Month: September 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: September 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of all of the days of the week, a clark’s dream.’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

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Yeah, I know! Didn’t we do a clark-centric Post just last week? So why not something of the scotts and the rogers? Sure, totally going to get to it. But, today is Tuesday. And Tuesday is, in fact, the most clarklike day of the Workweek.

Funny thing about this morning’s post. Well, it’ll be funny if you’re a clark.  (there are some scotts and rogers out there who have secondary clarklike aspects and know the Doctrine well enough to find it funny too.) Anyway. So I’m trying to find a topic for a Post today and settle on it, (the topic and today), being Tuesday. The first thing that occurred to me was, ‘well, maybe I should just go back and find some old Posts that have Tuesday as the topic and use them!’  and I laughed. …and thought, “that is such a clarklike thing to think!*”

But it is Tuesday and I am a clark and there’s a good chance that you’re a clark and, even if you’re not, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that you have a significant secondary clarklike aspect. But that’s not important right now.** What is important is telling you why Tuesday is the most clarklike Day of the Workweek. And the reason that that’s important is that this whole Wakefield Doctrine ‘personality theory’  is predicated on adopting a certain, (and deliberate), perspective on the world, your world, today. For reasons not yet fully understood. The connections and associations that comprise the three worldviews that are the three personality types, are totally, and at times, startlingly, true and accurate. They provide us insights to the world ‘as the other person is experiencing it’.

But now I’m out of time! Fortunately, I did go ahead and copy/paste a couple of sections of a couple of Posts that talk about Tuesday. Find them below.

(Hey! Here’s a fun experiment! Well, kinda only fun for me, but if you believe me (and, of the three personality types, clarks are the least likely to be caught lying.***)  So…the fun experiment: I’ll write a short description of what makes Tuesday the most clarklike day of the week, without reading the sections from previous Posts.  Lets see if:  a)  I’m still the same person I was in 2013 (or whenever these were written) and 2) whether my writing has improved at all over the intervening years!

Why Tuesdays are the Most clarklike Day of the Workweek
by clark

Tuesdays are the Most clarklike Day of the Workweek because:

  • they’re not Monday and, Mondays, as everyone knows, are the first of the rogerian Days of the Workweek (’cause … you damn well better accept the fact that the weekend is over and maybe, if you put your nose to the grindstone and get serious and work hard, maybe…just maybe you might be rewarded with another weekend. …maybe)
  • Tuesday is not Wednesday (with it’s ridiculous name… ‘Hump Day’…. I mean, seriously, who the hell came up with that name!?!  ( I know!! I know!!!  ” yes, clark?”  rogers did because scotts got them to and the scotts had the idea given to them by a clark) still, it’s a stupid name.)
  • Thursdays are sort of a scott/clark kind of day… work almost done (like the scott cares and, as if the clark really ever takes credit for working hard), maybe an exam the next day… all nighter!! scotts and clarks kind of effort (the rogers study every day, like their schedule calls for)
  • Friday?  gotta give this one to the scotts
  • Weekend?? sorry…whole ‘nother Post

Thats my 25 words or less! (lol)


From a while ago:

…no, the weirdest thing about clarks is their morning time. (This is not necessarily literal. It is, necessarily, the time between demands and performance. The offstage moment, as the house lights go down). That is the strangest part of ‘the experience of the world from the personal-reality-perspective of clarks (the Outsiders).
It (seems) to be a time of choice, it is (often) a time of desperate hope, it is (always) a time of incredible … distance.
This distance is not as common and simple as physical distance (although, have you ever been in a crowd of people, say an elevator, where your attention is dominated by, say the floor you are intending to travel to, and then you notice that there is a person standing very-next-to-you? you wonder briefly how you could have not noticed them), and (this distance) is not an emotional gulf between people (although, there are times when you are prepared to accept that the person you care so much about just is not invested in the relationship, and then you see an act of selflessness that takes your breath away), no, the distance is none of these.

