Month: December 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: December 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

why clarks hate being nice, scotts avoid responsibility and rogers just want everyone to stop what they are doing… your Life, their problem and the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clark, scotts and rogers )

The answer(s) to the questions implied in today’s Post Title are way more aggravating than they have any right to be, yet is very simple.
If you ‘get it’, before I finish this explanation, then you are the kind of people we want to hear from!
( and ) if you do not ‘get it’ and get annoyed, then you are so the kind of people we want to talk to!

(frequently asked)Questions:

OK, I know that I am a clark, so what now?

Do you really think you can tell me more about myself than I am willing to tell myself?

Is there a trick or something to this… these Posts are fun, but what are you really trying to say?

You make the statement several times in several ways that the Wakefield Doctrine can change my life and/or help me eliminate bad habits…who said I needed to change and even if I did, what gives you the right?

My boyfriend says that this blog might be fun but you seem a little stupid and silly, I want to tell him that I think he’s wrong…but sometimes I wonder….

Won’t my parents be upset if I tell them that the only reason they want me to go to Medical School is that they are both such rogers ?

(mix ‘n match)Answers:

The Wakefield Doctrine holds that all of us have the potential to see the world in the three characteristic ways that are associated with being a clark or a scott or a roger and that while we are predominantly one (of these three) we never lose the capacity to see the world as the other two.

Personality (according to the Wakefield Doctrine) is first about the reality that we find ourselves in and second the individual choices that we make.  Rather than start with a questionnaire, “what are your likes/dislikes, your interests and your turn-offs” we are concerned with understanding the world as you are experiencing it.

The Posts you find here are what you would find yourself talking about if you happened to call in to the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive. ( …and this Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive is a ‘live blog Post/call-in-and-get-your-questions-answered show)

There is no more effective tool for self-development than the Wakefield Doctrine and there is no more difficult and challenging approach to self-development and lifestyle improvement than the Wakefield Doctrine

Fuck ’em, they’re rogers… if you asked them the question, then you would be telling them that they are right..


The Title of today’s Post?

  • there is nothing a clark hates more than to be told by a roger that they (the clark, not the roger), are such nice people…and there is nothing a clark enjoys more than being told by a scott that they are nice people
  • scotts are afraid of everything that threatens to mean more to themselves than it might mean to others
  • rogers want, hell! they need things to be orderly and focused and the simplest way that most rogers know in order to make sure of that, is to place themselves at the center of their world. That way they will be able to watch everything equally and not miss a thing, not a single detail.





the Holidays and the Wakefield Doctrine (cont’d)… “you can’t spell Christmas without the ‘S’ in Disappointment!”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (  ho frickin ho )

We should state at the outset of this Post, that the dis-like/respect/dain for the Holidays that is often attributed to the clarks among us, is not really accurate. It is the implied ‘requirement to celebrate’ that elicits the resistance in clarks, not the holidays in and of themselves.  But that is not the topic of today’s Post. The topic (of today’s Post) is “Which of the three personality types most enjoy Christmas?”


For our next topic… ha, ha (and) ha1

The big three of Holidays (which from our “hey-Hallmark Cards-says-it’s-a-holiday-and-they-wouldn’t-make-something-like-this-up” perspective), are Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. (Other than the Thanksgiving),  a pretty universal set of celebrations.
Thanksgiving is, of course, the quintessential rogerian holiday, as we have established in a previous Post. The soon-to-arrive celebration of Christmas is the time for the scotts, which leaves only the  New Years “holiday”  for the clarks.

The reasons that we know that Christmas is a scottian holiday:

  • mistletoe  (“hey!!  ya have to let me!! it’s the mistletoe rule )
  • Christmas parties…. ( “hey!! you have to…. )
  • gift giving…like any well-constructed trap, a gift is attractively wrapped, for some reason though, despite how delicately be-ribboned, with fancy bows and a lot of effort at creating a beautiful package…the accepted way to open Christmas presents  is to impatiently rip everything apart…as quickly as possible, all in order to discover the secret inside…like we said a very scottian holiday
  • gift returns at department stores and online… the local mall is virtually a sushi bar (comprised entirely of rogers),  sort of an all-you-can-eat day for scotts2
  • lights on the Christmas tree…
  • lights on the lawn…and in the trees and bushes, moving light displays, inflatable Santa Claus figures 15 feet tall! (and) in the spirit of the scottian ‘more-is-more’ principle: inflatable Christmas-themed hot air balloons on the front lawn (is it just me, or is the idea of blow-up inflatable hot-air balloon displays just a little much? )
  • Christmas dinner…sort of like Thanksgiving but without the strict menu, or the required seating arrangements at dinner
  • Santa Claus, a powerful, potentially violent man, who spends 364 days of the year in isolation, obsessed with the behavior of children. Despite this, one day each year, this mysterious figure is allowed free access to private homes, where gifts of food and drink are left out in the hopes of not further angering this all-seeing, all-knowing, (nearly) all-powerful being…
  • (did we mention) being allowed to dress up and sit in public so that otherwise loving parents can force their terrified children to actually sit in the lap of a stranger and confide their secrets to him?!

