Month: February 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: February 2015 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Thursday -the Wakefield Doctrine- (if the days of the workweek were potato dishes, today is surely Mashed Potatoes, yes?’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


If you were to ask, ‘hey why do you write so many Posts about the Doctrine, what are you trying to achieve?’ my answer would be, ‘the perfect Wakefield Doctrine Post’.  I would continue to say, “I want to write a single Post that presents the Wakefield Doctrine in such a way that a person, could read it once and understand the Doctrine well enough to be able to  apply the principles and immediately experience some of the benefits, whether it’s:

    • to have the fun of seeing people act as predicted, just because you correctly infer how they are relating themselves to the world around them or
    • using this added perspective and appreciating the behavior of a family member or friend,  in a new and positive light


Fortunately, we have Readers who pose questions and offer observations that, help write these Posts, as that is very much a part of this blog.

…and then, then!  there are the New Readers!!  damn!  (You know the old saying, ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ ?  there’s an older saying, ‘for a teacher to become skilled, there must be a student’ )
In any event, I was totally please to see a Comment yesterday:

… how exactly do you manage not to get Clark, Roger and Scott mixed up? :/
(from, Iliria who writes ‘Ravings from Iliria’)

I promised to write a Post addressing her  :/-istic question.

the best/most fun/sometimes scary thing about (learning) the Wakefield Doctrine, and it’s three personality types, is that it (and they) are already out there.
You have a friend who is a scott (they’re the first one to: eat an oyster, throw both hands up in the air on the roller coaster, the one who will stop whatever they are doing and risk everything when you’re in trouble) you have a family member who is a roger (they know what the right thing to do is, when you talk to them it seems, somehow, alright to say just about anything, they are always so confident and sometimes can be so aggravating) and there is a clark in your life, (unless, you’re a clark) (and they’re still there, though, like bats flying in a darkened cave, you’re aware of them only when they accidentally get too close)…
You won’t have to ask people questions, you won’t have a survey to administer, all you need to do is, learn the character, the nature, of the personal reality that the other person (or yourself) is living in… it’s perfectly ok to get the really prominent characteristic down… because, the scary part is, when you identify a person’s worldview, they will fill in all the blanks.

If there is a key concept here, it is this: the personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine are nothing more than the skills and strategies and ways of getting through life successfully, appropriate to how the person relates themselves to the world around them. Where other personality systems may have a long list of survey questions and a really scientific ,multi-axis, chi-squared, set of labels that are assigned to you on the basis of your test scores, the Wakefield Doctrine says:

  1. some of us grow up in the personal reality of ‘the Outsider’ (clarks), for them, the world is a mystery and an un-avoidable (though not un-desirable) challenge… unfortunately, (or so it may seem to the clark), this challenge is a very private one, their hope is to learn whatever it is they apparently  missed or ignored when the lessons of life was being taught, and so, all the curiosity and encyclopedic knowledge of random facts are merely in the service to know the things that everyone else ( the real people that seem to make up the rest of the world) knows
  2. there are those who live ‘the life of the Predator’ (scotts) they are simple, you can see it in their eyes,  scotts are always alert,  constantly scanning their surroundings for threats or for opportunity…they are large (in all senses of the word),  mercurial in temperament, single-minded in responding to a challenge, they live in the here and now, are un-self-conscious to a fault, they make for great friends (who you are constantly bailing out of trouble) and above all, they love ‘the audience’
  3. rogers are the people who (grow up) and live in the worldview of the Herd Member… the reality for rogers is as simple as that for the scott, with the exception that, for a roger  ‘everything is personal’. This quality of relating to the world in personal terms is their strength and their failing. rogers know that the world is quantifiable and understandable and virtually everything they do is an expression of their desire to find the Right Way, not so concerned with the other Ways people may act, this personality type  is driven to be the exemplar of whatever their circumstances insist is the best way to get through life

So, Iliria  there you go!

( oh yeah one last thing… everyone is born with the potential to live in any of these three worldviews and we all end up in one (our predominant worldview) at a very early age. the thing is, you never lose the capacity to experience the world as do ‘the other two’…so if you think you are, at times one type and then at other times, another type? perfectly normal! At least by the standards of the people who come to read and stay to use the Wakefield Doctrine.  More to follow… good luck!)


