a quick short Post the Wakefield Doctrine “…’cause if it can’t help your day be: easier, more productive or funnier, what the hell good is it?” | the Wakefield Doctrine a quick short Post the Wakefield Doctrine “…’cause if it can’t help your day be: easier, more productive or funnier, what the hell good is it?” | the Wakefield Doctrine

a quick short Post the Wakefield Doctrine “…’cause if it can’t help your day be: easier, more productive or funnier, what the hell good is it?”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know that the Doctrine is a way of looking at the behavior of the people in our lives and that, by better understanding (their) behavior, we better understand them, right? (ok, cool, I knew you knew that)

You know that by understanding the people in our lives we can better understand ourselfs, you good with that? (ha!… a little hesitation from a certain percentage of  you Readers)

Then, how about this? if we accept the idea of the three worldviews as being three separate (personal) realities and we accept that, for reasons unknown, we all find ourselves in one (of the three) and our ‘personality’ is simply the skill set we develop in order to deal with the world that we are in, then it goes without typing that we have within ourselves the potential to act/exhibit the personality traits found in all three personality types, you with me?

(yeah, I know!  just because I have the potential to act like a scott, I have not practiced those particular skills for a lifetime, so if I try to act like a scott, I’m gonna look like a Five year old who has: missed his nap time, is hungry, doesn’t want to wait 30 minutes before swimming, can’t see why they don’t all come stand around me and listen to my jokes, wants because I want. …and the same for my ‘rogerian‘ aspect. but that’s ok… stay with me.  I promise this will be quick) (see? I’m getting my scottian aspect even as I speak!)

The point is, none of us planned on growing up:

  • as an Outsider, being a person who knows they shouldn’t feel different, is sure that there is nothing wrong about us and is determined to learn how to be like everyone else
  • and having to run and hide from larger predators and running and chasing down the weaker prey, experiencing life as a Predator
  • secure in the knowledge that there is a Right way and most people feel that and it’s only a question of how much you can pass on to the other people in your life as a Herd member

but, if you were ‘dropped’ into one of these ‘other two’ personal realities, I totally know that you would be laughing or sneering* but, if you are still with me this morning, you know that this ‘premise’, this idea, the inference here forms the basis of the value of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool for self-developing ourselves.

Yeah, it’s nothing overly new. A lot of ‘schools of thought’ hold that we have the potential within, I get that. I can live with that**, but this is the Wakefield Doctrine and it not only shares certain insights into human nature with a number of large well-established … ‘thought schools’, lol  but the Doctrine has one thing that none of the other schools of personality types and such have…  it’s fun first and beneficial second!  yep!  We invite everyone to have the fun with how people fall into three personality types, clarks with their funny dress codes, and scotts with their… not exactly funny dress codes and rogers with their totally mainstream dress codes  and all the rest of the fun things that we do around here. And even this is special, this use of the Wakefield Doctrine to pass the time in life’s stupid, boring moments, because out of a hundred people who might be made to sit down and read this blog, I would venture to say that 10 (on a good day) will ‘get it’.  So you all have the fun of being in a sort of exclusive club.  and no, it’s not the AV club in high school where it’s only the outcasts gathering together in the empty classrooms in the Business School wing of campus…we have scotts and rogers coming around these days… but, …..but!!  the really cool thing is that it doesn’t matter anymore if we have them join us. We, (whoever ‘we’ are), are doing just fine.

no, what I was about to say is that, if the Wakefield Doctrine brings a smile to your mind once today, then it’s worth my time to type. The thing is, the Doctrine also has tools that will allow you to try and change the things about yourself that you have been meaning to change (but have not yet, despite your best effort, been able to change) about yourself or your life or both.

…speaking of work, time to go to work.

…hey here’s an idea!  go to the following blogs today, read the current Post and type the following Comment: ” clark said you would know what this means.  ha!”



Baby Gates Down

the Insomniac’s Dream




* I’ll leave it to you, the Reader to decide which worldview would be represented by which projectile emotional expression

** yeah, we have come a long way



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. I was so trying to channel my inner Scott (I’m in control and assertive), and somehow I’m failing because there’s still a Roger coming through (please like me and don’t think bad of me) while my inner Clark just wants to run away.. I’m not bi-polar, I’m tri-polar, but definitely feel most uncomfortable with my pretended sottian aspect..

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      take notes!!*
      …we kid the rogers …and they can be such a caution, but they represent an integral, essential and valuable aspect of each of us**
      it sounds like you are applying the Doctrine correctly, try each of the three worldviews as ‘a lens’ whichever is most in focus is your predominant then the next is your secondary

      have you tried the Pre-dominant Assessment test yet? Try it here and let us know: 1) what your results were and 2) any scenaria that you can think of that would be useful as additional questions, the more the better, of course

      *aka: welcome to the club, this is what I say to anyone who can express what goes on in their respective worlds that contributes to the groups understanding of the the three worldviews (because the on-going project is, in fact, to come as close as possible to truly understanding the ‘other two’ or, as we say, to see the world as the (scott or roger or clark) is experiencing it)
      ** we just want to be able to minimize the annoying parts…lol

      • I’ve done the assessment test, and it came back as a Scott with a secondary Roger I think, but I don’t really feel scottian. Usually I’m too nice and too introvert for that. I really hate my role of calling up people I don’t know and try to get what I want..

        • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


          while the Assessment has not been fully-validated with large numbers of test subjects, if you identify with the responses associated with the scottian worldview (as clearly each ‘answer’ is meant to represent the worldview of one of the three), it is certainly suggestive. the key is, of course, which of the (three) views of the world (and therefore half of your relationship with the world around you) feels most…correct/consistent/in focus/appropriate

          when I talk to scotts they usually don’t say, “yeah I feel like a total predator and I am super confident around people and tackle problems head on” but I say, ‘hey when you go a social gathering, with lots of people, do you tend to go from one person (or group of people) to another and meet and have a word with them before moving on to the next group…time permitting?” and they’re all..”yes, yes I do”
          remember the cool thing about this Doctrine is a) you can’t do it wrong and 2) it’s meant to be fun

  2. christine says:

    I actually do think of the WD many days, even when I’m not reading one of your posts. ;)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      aiyeee! ( of course, you realize that you are one of the cool kids that hangs out with the geeks because you know that we know something about you that all your regular friends don’t seem to appreciate, right?) and I am totally revealing my youth experiences lol…. but what the hell, better late than never)

  3. In case anyone wants to know, I actually am bipolar. Bipolar one. NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE FOR THAT TRIPOLAR COMMENT!!! GEESH. ANYway, that’s the most lethal sort of neurological disorder there is–worse than being schizophrenic, death count wise. However I seem to be well under control ever since I had my one breakdown (which was definitely exacerbated by the Paxil a lousy shrink–my first shrink ever–gave me. It threw me into hypomania). The disorder, which is dormant in your brain since birth and is not a mental illness, appeared, with a bang, when I learned I had not one but two children with autism. Lack of sleep, stress. 40 hours of home schooling with teachers I trained with and trained for my son Dylan, and that coup de grace, Paxil, were brothers in arms in causing it to appear. If anyone here wants help with mental disorders, I spent the next ten years writing sbout them on a site called Healthy place. To assist other people and help myseld at the same time. I wrote as “jean” but otherwise anonymously so I wouldn’t stigmatize my family (my parents and sis). I liked doing this a lot! It was fun.
    When you say you are becoming more like a Scott, Clark, do you feel any sort of elemental and basic power which comes with saying that?
    I will be back later to read your blogs suggested. I have a lot to do today!


    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      you know, from time to time, people will ask, ‘hey I know someone who has this…or I have a neighbor who is like this…how do I use the Doctrine to change them’…and the answer is ‘the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not for them’

      this should not be interpreted as a brush off or a ‘hey we can’t deal with something like that’… but the fact of the matter, the Wakefield Doctrine is simply a way to look at the world and (for reasons we are externally grateful for) it maintains a certain integrity in connecting some very diverse characteristics and dynamics as found in people… in the real work, i.e. there do seem to be rogers and scotts and clarks out there. But, it is a personal thing, this use of the Doctrine and so the benefits of using it are equally useful.
      One of the central ‘assertions’ of the Doctrine is that what we are doing, when we attempt to understand the other person better, is to: ‘understand how the person relates themselves to the world around them’… the emphasis on ‘relates themselves to’ is the key expression of this ‘it’s for us, not them’.

      as to my scottian aspect… like many clarks with secondary scottian aspects, I have had experiences, usually in times of extreme duress, when I stop being a clark and act (for the situation) as a scott would… it is not that one is better than the other, while my scottian aspect presents a strength in some situations, it has weaknesses in others. The overall goal of developing my secondary and tertiary is to add to what I am, take my potential and, through the use of the worldview metaphor, find ways to integrate ways of interacting with the world that otherwise would not be possible in my predominant personality type. ya know? (as I’m sure you’re getting, each of the three worldviews have strengths and weaknesses, so there is no ‘good worldview’ anymore than there is a ‘bad workdview’

      it sure is a fun and interesting way to look at the world and them peoples in it, non?

  4. I think we all dislike the enforced “mainstream” part of the Roger…I’m grateful for my Secondary Clark being sometimes stronger and being able to balance it out. Yet, as you say, they represent an important cog that makes the whole system work. Not necessarily liked, but we must have them around for that.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      thank you for the reminder…in fact, I need to do a Post about rogers (again)…it is not that I have to make up for portraying them as…whatever, but we’re all human and some things are easier to do than others…including harp on the drawback and weakness inherent in the rogerian worldview (like there isn’t any of that in clarks and scotts!) I’m glad you wrote the Comment…

  5. Lizzi R says:

    And yet, does this mean that we get the rest of someone’s comment or just the ‘you’ bit?

    Thanks for your insight.

    And leaving this for any clark-like females, any time they show up


    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      good question, I went out there and I suspect I may be over-estimating the persuasive power of my Post writing…lol but, I am not a good example as I had already read and commented on the Considerings post that was current when I made the rounds….

  6. zoe says:

    so many things make sense to me now…
    1. your previous comment on my blog… I was like WTF?
    2. Why when I slip into my secondary Roger I feel and am so effing inept at it that I end up miserable and making everyone else miserable as well…
    3. That Im really happy to get my Clark back on…