Month: April 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: April 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

P -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Provocative

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

top-ten-luxury-brands-sexy-ads-2_thumb300x200P...I am the walrus...coo coo cachoo

provocative (prəˈvɒkətɪv)
1. acting as a stimulus or incitement, esp to anger or sexual desire; provoking: a provocative look; a provocative remark.*

“…finally a word we can sink our teeth into!!!” (said nearly every scott, at one time or another). Find me another word that does more to generate images of lipstick and slinky dresses**, not that that’s what today’s Post is going to be about  …much.

In the words of a clark, ‘yeah, no! but….‘   in the early days of this blog, we saw any number of occasions when, searching in earnest for an illustrative metaphor for one of the worldviews, or a fictional encounter between members of the three worldviews, meant to demonstrate how our worlds are experienced differently, we’ve been met with the response. ‘what?!! did you just say that scotts are predators??’ (yes)…. “I’m not sure that a photo of a cow is really such a nice way to begin a discussion of rogers, don’t your think you’re being a little offensive?” (no).

I’ll say this for certain, the behavioral metaphors that are associated with the three worldviews, are exaggerated and yet ring true, they are over-the-top examples of ways that people perceive the world and yet, when used as a predictor of future behavior, are uncannily accurate. And it’s fun. That’s the other thing that I can say for certain, all that is written in the Posts*** that collectively are the Wakefield Doctrine blog, is written with a sense of affection for each of the three personality types. And this should be anything but surprising, seeing how we all have the potential, the capacity, to experience the world as any of the three personality types do.

Of course, the way ‘provocative’ is manifested in each of the three worldviews is as different as…well, as the three worldviews.  scotts come to mind first, as the definition that we used above, anger or sexual desire. rogers, not so much. clarks, oddly (lol, well, duh!) enough, clarks can be very provocative people, in a secret, roundabout way, of course.

Since I have a TToT Post to add to this, lets run out some favorite statements that help us appreciate today’s Word.

rogers are mean, scotts are cruel and clarks are heartless

scotts are stupid, rogers are dumb and clarks are crazy

scotts get angry, clarks get mad and rogers get resentful

(stop me anytime,  remember: ‘acting as a stimulus or incitement’!)

* courtesy of free

** at least for those of us blessed to live in the happy and peaceful land of Y Chromia! I assume the womenfolk, (to use the proper technical psycho-socio-cultural term for members of Gender X….), will find their mental drive-in movie playing a similar but different film (you ‘not-old people’, you have heard of drive-in theaters?  please say ‘yes’)

*** those Posts that I wrote, which are not all the Posts in this blog.



1 through 4: I am truly grateful for being a part of this TToT bloghop. (Increasingly as I experience the…er experience of participating in the A-t0-A Blog Challenge! Not that there are not very nice people and interesting bloggers and skilled writers among the 1893,  1723….1669  entrants. There are. But I appreciate more than ever the TTOT (not that I’m gonna take up needlepoint or watching the Lifetime Network or anything too girlistic)… I guess what I’m responding to is the sense of community that was our Ms Roger’s original goal for this here bloghop here.

5) I will have to invoke the SBoRs rule governing two part grat lists… work demands and sleep insists, leaving me with little time to do a proper List.

6)  (not sure if I should classify this as ‘grateful for technology’ or ‘grateful for roadside cows’!)

7)  I am beyond grateful for ‘the youtube’  as the endless source of referential material!  I mean, it’s like a frickin combination ‘time machine’, ‘term paper writing service’ and high school reunion all rolled into one!   (For example: I was researching tomorrow’s post and wanted to say something about the effect of the behavior of a scott (when the scott and a clark are hanging out) when a more dominant scott enters the social context… and so I went looking for an old Warner Brother’s cartoon… and, as Lizzi used to say, ‘Boom’!  New Readers? in this clip  both characters are scotts...



10) you know it’s gonna be 1.3 of the Secret Book of Rules, right?

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts

Join the Ten Things of Thankful Facebook Group


O -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…Of mirrors and rivers.’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

O  O

there’s an old saying, “Man is the only creature that could turn a window into a mirror.”

