Month: April 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: April 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Z -the Wakefield Doctrine- and, in the end, Z

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

CSR copyZ

thank you for your participation in our little ‘Bloghop-that-only-a-roger-would-have-come-up-with’ April Blog Challenge!   I’m grateful for all of the Comments and rendering that you, the un-seen, implied Readers have contributed to this effort to write our way through the alphabet.

The theme we adopted for our participation in the  ‘A-to-Z April Blog Challenge’, was, of course, ‘the Wakefield Doctrine‘. While not always staying true to this perspective… hold on a second… I just went and checked, and damn! despite how outré the title of some of the Posts may have been, I always seemed to come back to our favorite Doctrine! (Much like the Monks of New Skete, who loop the leads from the puppies, to their belts and go about their daily routines, for me, there is always a connection to the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers). While the Wakefield Doctrine is truly a fun amusement, to be enjoyed among friends, (“…and then he said, “I had such a strange experience this morning! I was saying goodbye to a client and they spent 30 minutes telling me about how I am the best agent they have ever met.” …what a roger!  oh yeah?  well!! let me tell you about the most scottian client I ever had, ‘one time we arranged to have me call at a certain time, so we could discuss an offer and the phone rang and rang, finally when I was about to hang up, she answered and said, “oh! thanks for holding on, I just stepped out of the shower!”) Of course, the Wakefield Doctrine is not just something to enhance our people-watching,  it’s also a tool. It’s a peculiarly effective perspective on the world, and, can always be applied:

…about to meet with a scott in a situation that has the potential to become adversarial?  Increase your eye contact and decrease the length of your statements. Louder and shorter!

…the girl at the cash register have a lot of metal and colour applied to her face and head area? Think she’s attractive? Want to say something to get her attention? Look to her right and speak to the left… it’s ok! she’ll laugh, she’s a clark and laughing for them is a very telling response.

…have a parent Teacher conference and you know that your child has been underachieving? Begin your conversation with talking about how difficult and challenging the teaching profession is, how difficult it must be because all the children don’t always listen and how the parents (of these children) can be even worse!

Sure, you’re thinking, ‘How am I supposed to know if these people are clarks or scotts or rogers?? hell, I’m not even sure which of these I am!’ And that is the part (of our little personality theory) that is not only fun, but beneficial  if applied to ourselves… the Wakefield Doctrine can be a very useful tool to improve ourselves. Sure, some of us have difficulty, at first, deciding which of the three personality types applies to ourselves. Simpler than you might think. All you need to do is answer this question:

‘How do I relate myself to the world around me? Do I (relate myself) to the world’ as would:

  • an Outsider? a clark wakes up to a wonderful and mysterious and full-of-potential world that is ‘out there’clarks know that they’re different and yet, hope to get through the day without un-invited scrutiny. a clark, endlessly curious, is searching for the knowledge that will allow them to become a real person
  • a Predator? not a simple as you might think, (to identify with the world as do scotts)… now, if you’re thinking, ‘oh hell yeah! I’m one of those because I can size up the person real quick and can get people on my side and really am able to talk up a storm!’ …sorry, the rogerian bullet point is the next one down… scotts don’t ‘take measure’, they don’t,  ‘size up the other guy‘ and they certainly do not,  ‘talk them into being on her side‘  …scotts act  (granted, at times, ill-advisedly, impulsively and/or in-appropriately), the simplest fact-of-life is that scotts live in a reality in which acting first and thinking second is the only way to survive and thrive.
  • a Member of the Herd?  simplest ‘test’ for a person you suspect might be a roger:  “Excuse, me… can you tell me, what’s 2 + 2 ?”  (roger) “Well, that’s kind of a dumb questions you’re asking, isn’t it? It’s 4. Do you have any other questions that make you look ridiculous?”  (In contrast to this question being posed to ‘the other two’:  “Excuse me, clark? what’s 2 + 2?”  (clark) “4! …most of the time, unless you mean….”  or “Hey! scott! what’s 2 + 2?” (scott)  “Who wants to know?!?!! Whats in it for me?  hey, I’ve always thought mathematics was kinda sexy….”)

If you’re the type of person who enjoys ideas and imagining different ways to see the world, then the Wakefield Doctrine is something you will not only enjoy learning about, but will find useful in the most mundane of ways, the most common of situations. Give it a try!