…and another Post, I forget when this came out:

We all know that Tuesday is the day of the week that is most clarklike, right? The clue was right there in the Title, right? And by the associating of the word ‘mild’, you know have a spot-on assessment of the clarklike personality type, right?
Well, right about the ‘Tuesday is the most clark-friendly Day of the Week’, but t-wrong about the assessment of the clarklike personality type as being ‘mild’. Moderate?, fair… temperate?, sure, why not? even-tempered?, now you are straying… easy-to-get-along-with? getting colder… flat-affect, overly rational? ok…warmer… driven by a disconnected emotional aspect to find the way back home… yow! boiling !
Tuesday is the easiest-going Day of the Week. Rivalled only by Thursday on the lowered expectations scale, Tuesday is the day where you can believe in the promises of the work/school, even commit yourself to giving all to making the week a time of great accomplishment. Without the threat of an Exam (Friday) or even a pop quiz (Wednesday), Tuesday is the day where:
clarks relax
scotts wake up
rogers begin to get annoyed
If you were looking through the eyes of a clark…on a Tuesday morning…and the newspaper headlines read: ‘Meteor to Strike Earth on Friday, Extinction of all Life Certain!’ your reaction would be:
relief because the mess you made of your first serious relationship would finally stop bothering you (…hopefully)
excitement because now you don’t have to worry about having enough money to pay the mortgage
amused because you had a dream in which you felt loved and cherished by all and when you woke up you had a genuine emotional conviction that you were ‘a part of the family’
a sense of vindication because you knew that nothing really mattered
regret as you finally realized that people did not really care about how strange the inside of your head is, they only wanted to believe that you liked and appreciated them
Well, that was …interesting!


*if that doesn’t make sense, you need to ask a clark


*** but not for a good reason, at least good from the perspective of the clark in question… we don’t lie because of fear (no, thank you for that thought Kristi, and while we agree that lying is a bad thing and not lying is a good thing….sometimes the underlying reason for not doing something, offsets some, if not all, of the good.)


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Some good-for-you, possibly-good-for-the-other-person things you can do with this here Doctrine here

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

CSR copy

Only requirement to benefit from the application of the Wakefield Doctrine: be willing and able to allow that, Reality is, to a small but totally certain extent, personal.

So what are the things that you can use the Wakefield Doctrine for, in the course of your day today?

  • (better) Understand the people in your life.
  • ( better) Understand yourself
  • (have a lot better chance of success to) Change the things about yourself that you’ve wanted to change, but have never managed to quite achieve.
  • (pretty much, totally) Prevent other people from changing things about yourself that they want to change, but you suspect is not in your best interest.
  • (in the way of your people) Have fun.
  • (promise not to tell them, at least until you get more grounded in this here personality theory, but you will so) Know more about the people you encounter in the course of the day than you have any business knowing, maybe even, more than they know about themselves.  cool, eh?

oh, yeah… there is, of course, a certain degree of reading and learning and, most of all, practice required to be a position to realize the above benefits. I will, however, guarantee them, (the benefits stated in easy-to-read-point-points* above). Remember that all the descriptions and examples of the three worldviews are simply clues and imagery to aid you in answering the essential Question the Wakefield Doctrine would have us ask:

how does that person relate themselves to the world around them’

…as does a(n):

  1. Outsider (clark) i.e. (for you), the world and all the people are ‘out there’,  you know that only knowing will allow you to know that you are known to those you know as being a ‘real person’  (that being said, if you’re a clark, you’re totally fricken creative (not just reassemble the same old parts into a new-looking thing, but (the) bring into the world something that has never existed kind of creative), and you’re a great listener (clinically and certifiably tolerant… to the point of self-destructively so) and you’re funny (but only when you think (or don’t care if) anyone is listening) and you thinking in parentheseses
  2. Predator (scott) alive and not given to introspection, at least not the type of introspection that your clarklike friend does (and you do have a clarklike friend, because… well because you can’t figure them out!! most of the time they, (your clarklike friend), acts like prey (you know, rogers) and that’s ok, if not a little, well, boring, but every now and then, maybe during one of those times that you play a little too rough (hey, you got to have your fun too, we know! we know!) anyway, every now and then they rear up and knock you … ass-over-teacup** and you’re like,  ‘Alright!!  lol”  ...that friend. In the meantime, you live your life and it unfolds… ’cause, even though you can’t be bothered wasting time thinking about it, you know that today is everything….
  3. Herd Member (roger) today is not just the only day (as it is for scotts), nor is it the day before the real day, (as it is for clarks), today, well today is perfect. Your only concern is to be able to live up to it. There are a million ways your day can go today and some are good and some not so good, but there is only one correct way. You know that the world and reality, (the things you know, the places you’ve been, well, everything but the people that you encounter), are knowable and quantifiable, given the effort on your part. It’s not that success is the only thing that matters today, what is important to you is that you not ‘fail improperly’ today.

that’s enough for today. come back tomorrow, or better yet, ask us questions in the comments.