When we think about instincts, most of us accept, without argument, that all humans have an instinct for self-preservation and (an instinct) to reproduce. Among the other basic human drives there are some that may be controversial (instinctive altruism) and others, so commonplace as to not be given a second thought, (the fear of loss/hope of gain which is the paradigm underpinning all marketing). There are two drives, that while not of such a fundamental origin as the urge to reproduce or the overriding need to preserve one’s life and well-being,  that do account for some of the appeal of the Wakefield Doctrine. They are:

  • a desire to know of ourselves (for many of us, this is the more accessible framing of the actual question of ‘why we are here, what is the purpose of life’)
  • a desire to grow and develop and become more….’successful’ (in whatever terms one might measure success)


As the asterisk above (and, therefore below1) indicate, the original scope of this Post has been lost to the night, I will however, give you the Friday-morning-need-to-get-to-work-because-the-day-job-is-so-very-necessary, version of the two concepts referred to in our Post’s subtitle:

  1. personality types quizzes and surveys… the most ubiquitous form of mind-candy, they are always there…in waiting rooms and bus stations, the front rack at that checkout counter, left on the bench of a bus kiosk… we can’t resist. ‘What type of animal/vegetable/famous literary character are you!!?’ they shout from the pages of ‘the Facebook’… ‘know your inner self‘, the title whispers from the magazines that everyone knows and no one admits to subscribing to, and…and the most deadly of them all, ‘Are you compatible/ who is your perfect lover/ are you the best for your spouse…20 Questions reveal all!’   this last is where the Wakefield Doctrine sets itself apart from any other personalty theory (at least any of them that have quizzes… lol,  no!  we do!  here  click here but you have to promise to tell us how you did afterwards). We have a saying, ‘…the Wakefield Doctrine is for you, not them.’  We say that because the second thing a person who stumbles upon a personality quiz will say is, “oh honey!  come here, you really need to take this quiz!! It’s so insightful!” We call this phenomenon, ‘the club-shaped mirror’, for reasons that I could have explained to you yesterday, had you been riding shotgun as I drove through the countryside on the way to work…. oh well, maybe there’ll be a left-over letter before this ‘Endless-and-Aggravating April Bloghop Challenge’ finally stops!
  2. You can’t step in the same river twice‘  (a) famous old dead guy saying, have always loved this insight.  (Hey! want to hear something semi-funny? I was typing this bulletpoint and mistakenly typed, ‘you can’t stay in the same river….’   lol…. I love when stuff like that happens!)

To work. Sorry about the, (fill in a metaphor for building up expectations and stopping mid-point, appropriate to your own personal/cultural context), the ideas represented today are scattered throughout the Posts of the blog, someday I really need to spend a week (or two) and put some ‘orderly’ in this here blog here.

* can anyone else identify with getting an idea for a Post…no, not simply an idea, hell! we all get ideas for Posts, no, I mean get a feeling that the idea is really, really…. good/fun/valuable and the feeling itself is the driving force as you race to write it all down?  Unfortunately  since your writing time is limited, you’re forced to leave a ‘beginning’ on paper and come back to it later? And, then, when you return hours later, even though you recognize the thoughts and ideas that would surely become one the best Posts you’ve written, you’re like,  ..ok and then ?  Thats where I am at this moment. I still believe in the idea/theme of today’s Post, but the feeling, the energy, the enthusiasm is somehow missing! Of course, if you’re a clark, you know that that’s not the worst part of this phenomenon.**

** you really want to know?

1) one of the very old principle underlying man’s un-ending efforts to understand the world (… does that remind anyone, other than me, of a certain characteristic worldview? )


N -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Neighbors’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


A thank you to a total stranger for today’s L word! Jen (at Jen, Seriously) put our link in her Post, certainly a nice thing to do. So, naturally, I thought, “what a neighborly thing to do!” and, followed with, “neighbors!! theres my N!”



Cherdo on the Flipside (HU)


The World Through The Specs of Fabulus1710 (LI)






the Wakefield Doctrine


Artist’s Date (LI)


Tarot Loft


Adventures of a Retired Librarian


Hey!  They didn’t tell us (or, maybe they did but I wasn’t quite ‘listening’…. it’s been known to happen), but my place in the list has changed!

