Doctrine as another form of ‘referential authority’, which is the foundation of your decision-making as you live your life to the best of your ability, to share in the knowledge of correct action is your highest goal, confident in the rightness and order behind the world as you see it)

And these are…real realities, not just a choice I might make one day, only to decide to do something different a week later. I grew up in the worldview, (personal reality), of the Outsider, for example. I did not decide in my 4 year old mind, ‘I think I will feel and act like I did not belong anywhere and everyone around me is different and I better not admit to any of this’…I so did not! The fact of the matter is, I found myself in a world in which I was, by the natural order of things, an Outsider. So I did my best. To deal with it and, more…way more importantly, I figured out how to best cope with the world I found myself in… as we say at the Doctrine, ‘I came to relate myself to the world around me as would an Outsider.’

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Now, about those frickin dwarfs!

I’m likin scott for the character of the 7 Dwarfs because, as I relate to the story, they existed independently of the other characters, including Ms. White.  They were self-sufficiently and content to be Happy and (sometimes) Grumpy and (after a hard day’s work) Sleepy, (without a self-distorting drive to improve or educate themselves), Dopey and (with a unself-conscious acceptance of their own natural, animal natures allowing them to be free to give expression to urges and drives like se…) Sneezy and even if, made self-conscious by these urges, free to be Bashful  or …er  or  give in to a secret ambition to secure a higher level of formal education up to an including  earning a Doc(torate)

you know, as a group, the Seven Dwarfs represent the simple, here and now, eat, sleepy, ..etc life that is the foundation for the scottian worldview.


‘Hamlet’ and ‘Snow White’ the Wakefield Doctrine “…yes, as a matter of fact, we are saying that the Doctrine sees parallels in these two children’s tales”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(special thanks to Kristi/K2 and zoe for a) by letting me know that we are back to having simple Doctrine fun, thereby causing Posts like the following and 2) saying something that caused me to crack myself up  thanks guys!)

So I took a long lunch hour yesterday. I felt my cold attempt to make a comeback, plus it was snowing, so I thought I would watch a movie. I picked ‘Hamlet 2000‘  with Ethan Hawke and Kyle MacLachlan and a bunch of people you’d recognize.  It was a good movie. The ‘hook’ for me, was that it was done against the backdrop of contemporary Manhattan (I think the correct term is ‘modernized’, go figure).  I always enjoy ‘modernized’ versions of old plays…there’s something so  ‘worldview-ey’ about how the story comes across, like the Director is saying, ‘you know this originally had guys with swords and swooning maidens and shit, but look, swap the swords for guns and bring in some hip hop on the soundtrack and it totally works’.  And, of course, that’s exactly what we say about the Wakefield Doctrine, never mind if

  • you’re young or old, male or female, living in the get-tow or a house on the ocean,
  • you look around this morning and feel like everything makes sense (with a little effort on your part)
  • you get out of bed and think, ‘today I’m going to make up for all the things I’ve let everyone down on before’
  • you stand in the shower and enjoy the water pounding your body, knowing that life is fast-paced, exciting, dangerous and fun,

the world around you is a world in which you are the Outsider (clark) or the Predator (scott) or the Herd Member (roger) and that is as it should be, but know that, because we are all heir to all three of the worldviews, you have within you, the innate capacity to deal with life no matter what it throws at you today. Even if you find that you seem to be walking into the same trap again and again or you find that you fall back into being a mumbling, projectile apologetic well-meaning person or if you find your temper rising, even though you know if should not bother you so much,  take heart. You have an inner (clark) and (scott) and (roger).

so anyway, I enjoyed the movie, man! more famous quotes in that single play than anywhere!!  I liked ‘the clothes doth oft proclaim the man’   (lol,  yeah, it’s a lot like listening to old blues records and then modern artists, sometimes it’s just the influence you can hear in the new ‘versions’, and other times it’s the whole lick).