*Friend of the Doctrine, Christine informs us that the term ‘bullet points’ is frowned upon in today’s phobic-philic culture

**What an archaically amusing expression!



TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…when characters in a favorite book step out of the pages’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Phyllis and Una

Easy one, no? I mean, serially, there was: a roadtrip with our dog, going to a place on the shore of a salted sea, wide bridges that arched over salt ponds and harbors, mingling with strangers who brought their dogs to breakfast, slowly and quietly finding passage through urban blight only a car-width away, through a clean windshield gazing at cages, tall and cold and finding electrons turned flesh and blood, exchanging keystrokes for hugs that conveyed warmth and life.

That was my week ….your’s?

photos of yesterday and the week before….

(oh yeah,  6) the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules,  10) SR 1.3)

so a little pictorial remeberationing,



‘yesterday’s walk with Una and, unfortunately average speed for 5 hours through NYC last Friday’




the scene from my office window yesterday, a bunch of antiques cars pulled in across the street and, when I spotted the guy in the white shirt and hat, I had to say, ‘damn! talk about devoted hobbits’* * lol… ask zoe or maybe joy, they’ll explain the joke




down the street from our Bed&Breakfast in Ocean City…. ‘I immediately thought, hey! we should say hi for kristi’* (like when someone says they’re from, say, Chicago, someone is always available to say, ‘hey do you know so-and-so?’)




a remarkably depressing cultural/architectural artifact… one of the mega housing complexes as we approached NYC… made me think of the line from a Jimi Hendrix song, (‘Up from the Skies’): “I heard some of you got your families, living in cages tall & cold…:



…finally, as always, there’s:



ok… link up, binyons!

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Six Sentence Stories -the Wakefield Doctrine- can you imagine that!?!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


zoe/ivy is here today, because it’s Thursday and, as we all know, Thursday is the day for the Six Sentence Story bloghop. Tape my word for it, it is.  Each week we’re given a ‘word prompt’ and challenged to write a story in six sentences. Pretty simple, isn’t it?  No, not it’s not. But it’s satisfying and aggravating and frustrating and, ultimately …quite gratifying.


The two farm roads that converged to create the ‘four corners’, (earning that spot along the ridge running through the open farmland of rural CT, the title of ‘Town’),  were covered in snow by Halloween, promising a winter that might earn the honor of being a reference-winter, forever available when, in the heat of Summer, people seek relief from one weather extreme by discussing another.

Oh, aye-yah!…it’s a cold one, not as cold as ’67, a course,  now that was a cold winter‘,  the old men, gnome-like commentators on life, weather and the state of hope for the citizens of the Voluntown,  gathered to the warmth of the wood stove, in the back center of McCormack’s, the Town’s grocery/hardware/clothing/farm supply and drugstore.
The Apothecary‘, Miss Eldridge would call it, ever alert to bestow the benefits of her calling, (one might call her the School Marm, if not overly concerned with the maternal inference in the title), upon whoever was in earshot, the use of the old-fashioned word gave her pleasure, as if, rather than inviting mockery of her age and social status, it enhanced it, much like a visit to a Victoria’s Secret store might create a self-perceived desirability, her perfect enunciation transforming the rustic store/supply house (now an Apothecary), magically transformed into a sophisticated and refined urbane nightspot, seething with men and women stalking their evening dreams.

I grew up in the 1960s and I survived the ’70s. Even with that level of existential survival-training,  I’m seriously at risk of losing my grasp on the here and now, mostly because the ‘here’ seems to be an old-fashioned country store, and the ‘now’, well, it sure isn’t where I left off last night. The sudden feeling of discontinuity triggers my survival response, I make no sudden moves, do not make eye contact with anyone, (the ‘anyone’ seem to be two old men sitting by a black pot-bellied stove, a woman dressed all in grey who has a look on her face that seems to be privately excited), I can feel a door being opened behind me, more by the increased illumination on the back of the store than by actual sound, from behind me, like I needed an additional surprise, came a man’s voice, overly-dressed in friendly concern,

I assure you, Miss Eldridge, he is just not your tape“.




clarks -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘hey, I’m good enough for my friends…so the heck with what you think’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

...and the over-under on the game is what?

