Month: March 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: March 2016 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

Monday Morning Carrot Cake -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I went down to the crossroads, tried to beg a ride’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

goin down to Rosedale, try to beg a ride

Friend of the Doctrine, zoe, has this blog, Carrot and on Monday’s does a rather cool ‘hop. People are invited to send in something (they’ve done) in the way of expressing creativity. Of course, creativity is as creativity does, so zoe reaches out beyond the blogosphere and invites everyone and anyone to send samples of their efforts in on Mondays. très cool, non?

Anyway. Every gallery opening has, like hors-d’oeuvres and canapés (usually arranged on stainless steel serving dishes, following a clever thematic… er  theme!), the Wakefield Doctrine brought the soda and little meatballs and such.


Blogdominion Monday!  Chapter 21 is out and readable! Hey, moving towards the climax of the story. You can wait for it to come out in print (open to suggestions of editors and the like), or you can read it the old-fashioned way, as it unfolds! (Start at the Prologue…. take a day off from work, half a day if you’re a fast reader and don’t have any distractions at home. Anyone hassle you on it, the Doctrine will send you a ‘(Your Name) totally needs a little time to read the complete serial. Now back the hell off!’ to take to work or wherever.)


Our Contribution to (the) Carrot is, from September 2011, the following Roadtrip video:


and some music appropriate to the theme:

ttot -the Wakefield Doctrine- “and the Award goes to….”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

We all know that the year speeds up, it’s apparent rate of passage, at some point during the course of the 12 months of the year. Not a year goes by that I don’t hear someone say, “Boy! where did the year go? One minute it was January and now it’s…” (fill in one of the months of the last Quarter of the year). Good news! I’ve discovered when the acceleration commences, in earnest. This week. The one we’re finishing up. The first full week of March. The year is now, officially, speeding the hell up.

Just thought you’d want to know.

1) Cynthia

2) road trips (Haven’t been on one in too long. Thinking that, once I get Blogdominion completed, I need to go drive by St. Emily’s and spend the night in the Hilton Chicago/Indian Lakes Resort where the first mysterious death occurred in the story of Unit 17 and the Bloggers and the Nun)

3) hey!! the Academy Awards were this week!! Am I ever grateful?  well, no, I don’t really care about the Academy Awards. But I do like movies!  This TToT is shaping up to being pretty lame, (except my reference to Cynthia and Una and Phyllis and the Gravity Challenge and Blogdominion and the Six Sentence Story).  You want to see one of the best movies ever?  and, if you’re a new Reader? and you’re wondering which is your predominant world view, you want some help finding which personal reality is your? Well, do you?  This movie (for which I will invoke SR 893.389, chap 3 and count as 4 Items on a future TToT post), will help big time!  Lets get you started on the movie, then I’ll come back and tell you what the movie can tell you about your personality type, ok?


5) so, the movie: if you’re a clark, you’ll not only enjoy the movie immensely, but you’ll laugh in recognition to the opening scenes. if you’re a roger you will not make it past, like, the first 5 minutes… you will totally hate it. (not just hate it, but, if you’re watching this with anyone else, especially a clark, you’ll get mad at what a monumental waste of time this movie is, and how can anyone say that this is anything but awful.)  If you’re a scott, you’ll enjoy if you’re watching it with another person, be bored and turn it off, if alone.

6) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) is wonderful. In today’s Post, I’m invoking the ‘at least a million words‘ clause of the Rule. This allows us to use motion pictures as an example, not only of a thing we are grateful for, but the relationships that exist that allow such a thing to be shared and enjoyed. (or something)(lol)

7) Chapter 20 of Blogdominion is out and, well, let me say, that Sister Margaret! Land Sakes Alive! That young woman has more sides that Heinlein’s tesseract!*

8) * well, sure! we’re not limited to staring at the silver screen!  here, you want to read a classic short story? Here is Heinlein’s,  ‘-And He Built A Crooked House’

9) since we’re all about the movies this week, you want to see a real science fiction, time-travel paradox movie? I mean, probably the best one ever made?  Go see, (or rent from wherever you rent movies from), “Predestination”  Staring Ethan Hawke… seriously, this movie is amazing and, I might add, based on a short story by the master of time-travel paradox stories, Robert A Heinlein!  worth the price of the rental, for sure.

