Month: July 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: July 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine

the Wakefield Doctrine ( the loaves and fishes of personality theories)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


I was wondering this morning, exactly how many of these Posts there are, here at the Doctrine blog. So digging into the dashboard, it would appear that I have written 845 Posts. Well, lets say, 845 ‘things’, as some of them are barely 200 words, not necessarily stun bombs of literacy, and some (of them) rather engaging. But, seeing how I was rummaging around in the ‘dashboard’ I figured it couldn’t hurt to try to present something of an overview today…

According to my sources and the record here, the Wakefield Doctrine now is built upon an astounding 845 Posts! These Posts are both brief little stories (“very, clever and insightful” according to Readers) and at the same time I have written Posts that manage to be both engaging and entertaining, while still presenting the core principles. I am really amazed at how much people like this blog, even people who write blogs that have nothing to do with personality theory, them liking the Wakefield Doctrine so much is even more impressive. Guess I should try to write more often. Like today…

What the fuck! Pardon my French, but do you have any idea how many of these things there are now?? Do you?  No, really, take a guess. Come on…. I mean it. What, are you insane?!? 500 hundred? no frickin way! 845 of these little darlings! Thats right! Yeah fun, you’re damn straight, their fun!! Wanna know a little secret? Just today…

Alright, now that I have that out of my system.

…the Wakefield Doctrine at this moment in time:

  • More people reading the Doctrine these days have the core ideas down, than ever before, i.e. ‘personality type is simply a label for the set of coping strategies that are appropriate to (one of) three worldviews. And, (most Readers), know the characteristics of these three worldviews well enough to make a self-identification.
  • the use of the Wakefield Doctrine as a tool to gain greater insight into new situations is definitely on the rise, if Reader Comments are any indication
  • the use of video chats (Video Brunch, in the relentlessly cute parlance of the Doctrine) and look forward to more opportunities to have realtime conversations with Friends of the Doctrine and DownSprings and them
  • starting on the project to create a language that has touch points in all three worldviews…totally useful in understanding ‘the other two’
  • (back to the business of vid chats…using google+ hangouts) 5 minutes of conversation is the equivalent of 5 hours of reading my amusing but (at times) somewhat roundabout explanations in Posts like this one, ya know?

So ask me a question, tell me something I don’t know…share you feelings on the matter.




Twisted Mistake Number 18, time is not standing still, we’re all getting older, the Wakefield Doctrine ( it’s a shiny, shiny future!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Twisted MixTape 18


Jen Kehl

Jen and Kristi… by now, they both have established homes and families, (however) neither are totally, 100% quite settled down, though both are devoted to the kids and patient with the spouses.  On simultaneous spur-of-the-moment side-trips coming home from the supermarket, they run into each other at the local Y, signing up for a yoga class, (“come on, Jen… you need to stay flexible, you never know when you might find yourself needing to stage dive”  Kristi laughs).  Caught up in the ‘hey-we’re-adults-and-have-the-resources-but-what-good-is-that-if-ya-can’t-be-crazy-every-now-and-then spirit that was the first decade of the 21st Century, they decide, as an alternative to joining the book club, right this instant, that it would be fun to send an X-Rated Candy-gram  inviting me to the Renaissance-jazz/folk and art/adult film Festival taking place in this small town that seems to be manifesting on weekends of late, in the context of a bloghop, the TTofT. Odd.

Although I would love to write something that offers an insight, a unique perspective on the music of the first decade of the new Millennium, I will leave that task to the more capable and skilled writers among us. Having said that, given that the assignment before us is to devise, create and otherwise present a mix tape, a sampling of a decade of music, if you will, that would let a total stranger acquire a sense of the music of the time.

My list today has nothing that might provide (or even hint at) a relationship among the individual songs. Perhaps it would help to say that, in the first decade of the 21st Century, I consciously set out to acquire a taste for all music (except yodeling).  This included country music (which was hellbent on merging with rock music and as such was pretty easy to like) and pop music/Top 40, which, lacking a teenage worldview, was a bit of a challenge… everything in between. I would say, if my suggested listening below is any indication, I have been successful. I thoroughly enjoy each of the selections below.



Black Dog  – Robert Plant / Alison Krause


Seven Nation Army – The White Stripes


I Believe in a Thing Called Love – The Darkness


Ticks – Brad Paisley


I Kissed a Girl – Katy Perry



of change and exuberance …the Wakefield Doctrine (“…with progress comes resistance”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


We all now know that the Wakefield Doctrine is fun…these last few weeks (especially the weekends), bear ample witness to this aspect of our personality theory.

We all also know that the Wakefield Doctrine is unique.

But the productive quality of the Wakefield Doctrine, Is it useful? Does it aid in (one’s) effort to develop and self-improve oneself? That is a totally unequivocal ‘yes! it surely does!’ But none of these three rhetorical questions are the focus of today’s Post!  The focus of today’s Post is, as our title clearly states: with progress comes resistance.

