Month: April 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: April 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

‘U’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘….Un-cerrr…inty’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Thanks to Z for the suggestion/prompt of the almost near the end Letter for the annual Apathy-to-Ennui April blog challenge. Hey! you’re absolutely right!! you should go over to her blog and, like, totally bomb her site with comments!  no, I’m serious! She’s got a variety to content that would…would make a sensory-deprived encyclopedist ask for quiet.

Meanwhile, as we work our way through the last 8 letters of the alphabet  (Hey! those kids from Bougainville!! they’re done already!!)

Anyway…. rather than bore you with the inherent power of un-certainty that is cherished by clarks, feared by rogers and enjoyed by scotts, why don’t we reprint the famous Joycean  homage  that we wrote back before we realized how it might be best not to get too ambitious with the stylizing and such…or we could just print the Wakefield Doctrine Personality type Assessment Test instead! Which one, which one…

I’m feeling so….


T -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Thursday’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Thursday!  the ‘first-girlfriend/boyfriend-that-you-don’t-go-out-with-anymore-but-still-wonder-if-maybe-someday-you’ll-end-up-back-together-because-you-have-so-much-history-together’ Day of the Week! Who out there does not like Thursday? Sure, it’s not Friday (the seems-pretty-hot-from-your-friends-description-blind-date Day of the week) and Tuesday’s kind of an agreeable Day of the Week, right? But there was always something about Thursday that had a sense of ‘ok, you got a big test tomorrow, but there’s nothing you can do about it…so relax! accept the inevitability of the process that you are in, you’re ready for anything!

Hey!  Christine has decided to stop with the Annoying-to-Pointless April Blog Challenge because, she has a real life. Lets all go over to her blog, …‘A Fly on our {chicken coop} Wall’ and donate a ‘T Post’! Sure, in her Comments section! What a terrible idea! (Maybe we can convince her to stay in until Z, seeing how we’re bound and determined to stick it out,  “hey, no! I’m ok to drive!! ‘long as I roll down the windows…and close one eye, come on, nothing to worry about, I’ll have you all safe at home in no time!!“)

…ok, now that my attention has totally wandered off into the woods, lets finish this here T Post here.

to any clarks reading this:

Consider the day that lies ahead of you (or, if you prefer, consider your day yesterday), it will be (and was) a series of interactions with people and institutions, strangers and loved ones, enemies and foes, right? For the most part, you enjoyed the occasions where there was sharing of information (for a clark, ‘knowing stuff’ that’s considered useful to someone else) and you hated (and dread) the adversarial interactions. Particularly those conflicts that involved rogers. You think you know why you feel at a disadvantage in these encounters? Well, let me make the following statement: ‘the overwhelming majority of our weaknesses are, in fact, concessions‘. These concessions are real, the basis for seeing them as necessary and valid is not. I think, I’ll leave it at that. clarks will sense what I mean, enough to question themselves (like we don’t do that enough! lol) perceptive scotts and  non-ridgid rogers will say to themselves (or, in the case of the scotts,  shout to a passing stranger), “Finally! they’re finally beginning to realize how much they make their own lives more difficult than need be!!!”

Short Post.




S -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘scott’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel

(… well, just think of a cross between Michelle Pfeiffer in the Fabulous Baker Boys and the Tasmanian Devil in the old Warner Brothers cartoons)

no!! wait!! don’t think about it… this is about scotts, ya know….lemme show you!

But this is serious scholarship, so lets begin by referring you to our page on scotts.

ok  enough of that!  lets do something!!

scottian worldview: the life of the predator. (now, people, remember that when we say ‘worldview’, we mean reality and, when we say ‘reality’ we mean the personal reality of the individual who grew up and developed and is living in, and when we say ‘personal reality’, we mean the world our scottian woman or man experiences when they woke up this morning.*)

the world without scotts? two words: boring

sure, bullet points would be appropriate:

