Month: April 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: April 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine

“Won’t you have a seat? Mr. Andrews will see you in a moment” the Wakefield Doctrine and Job Interviews…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today we present the first of a series of Posts that will look at the process of interviewing for a job, through the prism of the Wakefield Doctrine. In each of these Posts, we will set up a  job interview scenario, each in a different business sector and  look at it from the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine. The underlying question throughout will be,  “what insight does the Wakefield Doctrine provide that will allow us to improve the chances of success in being hired in each of these situations?”

To start us off,  we will consider the strategies available to a person seeking a position in what is often referred to as ‘the corporate world’. Subsequent Posts in this Series, will include  interviewing for positions in the Manufacturing Sector, Service Industries and Small Businesses.

Corporate Environment:

…the Human Resources Offices of a multi-national Investment Banking Corporation,  you are here for a First Interview for a job as (an) Earnings Analyst ( for the M&A Division of Clarke, Scott & Rogers, Investment Banking Ltd ). You have a degree in Business Administration, your GPA was a dead-solid middle of the road and you have spent the 3 years since graduation working at a variety of jobs that included: Taxi Driver (night shift because that would leave you plenty of Business hours to find a job), Busboy ( at a restaurant in the business district where you think you can make some good business contacts) and Deckhand on a Fishing boat (because you always thought that would be fun).
A friend of one of your parents is on the Board of Directors of CS&R Investment Banking and though he has not recommended you personally, did tell your parents to tell you that there was an un-advertised position opening up in the M&A Division.

And so, after submitting your Resume and Application (which included your parent’s Board of Directors Member friend), you have been granted an Initial Interview. This Interview is with the Director of Human Resources and, if you impress him, you will be given an Interview with  the actual Manager of the M&A Division.
(…. oh!  do we need to mention that you are a clark?)

(First Interaction)

The Receptionist  is on the phone when you walk into the outer Office… her desk is spot-less… and she is stunning. On her desk, which is directly opposite the door is: a phone, a computer screen and keyboard and a single framed photograph (of her in what is clearly an exotic foreign locale). Behind and to the left is a single door marked: Private

Do you:

  • Walk directly up to her and begin speaking
  • Stand rooted to the spot and wait to be invited further into the waiting area
  • Ignore her and go for the door that seems to lead to the inner offices

The Question: if you are a clark what is likely to be your first reaction, which is the most effective strategy and which of the three personality types is the receptionist? Please submit your answer (along with the reason for your picking the personality type) in the Comments section at the bottom of this Post

(Second Interaction)

…you have been sitting on the expensive couch in the waiting room for 45 minutes ( 30 minutes later than the scheduled interview). Ten minutes after you arrived and the receptionist pointed to the waiting area, a woman carrying an iPad and  wearing an expensive business suit and designer glasses came into the office. She spoke briefly to the Receptionist and then walked over and sat across from you in the waiting area.  All of 5 minutes pass, at which point the Receptionist announced, “Mr. Andrews will see you now.”
You both got up.
The receptionist smiled and said, “No, I’m sorry!  I was speaking to Ms. Ellison.” At which point,  your former reception-area-companion walked through the doors into the inner offices.

Do you:

  • Pretend that you were only getting up to stretch and, in the hopes of convincing the Receptionist that this was your reason for getting up, you remain standing until she asks if there is something she can do for you?
  • Look annoyed and sit back down and turn the pages of your magazine loudly and much too quickly
  • …get mad and confront the Receptionist
The Question: if you are a clark, which of the above is likely to be your initial reaction and which, (of the three actions above), should be your reaction, in order to increase your chances of being successful in this Interview?
That will be all for today.
‘Part II   The Corporate Interview’ will be appearing later in the week. All who submit  Comments and/or Suggestions will be eligible for a free Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt!!



“testing! testing! if you can read this, Nod your head” (thank god, I thought something weird was happening at the blog)

What the hell!

Alright, enough of you nodded your damn heads, except the rogers out there! Hey, rogers! are you that insecure that you can’t stand to be in a situation where all faces do not ‘seem’ to be pointed at you? Your little scottian friends don’t mind, (they just want to have fun) and your eternally patient clarklike companions…well they take the virtue of patience and turn it into a vice of the worst sort. A patient clark is like a heroin addict, they will do anything for the thing they think they need and during the time they are being deprived, they pretend they have a choice.

Look, Readers…we know that at this stage of the game you are most likely clarks or rogers looking over the shoulder of the clark (that knew that you would like this). Well fine, we are just finishing up the ‘Early Years’ of the Wakefield Doctrine  so indulge while you still can… It will soon be time to stop with the games and the ‘fun’ and do something with this Doctrine thing. What do I mean?

  1. the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool that is only useful to you….you will never change that roger or scott who, you believe, is standing between you and a happy life
  2. the Wakefield Doctrine will put you in a position to know what the other person will do in virtually any situation…and still you will insist on playing your part in causing them to act that way
  3. the Wakefield Doctrine allows you to know the people in your life, better than they know themselves….and you persist in thinking that that is enough!  grow the hell up…this thing is a tool! It is not, I repeat, it is not an answer

Well have a beautiful day, Life is Good and if it is not, you know where you can find us…..


7 things about the Wakefield Doctrine that you really should know before starting to improve your Life

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine, the most effective way to understand the behavior of the people in your life!

Thanks a lot, Mel!

I was originally planning on taking today off (from Post-writing) and devoting whatever free time I could find to working on ‘the Book’1.  But then I had to go over to Mostly Teachable, our friend Mel’s blog. And today he wrote a Post Titled  ’10’. The thing of it is, his Post is built on the ‘List of things (someone) should know about (someone/something) else’  schtick.
Damn! It was a good Post and I am a total sucker for that particular premise. (In Mel’s Post, the tipoff is in the ‘sub-title’:   ‘9.8 Details Guys Want Women To Know’ )

Since I clearly will not get back to the real work until I get this out of my system, following is:

7 Things About the Wakefield Doctrine That You Probably Should Be Aware Of, (before you order a Wakefield Doctrine Tee Shirt for this Summer)

  1. once you start to see the rogers in your world, you will not be able to not see them
  2. most of the people in your life will not get (or be amused by) the Wakefield Doctrine and for reasons that even we don’t understand, you will persist in trying to get them to see how much fun it is!
  3. most young,  lets say those under the age of 23, do not know what you mean when you say, “Alright, lets meet at the mall at quarter to one” (Seriously, they don’t! And it is all the fault of digital readouts!
  4. old people (ages 75 plus) will pretend that they understand the Doctrine, but don’t really…even the clarks
  5. Jennifer Love Hewitt is a clark,
  6. …the number of people who understand and apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine entirely on the basis of the information available in this blog is equal to the number of people who learned it directly from me… (aiyeee)
  7. we do have hats (for your damn head), we will make arrangements to help you with your class project (provided it is about the Wakefield Doctrine)
…well, that certainly was  fun?   amusing?
Well, now that I have used up my morning writing time doing this, instead of the genuinely useful writing, I should close with a music video.  Oh yeah!  go over to Mel’s and tell him I need 500 words on “Jobs that rogers are good at and Why’  …after all it’s all his fault that I had to write today’s Post!


1) the Wakefield Doctrine book, of course! Targeted at those in the human services/helping fields, i.e. social workers, therapists and such.



so what did we learn from watching this week’s Video, Wakefield Doctrine-istically speaking? It all depends, of course!!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Nothing too convoluted or clever today. You all watched the Video in the previous Post, correct? While this Post (and the whole blog) is intended primarily for entertainment purposes, the definition of entertainment is where we get into trouble.

  • clarks think
  • scotts act
  • rogers feel
So the three are sitting and watching the video, they seem to be enjoying the thing. The video ends and we ask the following question:
“What did you get out of that (watching the video)?”
  • clarks: you were willing to video tape yourself, just to tell the story?
  • scotts: what do you mean, ‘what did I get out of it’?
  • rogers: well, about those girls, you know there are other ways to interpret what was happening there…
While it is easy to be distracted by how the three personality types would perceive the events of this weekend past, the point remains the same:
  • the Wakefield Doctrine is a tool for understanding the behavior of other people
  • the Wakefield Doctrine allows you to know what the other person will do in virtually any situation
  • the Wakefield Doctrine offers you the opportunity to know more about the ‘other person’ than they know about themselves
  • as a tool, the Wakefield Doctrine is best looked at as:
  1. a lens  through which you observe the behavior of the other person
  2. a template which allows you to see how the person acts and helps you to infer the ‘world that they are experiencing’
  3. a game! …to be shared with friends.. you see who can spot the clarks and the scotts and the rogers first and see who predicts their behavior most accurately!
Ok I can’t think of any more ‘formatting tricks’ to ‘pad-out’ this Post.
Truth of the matter is that I am supposed to be working on the Wakefield Doctrine book. At the moment, I am struggling with explaining why rogers do not make good policemen and how a scott hired to be an aeronautical engineer would be disastrous  or why it is that clarks represent an inordinate percentage of the janitorial workforce.  Well, if we are ever going to have a First Annual Wakefield Doctrine Global Pic-a-Nic, I had better start writing!
So take a listen to today’s music video and let us know if you have had the kind of fun that yesterday’s Post describes!

the Wakefield Doctrine une scène dans un restaurant Video Friday… Monday-style!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Let me tell you about something that happened this weekend!


So what do you think? Does this Wakefield Doctrine sound like fun, or what? Try it yourself!  Go out and get your closest scottian friend ( ’cause we know that chances are you are a clark) and head down to your local mall or ristorante or bar and watch the show!  And be sure to let us know about what you run into!!




