TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (” why, no, we did not overlook the kitchen sink… its in there somewhere”) | the Wakefield Doctrine TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (” why, no, we did not overlook the kitchen sink… its in there somewhere”) | the Wakefield Doctrine

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (” why, no, we did not overlook the kitchen sink… its in there somewhere”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Saturday and all the ushers have all gone home to bed*…

Warning: the Wakefield Doctrine has always viewed the ‘strange and unusual’** as the stuff of TToT posts. This weekend’s post is no exception.

Before we begin, surely a primordial Grat Item must be Kristi, our host. As I’ve said before, the role (and job) of host to any bloghop is a daunting (and exhausting) undertaking; riding herd on the gathering of words (‘Decem Rerum Laetis”) contributed by bloggers from across the globe, is no easy task. Thanks, Kristi (lets just give you Item number…. …hmmm Chodsky Pes… spouse… ‘remarkable insight into the nature of people and the world’…. lets go with Item 4! perfect (’cause as we all know, if asked the question, “How much is 2 + 2?” rogers will answer ‘4’ every single time. With total certainty.)

1) Una (photo above)

2) Phyllis (photo above)

3) the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers). As we know, the Wakefield Doctrine is, among other things, a very useful tool for self-improving oneself. This, in part, due to a central premise that while we all live in one of the three characteristic realities (that of the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) and the Herd Member(rogers), we retain the potential inherent in ‘the other two’. The effect and benefit of this is that, unlike many other self-improvement systems, the Doctrine allows that I do not need to learn anything totally new in order to improve (whatever it is I believe I need to improve about myself). I simply need to look within. If, for instance, I wanted to be less toxically-self-effacing, I need only find my inner scott. Or, were I to seek to communicate with others on a more self-assured basis, ‘calling all rogers…calling all rogers‘. The idea is that I have those qualities that are exhibited in all three personality types, as potential. Of course I have not practiced (those ways of relating to the world), so there is much work to put in for these new behaviors to manifest. The critical point is: new and improved as these changes might be, they are not artificial and they are not a mask that I wear to convince the world I’m something that I am not. Merely another aspect of who I have been all along. ya know?

Example: This video. lol… I totally botched the ‘holding forth with a concise and compelling explanation of the Wakefield Doctrine’ intent of the video. However… that last five or six seconds made me laugh (again)… so despite my clarklike aversion to looking silly in front of people (self-improvement item 3.23.4) here is a Walk with Una.


4) Kristi  blogger, Graviteer, hostinae and runner-of-remarkable-distances

5) the Writer’s Club

6) Step-almost-the-last of getting a new generator for the house. (The past year had, rough estimate, 3 weeks of no power due to downed lines from storms and wind and odd-tree-disease. Our old generator has a pull start. I’m not, despite the maturity evidenced in the above, getting any younger. Hence the automatic generator.)

7) Cynthia (and John) who may still be out there, in the world,*** stalking the frontier-lands for insight and enlightenment. Hey! guys!

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE (Apply Within Comments. Like to participate but feel that a list of Ten (or so) Things of Thankful is a bit too stressful, at least for the first foray? Send it on in (through Comments) and I’ll be happy to post it here with full attribution.

9) Sunday Supplement

10) Secret Rule 1.3



*  a lyrics mashup of Wind Cries Mary and Bold as Love (citations below)

** Rod Serling in countless intros to Twilight Zone episodes. The show itself a perfectly preserved example of the mass-market culture’s view of the country’s tolerance for entertainment creeping in from the edge of suburbia.

*** a total indicator of a clark personality type. clarks are the only one of the three who, upon waking and considering the tasks of the coming day, put it all in the context of dealing with the world ‘out there’.


Music Mash-up:

(Disclaimer: I did not compose or record the following music (…no kidding) and do not own the rights to any of them (“well, duh… if I owned a tenth of a percent of the rights to any of these I’d be dictating this post from the deck of my boat, now wouldn’t I?) Please go to your record store and buy the music so that the composer (or whoever does own the rights) will enjoy the benefits of your… enjoyment).

Beethoven (1893)

Advertisement by Filmack (1953)

Jimi Hendrix: Wind Cries Mary

Jimi Hendrix: ‘Bold as Love’


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. May says:

    Here is a shocker…I went on over to the Writer’s Club and took a bit of a dive down the rabbit’s hole already!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Excellent! (We don’t have satin club jackets yet, but I’d be happy to send ya an invite!)

  2. Love the drive and the barking dogs, in fact, the whole list.

  3. cool list :)

  4. Kristi says:

    I find it interesting that Una can go for a walk, but the most exciting part seems to be the final approach towards home. Wizard of Oz, dog-perspective, perhaps?

    Speaking of dogs, Drexel perked right up when I started playing the “Let’s All Go to the Lobby” video. Not sure why, but it caught his attention.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      Its fun, ’cause Una seems to recognize ‘her own voice’ in the video and totally pays attention, (she doesn’t enjoy television nearly as much as Bella did).

  5. Hey, first notes of the Rocky theme at around 35, 36 seconds? a bit more Rocky at 1:42 lol but then….For he’s a jolly good fellow at around 1:53 into Mr. B’s composition. Anyone else hear it? :)
    Enjoyable post. I am glad to see the driveway corn doing so well (compared to the spiral corn).
    Jimi. Beautiful poet. Jimi.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      I put the two up because of the reference of the ‘core song’ for the drive-in movie ad. Question is, did Ludwig make it up or was it one of those never composed tunes?

  6. Pat B says:

    Your #3 plus your remarks in the video made your stance on the Wakefield Doctrine more clear to me. I agree with the idea that everyone has the potential of all three personalities, but are prone to exhibit more of one than the others.
    Great music mash up or mishmash!
    I used to love watching the Twilight Zone shows, just enough weird and on the edge to captivate my attention.

  7. Sageleaf says:

    I’m grateful for the Doctrine, too, and all the awesome shout outs that really are appreciated. :) The travels were great, I am returning to normal life and figuring out next steps. Ayiiee! But I hope you’ve had an awesome coupla weeks. It looks like Una held down the fort pretty well. Good Una.