Month: November 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: November 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

the Wakefield Doctrine 3 personality types? sure! 3 funniest movies of all time? (jeez, dude a little over-motivated today?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

I read something somewhere this week that Mercury was retrograde and all talking efforts to communicate were, like totally futile. I think that’s just crazy! But this being Friday and we did have the first Wakefield Doctrine BlogTalkRadio show, today can be an easy day, blogistically speaking. There will be time on the weekend to go into the plans for the next show (Wednesday before the Feast of St Roger at 4:00 pm, EST), plus we have the Saturday Night Drive to prepare for and the DocTees should be hitting their postal targets over the weekend.

So casual Doctrine Friday is officially declared here.* Everyone has their favorite movies and (everyone) has a list of the funniest movies. My List below, starts with Annie Hall, Blazing Saddles,  Airplane! Dogma (couldn’t find any clips short enough)

Annie Hall


Blazing Saddles




* casual Friday  Readers are not surprised that we can’t let even a causal Friday, list-based Post go out there without some insight on how the Wakefield Doctrine applies! so…casual Friday:

  • clarks (of the three) are the most prone to over dressing for the workplace, now this is not the ‘over-dressing’ that is high fashion well-dressed that rogers will exhibit …it is more an amping up of what the clark thinks is workplace appropriate dress. So, if we have a clarklike female trying to dress appropriately for an office/administrative setting, then don’t be surprised to see a full business suit (with a touch of the 1940s), but with something secretly out of tune (probably some lingerie that not only was not popular in the 1940s, but was illegal in the 1940s)
  • scotts to celebrate casual Friday, the baseball cap gets turned around with the bill facing backwards, or if the scott is in, say banking or law, then the wingtips get traded for basketball shoes
  • rogers usually the best dressed of the three, at least in a mainstream Cosmo sort of way, casual Friday presents a special challenge to the rogers, both male and female, the tailored suit gets traded in for a Ralph Lauren hoodie and maybe some jeans (totally perfect condition, unless they were bought that way) and logos!! causal Friday or not, rogers  loves they logos… it’s the herd and therefore it’s good

a reprinted Post that references another re-printed Post?! you can’t be serial! the Wakefield Doctrine ( “…and all the ships at sea”)

hey, this being the week before “what-the-hell-do-you-mean-‘next-week?’-there-are-at-least-2-more-weeks-left’ Thanksgiving I thought I would re-run this, one of my favorite Posts.

But before we do that, a total big shout-out to them what listened and sent suggestions and such for the Big Radio Day! It went totally well, everyone had fun and this is so going to be an on-going feature of the Wakefield Doctrine! Stay tuned, yo. I want to thank Janine and Amy and Cyndi (on the 3rd shift lol) for the encouraging Comments but special thanks are in order to Jasmine Tea (and) Cari (thoughts and intent are real, at least for clarks).
Then there was Molly and Denise (tbfkaDS#1) Hey, It made a difference! Will be doing this again next week, you know I will be talking more about it.

But for today, on with the Re-run!


Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) on this eve of Saint rogers’s Day!

Thanksgiving Day1 is the holiday that, if we did not already know that there exists a personality type referred to as a roger,  someone else would have pointed it out to us.  Perhaps the task would have fallen to an Art Professor in a land grant college somewhere  in the Midwest. We can imagine the epiphany …in the middle of the night (during his sabbatical devoted to the study of the works of Norman Rockwell)
” My god!  Norman’s work is not just a robust and healthy celebration of paedophilia! He has been  trying to tell us to transform our culture!  …for all good Americans to come forth and show their appreciation  of patriotism, consumerism and child-abuse!!”