Lets have a subtitle-musical-tie-in











Y -the Wakefield Doctrine- can there be a single answer?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


almost there…

la doctrina de Wakefield (la teoría de clarks, scotts y rogers) es un enfoque único y eficaz, divertido y pidiendo para entender el comportamiento de las personas en su vida. con la doctrina de Wakefield, te necesito nunca escuchas de lamento, “¿Cómo hiciste semejante cosa! Realmente creía que te conocía mejor!”

la Doctrine de Wakefield (la théorie de clarks, scotts et rogers) est une approche unique et efficace, amusante et suppliant pour comprendre le comportement des gens dans votre vie. avec la Doctrine de Wakefield, vous avez besoin plus jamais vous entendre se lamentent, « comment pourriez-vous faire une chose pareille ! J’ai vraiment cru que je savais que vous mieux que ça!”

la dottrina di Wakefield (la teoria di clarks, scotts e rogers) è un approccio unico ed efficace, divertente e supplicandolo per comprendere il comportamento delle persone nella vostra vita. con la dottrina di Wakefield, bisogno mai più sentito te querelo, “come hai potuto fare una cosa del genere! Ho davvero creduto che ti conoscevo meglio di così!”

kefield doktrina (teorija clarks, scotts in rogers) je edinstven in učinkovit, zabavno in roti pristop k razumevanju obnašanja ljudi v vašem življenju. z doktrino Wakefield, si morate nikoli več slišal naricati, “kako lahko kaj takega! Sem res verjel, da sem vedel, da si boljši od tega!”

…apologies to our Spanish, French, Italian and Slovenian friends, send your corrections to Bing…com. I placed my faith in their promise to translate my thoughts into the language of another person. These friends are from other places, have grown up in societies with different values, sometimes vastly different values (primarily in respect to the role and function of the individual in the context of the group). Yet, and always, they are human beings waking up each day on the same planet, in the same world as do I. And yet, (and still almost always), I need a translator, to convey this simple thought. If the translation is good and true, they will share my understanding, If the translation is flawed and faulty, they may come to understand something totally different from what I know. We all wake up after sleeping. We all go to school or work or home and learn and work and nurture what we can, what our particular lives require of us. Common realities, different perspectives. It is not the reality that separates us, it is the perspective, the personal reality that we all experience, each day of our lives.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that by understanding and appreciating the personal reality of the people around me, I will be better able to understand their decisions and reactions, impulses and actions. If I can see the world as you are experiencing it, I will know you better. The three perspectives offered by the Wakefield Doctrine, three different and distinct ways that a person can relate themselves to the world around them, offer one more way to understand the people I encounter today. By knowing how a person raised as a predator (in a reality of Predator and Prey) experiences waiting in a long line or how those who grew up and developed as if the world were quantifiable and measurable, (in the world of the Herd Member) look upon a substitute Teacher, trying unsuccessfully to explain why their child is failing math,  or even sensing that the person who must ask to be excused to leave the classroom to go to the bathroom, the person who never quite seems to be there… this Outsider;  all of this allows us (provided we want to) to better understand the actions of the other person (if we care to make the effort).

that’s the Y of the Wakefield Doctrine


X! -the Wakefield Doctrine- veXing!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


As sure as the sun rise, baby

…in the tradition of bloggers, since time immemorial (or, say,  2009), I’m inserting a music video in the hopes of stimulating my ‘hey-it-meant-something-to-you-a-lifetime-ago-why-wouldn’t-total-strangers-get-something-out-of-it?’ gland and try to finish this Post.

(ed note: of course, that was the Allman Brothers, back when everyone was alive and it (‘Not My Cross To Bear’), was a staple of the dorm playlists. dormitory music motto: ‘the place one’s parents paid a lot of money to live in,  that sounded like those big city apartment scenes in most crime movies, pretty much just before the good guys almost catch the bad guys, but manage a decent shoot-out nevertheless‘ )

Still, nothing for the letter X….

while we wait, let me suggest you go and visit our friends posts, they’ve written something interesting.  Go see Val and Kristi, then head over to Dyanne and  Zoe’s and, even though she’s pulled the plug on the ‘Again-and-again April Blog Challenge’, stop by Christine’s place.

…awright! 163 (words and counting)

I’ll forgo the odd X words:  xylophone, Xylocaine* Xanthippe** xenophile, X Chromosome (lol…no, not a word!)

So! That was a fascinating Post!

You know, it was originally my thought to compile this series of posts as my ‘ok, here’s a pre-rough preliminary draft of something I really should try to get on-line published‘.  The idea being that it would offer an overview of the Wakefield Doctrine, in a format that is ‘accessible’ or, at very least, familiar to readers. There are a couple of Posts I may need to rewrite, but the sense I get is that, the interesting thing about this here blog here is the process, the conversation that has developed and evolved. That’s not saying that the Wakefield Doctrine is not ‘standalone interesting’ but, since I’ll be the first to admit that what we have here is chance, anecdotal, yet still a rather fresh insight into personality and behavior, I should not try to write a ‘real book’.
If, however, I persist in my ambition to produce something that will stand alone and allow a total stranger to read once and acquire an understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine, sufficient to either:

  • a better understanding of the people in their life or, failing that,
  • enjoy the experience of seeing (the)  clarks, scotts and rogers that populate their world, all acting just like the Doctrine says they will!