I should at this point make reference to my gender, as it might help place my enthusiasm in a certain, reasonable context… in a word:  booya!  My people have a certain predilection for competition and while I was not dissatisfied with being, what, 1,632th place down the list… a move up the list to 1,073 is certainly cause for celebration and appreciation and all…. (“I’m sorry clark, I’d love to go to the prom with you, but I have to wash my sick aunt’s hair and besides, Jimmie thinks he might possibly ask me and he’s the captain of the smoking Team and has a car and everything!”)  so, lets do the math!!  …1632- 1075…34%  holy shit! the ‘Alto-to-Soprano April Fling’ rogers are saying that the Wakefield Doctrine is 34% Better!! and we’re only at the letter ‘N’!!!  Come on down!! I knew they’d recognize the coolosity of this here personality theory here eventually!!

…wait’ll they get a load of me now… being all 1,073th on the damn list. (Why, no, I don’t think there’s anything so odd or unusual about my reaction… that’s right, I forgot!  the predominate demographic of the blogosphere being all female women and such and, for good knows what reason, you guys are born with a ‘oh-yeah?!! MiBTA gene deficiency*  That’s ok… you guys are alright anyway.

Speaking of X Chrome friends… damn! Lets go see where our Doctrine friends have ended up!

Kristi…. ok  she’s at 1141

Christine  721 (!!)

Dyanne  214 (damn… that’s near cheerleader level hot)

Val   Val!!!  where are you? I know you’re on the list… but I’ve been up and down the double columns so many times that I’m start to notice the increase in ‘AC’ blog…entries  and my scanning-every-single-post-title rate is slowing considerably!

…this just in!!!  1147.  I repeat!  1147 (with a bullet)  go…no! don’t stop and listen to the theme to a 1970s sitcom again!! go read Val’s Post… at 1147 Roger Avenue  Herd District, A-I-Know-My-Alphabet April Blog Challenge….  you can thank me later.  go!

zoe   three…eighty….four… (!)

sorry about the mix up on the List Address for Val… but I ‘met’ a perfectly nice blogger there,  Madeline Jane  (My Capricious Existence )…. you should go and read her post  (and maybe… kinda let her know that my comment would have made sense, had I been at the right address… ya know?


* Mine-is-Bigger-Than-Anyone’s  gene


M -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Manifest’ (or maybe ‘monkeyshines’…. haven’t quite made up my mind)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Not that there’s anything wrong with using every letter of our world-famous alphabet to suggest a word that will, in turn, form the basis of an insight into our little personality theory. That being said, sometimes, you know…. you just need to kick back and not be so sensible.

But, first, lets deal with the word of the day, ‘Manifest’.

In the context of the Doctrine, manifest is a verb. Example: “I love watching a parade, how do parades manifest in your worldview?” (said no clark…ever!) We all know that, in the three worldviews, the world is different.

  • scotts wake up to a jungle (metaphorical perhaps, but still not a reality that you can get through the day without paying attention), where there are other predators and a whole world full of prey, and every moment is a moment of action and life, all the while, tending to needs of your pack.
  • rogers: they clearest example of the nature ‘manifest(ing)’… that parade we mentioned? in the reality of the Herd Member a parade is not just a bunch of orderly, yet noisy people walking in rows down the street! hell no! in the everyday life of the Herd Member, a parade is a celebration of the essentially divine nature of man… the potential to rise above the common everyday meandering through the prairie looking for food and hiding from predators. It, (the parade), is a combination of: heavenly choir and boudoir murmurs  for the roger it is the soul of Man on display ….with trumpets and tubas!
  • clarks you know, you’d think…hell! shit must be manifesting every which way for these guys! what with being on the outside-looking-in, surely clarks are in the best position to appreciate how reality can be different for different people. Well,  yes and no.  (lol…. and that, new Readers is the quintessential humor and ultimate tragedy inherent in the personal worldview of clarks!)