  • scotts will pick fights, but not hold a grudge
  • scotts will risk their lives for a total stranger, yet continue on after the emergency not giving it (or the person) a second thought
  • scotts relate to each other as do any member of a pack… ranking is all  (very interesting note about scotts: quite a few years ago, I was talking to my friend Bernadine about how scotts, when they enter the room, will always approach everyone there and ‘push them on the shoulder’, (figuratively or literally) and how that is a clear example of ranking behavior (in a pack). I asked her, ‘hey how do you feel when you encounter another scott and they are totally dominant, do you feel disappointed or let down?’ Bernadine got a thoughtful look on her face and said, ” Clark!!! what the hell are you talking about??!!! are you crazy?!?! what’s being dominant or not got to do with how I feel about myself?!?!”  (lol… I really liked Bernadine). Once she calmed down, she explained that it was all about knowing where she stood in the situation. Who was alpha, (only another scott), or who was submissive, (pretty much everyone else)… did not carry a qualitative value, it had nothing at all to do with who was a better person. It had to do with ranking among predators. Which, by the way, scotts always do in every situation involving people….even if it’s among a bunch of strangers, say, standing in line at the supermarket. Of course, our scottian friend will find something to talk about to the person in front or behind in line and if there are people around that our scott cannot directly interact with, they will simply raise their voice so as to get the attention of ….everyone.
  • that, by the way, is the secret of dealing with scotts who might be getting unruly or overly-disruptive… remember that they are seeking the attention of the world, whether it’s good attention (“oh what strong arms you have and you manage to keep that pack of cigarettes in your rolled up sleeve and everything, my hero!“) or negative attention (“hey lady, the other patrons would rather you not dance on the table… please read the Menu and your Waiter will be happy to take your order.“) The key is attention…find a way to actually withhold attention and they will be eating out of the palm of your hand.
  • great friends and fierce enemies
  • incredible lovers and amazingly annoying house guests
  • in defense of the pack (especially scottian females)….  you do not want to mess around with their pack.

…where has the time gone!!

I’ll try to stop by as the day careens onwards and add to our little list.

Hey!  you ever wonder why clarks and scotts make such good (and fun) friends? Well it’s mostly about the clarks. clarks tend to be easy going and fairly passive, which of course, poses no overt challenge to the scott…who likes to mess with the prey. but then, every now and then, something happens and the clark changes and swats the scott (picture playing with a puppy. the young dog can’t help but get over- excited and they sometimes nip and the human grabs them by the scruff of the neck and gives them a shake…the puppy immediately gets submissive, tail down and quiet….but then he or she looks at the human…and the tail starts to wag and they’re bounding after the ball again. It’s sorta like that with clarks and scotts. (lol) it doesn’t happen frequently and immediately afterwards  clarks go back to being clever and passive and the scotts know that all is right in the world.



* as to scotts and sleep?? you do not want to get me started on that!  Ever watch a dog sleep after a long day playing with their family?  Their legs will twitch (as they run after dream prey), their breathing will accelerate (as they corner their prey), sometimes you’ll even see them bare their teeth (as they confront their prey) and, often their tail will wag….(lol yeah!) all while sleeping! Do you now get a sense of the ‘reality of the predator’   btw: apropos of nothing… the expression ‘on the prowl tonight’?  yeah, scotts



‘R’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘rogers’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel

That tells you most of what you need to know to get started:

  • learning the Wakefield Doctrine
  • practicing the Wakefield Doctrine
  • (and, if you’re a clark,) benefitting from the use of the Wakefield Doctrine

so, while there’s a whole page here that will explain why it is that rogers behave the way that they do and what the world looks like from their perspective, lets just employ the ever-popular blogging device, ie.e “5 things you didn’t know about rogers and 3 things that you’d rather we didn’t feel the need to mention!”

  1. rogers live in a perfect world
  2. (if you’re a clark) rogers will see you before you see them and will have already made their decision
  3. rogers believe that they hate the way that they behave with other people, (but when you hear them apologize profusely, that is not one of those times)
  4. the person who introduces you to the day-to-day routine at the new job and uses the phrase ‘…we call this the bible’ ?  yeah they’re the roger you need to keep your eye on


  1. clarks are fond of rogers (but love scotts), scotts are fond of clarks (but love rogers) and rogers have an irresistible disdain for anyone who does not treat them badly on first encounter
  2. if you’re a clark, there is a way to deal with rogers when they, (the rogers) are being difficult but, although you, (the clark) are capable of achieving the necessary state of mind,  you cannot maintain it past the  situation that requires it (if you could, you’d be a scott)
  3. all rogers know that the world makes sense and is, at its essence, ‘good and sufficient’ and, (all rogers), seek to practice the perfect way to do something/anything/all things and, they will try to achieve this by reading history (which can be the books of a library or the fables of earlier people, the tradition of a family or the stories one person may pass on that describes those who came before)… the goal is to ….exemplify the (kind of/style of/belief in) behavior of those who history (to their reading) has conveyed honor upon.