So here’s the thing. I’m a clark.  I have always wanted to do better. Improve myself. As a child (ages 5 through 17) it was about improving in order to meet (and exceed**) my parents expectation. From my grades in school to my activites in high school, there was always a part of me that wanted to do better. Now, you rogers out there are thinking, ‘ok, good premise, promising start but you need to clarify make it clear what all this means, otherwise. you’ll lose your audience‘. Alas, there is no answer clearer than this: I wanted to do better and to make my parents and family proud of me.

Now this ambition, especially in a child, is very common and not unusual. Children want to be valued members of their families and such. My problem wasn’t that I was un-able to try and make my parents and family proud of me (and later in life, make my friends and girl friend/lover/wife proud). No, my problem wasn’t that I was un-willing to try! The problem was that I couldn’t deal with success.

When a clark succeeds, (in doing more, acting differently, changing lifelong patterns) something happens. When a clark manages to do what no one thought for a second they could do (no one but the clark in question). When a clark changes and acts and feels and interacts with the world on a different level, in a different way, there is resistance. Resistance from friends, resistance from work, resistance from family. This is not to be too metaphysical …just resistance.  (Longtime Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine will remember a story I related about how, in high school I asked a girl out, got stood up and, in my response to this very, very common life-event, sealed my fate as a clark,
Well, there is a part of the story I left out. Before getting stood up, I had to ask to borrow the family car. I was successful in doing so. And I felt really good, really…normal. It’s what teenage boys are supposed to do. But then I said something to a sibling, words to the effect, ‘hey, you’re going to have to start dating soon’. clarklike readers are cringing at this point, so I will move on. rogers and scotts? hold this scene in your mind.)

My little description about the resistance of the world to change is nothing especially insightful. Everyone encounters this resistance to change, scotts do and rogers do. It’s just that for clarks, there is a moment, a moment when the world pushes back and says, ‘whoa there. hold on now. don’t you think you’re getting a little too big for your britches‘  and, for many of us…. for me, including the unpleasant outcome of the story I am using as an illustration, there is a feeling that comes back on us…’they’ve been humoring me, all of what I thought was a better me…they are laughing

It is not a good feeling.  (the Progenitor roger coyned the perfect expression: “my head swelled up and my face fell”).

Most of the time, we put up a brave front and at the first opportunity, run and hide.

But this is different. This Wakefield Doctrine is different (and fun and useful). I still have those moments of thinking that I am acting the fool, that I am not changing the world for 2 or 7 or 29 people. I still have the stomache that comes from thinking… “you’re being such a clark“.

But this is Doctrine thing is different. I mentioned this to another clarkrogers and scotts still reading? this will not make sense…at any rate, I was doing something exuberant at the Facebook…I think it was writing something I thought was especially clever when Kristi was having her blog critiqued by the blogging bloppers.. there came a moment, when I pushed the envelope and that part of me whispered, ‘now you’ve done it, you’ve gotten offensive and stupid. you have alienated everyone‘.

The old feelings started to rise, but (for the first time in my life), I found myself thinking, ‘well then, I guess I’ll jusy have to get another set of everyone’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine.

speaking of Progenitor roger… he did a response to one of the awards on the TTofT this weekend… for those of you who have not stopped by the little sod home on the prairie (with the distant sound of guitars emanating from the vicintity of)…stop by ‘the Rag  (tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya)



** it’s always exceed, isn’t it?


‘Raffle!’ the Wakefield Doctrine ….Ten Things of Thankful (‘…ml’ chorgh ‘) **Afternoon Update**

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


dogs,nice car, comfortable office,warm weather, friends in blogosphere, a following of supportive but challenging Readers of the Doctrine, the potential to self-develop through the application of the Doctrine, Video Brunches with fun,fascinating people, to wit: considerer,michelle,cyndi,denise,michelle and Roger the roger.

ok, ten things?  ✔; thankful for each? ✔; ready for the passing on of the the Semper Award? ✔  totally grateful for finding trés cool check off thingie and wanting to show it off to everyone? ✔ still writing list of things that you are grateful for this week and hoping that you will come up with something clever to transition into the Post? ✔ …still typing desperately? ✔

These Awards things. Love ’em….. fear ’em.  The first is obvious, the second not so much. As Lizzi1 alludes to, clarks have a certain …difficulty with matters emotional. This is not to say that we are not emotional or we are un-emotional, that is not the case. If anything, we are quite emotional, as much because of our peculiar relationship with our (individual) emotional aspects. But enough of that! This is about them not me!2

If you are a new Reader, read this: this is a weekend bloghop in the truest sense of the word.  This bloghop sort of becomes like the main street of a small town, there are stores and shops and coffee houses and bars and everything in-between on the street. sometimes you feel like exchanging ideas, so you stop in the coffee shop and maybe run into Joy or Cyndi or perhaps you feel the need to talk to someone who is a good listener, so you run into Christine, or Janine  …other times you’re in the mood for a little more of the ‘wild side’ (yes, I’m looking at you Kristi and Rich and Dyanne) so you check out the bars. you will find different people at different places at different times, and yes, it is entirely appropriate to Comment on another person’s Comments thread if you want to.