The real ‘purpose’ of this word, this ‘to Manifest’, really is to remind us that whatever thing we may be confronting or otherwise dealing with at any given moment in our lives very well be a totally different and (possibly) fiendishly complicated thing to the other person… if you really want to understand the other person, the people in your life, your children, your spouse, yourself…. remember that, the very thing, idea, rationalization, action without thought, impulse or desire that you’re convinced that the other person needs to accept/understand/agree-with-you-on/laugh at/fight against might actually exist as something totally different for them. The Wakefield Doctrine’s primary use and value lies in helping us to know the other person’s worldview and, by doing that,  you stand a very good chance of seeing the world as the other person is experiencing it.

I thought we had time for some silly fun… but, no, we do not!

tell you what!  if I think of something fun and/or silly I’ll come back later and edit this here Post here.


L -the Wakefield Doctrine- Lock-in age

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So one day, a number of years ago, I happened to be walking along the sidewalk in a typical small New England town. It was typical in that the ‘downtown’ area was one street lined with plate glass storefronts that invited customers to learn to dance, save their money, pick up their prescriptions and have the soles of their shoes repaired. There was a large greco-romanesque library at one end of Main Street (overlooking the Park) and on the other end, (just before the Flying Horses merry-go-round), there was an ice cream parlor. The cars were required to park at an angle to the sidewalk and all the parking meters were double-headed. (5, 10 and 25 cent coins only). The day of my insight into temporary immortality, (or maybe it’s better to say suspension of aging), it was an early cloudless morning, around 10:30. As I walked down the sidewalk, (mindful of avoiding inflicting spinal damage on my Mom), I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, a figure walking on the opposite side of the street.  Curious who the only other person out walking down the sidewalks of Main Street might be, I turned my head a tiny little bit to increase my powers of recognition. (He was), male, with a similar color sports coat, walking in the same direction and, oddly, he was slowing down and turning his head. (Gestalts, being the incubi of the intellect that they are, quit being coy, and recognizability was restored), it was me.
To be precise, I was seeing myself reflected in the plate glass window on the opposite side of Main Street, at approximately 10:32 on a weekday morning. Naturally, I laughed out loud, although there was no one around (I’m a clark, you see, so that was totally a normal and appropriate reaction to the world that I live in).

…as I continued along the sidewalk, no longer alone, the question formed in my mind, in the split second when I recognized the figure as a reflection and, yet, did not recognize the person,  ‘who was I expecting to see’?

I was expecting to see me, at the age of about 27 or 28.

We’re all aware of the concept of body image, (the) persistent standard of physical characteristics that we all maintain of ourselves. It only makes sense that we might hold a version of our appearance in our minds, not on a level of constant comparison or (conflict) with our actual appearance, but simply ‘picture of ourselfs’… the person we should see in the mirror.  (the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that there are everyday concepts and ideas that are a part of our lives and the world around us that are not so ‘ objective reality’ based. Like the notion of personal reality, (aka worldviews), real as we experience them, and yet are not shared by others. Not exactly hammer-solid objective, the-apple-always-falls-to-the-ground reality, but our capacity to accept these ideas and notions opens up a whole world of understanding not available any other way.)

Back to our ‘lock-in age’.
I found people who would listen to my story without laughing or (getting mad) and it seems that we all have a lock-in age. Provided, of course, we have the imagination to sneak a peek at our semi-subconscious mind. Fortunately, having that kind of curiosity and imagination and love of new ideas is a prerequisite for understanding the Wakefield Doctrine.  I’ve had no problem finding people to talk to about this idea of ‘stopping the passing of time’.
Everyone that I’ve talked to so far has been able to determine when their core-self-image (of what they look like) stopped changing, stopped ‘keeping up with the passage of time, if you will. Now, here’s where it getting difficult to describe! (lol, yeah I know…. all I had to do was pay attention in English class in High School and no of us would be struggling with this little story)….

“…we stop getting old when we reach the point when we have everything that we expected from life.”

(yeah, that’s it for now. One little clue/qualification… this ‘what we expect‘ thing? don’t limit it to what you consciously think you know about yourself…. I’m talking about what we learn about life when we were young…. 2 or 3 or 7 years old…stuff that you may never have realized that you ‘believe’ (about life). That kind of thing. We grow up thinking we know what life is about and we grow up believing what life is about…)

* un-attached Asterix   there is a Special Case, allowable when there is massive life trauma (physical, emotional, whatever)…that can be the trigger point of a lock-in.

