Month: December 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: December 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

thursday quickie the Wakefield Doctrine (‘…the Alder King is close by our side’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Quick Post today. Two things,  no maybe three. whatever.

Congratulations, you’re welcome, fuck you  to everyone participating in the Contest/vote this week. no, I’m serious  one of these is what your would expect to hear.   (By The Frickin Way), the election and voting was fun, but you guys still need to go and congratulate the winners!  Copy and paste: Congratulations on your win!  Go Wakefield Doctrine!!  in a Post in their blogs…here:  zoe and Sandy.

reprint Post today (well, actually it’s a portion of a Post)… no, I don’t think I’ve run out of things to say. there are Posts from a couple of years ago that explain the Wakefield Doctrine in a more …accessible manner. In any event, good message and you gotta admit that clarkscottroger fella’s pretty damn sharp

It’s because we have such exceptional people participating in the discussion of this here Doctrine here, two things are possible: people find ways to apply the Doctrine in their everyday lives and share their experiences, and by doing so, the rest of us see new ways this thing can be useful.  and, …and!!  clarks have a peer group, totally not a pack and definitely not a herd…we (clarks) are  not stopping with the Outsider thing, rather we’re changing how it feels to be the Outsider….in teeny tiny ways, maybe only once or twice a month but still …it’s different now.  (you clarks know what I mean, everyone else… well, you can ask, if you really want to know).

Before we do the ‘reprint’  anyone up for a semi-quick  vid chat this Friday?  (I got a couple of questions and maybe half a potential insight that I’d like to run past someone who knows about the Doctrine, it would really help.) Everyone else?  you’re welcome to join us, of course!  This vid chat is a great way to learn about the Doctrine, but you should know that it’s not the only thing that we talk about during these live posts…hell no!  we talk about: bosses that need training, friends that are a pain in the ass, people we know that we wish we could change, what to do about that guy that wants to be rewarded for acting like a jerk, how to get that girl to come across, how long will it take to stop feeling awful, what good is it to know the answer, when will they ever understand us and finally…how cool it is to be able to talk to people we know who know how we feel and they don’t preach or condescend…. just like any normal family dinner hour, right?

tomorrow 12.20.13 7pm


Today we will ‘talk’ a little about how you can use the Wakefield Doctrine to improve your day today! Yes, you read that correctly! We did just make the claim that what you read here today will allow you to do things differently, react in a way other than how you normally react and learn more about the people in your life….today!

First off:  you are either a clark or a scott or a roger. (No, you don’t have to read the “about Page’ or stop what you are doing, just stay with us… you can do this, we have yet to hear from anyone who said, “Hey I couldn’t understand this, it didn’t work’)

Which of the following statements sound most right:

  1. “…screw this…other than the Title and maybe the pictures, this is too boring!”
  2. “…no, I won’t answer your question, you have no right to ask questions like that, if I want you to know what I think maybe I would tell you but only if you tell me more about someone else that we both know.”
  3. “interesting…this all sounds somehow  familiar, but lets see how you get away with the claim of us knowing which of the 3 we are…”

Good work!

Group 1  you’re scotts and you should feel proud of yourself for making it this far, stay with us just a little longer and we will show how you can get way more out of the day today, and have a lot more fun doing it

Group 2  hello roger  (yes, this applies to men and woman and boys and girls) and yes there are, in fact, more of you people in the world than the other two and no, you’re absolutely correct, we don’t really know your inner most thoughts and we obviously totally under-estimate your subtle intelligence…but… you know how a good Ken Burns movie includes, like the actual letters and things that people said, how it paints the complete picture of the life of the dead people that he is spending 120 minutes of black and white film on?  You can know that much about the people that you meet today. Guaranteed. Just stay with us and we’ll show you how.

