the Wakefield Doctrine: keep these simple rules in mind, everything will be just fine this week… | the Wakefield Doctrine the Wakefield Doctrine: keep these simple rules in mind, everything will be just fine this week… | the Wakefield Doctrine

the Wakefield Doctrine: keep these simple rules in mind, everything will be just fine this week…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

You woke up today, the start of a brand new week.

Now, without thinking too much,  pick one of the following phrases that best describe how you feel:

A) hopeful with a touch of anxiousness

B) eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment

C) calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose

What your choices really mean, depending on which of the three personality types you are:

If you are a clark and you choose:

A)  hopeful with a touch of anxiousness  then you are thinking  ( …”ah…ain’t life grand! )
B)  eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment  then you should be thinking  ( check your homework again, make sure you did not study the wrong chapter for the test )
C)  calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose what is important is that you  ( stop doing the drugs,  alcohol and/or sleep-deprivation  stop! you cannot keep this up! )

If you are a scott and you choose:

A) hopeful with a touch of anxiousness   you might be hearing in your head: ( whats the matter, did your clarklike friend do something un-expected on you, like state that you were wrong? )
B)  eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment if this is how you are feeling then: ( you probably are not getting enough exercise )
C) calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose… ( lol  yeah right!…on your death bed maybe )

If you are a roger and you choose:

A) hopeful with a touch of anxiousness  don’t worry: ( your friends will not suspect that you had a dream in which you broke all the rules and laughed while doing it )
B) eager to get out into the world or work or school or homemaking… anticipation bordering on excitment  but then again: ( you know the fun herd is out there…well worth the trip through the gaunlet school bus/timecard punch line )
C) calm, self-assured with a sense of purpose…( don’t you ever get tired of being like that?! )



clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Molly Molly M. says:

    I chose C… I went to bed last night, knowing what I needed to do today, and I haven’t slept well for the last week. lol

  2. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:


    ‘sleep dep’ the poor man’s LSD

    I have been ‘sleep dep’ deprived of late…cursed with sleeping the night through, just to wake up after a full night’s sleep with the feeling that I have missed something

  3. Downspring#1 says:

    @ Molly – Are you sure? LOL
    Going to bed and knowing what you need to do the next day… after being sleep deprived for a week prior. Would it be the same thing (s) had you a week of satisfying and restful sleep?!

    @ clarkscottroger – you have only missed that which you might have paid more attention to when you had more sleep but didn’t because you are now seeing all the things that are always there sidled up against the “normal” things. LOL

  4. Downspring#1 says:

    @csr – I love it!!! When customers ask me how I am today….that’s my answer. But only in the friendliest way:)
    In my dreams of course :D

  5. Molly Molly M. says:

    @DS#1 — Maybe, maybe not… Hubby left today for four days, and I needed to get everything ready for him. He had given me his to-do list for when he got home… and of course, my job is to make sure he can get his done. :)
    …On second thought, no. If I had slept well last week, these things would have already been done, and I wouldn’t have had to make a day of it!

    Today, I’ve got more of a B thing going on. How about you?

  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    … (old joke) “and remember men it’s kill the cattle and…”*

    Reference to a clark’s caution on B)

  7. Downspring#1 says:

    @Molly – of course. We do those things best:) LOL.
    Now the payoff – 4 days without (everyone, well clarklike females, especially those with rogers) our husbands, boyfriends or SO’s. Some actual, uninterrupted “me time”. (sigh)

    Me? I’ve got the D thing going on!