We have, from time to time, been accused of indiscriminate use of hyperbole in these pages, however, just consider the astounding level of pervasiveness of the  ‘Holiday of Thanksgiving’.  It is not enough to close the Post Office system and all other government agencies2 , no it is not, this Holiday actually attempts to compel normal, rational, adult people to sit in front of the television and watch a Parade involving giant balloon representations of out-of-print newspaper cartoon characters! Who the hell watches the Macy’s Day Parade on purpose?!?  Throughout the entire morning of Thanksgiving, you simply cannot escape the pageantry and spectacle,  broadcast live and has as the ’emcees’,  News Anchors from the major networks morning news shows!  ( ” Thats right, Matt! That’s  Kenny Chesney and Taylor Swift on the Snoop Dog float… it says here that her eye makeup took 12 hours and 6 pounds of aluminum foil chips to create!!” ). Like a  Hieronymus Bosch painting done in ‘live-action’, the whole country is exposed to hours and hours of Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade… more than 3 hours of parade music and floats  (” … hey, Anne isn’t the next float from your hometown”?   “That’s right Al! it’s my old Alma mater,  the East Clydesdale High School Marching Band playing a medley, ‘Straight outta Compton’, ‘Dope Man’ and ‘Gangsta Gangsta’ )

Why do we say Thanksgiving is the most rogerian of all holidays?  Simply because Thanksgiving is about the how, not the why.  As a holiday and a cultural event, this particular holiday tells it’s participants exactly what to do; what to eat and how to cook it!  Taught from childhood, every member of our culture knows precisely how (and) where they are expected to spend the Holiday! Thanksgiving is about family! and if there is anything that rogers fake better than anyone, it is the joyful appreciation and celebration of the family.

But don’t just take my word for it! Following is an excerpt from a Post of the Wakefield Doctrine that was written over a year ago! (and nothing says credibility better than…age)

We all know that “the holidays” are experienced differently by each of the three (clarks, scotts and rogers) and therefore the demands of the celebrations are a very effective illustration of the nature of each. But if there was no Thanksgiving, a roger would have invented it! (Actually, they probably did). Think about it! A holiday celebration that is:

  • based on a factual historical event (sort of)
  • the protagonists (of the story) are religious refugees, persecuted and driven away together on boats
  • food, specific food and a not-to-be-deviated-from Menu
  • ritual menu and a full schedule of events
  • shopping in herds, as the climax of the celebration (Black Friday)
  • a moral taught to the young: we came here, those strangers who helped us were different, (…we had a feast and wiped out their culture)

I will be so bold as to suggest that there is no more rogerian a holiday than Thanksgiving!  And since we are on the subject of rogers and holidays, (sort of),  is there any human activity that is more one sided, over-hyped, ‘expectations-sure-to-fall short’, ( not counting sex on the eve of a relationship breaking up),  than Parades? I don’t care if you are a trombone player in the middle of the herd or someone sitting in their living room watching it on TV, nothing says roger better than Parades!



1)  the Day that the indigenous people of the North American continent made a gift of their lands and cultures and cuisine to their new European friends.

2)  you do know about the Post Office and rogers, don’t you?


the Wakefield Doctrine: the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ‘…more at 4!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks (who are the creative ones and therefore the ones to show up with something like this here theory here) and scotts (who are the ones who are all about ‘the doing’ action-oriented who thought doing an internet radio show was a good idea) and rogers (who are the ones in touch with the feelings and emotions of the masses and has the voice that the audience will respond to))

Allow me to say, Thank you for your encouraging ‘knuckle bumps’/’chest bumps’/’high fives’ and your (secretly destructive) well wishes and other booby-trapped sentiments!

Today’s Post is going to be brief as I am trying to outline some sort of  script for the Test Show that I will be doing on BlogTalkRadio today. There are a lot of reasons for trying this thing, but for now, bottom line is that I will have 30 minutes to fill this afternoon at 4:00 pm.
The interesting thing will be how I manifest not only my pre-dominant clarklike aspect but my secondary scottian and (distant) tertiary rogerian aspects in the course of the day today.

This is, of course, the beauty part of the Wakefield Doctrine and it’s use and value to anyone  who has ever said “I know I can do better, why do I always hold back? I know my bad habits,  when I change them things get better, but somehow I end up back doing the same thing that I know I don’t need to do!'”
Sound familiar? Well, good news! The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that self-improvement/self-development is not about getting rid of bad habits and trying to learn something totally new (and therefore so unlike you) and then trying to remember to do the new thing instead of the old thing!
No, it is not!
It is way better than that, but I need to save something for later today, so you will just have to dial in to hear how the Wakefield Doctrine can change your life and such.