Any questions?

So as this joyous holiday draws near, coming closer and closer  until ‘the night of the man in the fireplace’ arrives, we all can look forward to surviving the joyous Yule-tide season ( “…hey!  I got yer Yule log…right here!” )

1)  apparently this onamonapiac phrase is universal, despite continued efforts to translate it into a bunch of other languages and the phrase just sat there, unchanged…mocking me with it’s universality…as if it were…somehow laughing at me…fuckin shared-human-emotions

2)  the thing about scotts eating rogers…that’s part of the initial behavioral metaphor of the scottian personality type. Not necessarily true, but the imagery …sorta looks about right  lol



Video Friday Episode 29 “Theres a Eclipse a comin’ Emily! best get them horses in the barn”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Video Friday,  with  1 1/2 hours to spare!  We realise that we could have Posted this tomorrow (and call it Video Saturday…or just have a Video on a Post that happens to be Saturday…instead of Friday…but then, that would be crazy!)

So rather than try to come up with a full Post, watch  today’s Vid and if you have any questions, write us a Comment!

…some threes…

The Three Stooges: Moe (roger), Larry (clark) and Curly (scott)

The Wizard of Oz: the Scarecrow (clark), the Tin Man (roger) and the Cowardly Lion (scott)

Casablanca: Rick (scott), Victor Lazlo (roger) and Ilsa (clark)

Star Wars: Luke Skywalker (roger) Princess Leia (roger) and Hans Solo (roger) and the gay sounding robot?  C-3PO (roger)…Chewbacca  finally (scott) …Yoda (roger!) R2D2  (clark)    damn!

WestSide Story (?!)  Maria (clark), Tony (roger) and Bernado (scott)

Well, that about wraps up another Video Friday….remember tomorrow is Saturday which can only mean one thing!  The Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive!   Call us…if you have the:

  • (the) balls
  • (a burning) desire
  • nothing better to do
  • a long and lonely night stretching out
  • an insatiable curiosity
  • manic streak
  • temporary lapse in the effectiveness of your medications… (‘drug holiday’)
  • a question that no one you know can answer
  • a growing anger at the world around you that makes you want to laugh as you tear up your old journals

So tomorrow between 8:00 and 8:45 pm EST go to your phone and dial this number: 218-339-0422   
This number is to somewhere in Idaho, the conference call facility that we use, the cost of the call will be whatever your phone plan charges for long distance at night…usually hardly anything at all…a couple dollars, less than you’ll spend buying drinks, trying to get the courage to talk to that person that you know is so out of your league, but what the hell you are here…they are here…. buy her/him a drink and then you can both call us….damn that’s it!! the first genuinely new, novel, sincere-sounding (you know how much girls love sincere-sounding  pickup lines!)

  “Hello there! I am a participant in an international live blog show, would you care to join me as I call my associates?”  How cool will that be? and not to worry…when you call in there will be scotts and clarks and even rogers available…we will so back your move!

…ok you dialed that number?  the lovely voice will talk to you and then you must enter an access code, which is  512103  and then you hit the pound sign ( #) ….and you are there…”surrounded by Wakefield”

see ya tomorrow




“…of hats and hearts and minds”, correctly understood and properly applied, the Wakefield Doctrine will change your life!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clark, scotts and rogers )!  

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people…you, me and the roger who you think you want to show this blog to (but know instinctively that it would be a bad idea), are all born with the ability to experience the world in one of three ways.1 The Wakefield Doctrine is totally based on the idea that, come a certain age (say 3 to 5 years old) all of us ( even that scottian friend who is so much fun to be with but is so exhausting ) settle on just one of these three ‘worldviews’ and we go on to live our lives as clarks or scotts or rogers.  Even though we ‘become’ one of these three personality types, we never lose the capacity to see the world the way the other two personality types see it.

             …so there you have the three personality types : clarks, scotts and rogers

The Wakefield Doctrine is both gender neutral and culture neutral.  While limitations and conditions may be imposed by the fact of gender or the requirements of local culture, the drive will not change. a scott is aggressive, a roger is sociable and clarks are outsiders no matter what, sometimes you have to look a little closer at what kind of world the other person seems to be living in.  What makes this a critical concept is that the Wakefield Doctrine is built on the idea that personality is not a collection of traits and impulses, interests and desires randomly scattered through the population of humans. The key to understanding and using the Wakefield Doctrine is the willingness to accept the idea that all of us have individual, slightly different but mostly the same realities and that it is the character of the reality we find ourselves in that drives our choices of behavior and therefore accounts for our personality. The advantage to this approach is quite simple, if I know which of the three realities you are in, I will know how you are likely to respond to any given situation.