Group 3 clarks…yo  hang back  watch what we do with the other two, you be alright on your own….one thing though…don’t worry about ‘getting this exactly right’ and don’t worry about maybe making a mistake….all the others reading this? they’re frickin scotts and rogers!! Like it’ll be a major miracle if they even know you write a Comment…lol

Attention Please!!

rogers: for today? today you need to be aware of the clarks in your life. They are the ones that are not taking things from you or otherwise making you feel good cause they’re telling everyone a joke and it seems to involve you (but you didn’t quite get the ‘set-up’). Anyway, when you see a clark…and they will be the ones who seem to enjoy talking to you and are offering to help you do your work, give them cover when your friends show up…the herd of other rogers…you know the people you are comfortable with but don’t really know and (for some reason you have never figured out) and don’t care to know, do something to get the clark to get away from the herd. You know that nothing good (for the clark) is gonna happen…

scotts: relax a little, when you get the small group gathered and you feel the need to crank up the volume (you know, when you tell a slightly off-color  joke and how when you see that everyone is laughing you know that you have to tell a dirty joke and if too many people are still laughing you have to tell a really dirty joke?) today…stop and ask the person in the group that is around you if they had one wish, what would it be? When you get the person who clearly is taking the question seriously….leave them alone for the rest of the day

clarks: stop thinking and do one thing that you know will make everyone think you are a jerk…do it seriously, no ‘set-up’ no mumbling just answer someone rudely or compliment a member of the opposite sex, or ask your boss for a raise (and don’t help him say no, ask and shut up)  do this once today and your life will not be the same again. We are certain of this.


OK everyone! Do this thing. You do the task we suggest and your life will improve because you will have the proof that what the Wakefield Doctrine has to offer will be useful and valuable in your own lives.
Some of you will get yourselfs confused, either on purpose (I’m looking at you, clark) or cause you don’t really believe this (roger) or you were in too much of hurry…( lol  scott!)  But here’s the thing:

We all have the qualities of all three, just one of the three is the pre-dominant, main one.
The Doctrine is all about the world that you experience, not something you need to think about, just remember what we tell you and everyone, we mean everyone you encounter will play their parts.
Have fun…you can’t get this thing wrong….you can fuck up the instructions and trip yourself up, but the main thing is that if you are a scott then the world will be a place of challenge and conflict, if you are a roger then you think you have it down and the group will back you up and  clark?  welcome you’re home.


hey…you’ve gotten this far… find the way this blog lets you follow it and sign the hell up for updates, ok?



Wednesday’s child is … the Wakefield Doctrine (the results are in from the Great christine-enhanced Vote of 2013!!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…I know I’ve often said that the Wakefield Doctrine is fun, that it will provide you will hours and hours of amusement of a specialized nature.1 That remains ever true, this day-after-Voting-Day and I’m pretty sure I’ve said, ‘hey, you know with this Wakefield Doctrine as a tool, you not only will know more about the other person than they know about themselves, you’ll know what they will do!  I have, haven’t I?  I thought so.  Well, what I may not have already said, is that the Wakefield Doctrine, once you have achieved a certain level of… fluency, will provide you with a certain  very specialized way to feel better. So specialized, in fact, that I will now get cunningly (and obviously) obsequious and make an allusion to ‘the feel better way that shall not speak it’s name’.  and let it go at that.

you wanna hear something that (you should hope) makes you feel annoyed?  the old zen guys2  used to have this saying,  ‘if you have to ask the question, you wouldn’t understand the answer’.  Don’t that just piss you off?

In any event. Today is Election Results Day! And we have a …we have Winners!!  the Two Top Vote-recieving entrants is/are:  zoe and Sandy.  (Since ain’t no one going to hear your applause, go to the their sites… I have them linked here… go and whatever Post you land on, write ‘Congratulations on your Win. Go!!! Wakefield Doctrine!!’  lol  seriously…. go.

