Month: October 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘No. 12 Pole and Cows’ (yeah, adds a nice…artsy touch, doesn’t it?)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So lets start this thing! No, you’re right! There is no significance to the order of the ‘Things of Grateful’, at least I don’t think there are…  but,  but it is certainly seductively suggestive*. Since there are very few Rules governing the creation of the Grat List, I’ll make a poll my first Item! yeah, boy! I’m sure glad that idea showed up when it did, otherwise I’d be slogging through the First Five and looking for my ‘hook’ all morning!

1) I’m grateful that the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) encourages the use of alternate expressions of gratitude, case in point, a survey of Participants on the question: Does your List represent a Priority of Gratitude or are the Items (comprising your TToT) effectively random?

 2) While we wait for the others to respond, I will say that I’m grateful for the gift of a plant from an associate at work. It’s a money tree and stands about 18 inches tall. I researched  ‘Money Tree’ (common name for gifted plant) and read that they can grow to 18m. I am from the Land of Y Chromia so you can well imagine what I did upon learning that! I immediately bought a much larger pot, more dirt and a little fertilizer. Taller is better, yo.

3) Una and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately the sun is setting at, like 2:00 (and that’s on a sunny day) but we had fun… went to the bank where the Teller sent dog treats back with my deposit slip, which I gave to Una.  …the treats, not the deposit slip.

4) We’re into the colorful-and-pleasing-if-you-enjoy-the-splendor-of-dying-leaves season, here in southern New England. Ok to look at. Not ok to think about.

5) Phyllis’s tree house is serving the secondary function of ‘lookout’…. Phyllis and Una go and sit on the little balcony/deck that faces the pond and gaze at the Autumn splendor.**

6) the Gravity Challenge is continuing… it’s proving to be one interesting place, it provides something different for everyone who participates, you should come by and join us sometime… click here and, well…. as a Post that you might read and understand?  maybe you should ask someone. Tell you what! Today’s Gravity Challenge will have links to each participant’s blog… go ask them why they do it.  Start by clicking here.

7) zoe continues with her very pleasing ‘hop  ‘the Six Sentence Story‘  ‘never have so many write so much with so few (….er  words!)’  def you should go and read and, hell!  join us next week, the more the merrier and god knows I’m totally a ‘merry’ person.

8) thank you to everyone who went to Jukepop and read the latest Installment in my serial, ‘Blogdominion’  (if you haven’t been there yet, go! you’ll find a Prologue and Chapter 1)  I’m working on Chapter 2 this morning and hope to have it up by Sunday’s end! I’ll be sure to let you know.

9) work, should be listed, as it is interesting and supports my newly discovered writing jones

10) 1.3 (the first and still the Best of the Secret Rules)… wait a minute…. maybe there’s a place for the SGV in my….nah, it’s getting confusing as it is (why didn’t anyone tell me that when you create characters for fiction, they sometimes start changing on their own?! Damn!)

*well, I’m on this big writing kick and, since I’m practicing and learning, well everything is a lesson and yeah, ‘seductive’ and ‘suggestive’ certainly are a pairing that draws the attention….even if it is 7:14 am in the morning  lol

** Phyllis is a self-admitted roger and rogers do this thing, something that neither clarks nor scotts do and that is ‘to gaze’…. you will, if you’re practicing your Doctrine, come upon a roger appearing to ‘stare into space’. If you thought this, you would be wrong. clarks ‘stare into space’  rogers, ‘gaze’… there is a difference. (scotts?  no way, are you kidding me? scotts not pay attention to their surroundings (physical and social)??! sorry, go read you Doctrine! ain’t gonna happen!)

Ten Things of Thankful
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6th Day of the Week -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…can mean only one thing/can only mean one thing/only one thing is meant!’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

250px-Lion_waiting_in_Namibia     250px-Okonjima_Lioness

As the clever sub-title intimates* I am faux-consumed by my efforts to tolerate my ambition to develop my skills in the pen ‘n paper arena. Though we all like the illusion (or is that ‘allusion’?   “is there a rhetorician in the house?!”)   …and yes, I did just spend a few minutes researching the etymology of that phrase. But that’s not important now** What is important now is that I get a rough draft of this week’s Six Sentence Story. A bloghop curated by Friend of the Doctrine, zoe, readers are challenged and invited (or, invited and then challenged, like accepting an invitation to a formal dinner, only to realize as you’re being seated that a) you don’t know anyone else at the table and 2) you have no idea what piece of cutlery to use with which course (most of which are clearly of ignotorum culina) but you’re there and, overall, it is kinda cool, so you decide to tough it out.) Like that, only different. (Full Disclosure: I toyed with the idea that this ‘setup’ would be my Six, for this week’s prompt ‘Entrance’. But I’ve lost the thread and besides, I’m still debating leaving the footnotes and god knows what impact it has on your pre-reading experience might be, best I continue right to the story).