Snow White?  oh yeah! lol  just like Hamlet except done for: children and/or girls*

Hamlet is a clark and Snow White is a clark

Claudius is a roger and Queen stepmother  is a roger

Gertrude is a scott  and  all Seven Dwarfs are (collectively) a scott

…gotta get out to work. Let me know how totally on target this is…. lol




*the Wakefield Doctrine is totally gender neutral, loosen your minds up!  this is a lot like music, it is not necessarily note for note in a matching or complimentary key or even steady pitch… it’s the feeling you get when you hear: ‘it’s Hamlet for children and/or girls’  lol  no!! seriously


*Tutorial Tuesday* the Wakefield Doctrine ‘worldview of the week: spotlight on ‘the roger

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(sure, there's a connection… but it's really kinda…totally obscure, even for the Doctrine)

(sure, there’s a connection… but it’s really kinda…totally obscure, even for the Doctrine)

Today will we repeat what is implied throughout the Wakefield Doctrine: there are three worldviews that we are all heir to, that we all find ourselves growing up and developing in from a rather young age: the world of the Outsider (clarks), the reality of the Predator (scotts) and the life of the Herd Member (rogers). Each of these three have qualities that good and admirable and each of these three have weaknesses and indulgences that are not so good and admirable. None of the three is better than the other two. Observant Readers will detect a (slightly) overlapping symmetry to the three worldviews, that when balanced would result in an healthy and life-optimising person. (yes, that is a made up word). But that’s not important now, what is important is that we make sure all our new Readers understand that, rogers are not the ‘god-I-hope-I-don’t-turn-out-to-be-one-of-them’ personality types of this here Doctrine, here.

So to review:

rogers (adv rogerian; pronunciation: ‘roe -jeer -riann’)

The ‘initial metaphor’ for a roger is that of any animal that naturally associates with it’s own kind in a ‘herd’. The primary characteristic derived from this metaphor is one of ‘belonging’, being a group member, similar in all important aspects to the others in the group (herd). ( In contrast to the clark personality type, a roger, especially when in the context of the herd,  is never, ever an Outsider.)

The predominant characteristic that is attributed to the rogerian personality type is that rogers experience the world as an ordered place, the nature of the world, (to a roger), is that it is quantifiable, definable and predictable.  To a roger the world is, basically good  and it is a place of Rulesprovided, of course,  the rules and guides and laws are recognized, expressed and followed.
This perception is paired with a drive (within the personality type)  to impose order, through rules and laws on the world.

While clarks ‘gather by themselves’ and  scotts organize ‘as a pack’, the characteristic grouping of rogers is the herd.

  • rogers are the friendly ones, of the three personality types, the person you will mostly likely recall having a long, pleasant, you-know=I=can’t-really-waht-we-talked-about, conversation with
  • rogers are the warp ( or maybe the woof! lol) to whatever social fabric you might care to consider, be it civic, religious, scientific or other cultural expression
  • rogers require rules and traditions, they are, in fact, the only ‘reason’ that  human civilization has any continuity whatsoever
  • rogers are behind the creation and perpetuation of, virtually all human institutions, religious, civic, political
  • rogers do not create, they maintain, they assemble, they are the machine operators
  • rogers are the engineers, accountants and physicians
  • rogers are the judges, the firefighters and high school teachers (except for gym teachers)

(from: the Page on rogers)

And so, there you have it, rogers in all their hail-fellow/gal-well-met, bonhomme, ladies and gentleman! may I present:  the people person, Mr Precision, the pain in the ass, the woman who’s dinner table looks like a page from a gourmet magazine (and is equally tasty and enjoyable), the man who carves ships and manages to put them in a damn bottle (without anyone even hinting at a necessity to do so), the Mom who makes sure that her Child and those other children all wear the latest in Elementary School Fashion (provided the elementary school is in Calgary and the year is 1957), the father who promises to teach his son to work on cars but forbids him (the son, not himself…he has other things he forbids himself, much to the dismay of the Mrs.), to even touch the tools that are totally clean and (some) hanging on the pegboard over the spotless workbench, matching perfectly to the silhouette outline, the girl elected Chairperson of the Yearbook Committee two years in a row!, the linebacker, the catcher, the girl who will become an engineer because it is such a stable and reliable line of work, the friend you had that was your best friend up until a scott enters the scene and then, depending upon gender (of the scott, not the friend) you would end up: beat up and ignored or ignored and beat up!  rogers represent the majority of the population and we would not have the user-friendly and increasingly impersonal conveniences of life without them.

lets try this:

  • Court Room:  the Judge is a roger, the Clerk is a clark, the Bailiff is a scott (the Prosecuting Attorney is a roger and the Defense Attorney is a: clark if mostly unsuccessful or a scott is often successful(when not being barred from the courtroom)
  • Operating Room: the Surgeon is a scott, the Nurse is a clark and the Anesthesiologist is a roger
  • Construction Site: GC (general contractor) is a scott, the finish carpenter is a roger and the guy who does the cleanup is a clark
  • Local gas station/repair: the Owner is a scott, the mechanic is a roger and the kid who keeps trying, unsuccessfully to get a job there is a clark
  • the Best Date ever, before the age of 23, she is a scott and you are not, the Worst Date ever she is a roger, and you are not
  • the King and Queen of the Prom: (Junior Year: she is a roger and he is a sc0tt   Senior Year: she is a scott and he is a scott)
  • ….hey! I’m doing all the work here… you want more examples?  write a damn Comment and request or better yet, give us one that we don’t have yet

That’s enough for today.

