Month: January 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: January 2012 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

of Progenitors and essential concepts, the Wakefield Doctrine (new tagline: life, change….improvement)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scott and rogers )

Have we established Sunday Morning Posts as ‘casually organized, rambling yet interesting…sort of like the way the Sunday Newspapers1 used to be, yet?

Well today we will use two ‘devices’ that serve as a warning to our newer Readers that, when it comes to learning about the Wakefield Doctrine, there might be other places in the blog that will better serve as a starting point.

… talked to the Progenitor scott last night! Discussed a wide range of topics:

  • his finding a reference to ‘the Lady’2 on the internet, very interesting news indeed
  • talked about the state of country music, including Vince Gill, Brad Paisley and others and the fact that scott was in a new band
  • discussed how the recording of the Lady really, really should be made into a musical
  • discussed the idea of the problems that one would encounter if one went back in time and co-inhabited the body of your 20 year old self ( both personalities are able to communicate)

…good Saturday Night Drive! in the dashboard; Molly and DS#1 and (riding shotgun)  Ms. AKH

  • discussed adding a Sunday morning brunch show ( Wakefield Doctrine Sunday Morning Drive?) Molly has familial responsibilities, ‘KH and DS are flexible we decided that maybe we will try it on a limited basis, mostly to see if this will make the call-in Post more accessible to the Friends of the Doctrine who are in Europe (their clocks run fast or something, as it is like  3am for Nell Rose and (probably) 4am for Claire and Alexandra, when we do our regular Saturday Night Drive.
  • speaking of Claire, we talked about a number of the points she has been raising in Comments (at the Doctrine) and in Posts at her blog very interesting and challenging questions from our Ms. Peek.
  • Molly started a rather spirited exchange on the topic of changing dominant personality types, specifically what happens if a person sets out to change from being, say predominately a clark to predominately a roger? …stay tuned.
  • DS#1 was barely restrainable towards the end (of the drive) and the group of men that she and her S.O. were identifying with were in conflict with a group of men that was in opposition to her group of men…she was positively ‘atwitter’

…the most significant concern raised last evening was this: People read the Wakefield Doctrine blog and ‘get it’. They have no trouble with the descriptions of the three personality types and quite often can immediately identify within themselves, their ‘type’ (clark or scott or roger). However it seems there is a tendency to forget the  ‘underlying and totally essential concept’, which is, of course that we exist in slightly different personal realities.
One of the elements that distinguishes the Wakefield Doctrine from  other popular personality systems is how we deal with the question of:  which comes first, behavior or personality type? Most will say, ‘describe yourself, your likes and dislike, your interests and your antipathies, then consult the chart you will know your ‘personality type’.

The Wakefield Doctrine is different. The key premise to the Doctrine is that we all live our lives in a personal (slightly) separate reality. Nothing weird or metaphysical or religious, we still all know that the sky is blue and fish swim in the sea and if your erection last more than 4 hours…. whatever.
The point here is that I am a clark because the world that I exist in is that of a clark. My behavior is a totally appropriate response to the world as I experience it. And a scott is acting naturally because the character of their reality is based on ‘the world of predator and prey and rogers live happy, content lives because that is the nature of their reality.

The Wakefield Doctrine does not define personality by description of repeated behaviors. The Wakefield Doctrine looks at repeated behavior and infers the reality that the person is experiencing. Big difference. Big advantage. Know the nature, the character of the reality that a person exists in and you will know what they will do before they will.

There is much more to this thing, the effect of the ‘other two’ realities on a person, but that is for another Post.



1) newspapers as in the smeary newsprint that comes off on your hands, difficult to fold properly but totally superior to the “digital” format

2) “the Lady” a long but very interesting story…we will share it at the First Annual Wakefield Doctrine Global Pic-a-Nic to be held as soon as we can afford it!


…of personality types, behavior and inertia: the Wakefield Doctrine (theory of 3 personality types)

Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Warning!! The thought supplanting1 today’s Post Title is more a framing of the question (and) description of the obstacle encountered (or to be encountered ) by all of us attempting to employ the Wakefield Doctrine as a system of self-improvement.  While the Post Title implies that there will be specific suggestions (composed of ways and strategies meant to over-come this inertia), if you don’t read exactly what you are hoping to find, please do one of two things:

  1. …keep reading. Read tomorrow’s Post and next week’s Post(s).  (Better yet), read some of the Pages of this blog, listed at the top of the page, these will contain most of the knowledge about personality types and behavior, as currently accepted by the Doctrine  (or),
  2. …write a Comment! If you are reading this, you are familiar, or at very least, conversant with the principles and precepts of the Wakefield Doctrine. Write a Comment, share with the other Readers what you have encountered in your own life as it pertains to the ‘the problem’ i.e. the inertia of old habits. We want to hear what you have experienced, good or bad, useful or useless. We all totally know that the better the understanding of ‘the problem’ the more likely the solution will be found.