He held the door for her. She smiled, (her head tilted down, as if to watch her step, yet her eyes looking up without the slightest hint of her attention being anywhere but on him), and he would do anything for her, at least, for the remainder of the evening.

She stepped through the door. He glanced at her, (while simultaneously  looking in all directions with an air of challenge and pride and a little bit of uncertainty), she knew that what she knew no longer mattered, what she was, tied her to his world for the remainder of the evening.

They made their entrance.

And Mother Nature smiled.


*too much? no, seriously, new Readers? the reason for the scrabble-plus vocabulary is quite simple, I’m a clark  and clarks view language and words and such like, …well, like a lion views his mane or a streetwalker views her mini skirt… it is the characteristic that, while related to functional value, at some point, ontologically speaking, is a bit of an appendix, in modern-day living, ya know?

**great recurring line in ‘Airplane’


Monday Morning Post -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘well, because it’s better to start the week knowing, than not knowing’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


According to my new writing schedule, this week’s Monday’s Post is expected to be ‘something educational, (in terms of the Wakefield Doctrine), something fun (like the Posts I used to write, the ones with all the bullet points and the slightly scandalous inferences hidden among long, run-on sentences, a lot like the way you studied the whole weekend to learn phrenology because  ‘you want to come up and see my etchings’ wasn’t creative enough for you) and, finally, a little (or a lot) self-promotional of my serial, ‘Blogdominion‘ (link to Chapter 1 is here… yeah, that right, click there, or if you’re still reading there’ll be another link at the end of this sentence… right here. No! don’t worry, you have time to click on the link and read it, we’ll wait and won’t get into anything too involved or complicated, until you get back. ( Hey, for anyone familiar with the Beverly Hillbillies, didn’t that last thing, about where the link I was putting in this Post, didn’t it make you think of the old bit that Jethro Bodine used to do with his expensive Swiss wristwatch? “The exact time is 5:04..oh 8…no! 10….no!!” Still funny 50 years later! and,  (jeez some of you people read kinda slow…no, we promised to wait)… anyway, there’s a secret zen lesson in that silly joke about the watch. That the here and now is not something we can anticipate, because if we stop to note its presence, then it’s already over…) hey! you’re back!! Great!

I had planned on making a reference to the seeming contradiction of being a clark and deliberately finding the most public of forums to practice my writing, but let’s instead cut and paste a passage from the Page on clarks:

… you know what? never mind. Never mind reading something that has already been said (about clarks). If I’m going to write the book on the Wakefield Doctrine (after I successfully write the serial, ‘Blogdominion’ (and… maybe one other story after that), then I need to keep my Doctrine chops fresh. And besides, the Wakefield Doctrine isn’t some text booky kind of personality theory with sections to memorize and like all the things that they try to make you learn in school! Hell no. The Wakefield Doctrine is simply a perspective on life. We all have at least one of them, (perspectives, not Doctrines). Our perspective on the world is what puts ‘the personal’ in ‘personal reality’. The Doctrine says, ‘hey! you’ve got your perspective pretty well memorized and immortalized, how about one more? It’ll help…really!’  (And you’re, like, all, ‘yeah sure. the world is what I run into today at work, dropping the kids off at daycare, dodging those assholes in the corridor that I have to go down, ’cause that’s where my locker is, getting in and out of the supermarket fast enough to get to the gym… you mean that imaginary world?’)

lol  ok. I get it. It’s Monday, not a lot of time for the metaphysics. I’ll keep it as simple as possible and if you don’t believe that reality, (real reality), is personal, write us a comment and we’ll do a whole Post on the subject tomorrow.  But for today, know that your world will be experienced as if it were the following:

  • the world of the Outsider (clarks) experience the world as a stranger would upon entering a country that they studied up on, learned all about, took 8 weeks of Berlitz* even found a store that sold clothing that is (supposed to be) fashionable in this country… they get off the plane, get past Customs and now need to meet one person (someone they’ve never met) and they have no idea where in this country they are …go!
  • the reality of the Predator (scotts) if people who you’re responsible would only either hurry up or get out of the way, the day would go a lot more pleasantly! You know that you’ve got everyone’s best interest at heart, but sometimes… well, you gotta make ’em do the right thing, get the most of life!
  • the life as a Herd Member (rogers) life is a simple as you make it and if people would just slow down a little, then you would be better able to help them understand what clearly they are not understanding… understand?

There you have it! Your Monday Morning Wakefield Doctrine pre-game locker room pep talk.  No!  really!

Don’t forget!! Go to juke pop  and read Chapter 1 of Blogdominion!  If you’re going there for the first time, don’t forget the Prologue, (kinda necessary to the enjoyment of Chapter 1, well, guess that’s why it’s called a Prologue…. and vote!! and like and comment and stuff!




