Month: December 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: December 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

the Wakefield Doctrine… so, you just *have* to ask the difficult questions…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

( So…how have you been?  Fine, thank you.  New?  Sort of… a lot of things still in the works, but nothing I can really talk about yet. DownSprings and them? Oh, they are all fine, fine.... )

Hey, you know how we have a Video Friday?… (on Fridays) and how sometimes we have guests who are asked questions and they talk about the Doctrine and tell us about their own interests and ask questions and all that?  Well today is your chance to attend a ‘live-taping’ of a Video Friday video!
( No, no….wait, hear me out… )
We have been asked by one of our FOTDs to develop a forum/setting/venue which allows more give and take of ideas and concerns that people have with learning, understanding and applying the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine. Now, in order to maintain privacy and reduce the amount of feedback that might be generated, we will not mention Molly by name…but all of us here, DownSprings, and Progenitors and FOTDs are constantly working on ways  to do more, to find different (and hopefully more effective ways) to explain the Doctrine, finding ever newer examples of the Doctrine as it is manifested in the world around us and generally looking for practical applications…did I mention that there are more and more people asking for more and more information on what to do with the Wakefield Doctrine, how they can use it to improve their own damn lives?

In any event, our un-named FOTD (whose name starts with an ‘M’ and ends with a ‘Y’ (which is so appropriate) and rhymes with ‘Molly’) does bring up an issue that the time is right for…to… In any event that will be one of the topics that we will be discussing on today’s Afternoon Special, your input will be welcomed.

You must forgive the brevity of today’s Post…I have a new computer…and unfortuantely I am so totally habit bound that I am having difficulty making adjustment to the new OS and DT and all the acronymophlic aspects of life on the internet…21st Century style.   ( What? You know, you are totally correct, this is a an excellent opportunity to use the Doctrine as the cat intended, which is to say as a tool for self- development/improvement/fulfillment. )

Stay tuned and we will use the challenge of adjusting to change as an on-going topic to better illustrate the value of this Wakefield Doctrine.  But at the moment, the important news is… attend a live taping of an Upcoming Video Friday!!  Today!  as in this afternoon,

Call us today…at 2:00 pm EST

( what? the number to call?…. jeez we got to do everything for you?!?  alright,  seeing how it is AKH saying I should… 1-218-339-0422   code: 512103   there, happy now?  you want I should come to where you are and dial it already?  )




‘Good News for Modern clarks’ … the Care and Maintenance of the Domestic roger… easy First Aid for the frequent scratches and bruises

  • Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine early Sunday Edition…


Short Post this morning and Qualifying Questions for Readers:

a ) Did you understand the (inferred) Question in the Post Title?

  1. Yes  (it is alright if you go back and read it through…)
  2. No  (it’s alright…we will wait )

b) Did you laugh?

  1. Yes
  2. No

If you answered Yes, you may continue reading. If you answered No, you may continue to read this Post but it is suggested that you read: this Pagethis Page and finally  this Page.  (Don’t worry we will wait).

For the first group, ya shoulda called on last Night’s Saturday Night Drive! These Drives are getting more and more useful and interesting, the point being to have people discuss issues and answers relating to the Wakefield Doctrine, all in a comfortable, realtime setting.  So anyways..

The best part of the evening came when the discussion turned to rogers, specifically what some of the issues are that a clark must confront in a clark-roger relationship? While it was apparent that for clarks there is a higher level of… required of the clark in this pairing, scotts also have certain issues that came of interacting with our furry friends. ( The difference is that scotts always find a quick, direct efficient way to deal with conflict…and they usually keep the body count pretty darn low, too! )