…that plus! if we didn’t have rogers you would not want to have to fly from Newark to Biloxi in a plane designed and built by a scott!

  • jet airliners designed by scotts:  very fast with at least 5 or 6 engines (not necessarily required to get off the ground, but make them louder than frickin anything)
  • a part of the cabin has a basketball net/hockey/or batters box
  • the stewards would have to wear bathing suits… male or female  and they would carry those little air horn things (can of compressed air) to warn the unruly passengers or just in case they get bored
  • the flight deck would have windows that open, so the pilot could yell at passing jets

0r a clark:

  • instead of normal seats, there would be couches with pillows and quilts (that would have a disturbing tendency to slide around when the plane has to bank for final approach)
  • the stewardesses would be scotts and stewards would be rogers
  • there would be a bathroom-to-passenger ratio of nothing less than 1:2

…ok, enough silliness.

without rogers we would not have:

  • enduring and stable cultures
  • CPA level accounting
  • a judicial system
  • ships in bottles
  • civil war re-enacting
  • Carl Rogers
  • Fess Parker (aka Davy Crockett)
  • civil wars
  • most medical procedures (not involving surgery… that’s from you know who)
  • Aesop’s Fables
  • Mrs. O’Leary
  • Ken Burns
  • Shaker furniture
  • Bible/ Torah/ Quran/the Vedas/ Book of Mormon
  • Fabergé egg(s)
  • effective oncology

so if you are a roger, let me say, ‘Hey!! good work. Love the Sistine Chapel and the Spanish Inquisition. Tell us about how it used to be!’


Q -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Quixotic’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(…no giggling or laughing, please! Elbows to your neighbor’s ribs are permissible, provided silence is maintained.)

hey, what the hell! The one thing that clarks do better than ‘the other two’  is laugh at themselves, at least when in the company of friends.1  Here’s the thing, is the story of don Quixote, (  ‘El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha’ ), one of a clark missing out on the genuine (and real) pleasures of life because he/she refuses to give up the dreams/the life inside her/his head, or is this about a clark choosing ‘la excéntrica vida‘, due to the defining characteristic of their worldview (i.e. being the Outsider), hoping only to make it to a point (in life) where (the) dreams no longer clash with the ordinary everyday demands of ‘real life’.

in other words:

  • is don Quixote wasting his life, squandering the opportunity to engage with the people in his actual, real life.
  • does don Quixote have a viable approach to life, after all….. despite the fantasy he is indulging, despite the fact that she is the object of pity and scorn, his life is un-folding consistent with the dream that he/she prefers to the limitations and loneliness of a ‘real life’ as the Outsider

Because there are so many people reading and shouting at their computer screens/smartphones, “hey!! wait!! you know what I !!??!”  (and to give zoe a chance to wipe the coffee off her computer monitor), we will assign the initial response categories.2

lets begin our view from ‘the other two’, with the rogers. If I may be so bold, Kristi?  would you be kind enough to comment first? (Michelle is literally on the other side of the world, where it’s 3 am or something… I’m sure she’ join us with the view rogerian when she gets up.)

thank you


to our scottian Readers….  if there are any scottian Readers, other than Christine or Dyanne, that we are not aware of….  (wait!!  wait… yeah, I know…when you stop laughing  lol …ok ok  sorry, I guess I was distracted)…

… and, since how difficult* is it for these guys to address the subject, we will now hear from our clarks.


to get all Cliff Notes on any New Readers and/or blog challenge tourists: our ‘hero’ is a clark and the sidekick, a scott…. there! no suspense!







1)  friends: real people who, for reason not clear (to the clark) seem to not mind hanging around with them and, for the most part do not seem to be mean** or make fun of***

** not counting the ‘lashing out’ of the rogerian friend… fortunately, (for the roger), clarks have way too little self-respect when it comes to lashing out and will, for the most part. laugh it off

*** not counting when a dominant scott is encountered, in which case, the scottian friend may need to make a gesture appropriate to their own ranking and offer up the clark for amusement purposes

2)  does anyone, (other than New Readers), need reminding that, because of the Wakefield Doctrine, we already know the… tenor, if not the content of the comments of people of the scottian and rogerian and,  …and! clarklike worldviews
