Month: January 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: January 2014 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

TToT Part 2 the Wakefield Doctrine (‘Ill come back and do a better subtitle…late gotta hit the shower)

Welcome to the  (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

"yeah, those are mailboxes in our woods as feeders. what part of being a clark did you miss?"

“yeah, those are mailboxes in our woods as feeders. what part of being a clark did you miss?”



see the mailboxes?

It is well established, here at the blog hop that Lizzi built, that while there is an established format to be followed, some participants might want, or need to stray from the ideal form.  This ‘ideal form’ can be found in writers such as Kristi, Christine  or Stephanie. Not being judgmental. just that these three are good examples of the traditional form: 10 items, focused on  contemporary events, photos allowed.

Then there is the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules). There comes a time when, as the deadline for posting approaches, like a first date when you’re out of college and someone from your new job sets you up. You know they mean well, but you’re still trying to adjust to this very more adult world, and though you know you want to go, your ‘what-the-hell-lets-see-how-crazy-we-can-get college self’ is at war with the ‘it’s-time-grow-up-and-be-mature-and-reliable self’  and you see 9:00 approaching.   That is what the Book of Secret Rules is for… we, ( the 9 TToT cohosts and 1 crazy-assed YChrome), understand how that can be, and while ‘the rules are the rules’, the very least we can do to help is to offer the following:  hey! don’t feeling like a normal readable Post?  go ahead, knock yourself out, as long as the average Reader will understand that you are aware grateful to be allowed to share here at the TToT.

1) I will starts with a shocker by saying, I am again grateful for the wicked-cold low temperature. We had a snow stormlette this week past, but the temperature was so low that the snow had the density and consistency of talcum powder. Cold talcum powder, but light and dry

2) Even though I got a very late start yesterday, I am halfway through the Saturday Posts. btw, I came across a Comment at ‘the coop wall’ about shoes which someone (Kristi ) asked about what the hell (‘what the heck’) Christine’s shoes had to do with the Wakefield Doctrine… I smiled

3) I started to answer the (implied) question, but realized that space and courtesy prevented my answering properly and suggested that I ‘spread the answer among my Comments at other’s Posts’… I am grateful for having that occur to me

4) I am grateful for the vidchats on Friday and Sunday becoming more and more established, thanks to Lizzi (and Michelle and zoe and Denise) they are actually becoming two different events…Friday night for fun and hanging out and Sunday for discussions of a more… something nature

5) I am grateful for the fact that Lizzi did not wake up that fateful morning last year thinking, ‘blimey! gwan wid ya now mate…I’ll do a Twenty Things of Grateful, I will’

6) The TToT has two new co-hostinae and, although that was a predominant feature in last week’s Posts, I’ll say right here that my fear and misgivings are clearly and almost completely un-founded!

7) Having spent most of my online time last week bemoaning my fate as a blogger, I am totally grateful for the very kind thoughts and encouragement that showed up on the Comment threads of the Wakefield Doctrine, The kind and supportive thoughts expressed, (by these writers), ranged from “we love you and you have such a bright future” to “jeez clark, you have a niche Post that is being read by normal, sane adults writers… what else do you want?  quit the damn belly-achin

8) I think that I will keep the long intro (to this Post).  While the Secret Book of Rules (aka the Book of Secret Rules) in not the central point to this bloghop…. recognizing and sharing the things that we are grateful in our lives is, more and more people are finding the fun that this thing allows us as writers. It is not, of course, saying that ‘hey write whatever you want, we don’t care’, if anything, I would submit that this freedom to bend the rules accentuates the core value in the TToT. In other words, if you need to stray from the format, share the joke with us and be damn sure it’s clear that you know what the point of this bloghop is… lol

9) Of the Rules, how can you beat Secret Rule 1?  it is like that rare night at the dinner table, you’re staring at the lump corner of your plate that is the broccoli your mother included insists is good for you, everyone else is done, all the plates are cleared the desert… chocolate cake is waiting…and your mother says, “ok, you don’t have to eat them this time”

10) Rule 1.3!



Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


TToT by the damn day! the Wakefield Doctrine (“We were this close to doing a right and proper TToT Post… if at first you don’t….”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



* Monday 01.20.14  well (water) service done on time with a 10% discount!   Enjoy the traditional greeting from Una (and the photo I thought to take with my phone turns out to be useful as a Post photo)

* Tuesday 01.21.14 ……      (shit!  forgot to write contemporaneous Gratitude item!)