But most of all the Wakefield Doctrine is fun! Fun to know about, fun to use in daily life, fun to share with certain friends2.  And the cool thing we are finding is that  once you learn to recognise the clarks and the scotts and the rogers in your own world,  the rest of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will become apparent! Sort of on it’s own,  it lets you see the world in a different way. Really. We are totally serious about this. We are seeing this ‘self-learning’ effect with the new Readers every day. Now to be fair,  this is saying as much about (you) Readers as it does about the Doctrine.  Anyone who finds the personality theory of the Wakefield Doctrine interesting (and who doesn’t?) has the kind of mind that likes to play with ideas. And it is this kind of person who will find the uses of the Doctrine pretty much on their own.  A warning! Depending on which of the three you are, you may experience some initial difficulties getting past the initial, “well I get the three personality types, but how do I know which one I am“?
It’s all here in the Posts and the Pages. If you are inclined to do it all yourself then you will find all the information you will need. If you are not so inclined, then just ask one of us!  Write a Comment. If you are not feeling like being so…public in your learning phase, then contact one of the DownSprings or FOTDs ( Friends of the Doctrine ). I assure you that they will be more than happy to help, either by sharing their experiences (the clarks), giving you simple instructions (scotts) or happily taking the time to layout the Rules and Regulations of the Doctrine ( if you choose a roger as mentor)3.

(How to choose?… whichever sounds like what you are thinking):

  • “…alright!! I get the Rules and the Principles but wheres the fun at!!!”  You so need to contact Ms AKH  or Alx 
  • “…well, this is all very interesting, and you seem quite sincere about this ‘theory’ of yours…”  your only real hope is to contact the Progenitor roger or maybe DownSpring Joanne, right now
  • what was the question”…”sorry, I was looking at”…. “what do you mean. ‘only one characteristic quote per personality type'”?”…”oh, I’m sorry, I really meant to follow the rules to the letter as I really think this Doctrine could be useful”  you are in luck!  Molly is there, as is DS#1 awaiting your question…

Alright. Enough for today. Got to come up with a Video Post for tomorrow…send in your suggestion for a topic and if we use your idea we will send you a (nearly free) Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head)!  HTFU!

Big shout-outs to newer Readers!!  Debbie, yo… write us a Comment, already… Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine – come on baby, we are so totally waiting for your comment so we can send you a hat!! Anthea!! Don’t worry,  this is a fun place for us kind of people…really!!

1) when we say ‘see the world in one of three ways’ we are totally serious, as in the actual world is ‘different’ for each of the three types….not  “clarks choose only to see the (whatever) parts of life” or “scotts are active because they have so much energy”  no!  we mean the reality, the world itself is (slightly) different for the three personality types….thats why there are three personality types.

2) a word to clarks:  the first person you think ‘would enjoy this’ is a roger…the second person you think of is a scott and they are the ones you should tell about this thing.


Saturday Night Drive December 3rd, a little personality theory vinaigrette, the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Last Night’s Saturday Night Drive is exactly what we had hoped for when we first came up with the idea of a ‘live blog Post’.  In attendance:  Molly and DS#1 and Ms AKH  ( all three,  en el tablero de instrumentos  ), driving conditions optimal, light traffic and good (cell phone) signal strength throughout the Drive. We even ‘ran long’ but no one seemed to mind, except, of course,  those of us left behind when Molly announced Dinner! *

What made last night’s Drive so enjoyable was the mix of causal with the informative, a free-ranging conversation with the Wakefield Doctrine as the underlying theme. And like all good conversations, the topic went from A to B to M to (paragraph 4.3) back to A (with modifications)!  
Last night was no exception! We started with the fun of writing blog Posts when you don’t have a clue as to how to finish what you have started and then touched on a Post from earlier this week in which a  Comment thread  that Molly started (and DS#1 fueled) took the participants into unexpected areas and then (somehow) to women’s fashions in the 1940’s and 50s to the differences between the clark-roger relationship and the scott-roger relationship on to how to use certain ‘predictive’ aspects of the Doctrine to get new Readers interested in wanting to learn more about the Wakefield Doctrine, finally on to practical application of the Wakefield Doctrine in a “difficult-to-deal-with-but-they’re-family-so-what-are-you-gonna-do?”  situation which is something that we all encounter at one (or more) points in life.

You should call in next Saturday Night! ( write this down:  (no, that’s alright I’ll wait!……  (try the other coat!!)….. ) ok, ready now?   218-339-0422  when our hostess asks you:  512103# )  There! So make a note on your Calendar:  Saturday 8:00 pm EST )

* Pork chops and rice…which got everyone to remberfying porkchop-centric food groups…the  meters all went into the red when someone ( probably DS#1) went to ‘porkchops and onion gravy on rice