Lets all enhance our herd status and give everyone who participated in the Election a great big metaphorical hug and an ‘awww’.


the Wakefield Doctrine has a place and a use in your day today, you did know that, didn’t you? Well it does. How the Wakefield Doctrine can benefit you today:

  1. if you’re a clark, and of the three, you’re most likely to know your own type pretty much right away,   …if you’re a clark, don’t expect anything in your life to change, at least not in terms of yourself. Having said that, if you’re a clark, it already has changed…and yes, I’m all mystico-Post writer. But the fact is, if you’re a clark, you already have ‘a system’ (or the parts of a system) to explain the world, what the Doctrine has to offer you that your system cannot is the company of peers… that’s all that’s necessary to say, other than, ‘hey, take notes!’
  2. if you’re a scott, you’re feeling… not relaxed (I mean, we all know that you people relax in only two life situations and even those are fleeting and transitory, the only continuity of enjoyment you get from them, (these two moments of relax) is that they are a part of your normal and natural physical self)… no, the Wakefield Doctrine is different, it smells different…it changes depends on your mood when you’re thinking about it.  that! that is what the Doctrine will do for you today, it will cause you, at a fleeting moment, to think, ‘hey, that was fun and those people think I’m this …scott-type person and I ‘get it’ all that brainiac stuff…cool
  3. rogers are wondering. rogers have a sense of disquiet, they know that nothing requires answering directly to another person to…certainly not in front of the group, but there is a nagging feeling that there is something missing, something that would be good to recognize… today there will be a moment that you will see some people (at work, in class, online with friends) when the thought passes by you, ‘like those Doctrine people’ and you will be comfortable with that thought… for a second only.  then you will realize that they’re really not essential.


Hey Sandy!!!  if you’re on the Facebook  hit me up there… clark scottroger  and I’ll get your mailing address…  zoe,  I’ll talk you  in virtual0 (on the vid chat)…remind me  code word: scotts




1)  this is so cool, it is one of the most basic to and, at the same time, difficult thing to explain, but the Doctrine lets you find amusement in the world around you, based on the nature/character of the world around you…if you’re a scott, the Wakefield Doctrine will give you a way to make fun of people (in that not-mean, impersonal way that scotts do) or trick people into showing a vulnerability which can be exploited and take back to the herd as might a roger… like that ‘specialized fun’ and therefore frickin perfect.

2) which simply refers to anything I have picked up in a lifetime of clarklike reading/searching that constitutes as solution to the puzzle-of-life and does not involve martial arts, seducing women and/or requires the use of  force in order to effectively employ


Poll Closes 4:44 pm today, 12.17.13 the Wakefield Doctrine ( Tick Tock!! Christine….Tick Tock )

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


(ok…ok…let’s all quiet down.  Lizzi whatever you’re doing back there that’s making you smirk, please stop doing… Christine? let that mouse go free and pay attention up here! no, I don’t believe that ‘rogers like it when you swat them every now and then’ and there is definitely no need to let them think they’ve gotten away and are safe before you pull them back in…and would some one please tell me where Ms Campbell is, she asked to be excused 35 minutes ago! What? yes thank you zoe please go find her.)

Before we get down to the serious business of voting for the person with the best Collective Noun for a group of bloggers, we need to refresh ourselfs on the Rules and such. The Rules of the Contest are:

  1. you can vote multiple times but only for a person who is not you (clarks will be the most comfortable with this Rule)
  2. you can vote by getting someone/anyone else to vote for you, the only condition is that this person must be instructed to cast twice as many votes as the one they have been instructed to cast, but must divide these extra votes evenly among a minimum of 2 other entries…this is for the scottian electorate ( ok!  an example:  lets say Candidate ‘AAAAA’ has several people willing to do their bidding and they says,  “Go now! and vote for me 6 times!!  …What are you still standing around for??!  Go!! Vote!! Vote my little minions!!! Vote!!!   in this example they may cast 6 votes but must vote for two other entries 3 each… got it?)
  3. all voting will be final, whatever is the outcome the people (who when sharing common worldviews, prefer the term: ‘herd’) have spoken. It is no longer a matter of opinion it is an expression of the referential authority that is manifested in  the rogerian worldview and as such is impartial and above reproach    ….loser

Alright the Field:


Let the Contest Begin!  All entries will be attributed to Contestants (although it is possible for non-Contestants to contribute Entries and Assign them to anyone they choose.) We will continue in tomorrow’s Post. Enter Soon and Enter Often!!

Due to popular Command, the Voting Period has been Extended until 4:44 pm today, the 17th of December.  so Ladies and roger?   click them things!!