(As so often happens, here at the Doctrine, a phrase popped into my head that seemed to be a whole Post…provided I could put into words the feeling that were [embedded] in said phrase. When I wrote today’s Post subtitle, I immediately had two thoughts, a) Readers are going to misunderstand and respond by saying, ‘aww, don’t feel bad, we all think you’re doing great’ and 2) I really need to get back to this kind of post, one that is written to the clarks who are encountering the Wakefield Doctrine for the very first time. And, of course, c) my own re-appreciation of how much things have changed since I first started writing this blog… not the content and nature of the Doctrine, rather the nature of the readership and, even more germane, the changes the Wakefield Doctrine has wrought in my own self. So, what say I give it try?)

When I was young(er), I retained an unshakeable faith in two things: a) my friends and b) my capacity to endure and survive. Now I am no longer younger. More to the point, (of this post), I am now possessed of an understanding of my predominant worldview (clark/Outsider) and that enables me to see a lot more of the ‘why’ of my behavior and beliefs, actions and responses to the people and the world around me. This is an improvement. This knowledge, this insight into the way that ‘I relate myself to the world around me’, does not, in and of itself, change anything. It does, however, make any desired change much more attainable and sustainable. That is the good of the knowing of the Wakefield Doctrine.

The title today? (And the introduction above, that suggests that perhaps writing a Post to appeal specifically to the brand new clarklike Reader, might be more difficult than I think?) All of what underlies, and thereby giving rise to the sentiment manifested in the subtitle remains true in me, in all clarks. I still have the …. er…. not so positive self-concept that is the initial premise shaping the worldview of the Outsider, and I still, very much value the friends that I have. Most of us, (including rogers and scotts), will recognize, in the second half of the sub-title an implication,  a… ‘yes but’, a ‘hedge’, if you will, on the claim to being valued by others. There is something to the way the statement sounds that is a hallmark of the clarklike personality type. It’s necessary to a clark, this ‘hedging’ of a claim of self-worth or value (to others), a pre-defensive defensive, if you will.

You want a physical example of what I’m trying to convey? (It’s also a primary characteristic of clarks.) Watch a clark smile. Most of time, especially when ‘in public’ or not in a totally secure environment, which is pretty much everywhere except bed or the bathroom, clarks will smile by compressing the lips, putting a slight upwards motion to the corners of the mouth, while watching the other person very carefully. Hedging their bets. Being careful. Keeping the escape route viable. You know, as an Outsider, we’re all about interacting, all while keeping an eye on the door. Find me a classroom, I don’t care if it’s First Grade or Grad School, if the individual student is allowed the choice of seats, you will find a preponderance of clarks in the back row. Near the door. And while one might think that this choice is simply to avoid being noticed, one would be almost correct. It is, in fact, to provide the option to escape, to not be forced into the focus of attention.

That’s part of what the clark personality is like. Tomorrow we may look at scotts, ( ‘I think, therefore I scream‘) or perhaps rogers (‘there is no ‘i’ in herd, there’s only me and everyone like me’)

Since I’m doing kind of a old-style Post, I thought I’d include a music video, well, just because.*



*excuse me!! excuse me!!  because, well, holy shit!!  (lol)  you want to know the real, totally-honest-to-god reason why I find writing Doctrine Posts so ….so  incredible?  Ok, so I’m finishing up the final edit and I decide… sure, lets keep the music vid, because I love the song. The last thing I needed to do was to find the ‘cover photo’,  you know, the Post’s thumbnail that shows only on the landing page. Well I think, ‘lets look for an image associated with Grieg and ‘the Hall of the Mountain King’, (today’s vid)…at the top of the results page is a link to the wikipedia, so naturally I go to read it ( I’m a clark, remember?)  anyway, here’s what jumped out of the screen at me, it made me laugh:

The piece is played as the title character Peer Gynt, in a dream-like fantasy, enters “Dovregubben (the troll Mountain King)’s hall”. The scene’s introduction continues: “There is a great crowd of troll courtiers, gnomes and goblins. Dovregubben sits on his throne, with crown and sceptre, surrounded by his children and relatives. Peer Gynt stands before him. There is a tremendous uproar in the hall.” The lines sung are the first lines in the scene.

Grieg himself wrote “For the Hall of the Mountain King I have written something that so reeks of cowpats, ultra-Norwegianism, and ‘to-thyself-be-enough-ness’ that I can’t bear to hear it, though I hope that the irony will make itself felt.” The theme of “to thyself be… enough” – avoiding the commitment implicit in the phrase “To thine own self be true” and just doing enough – is central to Peer Gynt’s satire, and the phrase is discussed by Peer and the mountain king in the scene which follows the piece.( italics added)  (

…no!! really!! lol  man! do I love this Wakefield Doctrine!
