Month: May 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine Month: May 2013 | the Wakefield Doctrine

Finish the Sentence Friday the Wakefield Doctrine goes to the damn movies! (yes, you know what scotts want to see! clarks? reluctantly go along…rogers begrudgingly concede)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

My favorite movie of all time is…

‘Slacker’    by Richard Linklater   (Writer, Director, Producer and in the opening scene!)


My reason for picking this movie is related to the Wakefield Doctrine.

(By now) everyone knows that the Wakefield Doctrine proposes that there are 3 personality types: clarks, scotts and rogers. (Actually, the Doctrine says that there are three ‘characteristic’ worldviews (or ‘personal realities’) and it’s simply growing up and living in these ‘realities’, that results in what people call personality types. Growing up and experiencing the world of the Outsider? you got your clark. Live your entire life as a Predator in the harsh reality of prey and predator?  hey! scott and if you have spent every day of your life since age 5 or so in the connected, sensible, orderly reality of the Herd Member then you can add you name to the roger… register.
OK, you all understand the basics…(oh yeah! don’t forget!  even though you are predominately one of these three, you have the potential of the other two, what we call secondary and tertiary aspects.)

The Wakefield Doctrine is also a useful tool for self-development. We don’t have time here to go into a long explanation, suffice it to say, when it comes to self-improving yourself, we say: look to your secondary and tertiary aspects… you already know how to do the stuff you know  can’t do.

Richard Linklater is a clark. The first scene of the movie makes that totally crystalline. Fine.  He is also a successful movie maker. He has some mad secondary and tertiary aspects, ya know?

btw… wondering if someone is a clark or a scott or a roger?  not sure, tried all the standard tests,  still not locked in?
Try this: arrange for a rental of ‘Slacker’. Sit down with your candidate. If they are a clark they will watch the movie with you (with occasional laughter of recognition)…if they are a roger, they will be out of their seats in less than 4 minutes. Guaranteed.

…and the bloggarini  sitting up in the balcony and all  Janine and Kate and Stephanie and Dawn  are to be thanked and visited (and just go ahead and sign up to follow their blogs, you will not regret it)


Bonus Feature!  Best Music associated with a movie?  from the Matrix





“want to know the most dangerous, toxic, corrosive word used by a clark?” …the Wakefield Doctrine (‘publish or perish, yo’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Well, do you?

Well, before we get into what that word is, about today’s video Post.  Pretty good, right?  You will be Commenting in the form of a video (though audio is acceptable), won’t you?  To reinforce the ‘message’ of the video Post, we are totally serious about the fact that when we talk about personal realities we mean real…. reality. Not… “well I feel like yelling out during a movie!” or ” I think you look great in that dress and no one will notice your complexion, believe me”  or even  ” I really will work hard on getting a job, it will all work out for the best.

We’ll revisit this aspect of the Wakefield Doctrine more frequently going forward, as we now have Considerer and Michele and (the others) asking the hard questions.

So the word.

It’s an innocent enough word. More than innocent, this word is often considered to be one of positive meaning and intent, a hopeful word, an optimistic word. But as a loan shark is to your local bank, the price of the loan is always higher than the value secured.
The word is ‘maybe’.
In the hands (or on the tongues) of clarks, the word is meant well. “It is a good job, maybe I’ll get it“. Perhaps because, when clarks look at the world we see people and institutions, groups and family members who, while certainly not intending us harm, (they all) clearly know something that we don’t know. “Maybe I don’t want to be a doctor, maybe I really want to find my own way”. The words we use when describing the world we find ourselves in, are  picked with the hope of blending in, looking to be a member or, one of the guys/one of the girls. “I think I should ask her out, maybe I’ll wait until a better time” “How many times do we have to discuss this, maybe next time you’ll listen to me”

Not really sure what it was that struck me about the use of the word ‘maybe’, it just seems that it has a certain resonance when employed by clarks. It is a word that lets us ‘commit without committing’, a word designed to insulate us from disappointment. clarks fear disappointment almost as much as we fear fear. More in a way. Fear can be run from. Disappointment is a sentence of reduced possibility. And if clarks are anything, we are people who believe that having possibilities is the difference between a possibly happy life and a life where we still have options. In a sense, as long as we have the possibility (of something) there is hope.  Maybe.



the Tuesday that would be Monday…. the Wakefield Doctrine (‘catchin up is all you need to do’)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

you know how our (North American culture) has the cultural equivalent of an adolescent girl crush on anything seemingly coming from merry ole England?  yeah, that’s so, so, so terribly rogerian!  Well, I was getting ready to leave the house (un-posted… yeah, scott elevate your thoughts, dude), when I noticed a Reader from the United Kingdom (no, scott that is England…for your purposes at any rate) reading an old Post from 2011. So, as I have been doing of late, I followed the breadcrumbs and read the old Post…. and laughed.

