Month: March 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: March 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

Episode 11 Video Friday …of clarks and rogers, the Wakefield Doctrine it just plain makes sense!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

A rare and impromptu discussion with DS#1 and Molly and the Progenitor roger….


Part 2


…no, it’s not you!  The conversation was careening all over the rhetorical landscape

Part 1 here!


This Weekend!! A Post with at least 3 different people offering their views and viewpoints on life, childhood and the Wakefield Doctrine  you do not want to miss it!



Your Study Guide for use with the Wakefield Doctrine Special Mid-Week Call-in Show!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Go ahead and dial: 218-339-0422   Enter the access code: 512103  (followed by) #    At 4:00 EDT  Today March 21st


Topic 1     Occupations that you are likely to succeed in according to your personality type

clark: Teacher, Artist, Waitress, Lighthouse Keeper, Shopkeeper

scott:  Salesman, Police Officer, Surgeon, Stripper

roger: Accountant, Engineer, Postal Employee, Frustrated Housewife


Topic 2:  Occupations and/careers that each of the three personality types would be least likely to succeed at:

clarks:  Surgeon, Football Coach,

scotts: Priest

rogers: Toll booth attendent


Case A Study for Discussion:

The Occupation:  Waiter/Waitress
The personality type that is ‘most likely to succeed’:   rogerian male  and clarklike female

Case Study B for Discussion:  (courtsey of DS#1)

The Occupation: Talk Show Host
The personality type that is most likely to suceed’: roger  (both male and female!)


Can anyone tell us why this is so?


(Hey  everyone knows how much the Doctrine loves and appreciates ‘the Wikipedia’…we depend on it and are card-carrying, voluntary-contribution-paying members since…oh, I don’t know, 2009 or some time…any way…I had to ‘share’* this analysis of today’s song which is an Isley Brothers** song. As follows:

“Lyrically, the song explicates a troubled situation between a man and his girlfriend/wife, concerning the lack of quality time spent with each other. The man pleads that as much as he cannot wait to get home and spend time with her, he has a more pressing obligation/commitment to attend to work.”  ( )

* share: to use, borrow (promise to return) and otherwise appropriate in order to put a Sherwin Williams patina on the shoat

** Jimi Hendrix played with these guys, ’til they fired him for putting on a solo set between the regular sets when the Isleys were on tour (lol, no! he didn’t!)



the Wakefield Doctrine: keep these simple rules in mind, everything will be just fine this week…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

You woke up today, the start of a brand new week.

Now, without thinking too much,  pick one of the following phrases that best describe how you feel:

A) hopeful with a touch of anxiousness

B) eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment

C) calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose

What your choices really mean, depending on which of the three personality types you are:

If you are a clark and you choose:

A)  hopeful with a touch of anxiousness  then you are thinking  ( …”ah…ain’t life grand! )
B)  eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment  then you should be thinking  ( check your homework again, make sure you did not study the wrong chapter for the test )
C)  calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose what is important is that you  ( stop doing the drugs,  alcohol and/or sleep-deprivation  stop! you cannot keep this up! )

If you are a scott and you choose:

A) hopeful with a touch of anxiousness   you might be hearing in your head: ( whats the matter, did your clarklike friend do something un-expected on you, like state that you were wrong? )
B)  eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment if this is how you are feeling then: ( you probably are not getting enough exercise )
C) calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose… ( lol  yeah right!…on your death bed maybe )

If you are a roger and you choose:

A) hopeful with a touch of anxiousness  don’t worry: ( your friends will not suspect that you had a dream in which you broke all the rules and laughed while doing it )
B) eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment  but then again: ( you know the fun herd is out there…well worth the trip through the gaunlet school bus/timecard punch line )
C) calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose…( don’t you ever get tired of being like that?! )



The 10th Video in the Video Friday Series! the Wakefield Doctrine, a personality theory that’s fun *and* useful!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

(Ed Note:  see the following words all spread out on the preview?… it will make sense when you open to the full Post… formatting is not our strong suit ’round here)

Friday (?)                                                       (check!)
Wakefield Doctrine (?)                               (check!)
Youtube video (?)                                        (check!)
10 more couples (?)                                    (che….)

What?! 10 more couples? What 10 more couples?…. oh yeah, the last Post.  We made  the claim that if you had 50 couples in a room, told them,  “If you had one wish that would improve some aspect of your relationship, what would it be?”  …most of the people would look at their partner first. Alright, now I remember.  But…but… today is Video Friday!
Today is the one day of the week where all we have to do is watch a Video…no work at reading and thinking and such! Sorry folks today is a work day, so watch the Video, read about the couples under that  and we will see you at the bottom of this Post.



10 more Couples:

Martin and Lewis1 (Comedy Act in the 1940’s and 1950’s)
Scully and Muldar ( The X Files TV series ‘couple’)
Siegfried and Roy (Las Vegas animal act)
Brennan and Booth ( ‘Bones’ TV series ‘couple’)
Romeo and Juliet ( the DiCaprio and Danes version)
George and Barbara Bush (the first set of Bushes in the White house)
Sarah Jessica Parker and Mathew Broderick ( celebrity couple)
Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings ( totally cool couple)
Hilary and Bill Clinton (another political couple)
Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin (celebrity couple)

There you go. Take notes, make assumptions, advance theories, forward your suppositions  there are three personality types and (usually) two people in a couple2 so you have a 87% chance of being right!
But we know you can do better than that! And besides, this is not a test nor is it strictly a game (although this is supposed to be fun!), this is about learning to identify the three personality types. The quicker you are at picking the (dominant) personality type, the more time you will have to observe their behavior.3




1) old person reference…but hey that’s why god invented ‘the google’ but even when you have it explained, there will be chrono-cultural gaps that will not be bridgeable so anyone under the age of 25 can get free credit on this one.

2) not counting the Three Stooges or the Marx Brothers or Ben Affleck

3) remember! the Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people have one dominant personality type/worldview and still have the qualities of the remaining two personality types in the background. The ‘second runner-up’ or ‘secondary aspect’ is nearly as important to determine as is the primary. But don’t worry about that for now. Have fun figuring out these couples!


all work and no play… the Wakefield Doctrine goes on the road (…”the White Zone is for loading and”…tredux)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine  (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

This Post was to have been a reflection of my clarklike nature as I prepared to embark upon (another) Wakefield Doctrine roadtrip/jouney of Conquest.1  This is the second trip to  Salt Lake City ( our maiden visit to this most excellent of city-like places is totally chronicled in the Post:  Me and Mrs. Smith ). Expectations fought with anticipation like a couple junior high school scotts when the mid-transfer student turns out to be totally hot… in other words, the struggle was more fun than the outcome.
In any event, I sat down at the un-godly hour of 3:30 am determined to write a narrative of my perceptions of the implications of the planned road trip…

But that did not happen. Instead what came to mind was a story that I related to Molly, in a Comment over at her blog ( “’… or was that, ‘’). The topic of the Post I was Commenting on was, ‘letting go of the baggage of the past’. How it can be beneficial if not difficult. (My) story had to do with an element of my life, the collision of the past with the real and the resultant worldview…   (Cut!!)

Sorry to disrupt the narrative flow there folks, but “now” I am sitting in Denver International Airport and I just had to stop trying to write the Post that I was planning to write in order to say, ‘you know how you see a picture of the Parthenon and you immediately think, Ancient Greece!  or the Colosseum, you cannot but help think, The Roman Empire!  you can even offer the Washington Monument and Capitol Building and who does not think United States of America ( even the boys ages 13 to 67, after they stop giggling, will agree)?
Well, if you ever happen to pass through the Denver airport and you have the slightest understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine‘s 3 personality types, you will be consumed by one word/one concept/one personality type:  rogers
My rather limited writing ability and my total lack of knowledge in the areas of architecture and engineering, prevent me from explaining what it is about this place that screams roger. Is it the giant Circus Tent terminal?…or maybe the Security Checkpoint that is situated like the food court of every Mall in the country… shopping travelers are able to stand at the rail of the second level and look down on the screening and security area… no, those are only  ‘parts of the whole’. The moment of, …of samadhi (Doctrinistically-speaking, lol)  came for me as the doors closed on the underground train cars that were the only way to get from the Concourse to the Terminal. Unnecessary speed of the train, the noise, the emphasis on making the passengers not comfortable…the very design forced you to focus on the train system itself and it spoke the word: roger.
Free Wakefield Doctrine Hat to anyone who goes there and reports back or has been to DIA and would care to share their feelings.

The trip itself?  oh, yeah!  ‘Overlook’/Stanley Hotel?  Looks like what you hoped it would, until you see that it is surrounded by not-isolated mountain terrain (props to Kubrick for the photography in the movie). The video above speaks for it’s own damnself. The Stanley Hotel? Part of the Wakefield Doctrine portfolio now, baby. Doctrine insight?  clarks as day trip visitors, rogers as overnight guests… but you knew that, didn’t you.

OK folks! Back to the work at hand. The Wakefield Doctrine needs to get wider exposure to the world at large. We need everyone reading this Post to think of one person (probably your clarklike friend) and tell them about scotts…and rogers. If they respond, then send them here. We’ll take care of the rest.


1)  the word ‘Conquest’  in this context is referring to all the rogers and scotts through history, who have set out to discover and explore new lands, continents, hemispheres and future theme park locations and laying claims of Ownership and Entitlement. We at the Wakefield Doctrine share this enlightened view and do, in fact, claim a ‘Right of Hat’ by which a person2 can claim all lands, people, chattel and even cars and such that they, the Doctrine enfranchised explorer or explorerette, can manage to get  into the background of a photo and/or a video. This is not just wishful thinking… this is based on the Treaty of Tordesillas. So there!

2)  need to have a hat or some other Wakefield Doctrine endorsed article of clothing, which means getting your very own Wakefield Doctrine hat which is only sent out to them what write us a Comment and becomes a Friend Of The Doctrine3

3)  anyone else out there think we need a new acronym for people who decide to take the courageous step of writing a Comment and actively contributing to the advancement of the Doctrine?  ( look for a Contest Post coming out this week )