The thing about this radio show format that is daunting is that, unlike the Saturday Night Drive Call-in show, I will need to assume that there are listeners…for the entire 30 minutes. On Saturday Night, in-between calls I don’t need to talk!  Well, I’m sure it will work out, I will simply need to bring out my scottian aspect (for the lively pacing, the enthusiasm, the excitement) and my rogerian aspect for the words, and descriptions and that (god, how the hell do they do it?) total conviction that the world is hanging on their every word!

(as they say in the radio biz..)

The lines are now open! So write us a Comment and suggest ways I should spend the 30 minutes of internet fame.*


By popular Demand! (Jasmine and Melanie and them) here is what I believe to be the link to the show…


*scotts not eligible to Comment!  lol


‘and a thousand telephones, that will not ring’ the Wakefield Doctrine: the theory of personality predicated on three characteristic worldviews

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of personality that you get to enjoy with your friends and them, before it gets all famous and mainstreamy and everyone will know about it)

Question: If your husband is a roger and you are a clark, is it true that they never accept how much you have changed over the years, since you first met?
Answer: Too true1

(Welcome to ‘ya shoulda just asked Tuesday’! We will be presenting some common questions and the semi-comprehensive answers…along with a little commentary, mostly to let us get away with dividing the page into block quotes.’)

Question: My best friend is funny and fun to be with, but sometimes when we are around other people he gets like, mean even goes and picks on me. But this happens only with certain people, this big kid that (my friend) knows. What gives?

Answer: Chances are your friend is a scott and the person that, when they’re around, your friend starts acting mean?…well, that other person is a scott too, but they are what we call dominant (to your friend). So your friend, even though he is picking on you, doesn’t mean to hurt your friendship… it’s a pack2 thing, you know?
Answer: jeez, if you say so

(This question deals with the changing pack order (from the scottian perspective) and it’s effects on the behavior of a scott. Note: this question (and by implication, the experience cited), will most likely be posed by a clark. Do you know why that should be?)

Question: My fiancée and I are getting close to the Big Day. When we first got engaged, we both agreed to keep the ceremony and everything on the quiet, low-key side, but lately, ( the wedding is in 3 months), she has been talking more to her sisters and some of her old friends and it seems like the guest list is getting bigger and bigger. What gives?

Answer: She is probably a roger. Forget about changing her mind. It means a lot to her, in a way that you will never understand.  So relax! Sneak a couple of your friends that she might not have approved when the guest list was small, she probably won’t even notice now, and if she does make an issue of it, say the following to her (word for word): “I understand how important family is to you now. And even though I am not close to my family, you have shown me that my feelings3 of friendship with (fill in the names of you friends) make them like family. Won’t you let my family join your family …darling?

(And there are those who would say, ‘Hey Wakefield Doctrinaires! Sure you have a uniquely clever take on personality types, but what about practical applications? Huh, what about those?‘ Well, here ya go! Who cannot not identify with this situation? …not counting the rogers, of course!)

Question: My boss is nice enough, but it seems like he tries too hard to be, like my friend or something! Every day it is ‘how are you doing?’, “is there anything I can do to make your job easier?” I mean, all the time! I can’t get any work done when he is in the office, he is always offering to ‘help’! I might be able to deal with this, except that every time I do get some work done that he needs to sign off on, he always finds  fault! And if I come up with something on my own initiative (he likes to say that he wants me to try to ‘think outside the box’) he is either totally negative or acts like he is amazed that I actually did it myself!  Should I quite my job?
Answer: Probably.4

(This Question deals with a scenario that is all too common. And, although we do not propose that all bosses are rogers, we will say this, ‘If your boss is a scott you have: a) a good time everyday up until the day he decides that it is time to change careers or b) a lead pipe cinch of a sexual harassment lawsuit, so the day you get tired of her shenanigans, ‘it’s sayonara see ya in court’
If your boss is a clark, then we know the following: a) if your clarklike boss is female then her boss is a roger, if your clarklike boss is male then his boss is a scott!  and b) they (clarks) make great bosses, will stick up for you totally against all opponents, but jeez! enough with the leadership by consensus! Get a set, yo.

