Monday, hurry up…. the Wakefield Doctrine ( of keywords, Comments, personality types and attracting Readers) | the Wakefield Doctrine Monday, hurry up…. the Wakefield Doctrine ( of keywords, Comments, personality types and attracting Readers) | the Wakefield Doctrine

Monday, hurry up…. the Wakefield Doctrine ( of keywords, Comments, personality types and attracting Readers)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Victoria's Secret supermodel Candice Swanepoel and boyfriend Hermann Nicoli hitting the beach in Miami Beach

Nice day out there, so here is a quick, ‘down an dirty’ guide to getting something from the Wakefield Doctrine today.

You at a picnic and from your vantage point off to the side you hear:

  • “…does that potato salad look a little… old to you?” 
  • “hey! theres only one can of lighter fluid!”
  • “yeah, no! I’m ok… I’ll join you guys later”
  • “hey! do anyone of you think this bikini is too small?”
  • “I will if I want to, everyone likes their pictures taken”
  • “don’t be such a shrinking violet…they all want you to join in!”

They are:

  1. clarks (who grew up and developed seeing the world as being ‘out there’ and everyone in it as being ‘real people’ )
  2. scotts ( who grew up and survived by developing strategies that let them react to threats, take advantage of weakness and recognize each other)
  3. roger (who are secure in the world as they know it, satisfied by seeing the history and continuity that replaces all need for validation)

Now get out there and have some fun(a little fun won’t kill you), excitement(thats what lets you know you are alive) and satisfaction (cause you deserve it).




clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Considerer says:

    I see what you did there :D

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      do I get (leader of future-way-of-thinking-personality-theory-blog) points for admitting that, very often I do not see what I did there? lol ( you are promoted to ‘keep ’em on their toes at the Doctrine chieftainette!*)

      * there really is a word chieftain** it’s right here at the free dictionary***
      ** not really, a word chieftainette at least not yet
      *** we hope it’s free lol

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      hey! damn, I just realized that I have not given def to the concept of ‘jethro’… sorry. This is a reference I created in one my more msysodeitstic moments. There was a TV show in the 1960s by the name ‘the Beverly Hillbillies’ and one of the characters was Jethro Bodine. (His) character was that of the ‘good-natured simpleton’ ( I will include some links a little later in the day) that hopefully will illustrate the charm of this character. The rest (of the concept of god as a bad natured Jethro) relies on the idea of god as a force that while, at times, good and loving, at times of distraction or pique extraordinarily mean and cruel. This is not overly original, I remember reading the ‘Out of the Silent Planet’ trilogy (C.S. Lewis) and in the second book, who presents the idea of intelligence as a quality that is nothing more than utilitarian… to the extent that it is useful, but of no independent virtue. Thats sort of how Jethro comes across.

  2. Ooooh, you are making me so jealous. Not with that pic of the hot bikini bodies, but with the warm weather. I must remember I wanted autumn and need to enjoy it. Grey weather, ice blue hands and all. Hope you had a nice, warm weekend!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      don’t tell me that you are (one of us) that have extremity temperature issues! My hands approach ambient temps at the beginning of October and are now (nearly June) beginning to approach ‘recently deceased’ temperature. lol

      hey! here’s something that I use that (as a clark) you will find helpful… coming up is the shortest day of the year (for you down on the ‘lower half’) right? forget the proper term but for us in the Northern Hem it’s December 21st… in any event I look at that day as the end of winter, simply because the days are getting (slower but surely) longer. Summer can’t be far behind…

  3. Considerer says:

    I accept. Does the potato salad comment *really* happen at every BBQ?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      no. (sometimes it’s the chicken salad that is putatively bad). lol

  4. Cyndi says:

    Good post, yo. Enjoy your Memorial Day. :)
    As for the ice blue hands…they’re finally FINALLY thawing out. I LOVE spring, summer and early fall because I pretty much stay thawed out. Though this spring has been chillier than usual…
    Have a great day!

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      what the hell is it with us clarks? maybe we could use this to test for clarks!! (“Here let me have your hand…. no really!! it’s alright, I’m a Progenitor.”)

  5. “hey! do anyone of you think this bikini is too small?”

    – as voiced by a scottian female surrounded by male rogers….whose wives and/or girlfriends upon hearing/seeing this beckon their men back to the blanket, table and hand them a napkin and reprimand LOL

    But…but….if voiced by the same scottian female in front of women? Fireworks all around and it doesn’t even have to be the 4th of f’ng July. LOL the Doctrine – truly amazing:)

  6. Terrye says:

    Does this potato salad make my butt look big? :)

  7. Considerer says:

    Hah just as well. I’m sure I came across a reference the other day to it *always* being the potato salad.

    Thanks for the clear up on Jethro. *runs away to search ‘msysodeitstic’….comes up squat* (Damn you’re good at confounding me utterly!)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      (“hey!! DownsSprings!! did everyone of you forget to let Considerer here know about the Secret Law of Made up Words??!! damn it yo!…)

      I apologize for the oversight, given how clarks have a marked proclivity for developing monster vocabularies it seems only right that for those of us who decide for a variety of reasons to try this writin’ thing, then we should be allowed to make up words. Seeing how on the internet, everyone has a good vocabulary (or, at least access to all the words they could possibly need), making up words* is a natural for us.

      Given how you appear to have taken up the mantel of ‘she-who-asks-the-questions-that-makes-us-stop-and-think’ (Molly being the shatqtmusat emeritae here, it is a noble calling) I will ask for your critique of the new word ‘msyodeistic’ I was looking for a word for religion/god -hater but not so harsh (lol) and then the word misogynistic popped into my head and so I grabbed the misyo** and stuck on deistic…

      * the more people let it go, the higher the secret score…lol
      ** I know, it’s misspelled in the new version lol

  8. Any bikini on me is too small these days.

    What. Was there another point? Love it.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      …summer activités are more fun with the Wakefield Doctrine (at least for us clarks)… and yeah, that would have been the scottian female asking the herd of male rogers stand around her…like the rings of a tree lol