I will begin today’s Post by saying, “Congratulations to Christine for her Award nomination,  ‘the 2014 Sheenazing Awards’.

I need to address my failed, write-like-a-real-person, effort for this today’s TToT Post. I will, however, take credit for 1 1/2 items. (no, make that 2 and 1/2 items)…. wait… wait!  (I’m re-reading Item 1  service man on time? 1,  get a discount? (jeez kind of a girl thing, but what the hell…. 2)  greeting from Una (I walk in… she waits on the couch, I sit at one end of said couch, she sits sorta on a lap(photo above) and we discuss our day…. gonna have to go with 1 item there, that takes us up to 3 and finally, I thought to use my phone for a photo and it turned out useable… that’s Number 4.  And since, I’m going with the by-the-numbers-verifiable-gratitudinous items, while I’m not grateful that I totally forget to continue my day-by-day effort, the Tuesday entry above forms my jumping off point, so 5 it is!

6) the Comments, thoughts, feedback and input from the people responding to a couple of Posts here at the Doctrine this week. I have difficulty relating myself to people who are saying nice thing to and about me, but they did and I respect them enough not to get all….”no!  no, you’re just saying that to make me feel good“.

7) vid chat last night with zoe and Michelle, we covered a lot of ground and I came to several points-of-understanding and appreciation of and for: the Wakefield Doctrine, the workings of (the individual’s) worldview and insight and encouragement for my efforts to continue working on this thing  you know, the fun of the Doctrine for clarks

8) with yesterday’s Post, the Sunshire Award thing… yet another experience that results in my being more than I was the day before, pretty much due to the response of the people involved…nothing clarkweird or obtuse, simply was fun!

9) Work today.  Holy shit!  an actual contemporaneous grat list item!! yahoo! ‘Gratitude item’ experienced and expressed in relatively, nearly, realtime!)

10) I should explain what my thinking behind today’s list, for the benefit of my new co-hostettes (Sandy and Lisa), new Readers who might be joining us for the first time…and any rogers who might have stopped by, thinking they heard the sound of a crowd.

yes, time to get to the aforementioned work, I will stop by at various points in the day to read and Comment…. everyone comment on this Post, please. Thank you. Thank you very much.


Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Friday Surprise the Wakefield Doctrine (yeah, I know… with this damn Doctrine thing, the number of times you’re actually surprised?…way down!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Sunshire Awards  Part II

(There are certain protocols to be followed when receiving this recognition. In her Post Wednesday, Lizzi tells us that we are to: answer the 7 questions she posed, reveal a certain number of ‘quirky’ things about myself/the Wakefield Doctrine and nominate others to receive the award and require them to answer a new set of Questions. Fine. I answered the 7 Questions in yesterday’s Post. I will now proceed to discharge my duties, subsequent to completing the process.)1

“…Offer 7 interesting/quirky/random/obscure facts about yourself * Answer the 7 questions posed by the blogger who nominated you * Nominate [mutable number of] other bloggers to receive the award, posing them 7 new questions.”

I will direct your attention to the wording of  Liz’s nomination,  Clark Scottroger – The Wakefield Doctrine
…why no, I don’t have to do more of a ‘setup, do I?  (what I like the most about you Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine blog, is that you are as quick (and often quicker) than I am… so lets have some fun)

(mutable number) of interesting/quirky/random/obscure facts about the Wakefield Doctrine:

  1. clarks will often ‘decide’ that they like someone who they barely know and proceed to create a relationship… this, of course, simply means that the clark acts friendly, confident and open (with the ‘target person’), clearly accessing their own scottian and rogerian aspects
  2. scotts, for all of their being the most confident and self-assured (of the three), when confronted with overwhelming opposition will ‘retreat’ to their rogerian aspect before they will retreat to the clarklike aspect
  3. rogers lets say there is a major snowstorm, goodly accumulation, oh I don’t know, 6 inches? but the day of the snow storm is the day of the garbage pickup (the trash cans have to be place at the end of the driveway) will the roger in the household decide: a) they won’t be picking up today ’cause of the storm, b) the priority is to get the garbage cans to the curbside first and foremost, even though the driveway (that leads to the curbside) has not been shoveled, will drag said cans into (approximate) position c) wtf? wait, it’ll take a little to shovel the drive, they don’t pick up until the afternoon, in any event!
  4. both the progenitor scott and progenitor roger were (and remain) accomplished musicians, however scott is also artistically gifted
  5. there is a ‘Pete Best’ figure in the pre-pre-theory of clarks, scotts and rogers
  6. what the hell! I looked up Pete Best, for an image, y’know  and they guy was a scott!  never realized that… interesting
  7. everyone has all three worldviews as a potential, everyone ends up growing up and developing in one of these three, leaving the other two nearby, but not everyone has a significant secondary or tertiary aspect…it’s there, but they are simply a clark or totally a scott or such a roger… so don’t feel you have to determine a person’s secondary or tertiary aspect

There! Done! One thing left to do. I’m supposed to pick seven people to receive the award (located at the bottom of this Post) and pose a whole new set of questions for them to answer!  however,  I’m going to break the Rules a touch.

I’ll list seven people I know and like. I’ll pose a fairly obviously contrived list of questions that they are expected to answer, but will be offering an Alternative…to answering the questions…in their blog Post

The Questions: 1) how did you feel in the middle of writing your first Post; 2) your first boyfriend/girlfriend, a clark or a scott or a roger; 3) you’re on a desert island and the cannibals are spotted paddling those weird out-rigger, tree-trunk canoes (yeah, this is that episode of Gilligans Island) and you have a choice of the other person with you on the island, who would you prefer? clark or scott or roger; 4) which of the ‘other two’ worldviews are you most uncomfortable swapping with…

The Alternative:  we used to do ‘interviews’ with people a couple of years ago. The way it would work was that I would arrange a time and open the Saturday Night call in number and the person would call and, from my car driving around, I would ask them questions. (the resulting video would be of my hat and dashboard and the voice of my guest). As your Alternative, you could accept the invitation to do an interview… think about it.

(Stephanie?  you might want to consider the Alternative, as the cost of a phone call would probably be just a bit under $5,789.34…lol)

TONIGHT   the Wakefield Doctrine presents,  ‘when the cat’s away Video Chat’!!!

I need to ask if anyone with a personality out there would please sign the list below so that I can invite you early. Lizzi is on vacation and there is a risk that I will be standing around the vid chat with a tray of jelly-on-ritz crackers  acting as the host (for you older readers, visual: Fred MacMurray, Andy Griffith, Mr. Rogers and Tyler Durden serves canapés )  Leave us a Comment if you can attend, I’ll be sure to send the invite out to your google+ account!


Award Sunshine 2

1) I am grateful that Lizzi has seen fit to invoke the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) to allow a certain degree of….personal interpretation of the Rules and such, no less a follower of this Authority, I will be making certain modification to the rules, procedures, provisions, requirements and stipulations of the aforementioned Sunshire Award… but, I can’t be specific as to which Rule, as is only proper, according to the Secret Rule I am following.


‘can’t-make-up-your-damn-mind Thursday’ …the Wakefield Doctrine ‘we did mention that we are in a bit of a transition stage, didn’t we?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

what?  no, really!  what?

what? no, really! what?


Several topics this morning:

  • developing a sense of how to effect a change in my presentation of the Doctrine vis-à-vis enhancing my secondary (scottian) and tertiary (rogerian) aspects
  • responding to Lizzi’s kind award of a Sunshine Award
  • a couple of music vids (I really will enjoy being surprised by who likes them) hell, I’ll put both at the bottom…if you hate the first don’t bother with the second lol
  • announce the Friday vid chat

Thanks to those who Commented on my somewhat-challenging posts earlier in the week, I am grateful. The one thing that I am certain of, at least at this ‘pre-start’ phase, is that my attempt to demonstrate the efficacy of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool/ a means/a technique/a program for self-developing oneself is going to be interesting. and difficult. and embarrassing (for me, at times) and exhilarating (for me, at other, less frequent times) and totally damn worthwhile. While I cannot yet say, ‘see? see?!? it works!! look at the change in me that resulted from me doing the following: (insert whatever the hell I end up doing in the next few weeks*)‘. Should be fun.