-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of books and friends and dogs’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(sure, we could do a ‘Caption this Photo’…. or, today being Wednesday, I believe there’s a ‘Wordless Wednesday’ ‘hop out there somewhere.. if the truth be known, I’m thinking, ‘damn! what a cool thing, I really need to preserve it for next weekend’s TToT!‘*)

One of the things I’ve come to appreciate about the internet (in general), and, the blogosphere, (in particular), is how I’ve made friends with people who act like new friends, as when we were young.
(Sure, I’ll explain that!  You have friends in real life… people you’ve known for most of your lifetime. (Not counting moving or transfers or such), how many new friends have you made in the last…oh, I don’t know, lets say, the last 18 months? (remember, we’re not counting new jobs or new neighbors moving in next door). Not that many, right?  and… and your friends in real life, they are an irreplaceable part of your real life… we know that, but! (and this is the challenging part2) remember back when they were ‘new’ friends…and, of course, you were all younger… the energy! the enthusiasm, the spontaneous gestures… “why, I just felt like sending you a book”)  That’s what strikes me about the friends I have been fortunate to come to know here in the virtual world.

My friend zoe (tbnkaI)1 sent us a book! ‘Dogs under Water’


* did I mention I was a clark? you would have been able to deduce that simply on the basis of my stated wish to preserve an experience for use at a later, future time… (why, yes,  clarks live in the future, scotts the present and rogers the past’  very good! see your understanding of this remarkable personality….. thing, is quite advanced. and that, the relationship of a clark to time is a big part of how one might deduce that I’m a clark on the basis of my statement about preserving a good feeling… but, hey, listen, we really should be getting back to the Post up there… the rogers will be getting annoyed and the scotts… well, they were hungry when they arrived**

** yes, this is a metaphor-heavy theory of personality, thank you for mentioning it! That (the inextricable role and function of metaphor) is where the fun and the insight is, and so, when I said that the rogers were getting annoyed and the scotts were hungry, I meant it. I mean, really, who doesn’t know a scott who, for one reason or another is deprived of the chance to hunt… (hunting can be: chasing the prey, playing scrabble, going to the gym,  busting balls at work, or any other activity that involves other people who are awake… ) the mood!  Man, scotts get testy when they haven’t had enough ‘exercise’. And that’s an example of the power of  metaphor here at the Wakefield Doctrine.***

*** why, of course, the same applies to rogers and clarks… well, rogers at any rate… but, for rogers it’s not a hunting thing, but it’s the same principle… if a roger is deprived of the opportunity to ‘exert’ themselves, appropriate to how they relate themselves to the world around them, then they can get quite…. annoyed.

1) t(he) b(logger) n(ow) k(nown) a(s) I(vy)

2) challenging you to imagine things… that’s what we do here at the Doctrine… invite you to see the world today one additional way.


Mandag -the Wakefield Doctrine- take 2 (thanks to zoe for spotting problem go to her site…now! (the Link is in this Post)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Started the day with a bit of a quote remanent, ‘there is nothing new under the sun‘ hoping that that would limit that part of my brain that is endlessly creative with the things to worry about, but then I completed the quote* in my head and totally swapped it for some Shakespeare  ‘there are more things in heaven and earth’  because, how much worse could that be?**

A Note to scottian and rogerian Readers: yes, that is what it’s like inside our head(s) when the day starts for clarks. And, not that it needs to be stated more clearly, consider this: when a clark wakes/stops worrying/inexplicably finds herself in a light hearted mood/discovers the very bad news is only mildly disquieting/accepts the invitation to be friends with a person/reaches the bottom of the emotional abyss in fact, everything/every-time except for when we discover that we’ve fallen in love/see love coming from another, un-prompted/totally surrender…  a clark thinks   ‘I’m here and the world is out there’.
thats the difference between a clark and a scott and a roger***

*** thanks go to zoe for catching and mentioning a problem that hopefully is fix… do me a favor?  go to zoe/ivy’s site and thank her for me.***

(from a few years ago)

Yes, the Wakefield Doctrine does have a very practical value to all you Readers out there who are currently Students or may be Students or are planning to become Students!

In today’s Post we will present the Wakefield Doctrine in a form that will allow you to get the most from your experience in the classroom, no matter if it is a College-level course: Introduction to the Peloponnesian Wars or a High School ‘Health’ Class,  the Wakefield Doctrine can help. Today. Right Now!

Let’s focus on the environment found in High School, simply because this is where the Doctrine will provide the most dramatic and immediate relief and or help for Readers of that age/milieu  (big props for any of you who are in High School and are reading this here blog here.)

The Teachers:


  • if they are clarklike females then they will be found teaching the elementary grades, if male then most likely college level teaching
  • in high school the teacher that betrays the ‘Code of Teachers’ and shows a side of themselves that makes it clear that they are ‘real people’
  • if watched closely, (the clarklike Teacher) will be caught laughing at the antics of the class clown ( the scottof course) but still give him detention
  • if a scottian male, then they are the shop teacher or gym teacher (Mother of God! what are the authorities thinking!!)
  • if  a scottian female then the French Teacher… if not (attractive) …so the phys ed  teacher
  • the scottian female Teacher,  is also the mostly likely name to appear on the boy’s room wall (but who’s ‘honor’ will be vociferously defended) if anyone ( a roger ) makes a wisecrack about her
  • if a rogerian male, then the science teacher, if female then the School Nurse
  • most of the History Department ( except for the clark they let in for distraction value)
  • Health class, Personal Hygiene Civics Class and/or head of the Cafeteria staff
The Students:
  • the one who makes the ‘wisecrack’ that everyone laughs at in class but no one is sure who said it?
  • the girl that is admired by the Teachers and  the Senior Classmen (and someone said she was going out with a college kid)
  • you will, if you watch quietly from the side, see clarks everywhere, but never by themselves (if they are by themselves, you won’t see them)
  • you’re kidding, right?  if we need to tell you how to spot the scotts in your high school, then you need to… go back to grade school!  lol
  • the two guys who get into a fight, right in the middle of the cafeteria? (and are the best of friends after the fight is over)..scotts
  • the girl who is totally the center of almost everything…and if she happens to get straight As nobody seems to remember that fact?
  • most of the population, easily 45 damn percent…rogers!  they’re all over the frickin place
  • (most) of the members of every team or any sport or activity that requires the individual  to totally depend on teammates or coaches
  • the head of every frickin club except the ones that no one joins (thats where you’ll  find the ‘outgoing’ clarks)
Alright, time is up! Everyone put down your pencils but please remain in your seats until  the rogers can collect your test booklets,  do not try to leave until all the test booklets have been collected.
*  from Ecclesiastes 1:9  “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”   shit!
** Hamlet Act I. Scene V   yeah, sure, great line that would totally appeal to a clark, but then he goes on to say:

‘As “Well, well, we know,” or “We could an if we would,”

Or “If we list to speak,” or “There be an if they might,”’
…have I said it already?   shit!
*** no, if you have a sense of it or even sometime think that that’s the best way to approach it, then it’s your secondary aspect talking…. today we’re talking about the worldview itself, not us as individuals,  ya know?

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘located on the Corner of Desire and Need’

Welcome to Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

no, it's ok! I'm a Saint

no, it’s ok! I’m a Saint

Man, glad that week’s over*. No, wait! let me re-….re-relate myself to it, to this past week.

1) I’ve got Dyanne in my head…saying something to the effect of “One thing that happened to you this week. Describe it and then stop.  Wait! Put a number in front of it. Yes, it does have to be the number ‘1’. Now go to the next thing… that’s how a List is written.”

2) Kristi is smiling and suggesting, “Well, that’s certainly a good start! Why, no, I don’t think photos in a TToT are distracting…per se”,  (she laughs and continues), “…just take your time and everything else will take care of itself”.