That music referenced in the Title of today’s Post? Totally weird. I’m sitting and watching TV and a commercial comes on and before I can hit ‘MUTE’ I hear the music in the background (of the commercial) and I’m off to the great and omnicient google… and here we are



1) rogers are about consistency, if they are about anything at all! The worldview of the herd (rogers) maintains that history, tradition, continuity…consistency is of the greatest good! The worldview is also one in which the individual’s relationship with the world-at-large manifests primarily in emotional terms. So when a (lasting) relationship forms, the details of ‘the other’ person are important, in a sense, manifesting the emotional investment. So, as time goes by, even though people change and grow and develop, the roger will still insist on seeing the ‘original person’

2) scotts, in the initial behavioral metaphor: like pack animals, i.e. wolves, dogs, lions and such. The social ranking in the pack is one of simple dominance, an alpha at ‘the top’ and everyone else in order of strength/prowess/capability downward from there. It is a primary characteristic of the scottian personality type to establish ranking when entering a new (social ) environment. Literally going from person to  person, figuratively pushing them on the shoulder in order to establish ranking

3) emotions! always play the emotion-card when dealing with rogers!

4) you could try to…nah, don’t even bother.  Maybe if you got to the Doctrine sooner, you might have learned enough to invoke your own rogerian aspect to re-configure your work relationship… but too hard, too frustrating, easier to get another job. But then again, most bosses/middle managers/supervisors/Principals are rogers!  so maybe you should be asking about the Wakefield Doctrine School of Self-Improving Oneself…school




‘a look that time can’t erase’ the Wakefield Doctrine the personality theory with a fashion line of it’s own!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers that not only will amuse and entertain, but will add to your wardrobe)

Let’s talk about fashion and fashion accessories!

Globe-trotting Ambassadoress-of-the-Wakefield Doctrine, Karen just before hitting the runway.

“Fashion” usually is the newest creations made by designers and are bought by only a few number of people; however, often those “fashions” are translated into more established trends.’

Now, don’t misunderstand us! We are not saying that the Wakefield Doctrine will be the darling of the Paris runways next Spring (if  Jean Paul Gaultier or Nicholas Ghesquiere, call be sure to get a number ). But the Doctrine is about enhancing ourselves, if it’s about anything at all!

So, the topic/point of today’s Post:
the Wakefield Doctrine and Fashion for you and fun for the whole family! ( now about that fashion thing):

  1. clarks: are you serious? fashion? V and Nylon has nothing on a clark with a little time and a debit card full of next semester’s tuition!  the Doctrine is gender neutral, however fashion in the hands of a female clark is scary, wonderful, a startling thing….and if you are a roger, then just wait the 12 to 18 months for the rest of the world’s couture to catch up and buy the same look at your local mall
  2. scotts: if fashion is a tool of interpersonal expression then scotts are total ninja/WWE/samurai/trained-killing-machine(s). Watch the ‘fashion-show-runways’ in every: high school hallway, high-rise office corridor, factory floor passageway, city sidewalk, we guarantee that you will recognize the scotts!  Saying that a scott knows how to dress ‘for effect’ is like saying a DB9 is good transportation.
  3. rogers: these are the people who tell us what brand is the clothing that is fashionable. Interesting in that 80% of the list of best-dressed people will be rogers (or are wearing the clothing suggested by rogers). rogers can be counted on to take the creativity (of the clarklike female), offset the androgyny with the ‘in-your-….face‘ style of a scott and  before you know it, the next must have fashion line is here (at a reasonable price at your local mall outlet!

OK enough about the clothes! Lets talk about the Doctrine line!  Below are photos of DownSprings and FOTDs exhibiting a fashion sense that would make Vera and Sacha simply green with envy!

It puts the hat on top of it’s (damn) head

“for the not-age-challenged, the Cavern is where the Beatles started playing!”

“our Friend in one of those States that are all flat and squared-off, but the highways look like you could go really fast in your car and such”

from the small Swedish town of erna-burna-grudsa-whall

…and Steve