(Item 2)

Your questions (if you choose to accept them) are as follows

1. What’s the last thing that made your stomach clench (in a good way)?
 huh!  sorry, no way can answer that

2. How did you make someone’s day better today?
er…. (no! I am taking this seriously and I will answer your questions…it’s just that, well maybe if I revisit these questions after the aforementioned self-development project, I’ll have better answers)

3. Which (and why) do you practice; forgiveness or vengeance?
 both… I strive to forgive and I resist  the delusion of vengeance (it’s a delusion in that it is my relationship with another person that I would be attacking, and that really has minimal effect on their actual selfs)

4. Which language(s) would you love to be fluent in?
the Wakefield Doctrine (we use the language/fluency  analogy a lot with the Doctrine)

5. What was the last song you fell in love with?
either one of the below, but maybe it should be lust instead of love? (you know…excitement high curve of enjoyment, repetition until exhaustion …yeah, I think I better stop now)

6. In what circumstances were you last out of control?
every fuckin day  (I work and I practice the belief that the only control is to dispel the notion of having control)

7. Describe the last thing you read which made you think “WOW!”
 this Post  (and nearly every Post that I am willing to hit Publish on)

The answering of the above, conveys and… er  bestows?  on the Wakefield Doctrine the following medal/icon/award thing:

Award Sunshine 2


…you know, it’s not that I don’t pay attention to details but as I re-read Lizzi’s nominating Post, I realize that I have left out one of the requirements (of) receiving this here award here!  damn! now you’ll have to check back tomorrow when I provide the quirkiest of facts and I nominate some un-suspecting (but totally deserving bloggers)

(artículo tres)

Don’t forget!!  Tomorrow is Friday and that can only mean………………

the Wakefield Doctrine presents  ‘the Awesome Bloggers VidChat (doncherknow!!)’

(check your local listings for time and channel)


Finally some music that I fell in lust with yesterday evening…. though I admit, this morning I am looking around the metaphorical hotel room at the shambles the room is in and thinking… nice!







Mid-Week Jumble …the Wakefield Doctrine (“so, you think you have what it takes to participate in this little personality thing, do ya?”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(thanks out to Jean (gin-nay) and zoe and D and L and them)  You, dear Reader have, no doubt,  that voice that clarks have as a constant companion, the one that says, ‘hey dude…they’re laughing, quit while you’re ahead, man! you’re only making it worse.’) Hearing from the aforementioned people in the last Post, definitely makes a difference to me. Of course, now I get to continue with this adventure, and you Readers?  you have only yourselfs to blame.

So you think that you’re a clark1

Having a morning of fantasy hangover. Thats where, say yesterday, I found myself in the mood for a good fantasy. Having some time, seeing how it was snowing and all, I set up a fun fantasy and hit ‘Play’. Sat back (metaphorically speaking, of course) and entertained myself for a few hours. Trouble is, this morning comes and it’s time to get back to work and I’m all, “..ok it’s time for work, but what say we run the last chapter (or two) of yesterday’s ‘show’.  …and I’m like, “er  clark, time to go to work. put away the stories, ya gotta focus here, dude”.

hey! anyone (else) do that?2

A bunch of interesting things goin on out among our friends…

Christine has a new recipe!

Don’t Ever Say I Don’t Listen to My Readers

Denise is busy channeling ‘Ghost Story’  and has a good Halestorm vid

Yes. “Here’s to us….”

zoe …well, not exactly yesterday but still


…and…she not only had a Post… but it was a Guest Post writing gig

Wacky Wednesday – it’s ME!!

alright time for me to go relocate the amassed frozen water



1) new feature: I don’t admit this to everyone, but… there are times when I think to myself, ‘wait a minute, clark  this can’t be right. sure I know what my worldview is and I’m comfortable ascribing (it’s) characteristics to the world at large (as being a description of the worldview of a clark. But maybe they’re all just saying they agree because… they’re humoring you and such’** So I thought, lets really push the envelope and see how good this Doctrine-based insight into the character of your personal reality really is….

** ego? in a clark? yeah, but we have the weakest of egos!!

2) no, roger  I don’t mean have a fantasy or daydream… this is an order of magnitude more… involving!  but hey! thanks for coming and playing our little game, if you go with Starr3 here, she’ll show you out and make sure you get your gift before leaving.

3) well, how fuck should I know? I got ready to hit ‘publish’ and she was there… you tell her that she can’t play  lol