You know Musicians right? the ones that are exceptionally skilled at their (respective) instruments… that’s right! rogers!





a quick short Post the Wakefield Doctrine “…’cause if it can’t help your day be: easier, more productive or funnier, what the hell good is it?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know that the Doctrine is a way of looking at the behavior of the people in our lives and that, by better understanding (their) behavior, we better understand them, right? (ok, cool, I knew you knew that)

You know that by understanding the people in our lives we can better understand ourselfs, you good with that? (ha!… a little hesitation from a certain percentage of  you Readers)

Then, how about this? if we accept the idea of the three worldviews as being three separate (personal) realities and we accept that, for reasons unknown, we all find ourselves in one (of the three) and our ‘personality’ is simply the skill set we develop in order to deal with the world that we are in, then it goes without typing that we have within ourselves the potential to act/exhibit the personality traits found in all three personality types, you with me?

(yeah, I know!  just because I have the potential to act like a scott, I have not practiced those particular skills for a lifetime, so if I try to act like a scott, I’m gonna look like a Five year old who has: missed his nap time, is hungry, doesn’t want to wait 30 minutes before swimming, can’t see why they don’t all come stand around me and listen to my jokes, wants because I want. …and the same for my ‘rogerian‘ aspect. but that’s ok… stay with me.  I promise this will be quick) (see? I’m getting my scottian aspect even as I speak!)

The point is, none of us planned on growing up:

  • as an Outsider, being a person who knows they shouldn’t feel different, is sure that there is nothing wrong about us and is determined to learn how to be like everyone else
  • and having to run and hide from larger predators and running and chasing down the weaker prey, experiencing life as a Predator
  • secure in the knowledge that there is a Right way and most people feel that and it’s only a question of how much you can pass on to the other people in your life as a Herd member

but, if you were ‘dropped’ into one of these ‘other two’ personal realities, I totally know that you would be laughing or sneering* but, if you are still with me this morning, you know that this ‘premise’, this idea, the inference here forms the basis of the value of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-developing ourselves.

Yeah, it’s nothing overly new. A lot of ‘schools of thought’ hold that we have the potential within, I get that. I can live with that**, but this is the Wakefield Doctrine and it not only shares certain insights into human nature with a number of large well-established … ‘thought schools’, lol  but the Doctrine has one thing that none of the other schools of personality types and such have…  it’s fun first and beneficial second!  yep!  We invite everyone to have the fun with how people fall into three personality types, clarks with their funny dress codes, and scotts with their… not exactly funny dress codes and rogers with their totally mainstream dress codes  and all the rest of the fun things that we do around here. And even this is special, this use of the Wakefield Doctrine to pass the time in life’s stupid, boring moments, because out of a hundred people who might be made to sit down and read this blog, I would venture to say that 10 (on a good day) will ‘get it’.  So you all have the fun of being in a sort of exclusive club.  and no, it’s not the AV club in high school where it’s only the outcasts gathering together in the empty classrooms in the Business School wing of campus…we have scotts and rogers coming around these days… but, …..but!!  the really cool thing is that it doesn’t matter anymore if we have them join us. We, (whoever ‘we’ are), are doing just fine.

no, what I was about to say is that, if the Wakefield Doctrine brings a smile to your mind once today, then it’s worth my time to type. The thing is, the Doctrine also has tools that will allow you to try and change the things about yourself that you have been meaning to change (but have not yet, despite your best effort, been able to change) about yourself or your life or both.

…speaking of work, time to go to work.

…hey here’s an idea!  go to the following blogs today, read the current Post and type the following Comment: ” clark said you would know what this means.  ha!”



Baby Gates Down

the Insomniac’s Dream




* I’ll leave it to you, the Reader to decide which worldview would be represented by which projectile emotional expression

** yeah, we have come a long way