Lizzi: an Outwriting of bloggers  and  a braveness of bloggers

Mrs. ‘Town’:  a Hump of bloggers

Mrs. Always Random:  a rhapsody of bloggers  and   a chuffed of bloggers

Stephanie:  a groggers of bloggers

Lizzy  (from Muddle-Headed Mamma):  the evocative    a Harem of Happy-makers

Sandy:   a mosaic of bloggers   (nice… )

the progenitor roger: A postendium of bloggers

Kristi:  a chatter of bloggers  the competition is so heating up now!

Michelle:  a chorus of bloggers

zoe:   a Possegrat of bloggers; a Graterie of bloggers; ‘a Congregrat of bloggers; a collective of bloggers

Denise:  ‘Purveyors of Perspicacity’

Christine: The Positive Posse; A league of lovely listers; The Grateful Gang; A Band of Bad-Ass Bloggers; The He-Man, Woman Hater’s Club, Unless Those Women Are Making Thankful Lists (That one’s for Rich.)

Kristi ( ):The nitwits of nonsense and knowledge; Best Blogger Bullshitters; Bloggimatrixes; Famous Fuckwits; Masters of Mastering; Bodacious Bloggers; Bloggers for Bueller


You can see how the election is going by clicking on ‘See Results’ at the bottom of the Poll  good luck!


Alright  the Poll!


Ok stay tuned


Monday Morning… the Wakefield Doctrine (…of journals and journeys)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I received a book shaped package late in this weekend past. I was not expecting any packages, as Phyllis is the roger in the family and the mail is always for her. I don’t say that to complain or invoke a seasonally charged ‘awww’ from my Readers. I mention it to set the scene.  (You know that the world, for us clarks, always has the potential to be… different?  No! screw that! for a clark, everything is different and odd and unique and other-wordly, at least they are when we take the time to pay attention to the world around us.) In any event, Phyllis says, ‘there was a small package in the mail for you’, and I’m like all, ‘oh…ok…’  so she puts it on a chair in the living room and walks away saying, ‘the return address is…’

(…hey you rogers!  you scotts!!  yeah! you!  want to know what a clark’s world is like?) …jumping off the couch, our dog Una walks over and starts to sniff at the package and picks it up by the corner and the final tumbler in my brain clicks into place.  zoe!  Naturally I laugh. Una has decided that the package is for her. She starts to run around the dining room table with it in her mouth and settles down back by the couch and begins to open the package. (Those of us with canine family members know that dogs can be quite adept at opening packages without damaging the contents. However, I decided it might be best to do it myself.)

I did. It was a book. It was a real book, as those of us who love books would immediately recognize. Hand-bound of paper made deliberately by one person for another.  for those of us who have always loved books there is something so… real about the ‘fact’ of this book. Intended for use as a journal, I suspect that it will remain ‘a hand-bound book, made with paper that was hand-made with care and deliberation by another’ the only one like it that I have ever owned in a lifetime of enjoying books. Not that it cannot be written in, but I suspect that I will simply keeping it as a connection to another person… to other people who I don’t know but are as much part of this possession as the ‘CF’ that is stamped in round metal pieces on the front cover  until the time for writing in it comes as I know it will.

Readers of the Doctrine know that I am a total fan of the early work of Castaneda, zoe’s gift is, for me very much a manifestation of   ‘the path with heart’.

zoe writes a blog  ‘rewritten‘  you should go there and read the Posts there in all their rather free ranging variety !  lol

I am glad that I know zoe.


‘yo ho ho! Merry Christmas, a Happy ལོ་གསར་ and a joyous Feast of Fools the Wakefield Doctrine the TToT… of course you can open one present early!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


*************  Hey!  voting is starting to gather some steam!…looks like zoe is in the lead but Sandy and Lizzi and the others are not far behind.  Don’t forget the entry period is open til midnight, so if you’ve got some Collective Nouns that you want to share (and maybe win a docTee!!)  ‘Comment them’ and I’ll get them down in the block quote and…and! add them to the Voting Poll.  Hurry Hurry!*************************


We have some outstanding entries in the First Annual  ‘What the Hell Kind of Contest is This?? (now-you’re-just-making-stuff-up) Contest …best Collective Noun for a bunch of bloggers Edition’!  And I do remember how the instructions for the Contest included:   “...weekend and ends the week after the break. All entries will be Posted on Sunday of the first week we are back and the Winner will be announced the week thereafter. The Prize will be an Official Wakefield Doctrine docTee* awarded to the person who comes up with the Best TToT Collective Noun as measured by the most Votes.