In any event, we had a very constructive, informative and productive discussion centering on why rogers seem to be so prone to lash out at those around them, especially in times of stress. The effect of excessive stress can provide a reasonable explanation for a reaction like this, and it is not limited exclusively to rogers. scotts are prone to nipping, especially if you sneak up on them when they are not expecting it, or try to take away a favorite toy or maybe their food…but, there is a qualitative difference between the reaction of a scott and that of a roger.
The key difference between scotts and rogers in how they react to stress is that a scott will react from an instinctual, and therefore impersonal level. With rogers, as we know, it is always personal. The rogerian need to lash out is limited to those rare times in a clark’s life when they say the wrong thing, or interrupt (their roger) while he/she is in the middle of a very, totally critical session on ‘the FaceBook’, or if they (the clark) somehow forget that the eating utensils go tine-up in the cutlery holder in the dishwasher or even that egregiously inconsiderate attempt to ask (the roger) if there is anything (the clark) can do to help. It is during times like that, that all clarks identify with and was Molly’s key question:  “Why do they feel it necessary to lash out?” to which DS#1  added: “and what can a reasonable person do in order to minimize the damage of this interaction?”… fortunately we also had our scottian  Ms. AKH  in the dashboard and she concisely and elegantly re-framed the consensus opinion with:  “Yeah…Fuck ’em

…yeah…fuck ’em indeed! Actually there was some inspired insights from Molly and DS#1 on the question of why rogers lash out at times when you are trying to help…they (Molly and DS) both came to the conclusion that it had to do with the ‘box’ that rogers exist in…and that when a clark thinks they are being helpful and/or nurturing, the roger perceives it as a ‘challenge’ to their defined universe. Molly went further to include the rogerian tendency to want people to not change, unless it remains totally consistent with their view of how the world should be….the “box”, again.

As I said, ya shoulda been there.

…as a matter of fact, I asked those attendees (attendettes?  attendarini?… privlačno in dojemljivi ženske?  yeah thats it!) to give us the benefit of post-game analysis.  First up, Ms AKH:

A stringent, organized world is a rogers’ perception of reality. This organizing principle constitutes their lives in a
box. It is this stringent, organized world that is the rogers’ manifestation of their characteristic perception of reality. Anything
that will not “fit” into this box might be a threat to their orderliness and regime.
rogers are the ones (of the three personality types) who will lash out at you if they feel that you are messing with their
neat and orderly world. But this lashing out is not to be taken personally. It has to do more with the idea that the rogers feel threatened by the idea of someone trying to change the compartments in their box.

As advice to the clarks :
we all know that clarks need to figure out the meaning of things. When confronted with a roger lashing out, do not
try to over-think or read too much into it. They are just feeling threatened that you (or anyone) is messing with their box. It’s mostly out of fear that their box might be compromised. We all know that you clarks  need to know why and there is your answer,
don’t put too much stock in understanding the why.
scotts?  Just don’t give a shit.

For another post-Drive perspective on the subject of roger-management, Molly has this to offer:

I don’t know what in the world to do with a roger that lashes out… I’d love to be understanding, but even with the ability to see the world through their eyes, I am at a loss.

In ranching, a herd animal (the roger) that takes after lashes out at the rancher (the clark) is not long tolerated. The cow that kicks at the dog (the scott) is understood — it is natural that there is conflict there, and the dog understands that too
(and seems to enjoy it)… but the relationship between the rancher and the herd animal is a working one. It is one of mutual benefit (and BOTH understand that).

The only mean animal a rancher can afford to have around is a breeding bull or stallion, but you had better bet that as soon as that animal’s usefulness is gone, so is his possession. (Plus, he better be damn fine stock, producing very fine youngsters!)

If I had an animal that treated me the way my rogerian friend has (no matter what their value to me was), the relationship would be over. No ifs, ands, or buts. So why is it so hard to do the same with a person?

And to DownSpring Numbero Ono? tell us like it is, yo:

The challenge of rogers. (because they are so high maintenance. lol) Once you have a full understanding of why they act the way they do, then you can enjoy life in general a whole lot more ….by ignoring them (at the proper times), not indulging them (for their own good, most of the time. ok. some of the time), telling them what it is they really should be doing (not that they asked you what you think they should do but rather what you would do if it was you (in the scenario you two were discussing).
In general, it is important that a clark not lose sight of their own self. clarks, being the totally selfless ones of the 3, can easily be overwhelmed by the emotionality that accompanies relationships with rogers. I know, I know – a no brainer to some of you but for a lot people it is easy to get sucked into a “feel good” vibe when in the company of rogers… long as you don’t rock the collective boat that is.
The Saturday Drive Call In Show is a great place to talk about such things.
…..more later

Is this a Doctrine, or what??


(a) Lingua Franca of personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine ( …this Ad will end in 7…6…5…5…5 seconds

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

There was a time when Saturday was the best day of the weekend…no, make that the best day of the whole week. Saturday was a day off from school and work and, unlike the other weekend day…Sunday,  there were no specified and/or required activities. Now that did not mean there was nothing to do!  Saturday was a day filled with chores, tasks, projects, lunch without napkins, using the bathroom (indoors or out) without asking permission…in other words a busy day, but in a way that you hoped (your) adult life would be when you grew up. Looking back, there was an odd…symmetry, orderliness…something about the Saturdays I remember,  that I would  love to have back.
…the day always started in front of the  TV.  And it was  not  ‘today’s weather is brought to you by…” or  “today’s Top Scary Story…” (hell! in those days there were no news shows on until Sunday morning!)
Saturday mornings were all about the cartoons!  And maybe some live action shows mixed in as we got older…and there was always, without fail,  TV-time spent with a very famous trio… the Stooges!   and not the ones with Shep…(those episodes were somehow too …organized, logical  or something that tried to have the stories make sense…which to a 5 year old is so unnecessary!)
Breakfast on the couch or the living room floor… ( that was the right way to start the weekend! )
Later in the morning, once the adults were up… there were almost always chores assigned to family members, but even these required tasks were nothing like the rigid, regimented ‘task-specific hour followed by task-specific hour’ of the weekdays.
Saturdays were fun.

This Post is not about the non-work, non-school free activity of Saturdays. It is more about the ‘centering of the day’ that my memory of Saturday seems to hold. The Saturdays that I remember, while (mostly) un-structured and generally without a rigid schedule always contained a definite focal point. (And this is where things get odd).  When I look back on my memories of Saturdays, it seems that the focal point of the day, all the daytime activities were, somehow, centered on my parents ‘going out for the evening’.
This is odd,  if for no other reason than the fact that my parents ‘went out for the evening’  maybe 2 or 3 times in the entire year. But that is where my memory of Saturday takes me. That and  ‘stopping by the dry cleaners’.  Now that we all live in the advanced and evolved future that is the 21st Century we can be grateful that langauge has advanced to include an expression that is perfect for this point in today’s Post…WTF?
Seriously! Why should I have ‘stopping at the dry cleaners’ as the primary childhood memory artifact in my brain right now? And…and it’s not just me!
Stop reading…go to ‘the google’ and in the search box type in ‘Saturday Chores’ and then search ‘Images’
See what I mean? …sure there are a lot of different images, lots of mowing lawn photos and raking leaves but count the photos of dry cleaners! And all the cute photos of Post-it notes on the refrigerator…. what item is on all those Post-it notes?… (yeah, I know it is a little creepy…they are so messing with our minds).
But that is what I have for childhood memories of Saturdays. A day where life is not a test…where what we do is not being graded…a day that does not have to be assessed in terms of ‘did I get everything I wanted to do done”?

And this is about the Wakefield Doctrine, how?
…when I started writing this Post, ‘the Point’ was going to be about how you should call in tonight to the Saturday Night Drive Live Blog Post show… (the secret phone number is here somewhere, or just write us a Comment or ask one of the others… DS#1 or Molly or if you have the nerve… Ms AKH.)
But as often happens, the topic changes on it’s own somehow by the time I get down here at the end of the Post.