Hey, Nell this is one of those, ‘you say I wrote that??’ moment... (especially liked the line about scotts being human exclamation points… )

(from March 2011)


‘they all ran after the Farmer’s wife…did you ever see such a sight in your Life?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Jack( a roger, ya know) and Jill (scottian female) went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water.
Jack (do anything she tells him) fell down and broke his crown,
And Jill (laughing, you know she was laughing) came tumbling after.
Up Jack got, and home did trot,
As fast as he could caper,
To old Dame Dob (a clark, of course), who patched his nob
With vinegar and brown paper( and so begins the rogerian love affair with hats).

Those mice…those damn pigs, what kind of morality is being perverted when describing injuries suffered by Jack ( don’t even get me started on Jill).. of the three, we all know that clarks are the creative ones. Fine. No one has a problem with that1, well at least not a major problem.

So what is it about clarks, creativity, seeing the the world differently and getting through life as an outsider, mostly unhappy, occasionally ecstatic more often hoping to get by? Is there any question that clarks represent the ‘outsider’, the odd man out, the strange old lady with all those cats?

Jack and Jill? You want to hear more about Jack and Jill? Of course you do! You always want to hear more about the scott and the roger! Oh, Oh,  the roger  look at him alone appearing so friendly and easy to talk to…the scott, so much energy!! so fun to be with, the life of the party! They are the human exclamation points….scotts, at least the male scotts. Got a problem? “Lets go ask scott! he’ll know what to do, his is always so sure of himself, that must mean he is right. What kind of leader would he be if he didn’t say everything with such conviction!  NO…be careful theres a scottian female over there!  You better make sure your boyfriend/husband/gee-I-wish-he-would-talk-to me doesn’t get too near to her! scottian female… ( no! bwana no good here, bad juju)2


1) you know you’re jealous (both of you are totally jealous, you!  you… roger! you pretend you don’t particularly notice the level of genius being thrown around like empty Frito bags….scott, you at least acknowledge the value by clumsily trying to pass the stuff we clarks create, pass it off as your own, like a five-year-old putting on daddy’s shoes and ties or maybe mommie’s earrings…you are convinced in that subjectively dense consciousness that passes for reflection that everyone believe you are the author of it…)

2) Hey let the movie trailer tell us all we need to understand about the nature and capacity for destruction that is behind the irresistible facade of the scottian female as she tries to pass herself off as a normal, human female!


Monday, hurry up…. the Wakefield Doctrine ( of keywords, Comments, personality types and attracting Readers)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Victoria's Secret supermodel Candice Swanepoel and boyfriend Hermann Nicoli hitting the beach in Miami Beach

Nice day out there, so here is a quick, ‘down an dirty’ guide to getting something from the Wakefield Doctrine today.

You at a picnic and from your vantage point off to the side you hear:

  • “…does that potato salad look a little… old to you?” 
  • “hey! theres only one can of lighter fluid!”
  • “yeah, no! I’m ok… I’ll join you guys later”
  • “hey! do anyone of you think this bikini is too small?”
  • “I will if I want to, everyone likes their pictures taken”
  • “don’t be such a shrinking violet…they all want you to join in!”

They are:

  1. clarks (who grew up and developed seeing the world as being ‘out there’ and everyone in it as being ‘real people’ )
  2. scotts ( who grew up and survived by developing strategies that let them react to threats, take advantage of weakness and recognize each other)
  3. roger (who are secure in the world as they know it, satisfied by seeing the history and continuity that replaces all need for validation)

Now get out there and have some fun(a little fun won’t kill you), excitement(thats what lets you know you are alive) and satisfaction (cause you deserve it).