Semper Fidelis Award:

  1. Jak  Jak..Jak…Jak    I’ve only known Jak a short time. Some people, when they write a Comment, put so much of…(don’t want to say ‘themselves’… ‘heart’ would be corny)… ‘their voice’. Yeah, I can live with that…his voice. We all try for it when we start to write a blog, that quality of writing that makes your thoughts identifiable to the Reader. You know who you are reading before you even see who’s name is at the bottom of the Comment. 
  2. Michelle Liew  now here is a person that makes me think, “damn  I get to hangout with people who write stores and poetry and everything else. How cool is that?” Michelle is a docTee wearing Friend of the Doctrine  and….and! one of the inaugural participants in the Wakefield Doctrine Video brunches… very nice.
  3. Cyndi   Well, duh!   lol  Cyndi (along with our host) is the leader(s) of the 4th generation of the Doctrine. ‘Quick-study’ is a totally inadequate term. Cyndi read the Doctrine, learned the principles and proceeded to extrapolate from there!  (You know those child geniuseses who learn algebra and then re-invent calculus ’cause it’s the logical next step?  We’re very grateful for Cyndi’s enthusiasm and contributions to furthering the development of the Wakefield Doctrine, ya know?
  4. (the Progenitor) roger  he’s the damn progenitor…scary father figure to the worlds: engineers, accountants, cytologists, insanely proficient musicians, Judges,  plumbers and every movie that employs black and white footage and a sonorous voice-over expressing the feelings of family members …ever made.
  5. Janine  if I could  (with a time machine) go back and actually go to my high school prom… Janine would totally be my choice (hey, Kevin…literary license here.) (not that I would have had the nerve to ask her…out-loud, of course…  Janine is one of the first people I met when I joined the BB&G…on the Facebook  and she was there…totally helpful and encouraging… the first Comment on every Post for a long time. ‘Pay my taxes, look to the east in the morning and see a Comment from a friend. nice.

6:12 PM  Saturday.  I just added to the Post… I got a feeling that I have done an awful job with the Award ‘handoff’  but I do appreciate the fact that I do get to name people for an Award such as Lizzi has conferred on me.


I will give proof to my contention that this blog hop is unique among the blog hops, (you know, the thing I said about it being a conversation… you remember, right? ( like you needed more proof that I was a clark, right?), well I am invoking that  privilege and will come back to complete this here Award here…)



Ten Things of Thankful
 Your hosts

* I believe if you look, you will see me misspelling our Founding Bloggerae’s damn name in a couple of places back around TTofT Number 2 or 3… in my defense, I was still adjusting the fact that she had a real name, besides, Considerer which is the name I used, and still tend to use. But hold onto those copies…they’ll be worth something someday

** ha ha Doctrine Readers will find this amusing



Finish (something that resembles) The Sentence (before the end of) Friday the Wakefield Doctrine hey, if you do it enough, you don’t want to not do it…you know?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


The best and worst parts of blogging are…

damn! finally!  an easy one!

… is the end and the beginning! or is that the beginning and the end… wait, hold on, no one say a word.

(” hhm  hmm is hmm the best part of blog…”  shit! that’s a damn  coffee commercial!!”)…ok ok  don’t panic!!  clear your mind (” the best part of waking up… wtf?!?  thats a commercial for frickin corn flakes, that’s not blog writing!)

Update: 7:47 pm EDT July 26,2013

well, that went according to plan!  (Best: Plans for writing posts, Worst: Reality’s effect on Plans), today wasn’t that unusual as far as my writing a Finish The Sentence Post. (hey, it’s late, this will be brief, if you don’t mind, I’ll just give the grammar and punctuation police the night off.  (Best: well executed and thought out syntax and such, Worst: misspellings and auto-spell sneaking in a through instead of threw), as the block quote shows…I had an idea that I found amusing first thing this morning ( Best: clever, off-the-wall-ideas for Posts, Worst: half formed clever ideas that sit on the page and mock the author).

so, I left the house without writing and publishing a Post this morning ( Best: have a place in the house where I can get away from the world and come and create another world, Worst: the real world does not always care that I only need another hour to flesh out the idea), so I left  the house and the next thing I know everything got crazy (Best: tons of ideas for Posts in the course of everyday, Worst: not being able to change my focus from dealing with work and real life in order to get this stuff ‘on paper’), but here I am, in front of the keyboard and I was chatting with Considerer about her weekend blog hop Ten Things of Thankful and as I said, “this would be the first time I have missed a FTSF” I did not like that feeling and told her that I was going to write something/anything even 100 words so I could ‘contribute’  (Best: having friends like Janine and Kate and Stephanie and Dawn who have been supportive of my efforts, Worst: not writing a Post.)

I will pad this here Post here with a music video that will totally get in your head for the weekend. (Best: having people I can do this to, Worst: not feeling responsible enough to not do it…) lol
