-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of books and friends and dogs’ | the Wakefield Doctrine -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of books and friends and dogs’ | the Wakefield Doctrine

-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of books and friends and dogs’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(sure, we could do a ‘Caption this Photo’…. or, today being Wednesday, I believe there’s a ‘Wordless Wednesday’ ‘hop out there somewhere.. if the truth be known, I’m thinking, ‘damn! what a cool thing, I really need to preserve it for next weekend’s TToT!‘*)

One of the things I’ve come to appreciate about the internet (in general), and, the blogosphere, (in particular), is how I’ve made friends with people who act like new friends, as when we were young.
(Sure, I’ll explain that!  You have friends in real life… people you’ve known for most of your lifetime. (Not counting moving or transfers or such), how many new friends have you made in the last…oh, I don’t know, lets say, the last 18 months? (remember, we’re not counting new jobs or new neighbors moving in next door). Not that many, right?  and… and your friends in real life, they are an irreplaceable part of your real life… we know that, but! (and this is the challenging part2) remember back when they were ‘new’ friends…and, of course, you were all younger… the energy! the enthusiasm, the spontaneous gestures… “why, I just felt like sending you a book”)  That’s what strikes me about the friends I have been fortunate to come to know here in the virtual world.

My friend zoe (tbnkaI)1 sent us a book! ‘Dogs under Water’


* did I mention I was a clark? you would have been able to deduce that simply on the basis of my stated wish to preserve an experience for use at a later, future time… (why, yes,  clarks live in the future, scotts the present and rogers the past’  very good! see your understanding of this remarkable personality….. thing, is quite advanced. and that, the relationship of a clark to time is a big part of how one might deduce that I’m a clark on the basis of my statement about preserving a good feeling… but, hey, listen, we really should be getting back to the Post up there… the rogers will be getting annoyed and the scotts… well, they were hungry when they arrived**

** yes, this is a metaphor-heavy theory of personality, thank you for mentioning it! That (the inextricable role and function of metaphor) is where the fun and the insight is, and so, when I said that the rogers were getting annoyed and the scotts were hungry, I meant it. I mean, really, who doesn’t know a scott who, for one reason or another is deprived of the chance to hunt… (hunting can be: chasing the prey, playing scrabble, going to the gym,  busting balls at work, or any other activity that involves other people who are awake… ) the mood!  Man, scotts get testy when they haven’t had enough ‘exercise’. And that’s an example of the power of  metaphor here at the Wakefield Doctrine.***

*** why, of course, the same applies to rogers and clarks… well, rogers at any rate… but, for rogers it’s not a hunting thing, but it’s the same principle… if a roger is deprived of the opportunity to ‘exert’ themselves, appropriate to how they relate themselves to the world around them, then they can get quite…. annoyed.

1) t(he) b(logger) n(ow) k(nown) a(s) I(vy)

2) challenging you to imagine things… that’s what we do here at the Doctrine… invite you to see the world today one additional way.


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Uh… how exactly do you manage not to get Clark, Roger and Scott mixed up? :/

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      what an excellent question! (I suspect some of the Readers might have some suggestions), but I think that your question makes for a perfect Thursday Post!

      (in the mean time), one of the most useful (and, in fact critical) questions that the Wakefield Doctrine would have us ask is: ‘how does that person relate themselves to the world around them?’ We propose that there are three answers: as would ‘an Outsider…clark’ as ‘a Predator aka a scott’ or the way a roger (who is relating to their world as if it were, in essence, a Herd comprised of constants and predictability and quantifiable in nature).

      the other ‘short’ answer is: as you begin to learn the characteristics associated with the three personality types you will start to see examples in the people around you… this does take a little time to acquire. There are easy characteristics to spot, like ‘the eyes of a scott’ or the ‘aggressive ‘I-don’t-want-to-be-the-center-of-attention’ of a clark to the more subtle and difficult characteristics such as the ‘personalness of the roger’
      not to worry, from what I’ve seen in readers in the last couple of years, once you get a feel for these ‘worldviews’ things will fall into place… in fact, at this point I should give you the courtesy of a warning about our little personality theory…. there will (if this theory provides you with a benefit sufficient for you to justify the initial effort to learn it) come a time when you will start to see the clarks, scotts and rogers around you and…. and there is a risk that you will not be able to not see the clarks, scotts and rogers around you…. lol (no, I’m serious… even for me at times, I’ll see someone acting according to the Doctrine so much so that I’m tempted to go up to them and say, ‘alright now! who put you up to this…. did that Christine or Lizzi put you up to this?!?! you’ve read the blog haven’t you!!!! but I don’t. It would be rude).

  2. valj2750 says:

    tbnkai is very cool, no matter what moniker she is using. Blogging friends are fun, and she is one of the best. So I am imagining (metaphorically, of course), a Scott on a buffet line, a Roger at the library with a history group, and us Clarks writing about what is to be???? Happy Wednesday, and Thursday.

  3. ivywalker says:

    It was purely in my being a Clark that I wanted to preserve my own reaction to that wonderful book for the future… You helped with that in that I knew I could send it to you. Thanks. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did.

  4. ivywalker says:

    OMG I just realized UNA was reading it! She disappears into the shadows!!! HAHAHHAHAHA!

  5. Denise says:

    I imagine at this writing that Una has finished reading the book:) A most excellent picture of a dog at play lol.

    Funny you should mention that scotts are of the here and now, clarks are of the future and of course, rogers are of the past. I lost a comment to Lizzi this morning, the end of which had to do with clarks and the future. The idea that life for a clark is something that will happen when (fill in the blank) or after I do (fill in the blank). It was a reminder that as a clark, I need to remember that life is now. It’s not something that will happen, it is happening. Today, in the present. This is your life right here, right now (to quote Jesus Jones).
    It then occurred to me on a mental side street, that clarks have a nice little built in system of denial by default! If we don’t think that our life is the real one, the one I want to have, have to have etc, then there’s always that one in the future. The one that hasn’t happened yet ‘cuz you know….

    Appreciate the wall space to ramble tonight. Silly sleepy so I’d better go now!

    • dyannedillon says:

      Nice, Denise! That really is a built in system of denial, isn’t it? I see now that my “don’t borrow trouble” mantra proves that I live in the here and now. Such a Scott, huh?

  6. dyannedillon says:

    As soon as I saw the picture, I recognized the book. Love that Ivy sent that to you. Love that Una is enjoying it so. Will be disappointed if I find out you haven’t at least considered trying to snap one of those pictures of Una….

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      funny you should say that… of all the dogs (actually only 2 others) we have had, Una is the only one who does not like to go in the water! ( I suspect it has to do with how long her hair is… not that you can see it in photos, the ‘black-on-black’ look makes portraits so easy!