3) zoe (Ivy) has somehow come up with a ‘visual’  based on a classroom, like 4th or 5th grade… “psst   clark!  hey  clark…. I got my theme.  Ya want some help with your… list?”  (this in a 65 db  whisper… which she manages without moving her lips and, all the while, smiling at the teacher)

4) Michelle (has now)  (somehow) stepped into  zoe’s visual as, naturally the Teacher.. but she’s smiling  “very good, clark! remember, not only are  you are telling a story, you’re also showing your Reader something of yourself. very good!!  Miss Ivy… be so kind and stay here after the test, won’t you?”

5) Sarah  would, by this point (Item 5) be sensing the theme I’m trying to pull off… her face, (were she to be seen), would portray the full range of encouragement and, a little incredulity… “huh! you really going try for that?…it’s a long list”,  …shifting to encouragement… “ok, ok I see now, you can do it!”  ending in an approving smile.

6) Lisa  is quiet. There is a sense of ‘looking around’, not certain if what she’s reading is going to be met with a hoots of derision or a smiles of approval…and there is definitely a sense of hope that my efforts don’t bog down before I finish the list… ( she also begins to wonder just what the hell kind of bloghop she’s gotten herself involved with…)

7) Kristi …”no freaking way!” Kristi would succeed, (against her better judgement), at not bursting out laughing…knowing two things: a) she’s glad to be a co-hostinae and 2) clarks sure are a strange bunch and she’s glad to be one

8) Christine  the ‘visual’ here is way too complex: it contains a combination of qualities and (an) appreciation of her friendship that I clearly do not have the nerve to attempt and yet, at the same time I  am… obliquely   (…yeah, who’s a clark?) … Christine would, at this point, laugh/look around/shrug to herself/laugh

9) Lizzi   a smile, a sense of recognition and a moment of peace….

10) 1.3  (and yes… one of the SVG? that one that’s most like… she totally flashes me as I walk off)


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F -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a 3 second tale of sadness and hope’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(08:11:01 am)  …a grey shape in the road ahead… not clear what, it’s grey about 6 inches longways across  there is much to do at work today… I really hope I can find a way to keep up, there’s tremendous opportunity  in keeping with what I am working 7 days a week to achieve, I know I can do it but I know that thinking as I am about the challenges bring, maybe inevitability though I am personally inclined to say deliberately is the threat of screwing up and losing more than I’m gaining… hey, it’s a dead squirrel, won’t have a problem avoiding it, the traffic is pretty light…must be windy out there, the tail is waving…

(08:11:02 am) …oh fuck, it’s moving (no need to swerve I’ll pass right over it)… the squirrel is not dead (yet) it’s moving, flexing the muscles of it’s body any way it can. (I think),  there’s no sense of terror or even pain in these movements, (no, I can’t say why I feel can make this statement with assurance, but I do), what I get from this brief impression is (that) there is  determination, everything in the movements is shouting, ‘must move’.. it has the nature of  a rippling effect along the torso, so much so, that, what I see is not a squirrel like those we all see, running up a tree …the head and the tail ‘are’ the squirrel for us on every other day, except for today… right now, what I’m witness to is a shape in grey fur, moving with a singleness of purpose to get away from where it was… my stomach hurts, in that non-medical way that clarks feel when coming into direct contact with emotion… and not a ‘memory story’, the tales that play in our heads about the past… no this emotion causes a physical response, a rolling of the stomach that made all the thoughts that I had since waking up, thoughts dealing with my day and my work and how to organize (my day and work)  how to avoid failing… all evaporated…disappeared…without a trace, because all that was in my mind was the feeling of  how awful/how sad

(08:11:03 am)  the rearview mirror shows one more movement. I can see the car behind me swerve …(god, it’s making progress across the road)  but the car after that one is too close to see and swerve and how fuckin hopelessly pointless  and how sad  and yet, I recognize that within me is this difference…maybe only a clark will identify with how, I felt about how I felt,  a sense of powerful quiet, the now-seemingly-frivolous-planning of a day… gone, replaced with this….feeling.   and from that  feeling came the hope. (now this will make no sense to most reading this), the feeling of hope was grounded in the awful feeling that possessed me, with the image of the squirrel’s single-minded effort to simply move, move away. maybe this hope is nothing more than a (momentary) silence,  a quieting of whisper and reminders of fear the fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of not living.

(08:11:04 am) thank you, Mr or Mrs Squirrel… you have changed my day today…
