Dysphonia Phriday the Wakefield Doctrine “..it’s all with the Board of Education.” | the Wakefield Doctrine Dysphonia Phriday the Wakefield Doctrine “..it’s all with the Board of Education.” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Dysphonia Phriday the Wakefield Doctrine “..it’s all with the Board of Education.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

(-hey!! today’s Video is not ready to Post!… please standby)

while we resolve our Technical Difficulties please enjoy the following Encore Presentation:  The First Wakefield Doctrine Road Trip and Claiming by Rite of Hat

Still waiting for today’s Video Post, check back in, I don’t know, around 2:00 pm EST?

Speaking of ‘around 2:oo pm EST’  tonight is Friday (sorry, I meant Phriday) and that means:

the Wakefield Doctrine  


 the Fabulous bloggers Friday Night Vidchat!

Starting at: 7:30 (when clark finishes cleaning up the seating area, empties the ashtrays, puts out the coasters on the good furniture, checks to see if the refreshments are there, walks by the door to the kitchen and sees scratches in the the molding of the doorframe…. thinks “did she really?!”  shaking his head laughing to himself he looks at the time…”shit! almost time to sit on the porch and greet the early arrivals”)

Ending at: 9:30 or later (when Lizzi’s response time started to hit double digits (in seconds, of course) and all of the special effect hats have been put on and just before someone, probably Starr or…even more likely Kristi says, innocently enough and à propos of nothing, “hey, you guys want to hear a joke?”

(with your hosts the Siren of Southhampton: Lizzi  and  Michelle: the Sinaporean Delight)

I want to thank everyone for the lively discussion of the inference of worldviews as perceived by Readers and Viewers in Literature, Fairy Tales and Movies, while the Discussion has just gotten started, this might be a good time (and place) to take note of the salient points coming out (of this week’s typetalk)

surely the Award* for this weeks agent provocateur goes to Stephanie for:

“I know, — you are the mighty Clark, the creator of the doctrine, but I — totally disagree for whatever reason. I see Hamlet / Snow White as clark, Claudius / Evil Queen as scott, and Gertrude as roger, maybe with a clarkian secondary aspect. The dwarves, I see —clark, or (collective) clark — or a herd of connected outsiders. *waiting for the retribution*   (ed. note. ok, a little edited  but only for: space and content and my own perverse enjoyment of the mighty editorial sword!!)”

well, that certainly got things started! Then it was Lizzi with:

“Doc – roger
Sneezy – scott
Happy – scott
Grumpy – clark
Dopey – scott
Bashful – clark
Sleepy – roger


and Jean jumped in:

“How I loved Toy Story! “falling, with style!”     I think you did great Lizzi! ” 

the zoe with:

“…absolutely love how you explained your thinking about the dwarves ….its just too bad they’re Rogers.”

and then Christine walks by on the sidewalk, sees the discussion beginning to get quiet and lobs in the door:

“Go Stephanie, having the guts to challenge you!”



* Hey!  remind me to ask everyone about the consensus on the style of docTee…


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. that is fine I have to make some damselfly in love earrings all morning. did someone say T shirts??? I live for t shirts!!!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      as I’m sure you picking up here, the t shirt is out of the bottle (to mangle an aphorism or metaphor or whatever the hell it is!) …The last version of Wakefield Doctrine docTee have a great design, but there is a growing consensus that it needs to be more…fashionable hence the tank top… and while I would totally welcome the more… er aggressive forms of clothing, ( was it not Lord Byron who said, “…to write our thoughts on the chests of women. Olympus in our grasp”?)

      but, of course, while the Doctrine is gender neutral, I am not and there are many skills that comes with the Y Chromosome package, but understanding the subtlety of women’s fashion is not one of them.

      • jny_jeanpretty says:

        Jim could help you with this. just don’t sell any larger than xs.
        PS: you got a haircut! nice!!! :)

  2. LOL! Thank you, thank you *Bowing* and it’s amazing how you’ve progressed with the doctrine since the rite of hat!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      yeah… the hats were fun (as is the Rite of Hat!!) and there were not so many versions of hats…unlike the docTees


  3. Lizzi R says:

    STILL go with DocTank. It’s cuter and we’d all wear it out, rather than as pyjamas.

    Siren of So’ton sounds like one of the girls you’d find along the Mutant Mile (my local high street), which worries me a LOT!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      I suspect the best solution will be for my printer to have a catalog that is accessible on line and then we would have less of the …subjectiveness that I still feel about what everyone is picturing in their heads… (to paraphrase Crocadile Dundee, “now that’s a DocTank!”

      Mutant Mile?!? tell us more!

  4. Denise says:

    Yes! I want to hear about he mutant mile!!

  5. findingninee says:

    What happened that “the freaking thing is all full of water?” What IS that? and hahaha to me and my dumb jokes being “à propos of nothing.” I agree do DocTank. Plus, we look way sexier in tanks than t’s. Just saying.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      the trend is toward the DocTank, trouble is, to my un—-trained eye, they are seem to be relatively skimpy, which I do not object to, except when it comes to where the hell do I put: the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)m the url and… clark (or scott or roger) as the individual identifier should be interesting

  6. findingninee says:

    Also did you know you can set up a company store on Landsend.com/business and select all sorts of items for people to purchase with your logo? I only know because we did one at work this week. ‘course, people would have to buy it themselves, but an idea…