…about that 3 or 4 weeks later thing.   You Readers know that I am from the Land of the Y  Chromosome, and being all mature adults with a lot of experience with my people (no, Kristi, I am not looking at you), you all know how much it is an inbred trait of us to enjoy …delaying gratification?  you know  making plans and enjoying festivities and then slowly at the appointed time, opening presents and such?  Yeah, I know we’re all good with the waiting thing. It’s just that the TToT is on a hiatus and we have a bunch of cool entries and such, so if no one has an Objection ( Lizzi?)  I thought I might fast forward our Contest.



so  I’ll post a block quote listing of the entries and (just below that will be  a voting thingie…it will have the name of the person to vote for). Revised Rule!!  The winner is the one with the most Votes at 9am tomorrow morning. You can submit as many entries as you wish and you can (and should) vote for as many as you like just one thing… you can vote for as many different Entrants as you want, as often as you want…just not your own.  so lets get… (oh shit!!  nearly forgot!!  I am grateful (genuinely) for: 1) this here bloghop here; 2) the fact that it rained here after last night’s snow which is helping depress the snow cover; 3) not-G for the soaking wet snow that I need to get out of the driveway before the freeze makes it a skating rink; 4) my ‘visuals/sense of humor’ when I typed the thing about my driveway becoming a skating rink, I got a quick flash of some guy in white leotards on skates throwing a girl (in flesh-colored leotards) into my garage door; 5) my work…for the chance yesterday to remember that it is not a burden, it’s a chance to be alive; 6) the people coming to the TToT of late… Lizzi’s dream of establishing a community of like-minded people is becoming real; 7) Christine and Dyanne for being such scotts!  I really enjoyed ‘meeting’ you both (separate occasions) on the Doctrine Vidchats; 8) only one more week until Summer!; 9) the Book of Secret Rules, even if they are protected by GuardVirgins who answer only to Lizzi; 10) Secret Rule 1.3  cha! ching!!  on with the presents!!!


Let the Contest Begin!  All entries will be attributed to Contestants (although it is possible for non-Contestants to contribute Entries and Assign them to anyone they choose.) We will continue in tomorrow’s Post. Enter Soon and Enter Often!!

zoe:  ‘a collective of bloggers’

Lizzi: ‘an Outwriting of bloggers’  and  ‘a braveness of bloggers’

Denise:   ‘a marceau of bloggers’

Mrs. ‘Town’:  ‘a Hump of bloggers’*

Mrs. Always Random:  ‘a rhapsody of bloggers’  and   ‘a chuffed of bloggers’

Stephanie:  ‘a groggers of bloggers’  (??!) (lol  like the sound of that one…)

Lizzy  (from Muddle-Headed Mamma):  the evocative    ‘a Harem of Happy-makers’   (yeah I agree the bold-facing of the one word, does sorta make it ‘pop’)  lol

Sandy:   ‘a mosaic of bloggers’   (nice… )

the progenitor roger: ‘A postendium of bloggers’   (a certain classical feel… interesting)

Kristi:  ‘a chatter of bloggers’  the competition is so heating up now!

Michelle:  ‘a chorus of bloggers’

zoe:  (will combine all later today in TToT.5) we have:   ‘a Possegrat of bloggers’
‘a Graterie of bloggers’
‘a Congregrat of bloggers

Denise:  ‘Purveyors of Perspicacity’


(“…on this, the final day of play, these writers are showing what makes them the world class competitors that they are… relaxed and almost over-confident yesterday,  everyone’s bringing out their  ‘A Game’ )

Keep ’em coming!


Now the Poll!




and remember the Contest does not end until tomorrow morning 9:00am EST

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts
