(post) T-givings Day, the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Supplement | the Wakefield Doctrine (post) T-givings Day, the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Supplement | the Wakefield Doctrine

(post) T-givings Day, the Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Supplement

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory that clarks just never stop thinking, that scotts really ought to try it sometime and rogers…well rogers are capable but they just don’t seem to view the world the right way  )

(Special thanks to Milla and the Umbrella Corporation for giving special meaning to our made-up word, ‘T-Givings Day’.)

Good week and a Good (Saturday Night) Drive.

Last night’s  Drive we heard from Jennifer and DS#1,  very entertaining and productive Drive!  We talked about the progress of the Doctrine Show (on BlogTalkRadio, every Wednesday at 4:00), the emphasis on developing a structure for the 30 minute show that will help present the Wakefield Doctrine in a way that is easy to understand way and still be fun.  Glad that Jennifer was with us last night! We got on the topic of Wakefield Doctrine DocTees and, at some point I said, “I really would love to find a way to individualize the shirts, trouble is, but I  don’t want to change the current design.”  Jennifer was all over it,  “hey! put the names (clark or scott or roger ) on the sleeves”! she said and DS#1 and I, “Damn! that’s it!”  More on the subject as it develops…with XXX-mas lurking up ahead in the calendar,  a Wakefield Doctrine Official DocTee will be the perfect stocking-stuffer!

Missing on the Drive was Molly,  (who is a total regular on Saturday Nights), but she ‘checked-in’ later in the evening, on ‘the Facebook’,  to tell us that she was unavoidably detained at a party… ( visual: Molly, dressed in black dress and pearls and handmade cowboy boots, standing in an alcove, one hand to her ear, the other cupping the cell phone to amplify her whisper, ” What do you mean, ‘do I have the area code for Wakefield’…. yes that’s a real place, but it is also the name of the blog… no, I don’t want to spell it… put your Supervisor on the phone!”).  Molly actually did say that she had a good evening with friends and extends T-Giving wishes to all.

(new) Friends of the Doctrine:  Cyndi (who is on a very excellent road trip who is also a talented photographer…head over to her site and read all about it.  oh yeah! when you’re there at: www.pictimilitude.com, Cyndi has some really cool stuff that you can buy and give as XXXmas gifts!) and Janine who is always the first to comment on a new Post (visual: bursting through door… “now just hold one minute! what exactly did you mean by… no! keep the computer on! there’s still time to do some editing before everyone else gets on line“) and Michelle ( who is a self-identified roger, which is very exciting as we definitely need to hear more from the rogerian perspective, as the ‘party series’ goes into Part 2) Cari and Amy (who clearly identifies with the clarklike personality type by her statement  ‘Sounds much easier to be a Scott!)  and Kate who has cast her ballot from the Great State of clarkhood and Melanie (who may very well be the FOTD to live closest to Antartica… ) and Emily (her blog deals with raising boys…hey Molly! another Reader with a built-in practice studio…Doctrine and family-speaking, of course) and Terrye and Walter (who has a DocTee on it’s way… photos!! Dude! we want photos of that famous beach, even if you can’t find Leonardo to model it for ya!)

Guess that brings us up to date…
Now wait a damn minute! Our two favorite DownSprings, who are also musically talented folks  Jasmine and Steve… hey, guys!
They both have sites on ‘reverbnation’ which is  a place where musicians go and let people listen to the music and such, you need to go over there to both and listen.
Before you leave their respective sites, click anything that doesn’t move… Gfriends, Facebook the whole thing… the more you do of that, the sooner these two get famous and the sooner we all will be able to say, “Jasmine Tea? yeah we used to hang over at the Doctrine”  or “Steve Crabtree? sure, I know him! …do too!! I got his damn personal email! you think that he gives that out to anybody? …well, maybe, but I know where he got the hats that he’s famous for wearing on stage, so there






clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. HI Clark, will definitely pop by and learn more about these three perspectives. What is your take on the blends of these types, let’s say Clark-Rogers, Roger-Scotts, Scott-Clarks, Clark Scotts, and so on?

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      You are definitely Doctrine material… since (as you know) even though we all settle into a predominant worldview, we never lose the capability of seeing the world as the ‘other two’ do. As a matter of fact, only recently we have taken to using the term(s) secondary aspect and tertiary aspects to talk about the effect of these ‘blends’. Molly has helped a lot with this, as she is a clark with a strong secondary rogerian aspect!
      The tricky part is that there is no requirement that a person have (developed) secondary or tertiary aspects. A lot of people do not. I have a friend who is simply a scott, all the characteristics of the type, but he has no sign of a developed secondary clarklike aspect and as a result he has virtually no interest in the Wakefield Doctrine. (We are fond of saying that the people we meet here are either clarks or have strong secondary clarklike aspects…because it is the unbridled and driven curiosity and willingness to play with ideas that are a part of a clark‘s worldview that when added to the rogerian worldview (strong self-discipline, ability to focus on details, steadiness) or the scottian worldview (the drive, the energy of the aggressiveness) results in a potent combination.

  2. Me again and looks like I am still the first to post, but just can’t help myself. Seriously, would have been here sooner, but it was so quiet with my husband and kids still sleeping that I took advantage and wrote more on my novel. Less than 2,00o words to go now to make that 50,000 mark for NaNoWriMo, but still have a ways to go in finishing my first book. anyways, thanks for the shout again and as always my pleasure to read and comment here :) :)

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Always good to have a friendly face here first. Congrats on the completion on the novel! (Hold that thought, though…. somehow I have gotten it into my head to try and write something (I am calling it a story, any other term would cause me to throw it down on the ground lest I be struck down by the writing gods for excessive hubris, I will surely be in touch, “hey, Janine my characters aren’t saying it right! make them behave!)

  3. Cyndi says:

    Clark, you’re awesome. Thanks for the shout out. I hope to sell plenty for the holidays off my site. I’ll be darned if I haven’t had time to get the frickin’ gallery going of all my prints. Oh well, LOL.
    Your posts are always entertaining and I have been labelling family members with the “clark, scott or roger” aspect with the secondary and tertiary traits. I’ve been having LOTS of fun with that. Hehe.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


      Always fun. Speaking of frickin galleries, I will drop you a line the next quiet time I get/you get and pick your brain about ‘galleries’ in the sense of layout for the Fashion Center at the Doctrine. The thing is I am self-with a somewhat customized theme and unfortunately the demands of writing has totally crowded out any technical learning, as in, ‘there must be a better, easier and more attractive way to format the page for photos of them what’s wearin’ theys DocTees and hats and such. But for now… Readers will just have to scroll through the pages see ya in the blogosphere