I better frickin do it. That wouldn’t be a bad thing, would it?

OK! you’ve convinced me.  Couple of more Posts to conclude this rogerian slow-motion train wreck and then I can start vexing myself over the horrible problem of compiling this thing into a ‘Begining-Middle-End’ work of literature.***


* no! really! this is what I found when I went to check the spelling (spellcheck has a problem with a lot of X based word), no word of a lie:

“Causes numbness or loss of feeling in an area of your body.
Given before and during surgery, childbirth, or dental work.
Also treats emergency heart rhythm problems. ”   (is it just me that finds that sequence of concerns amusing?)

** wife of Socrates… a real cut-up, according to ‘the Wikipedia’… the things we learn on bloghops!

*** yeah!  I did, in fact, use the L word in reference to this here blog here…












UW! -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I knew that!! I did!!, it’s just that… ‘

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…yeah, I get it! W comes after V not U...

…yeah, I get it! W comes after V not U…

“…the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique, useful and fun way to better understand the behavior of the people in your life. With the Wakefield Doctrine, as an added perspective, you need never again hear yourself lament, “Why on earth would they say such a thing? I really thought I knew them better than that!” The Wakefield Doctrine is a way to know more about the other person than they know about themselves and, …and! it’s fun!”

That’s pretty much where we started… at least in then context of this, an actual blog. The theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, predates this blog by, say, 30 years, but this Post is about U, not History. (ha ha… a little ‘Anyone-else-tired-of-this-worn-ass Premise April bloghop Challenge’ humor?)

so, seeing how this is all about the letter ‘U’  W and, who among us doesn’t first think, ‘un’, it’s only appropriate that we provide you with some examples of which of the ‘un-words’ are associated with the three worldviews, aka personality types, of the Wakefield Doctrine. (yeah, but we’re obviously going to talk about the Wakefield Doctrine!!  and since when did we ever feel it to be a bad thing that we’re not on the same page with the rest of the class?!?  ….ayiee my rogerian aspect is surely exerting it’s group-based self!)

un-compromising: rogers (who’s surprised?)
un-usual: …. if I have to type this one, you really need to go and read the About page
un-relenting: gimme a ‘S’!!!!  gimme a ‘C’…. “hey! gimme back my pom-poms”
un-suspecting: clarks (yeah, I know! you’d think with all that thinking going on, they should be so easy to catch napping…)
un… hey! most of the ‘uns’ are associated with clarks!  what the hell is going on here?! Are we not imaginative and creative and kind (to a fault) and easy going (to a fault) and adaptable (to a….)  ok, ok…maybe we need to approach this from the other direction, what are clarks?  un-real* Now before anyone feels the urge to re-assure and/or state that we clarks are surely quite real, let me say, ‘not that it’s a bad thing! being ‘not a real person’. By not being real, clarks have the freedom to be anything, have anything, imagine anything…in our heads. And, when you get right down to it, is that not where we all start?  wait… lets try the reverse perspective:

  • scotts live in and of the here and now (not to say that individuals can’t experience the anxiety of the future or regrets of the past, that’s what secondary aspects are for!) but, the worldview of a scott is ‘here and now’… the mother lion sitting under the acacia tree, with her cubs playing in the shade, seeing the appearance of some hyenas is not, I guarantee you, thinking, ‘well, maybe this pack is simply curious and wandering about the savannah.’ No. She is not thinking. She is not worried. She is simply …ready
  • rogers live in and of the past (not that individuals can’t laugh at a surprise or be totally spontaneous, that’s what tertiary aspects are for!) but, the worldview of a roger is ‘then and forever’… the roger in the midst of his herd (and a herd need not manifest as multiple of similar people, the key concept of the Herd is ‘like qualities’), and wonders how best to act, how he can exemplify the Right Way to live, even if it is as simple a thing as crossing the street. the wildebeest in the middle of the herd does not worry about being able to swim, (as the herd is being forced to cross the river to escape the predators), he is only concerned with being s member of ‘the Herd of Swimming wildebeests’!
  • clarks…. well, we kinda know about clarks… they live in the future, the ‘un-world’ if ever there was one. (which is not to say that a clark can’t be aggressive and win the girl or engaged in service and be honored as the leading member of her ward, that’s what secondary and tertiary aspects are for!) but, the worldview of a clark is that of the Outsider and there is no time more Outside than the future. In the future there is hope and possibility, in the future there is opportunity (to learn) and chances (to act)… the lemur sits in the underbrush (it might serve our metaphor better to switch to early mammalians watching dinosaurs fight it out) and watches and dreams of a time when the way is clear and obvious and fear no longer is the prerequisite condition of his/her decisions on how to live life.