*for you not-so-old people, Rosetta Stone, ok?


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- (celever subtitle here…. )

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The time of the week when we stop with the tread-milling for a moment and find, identify and state the aspects and elements of our (own) lives over the past seven days (or more) that cause us to feel grateful. (The oddly passive phrasing there is a hint to a) my predominant worldview and 2) my own relationship with the world around me. And, yes, if you thought, ‘well, could’ve saved some words there, Mr. Redundency-who-states-the-obvious’ you are absolutely correct. You probably should request a Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head) or something. But, this is what our Mistress Lizzi would have us do each and every Saturday (into and through Sunday) and far be it from me to be contrarian.

So, lets to the list be us all.

1)Grateful I am for the new(er) participants in this here bloghop here. The questions and concerns that they present reminds me of the core value in this exercise. My personal favorite question/concern is, ‘what if I can’t come up with 10 things that were good in the last week?’  Probably is the best question of all. A lot of Answers, (imo), to that question, and, employing one of the acceptable Answers to this concern, I’ll proceed to…

2) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)

3) the Gravity Challenge

4) the Six Sentence Story (and the wonderful of virtual and metaphoric psychological striptease)

5) the fricken google… man, the thing’s getting spooky. Example: Item 4? I wanted to say ‘metaphorical striptease’ and I wasn’t sure if it was metaphoric or metaphorical and so I went to ‘the google’ and started typing ‘metaphoric or…and it had a search result for the ‘which one is proper answer…. damn!

6) I could spend the next 3 or 4 items on my gratitude for the Wakefield Doctrine, but I won’t

7) Una and I had a nice walk yesterday.  We walked up Interstate 95 to Exit 3 (faster than any man and his Chodský pes have ever walked) and then to the gas station and then back home, circling around the golf course,  of course…she enjoyed the walk as much as I did (that’s probably a lie, I bet she enjoyed it more because she’s a dog and dogs are perfect lifeforms)

8) Phyllis  hey! I got a photo of Phyllis in bed that shows up in a google search!  no, really!  it’s great and we had no idea that that would happen! (a search of the name of Una and her proper breed name… hub pages!  what the hell!) lol*

9) I’ll be grateful (in a horribly painful and difficult way that, apparently, is not all that un-common in the world of people who decide that they can write a book (or a story or, in my case a serial), and …and!  by the end of the day, Chapter 1 of the Blogdominion Saga will be published and you can read it!

10) 1.3 yo   1.3


*(if you’re asking yourself that question, shame on you! of course I did!)

Ten Things of Thankful
<a href=” ” target=”_blank”><img src=”″ alt=”Ten Things of Thankful” style=”border:none;” /></a>

Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘wherein we concoct a word smoothie (‘palabra batido‘) to send to friends’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Hey, if I seem to start and stop in the narrative here, today, that’s only because I have two (self-imposed) deadlines*,  being this Six Sentence Story and publishing Chapter 1 of Blogdominion. So the thing about z’s Six Sentence Story (and, now, the writing of the other story) is that I’m further reinforcing the belief that, although I do enjoy writing, I must suffer the tortures of the damned for at least 1, maybe 2 days before I hit ‘Publish’. Still, I enjoy it.  ….the writing of the story, not the tortures of the damned…. well, maybe that part a little too. Anyway,  Six Sentence Stories  You need to try it… it’s a helluva lot of fun.

Tears slowly dropped, like lava breaking out of the crust as it flows down the volcano-side, keeping his face suspended from the quiet, peaceful embrace of the pillow on the un-worn, sheets-unwrinkled-after 6-days single bed….

If shedding a tear means having one less in the future, then I’m all for it,” the man-to-be said, getting off the bed and sitting behind the formica desk that filled 1/3 of the dormitory room.

“Hate to break it to ya, but it’s not that simple”, smiled the girl from the open door, “tears are not countable, and there’s no way of knowing how many you have left to cry,  …every girl knows that!”

‘Who the hell are you and what gives you any right to tell me that?’ he thought and then, throwing caution to the wind, spoke aloud, “I’m sorry, but were you talking to me?”

“…and besides!  I’m not a girl“, he continued to the empty doorway,  “but thanks for talking to me!

…and she smiled to herself as she left the building.




*yeah, every bit as daunting as the ‘how the word came to be coined’, except without the getting physically dead part, here’s a link

**  no, seriously! I had, like, two paragraphs written that was a setup for the photo of the meerkats, it was an attempt at a ‘4th Wall’ voice in the story and I referenced Christina’s World (Wyeth) and TATs (Thematic Apperception Test) and everything, but then I realized that I was holding back on my avowed desire to improve my writing. Given how much help zoe’s been my breaking out of my own self-definition, I figured I better cut it out and take a chance with the first sentence, which proceeded to take on a life of it’s own, and you know how that goes….