Now I am thinking what does the imaginary Saturday depicted above tell us about the Wakefield Doctrine’s use today, right now…in our lives? (Quick bullets points…)

To get the most out  of today/Saturday:

  • let the scott out to play
  • look to your clarklike aspect, to think of things to do
  • know that you have a rogerian side to your personality and that is this part of you that will get the chores done and enjoy doing them
  • send the clark-part of your personality to keep an eye on your scottian side…clarks know how scotts think and scotts know that they do and will listen  to a clark so more than to a roger
  • …there is a Three Stooges show on somewhere…find it…watch it… let them start your day off the right way



Video Fri…( what? call them ‘podcasts’!? ..I suppose there’s no harming in trying it..) PODCAST PHYRIDAY!! the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine Podcast Phyriday!

We should let the pictures (at least 34 of them each second) do all the talking, but you and I know how likely that is!  So allow me to give you a quick run-down on events around here at the Wakefield Doctrine.

The conversation of late among FOTDs1 and DownSprings has been centered on the topic of practical application (of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine). Ms AKH has written a Post on that subject just recently over at her blog Three Personalities. The Progenitor roger, starting only with an oblique reference to appropriateness of a certain music video, ended up with a new Post at his blog, the Secession Concession, and Molly…..well Molly, as one of the newest members of this little fraternitini, she so be keeping us on our toes! Just today she raised the intriguing question of how to distinguish between scott/scott pairings and scott/clark or scott/roger (pairings)…interesting discussion…never know where she finds the time, what with the haberdashery experiments and all… then there is DS#1 who, fortunately for the rest of us toils mightily in the backstage areas, keeping the Doctrine coherent ( …alright coherenter…erer) but even she has time to write a Post over at GOTE.

So it would appear that I have the easy gig….doing these Video Friday…sorry I meant to say podcasts ( what exactly the hell is a ‘podcast’? and where do I get a podcast icon or widget or whatever it is that podcast fans expect to see?) Anyway, not sure how long we will call them podcasts. If the truth be known, the only reason we called them that today is that I remembered that Mel tried doing a couple last year in place of  (a) regular posts over at the Spatual and seeing how Mel is the role model/Marlon Brando sit-in-figure for some us here (blogistically speaking, of course) I thought maybe it would give the Doctrine a spiffy look! (Remind me to relate the story of ‘spiffs’ and Alex and timeshare sales, scotts and sales, well they go together like Jimi and Marshall, but it is not always a pretty sight. Another time, in winter when there is nothing to write about.)

Speaking of nothing to write about, lets close this edition of PODCAST PHYRIDAY  with a reminder that tomorrow is Saturday which means we will be live and a ‘drive  “…surrounded by Wakefield“.  (Hey Jasmine!! call us!)

And if anyone of you Readers have a desire to live life on the edge, why not contact us and we will set up an Interview for a Video Friday? While somewhat learn-by-doing in terms of Interviewer skills, it has been reported by Guests that the process was not unenjoyable! The discussion topics are totally open, so write to us and indicate your sincere desire to distinguish yourself from the teeming throngs of  “Hey-I-put-up-300-words-a-week-not-counting-captions-on-my-blogsite-come-pay-attention-to-me!!” 

1) Friends of the Doctrine


Color-Coded Content… How easy is this Wakefield Doctrine blog to read! (Pick up your font color assignment in that first blockquote, yo)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

hey guys!, welcome back to the Doctrine… some new stuff for ya  (  blue font?? hell no, you people are insiders now! )

hey ‘ssup

OK everyone, here’s the deal:

  • Totally, brand-new visitor here at the Wakefield Doctrine website?  Cool. All you have to do (for now) is read the stuff written in the comfortable and welcoming blue font. This is our gift to you.
  • FOTD (Friends of the Doctrine)? glad you are still with us, we can see that you are still ‘getting settled in’; you are familiar with the Doctrine and know your clarks, scotts and rogers. That’s great, but there is a lot to learn to get the most out of this, so take your time, explore different pages and areas and be sure to ask questions and let us know what you think.
    Red is your font color.
  • Everyone else (DownSprings and Progenitors): black font, no caps… get to work, this personality system is not going to take over the world on it’s own…. (well maybe it will)…

This is the main website for the Wakefield Doctrine. It is in the typical blog format, with Posts  (newest ones at the top) and there are ‘Pages’ listed that will lead to more in-depth information about this personality typing system. It helps to think of these Posts as ‘conversation’ about the Doctrine and the Pages as reference material, you can read one then the other or both, whichever you are most comfortable with and which is most fun.

Hey, guys  good news! Seeing a definite increase in the traffic from ‘the Facebook’.  More visitors every day and  we have people Commenting and requesting hats (for their damn heads). It’s your active interest here that is creating the environment that encourages people to visit our little website.  Of course, these new people are mostly clarks, but you all knew that that would happen, (lol). Hey Molly! everyone missed you Saturday night, but it seemed that the holidays are taking their traditional toll…Alx was in absentia as was glenn and roger…but there is always next Saturday.

What the hell?  good thing we have Molly and them ( Nell and Claire and Alexandra ), otherwise the new Readers would be wandering around through these pages…calling out for help and information…(listen: ” interesting idea but what the hell do you mean…?”  the sound of a confused new Reader).


There is no mandatory approach to learning and/or using the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine, just get comfortable with the basic idea and everything else will follow on it’s own. The main thing is that this theory of personality, while unique and useful and all, is meant to be fun! So try this: all people are born with the potential to experience reality in one of three ways, as clarks or as scotts or rogers. At an early age we all settle into one (of these three) but we never completely lose the other two. If you know which of the three world(s) that the other person is living in, you will know how they will react/respond to most situations. Learn to recognise the three personality types. Know which you are and everything will follow from that.

Listen, we are looking to you newer folks to give us feedback on how this site is coming across to the totally new Reader. Anything at all, pages that don’t make sense, (ways of explaining) principles of the Doctrine that are confusing…we want to know. In this area, Molly has been particularly helpful and we are hoping to get feedback from Jasmine as well. But don’t let me make it seem like all work!  lol  Have fun, tell us about your experiences with the Wakefield Doctrine, in your own “real” world.

still getting the ‘I think I know what you are saying but….” damn don’t that give you the chills. but hey, we’re still here a couple of years later and 400 plus of these damn Posts, so we must be doing something right!


Well, it looks like you are off to a good start with our little theory of personality! Don’t be shy with the questions, write us a Comment or ask one of the Progenitors or DownSprings or FOTDs. And remember, when you are thinking, “Is this person one of those rogers or are they a scott person?” just go ahead and try different views on the same person…do they use the personal pronoun a lot, are they rigid and self-aggrandizing…do they seem pushy or aggressive… the personality type will come through. And don’t worry when you try it on yourself.  you can’t ‘break it’  (the theory) and ‘getting it wrong’ won’t mess anything up. Most of all have fun, ’cause this Wakefield Doctrine is fun! When you find yourself in a situation in your life, in a couple of days, maybe next week or even next month and you find yourself thinking, “Man! what a roger he is!”  or “So, thats a clark”  laugh (to yourself) and know that you have a tool for understanding other people that most of your friends and family do not have.  ….and then get back here and tell us about it!!  lol  

…hey, you know nothing says that you can’t tell your friends and family about this here Doctrine here! And, hell for that matter, figure out which one they are and let us know and we’ll get them a hat (for the heretofore  un-classified damn heads)… oh yeah recruit…recruit…and recruit  get them folks to come here and make a Comment.  The more people we have here, the better the writing and presentation should become.

alright, we’re doing pretty good, the year has been productive. (No! Saving the Year in Review for last week in December! Don’t want to waste perfectly good topics on you people! lol)


Thanks for visiting us!

see ya around campus…

…later yo