the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that each us grew up and developed our ‘personality’ in the context of one of three worldviews (personal realities). Those of us who woke one morning, at the age of 3 or so, and experienced the world as one of predator and prey, quickly adapted and grew up as scotts; those people who knew that they were ‘a part of’ the world that they found themselves in, well before pre-school, settled in to practicing the way of the Herd Member, knowing that the world was quantifiable and knowable and (it) only asked that they made every effort to act the Right Way…they are rogers; and then there are those who woke up… maybe a little late, (for dreams can be so inviting), and could hear their family downstairs, already un-wrapping the presents and… even as the so-very-critical instant evaporated, thought of his/her family as ‘them’… started on a very long path, searching for the knowledge that erased that little, tiny distinction, the apartness. The world became forever full of interesting things and yet was missing that one fact… clarks search as Outsiders

the Wakefield Doctrine is not the answer, it’s not even a (proper) question. the Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective. The Wakefield Doctrine charges us to use it to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. That we look around us and understand that, to a certain, but very real extent, reality is personal. The Wakefield Doctrine offers a tool that might allow us to understand how the people in our lives are relating themselves to the world around them. And by understanding this, better understand ourselves.

(…why, yes, you might say this has been a typical Post from the Wakefield Doctrine… but then, it’s not for everyone, is it? (thanks to all of you that do ‘get it’…. not that ‘it’s’ anything overly special, but ‘it’ does insist on a certain lively and confident imagination and a sense of fun with reality, in order to be properly used and enjoyed.)


V -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘V‘ideo Posts!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


My god! I was struggling with the V!  last night, and as I struggled with what word to use for this most autological of Letters, (if the extension of the concept of auto logical words can be extended to Letters.) Among the V-words under consideration at 2:33 am: virgin, veritas and virtual…. not that weird, right?  Virgin, as in SGV, which is the accepted acronym for a feature of the TToT that is one of 5 things that sets this bloghop apart from the, grains-of-sand-of-all-the-deserts-of-the-world collection of bloghops, available here in the ‘sphere. The Seven Guard Virgins, for any new Readers, are the seven….beings (male and female), who serve both as muses and censors of those who would participate in ‘the bloghop that Lizzi built‘. Originally suggested by our friend Cynthia Calhoun, the Guard Virgins have come to be significant factors for those of us attempting to use the power inherent in the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)*.

(the veritas and virtual, well, they’re pretty obvious, wouldn’t you say?)

then I remembered that I had originally decided on ‘Video Post’ as my V. Well, that certainly makes sense! (Especially since I’d originally envisioned this Anti-to-Decongestant April Challenge being a ‘instant Book’ when I staggered across the Finish Line. (blog challenge finish line motto: “say it!! don’t write it!! it’s not important enough to be preserved in the blogosphere like those frozen dead people, waiting for the world to realize how important they were!“)

So lets play the First video Post ever made under the auspices of this here Doctrine here!

…ok, one more

I’m thinking that I’ll do my TToT post tomorrow morning, I really need to write more often…

 1) I’m grateful that you all will understand!

2) Technology and cows*

3) (the aforementioned cows)

(I think the one on the left likes me, I know the one on the right doesn't)

(I think the one on the left likes me, I know the one on the right doesn’t)

4) hey, demographically-speaking, you (the Readers) are all pretty much women and, since women are, as a people, possessed of an innate sense of taste (when it comes to fashion and clothing and such, this is not so true when it comes to choices involving, cars, movies or really fun things to do)
The thing of it is, I need to buy sunglasses and I would life to make the right choice in style**.

5) Just to avoid the chance that a New Reader, here for the first time, might be tempted to say, “wow! for being the creator of a totally amazing personality theory, this guy is pretty darn clueless”…let me provide my two choices:





John Varvatos

John Varvatos

8) I am grateful to be able to hangout at a bloghop with seriously talented writers who hardly ever throw things and laugh and point

9) Did I mention that the glasses should be pleasing to at least half the Guard Virgins?

10) 1.3 binyons!  1.3!

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

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* getting tired of cows… need to get near the shoreline and start taking photos of seagulls (known as “the cows of the ocean, except smaller…with the ability to fly, but both are very good at producing waste products!”

**right choice being defined as: any interaction with an opposite gender person includes a statement to the effect, “you look really…. (fill in blank with your own choice of superlative)