…easy reading this Sunday morning. the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So I was looking at what the visitors were reading this morning and I saw that a Reader from Tallahassee, Florida ( city motto: ‘we got more vowels than the entire city council of Brooklyn NY’)  was looking at this Post.  (Don’t want to scare the new Readers, but  even though I write virtually all the Posts here I tend to forget a lot… the fringe benefit is that I can read a Post, like this one and say, with a sense of surprised delight, “hey! not bad!”  lol)

So here you go a reprint for this holiday weekend.


“…of past friends, fear and false hope. the Wakefield Doctrine  ‘it’s alright, you won’t be bothered by anything that might bother you’ “

So what do you want to know?

That’s a pitcha of me and Bernadine. From a reception we were both at, back at the turn of the Millennium.

You know, the past few weeks we been on a pretty busy schedule here with new Posts every other day, a lot of new Readers and all while trying to learn how to do a ‘radio’ show. For whatever reason, it occurred to me this morning that  we might all be thinking this Doctrine thing is clever and interesting, insightful and funny and ‘hey-this-is-refreshingly-different’… well, maybe it is and maybe it isn’t.

Surprise Exam: Obviously the guy in the photo is a clark. Which of the three personality types is Bernadine? Is she a clark or a scott or a roger?  Experienced Readers would do well to caution the (newer) Readers from too much giggling and laughing in the metaphorical back of the allegorical class room  here today. This is more serious than you can know.
You might be thinking:  “oh! this is interesting! the writer is trying to change the tone of the narrative (of the Post). How amusing
and after reading that some of you (the rogers) may start to think: “yeah, great move  don’t overplay your hand, you’re not that good a blog writer
and after reading that, some of you (the scotts) might be sitting up: “cool! lets see how far he’s willing to push the Readers
and after all of this, some of you (the clarks) will be thinking: “too late to get out now, better guess the answer and hope to get it right

No: We are not going to tell you which of the 3 personality types Bernadine was* you are totally on your own.
Yes: We are serious about this being a test and an Exam and carrying consequences.
No: We don’t need to explain it further. If you get it you will understand it and if you don’t ..then you are still welcome to stop by, from time to time and see what we are up to here at the Wakefield Doctrine and maybe leave a Comment about the fun times we used to have… and if you find that thought a little sad or annoying or confusing or anything at all, then there might be hope for you after all!

Hey clarks! a little word in private?  We all know that you are the ones (of the 3 personality types) who stand to gain the most from this ‘theory’ of ‘personality’. You are also the ones (among the three personality types) who will ‘get it’ right away and, …and just so no one forgets what a perverse, potentially horrible, Jethro-centric place life can be, you are also the ones who will sense the natural resistance to change that controls us all. You ever find yourself  in a day when you feel that you finally got it figured out? The people in your day seem different, they are almost encouraging and you think to yourself  ‘finally! enough of that silly weird stuff! I can finally get some balance, the heck with the eccentric shit. I could be happy being like this

…and then you walk into the bathroom at work/school/out-with-friends-at-the-mall, a little too quickly and too quietly and you hear, ” did you get a load of clark today? …god! if only he/she knew”

You know what feels worse than that?  …worse than the feeling when you find yourself not wanting to embarrass them by letting them know you heard what they said?
…if you are a clark  you do know what’s worse. We’re not going to say it here. You know it and I know it. Instead, I will say the thing that is even worse than that,  it’s the feeling that

…you are stuck.

But then again, there is one more step (isn’t there alwaysclark? lol) If you have made it this far, then there is ..not hope, not the offer of a way to think differently, something more akin to …an alternative view. But what do I know?  I’m just the guy who writes this stuff down and projects it out into a world, a world that seems to have a few other people who can identify with what we are saying here.

But it’s nearly Christmas Time and to prove that not all of us here at the Doctrine are totally out of touch with the mainstream culture,  lets listen to Jim Gaffigan tell us about Christmas (and all the other holidays).


*Bernadine died way, way too young. A few years after the photo was taken. She was articulate and funny, clever and insightful and actually made a significant contribution to the Wakefield Doctrine, in a way that I will not describe at this point, in this Post. Hey, I didn’t get to be the writer of the Doctrine blog by being stupid…at least not all the time.