10) SR 1.3



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Six. Sentence(s). Story. -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Like this, except different

Like this, except different


Am in my ‘Hors d’oeuvres and light snicky-snacks’, phase of my psyching up for a Six. Like the adult, (as in parents, not theme), parties when growing up, as kids, we would get to drink tomato juice without it being Thanksgiving, and Planter’s Peanuts!  (there was that ‘key’ attached to the bottom of the can, to open it, like a tin of sardines), I loved those peanuts, they had enough salt on ’em to kill a family of snails, and coke and ginger ale! and, (to a child), inexplicable tonic water (hey! it looked soda, it even came in a soda bottle!! a totally un-appreciated life lesson, indecipherable until the onset of puberty). Soda in good glasses, (not the colorful opaque plastic 8 oz glasses that we drank pretty much everything from), and, because it was an adult social occasion, there’d be plenty of coasters and ‘company ashtrays’ and your mother smelled like perfume.  That’s kinda what I do, prior to trying to find words that have sufficient love for each other as to cause them to form word-families of sentences.

zoe does this thing, every Thursday, called the Six Sentence Story. Participants are provided with a prompt word and challenged to produce a story. You are invited.

This week’s prompt is Post.

Come on, you can do this!” he thought, the morning light filling the window, replacing the fluorescent privacy of the desk lamp.

He enjoyed this challenge to his creativity and he worried about his competence in crafting a story to meet accepted standards. Resigned to the fact that the Post he had cobbled together, (stopping to smile at the visual the came with the etymology of the expression), and suspecting the exacting preciseness of the words, as they were displayed on the computer screen, might be masking an inadequacy of grammar and rhetoric, like the 5 year old’s birthday present, over-attention to securing the wrapping paper, resulting in more tape than wrapping. As he was about to hit ‘Publish’, he had a stomach-wrenching thought,

Shit! do exclamations always indicate the end of a sentence?


Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- of boredom and clarks and….whatever

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…sorta, but this one is making an effort to blend in, pass as a 'real person'

This Monday past, I referred to a discussion on the Saturday Night Call-in on the subject of clarks and (a) propensity for boredom. Is it a (significant) ‘feature’ in the clarklike personal reality (worldview)?

But before we get to that, Chapter 20 of the Serial Novel, ‘Blogdominion‘ is out and available for your Reading pleasure! Click here to read the Chapter. Click here to start at the beginning of the story.

…ok, back to boredom.

Are there any questions?  lol


(man! got way zen on that bad boy!  non?)


yes!! whoever out there said, “footnotes and axterixes!!!! that’ll keep us interested!!”1

1) so who was that?!?!  a clark, I’m sure. But the point is taken. ‘We like people’ need novelty the way that Casanova needed beautiful women.  If you want to know why, one needs to ask, ‘what is the ‘purpose’ behind everything that a clark does from waking up in the morning until going to sleep at night?’  I’ll leave that to our Readers, because when that question is answered, the follow-up question will produce the answer to our original question.  Lets close this short post with a bullet list of the questions to be answered!*

  1. why do clarks have such a low boredom threshold
  2. what is it that clarks want more than anything
  3. does, (fill in the blank with one (or more) of the remarkably creative and/or impressive: acts/actions/hobbies-for-a-weekend/avocations-for-a-lifetime/hidden talent/obvious shortcoming/’hey-I-didn’t-know-you-could-do-that!/my god! why-are-you-hiding-that-remarkable-part-of-you/you-know-you-really-shouldn’t-put-yourself-down-like-that/if-you-gave-yourself-a-chance-you-might-surprise-yourselfs, exhibited by clarks), in fact, accomplish that?

*and, no, you’re right…while getting feedback and a different view from our scottian and rogerian friends can be useful, that is not the answer either! (well, in part, because we do know that what they see in us is true, after all, we all retain the potential of all three worldviews! it’s just that (totally giant hint): it comes down to the non-rational quality of emotion, how do clarks feel about themselves….