So what is this ‘inertia of habits/behavior’?
Our elegant phrase, inertia of habits/behavior, is meant to describe the tendency to repeat what you have (repeated) previously. All people behave certain ways in certain (typical) life situations, (nothing new there). We also maintain the same types and styles of behavior over time ( in the parlance of the Wakefield Doctrine we are clarks or scotts or rogers). And we all have met with the same frustration when, for one reason or another, we have wanted to change our behavior.  You know that when you encounter a person who acts a certain way, lets say, for example they are too aggressive (or too non-aggressive), whatever. Despite your desire to change how you interact (with this type of person), despite your best efforts to alter your own responses to this person,  you invariably ‘forget’ and revert  to your typical style of response. This is the ‘inertia of habits/behavior’. Now some of you might say at this point, “Yeah well what do the physicists say? Huh?”,

Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion. It is proportional to an object’s mass. The principle of inertia is one of the fundamental principles of classical physics which are used to describe the motion of matter and how it is affected by applied forces. Inertia comes from the Latin word, iners, meaning idle, or lazy. Isaac Newton defined inertia as his first law in his Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, which states:

The vis insita, or innate force of matter, is a power of resisting by which every body, as much as in it lies, endeavours to preserve its present state, whether it be of rest or of moving uniformly forward in a straight line.  ( )
See?  Even the  rogers fear and/or respect inertia!
Since we are on the subject of rogers, it might be helpful to describe my experience with a new computer. I am currently typing away on the keyboard of my new iMac. This computer and (all other Apple products) are remarkable by virtue of the fact that they are clearly of a rogerian nature! By this I mean, when I first got the computer after years of PC’s (see inertia of habit/behavior, above); and after allowing for having to adjust to a different OS, I begin to notice a certain…rationale(?),  a view?, lets call it ‘the underlying premise of the experience of using a computer’, about the way the iMac was designed to function. The fricken design of these good-looking but aggravating computers is totally rogerian!
In terms of the topic of today’s Post? My new computer has a ‘spellcheck’ function as do most other brands, but there appears to be an enhancement to this handy writing aid that I don’t recall in my PCs. When I type a line,  the ‘correct’ word shows up right next to the word that I am either: 1) mistyping or b) making up a whole new word, for purposes that I am comfortable putting in place of a ‘real’ word.
Well, here on this rogerian computer, the ‘correct’ word will replace your ‘incorrect’ word, by default. You must go back and ‘force it’ (sometimes twice, if the new word is really weird) before it will  let you use the ‘incorrect word’.
Needless to say, that got me to thinking about how the  inertia of habits/personality may work within our lives. It is not that we ‘forget’ that we want to act differently, it is just that a part of us keeps track of how we have always behaved and if we divert from the norm, it will step in and superimpose the proper way to behave (or respond or react etc). Whether you want to or not. Now this, like spellcheck is very helpful and useful, it enables us to maintain continuity without constant distraction. And!…and maybe it (this process) is part of how it is that we can live in different realities! The three characteristic worldviews of clarks, scotts and rogers are apparently maintained and otherwise given continuity by this function of ‘supplying the correct word’ or in this case, ‘supplying the correct (for our individual personality type) interpretation of the reality that is our dominant worldview!  Damn! (this could be useful)!
We might then suggest that, much like the way we have to go back and ‘correct the correction’ we might develop strategies that allow us to, say for example, keep track of my clarklike style and anticipate where a scottian or rogerian response might be desired and beat that damn auto-correct at it’s own game! Clearly much work is necessary to refine the concept and create efficient and effective strategies.
Not quite the bullet point list! lol I know that some of you out there would like us to simply list the concise plan that will allow you to:
  • put on those high-heeled shoes and get those rogers to drop to all fours when you walk in the room (or)
  • find a secret way of actually having that scottian girl in psych class acknowledge that you sit behind her (and have for the last month) and maybe even be able to talk to her in way that doesn’t a) make you think you are reading from the wrong page of the Michelin Easy Phrases for the Tourist who really, really needs to use the bathroom and then order a Gourmet Dinner or b) have her reaching into her pocket for the speed dial on her cell phone (or even)
  • stop falling for the rogerian bullshit or the predatory groping of your scottian best friends… (hey, we’re not talking about you…these are true other rogers and scotts…heh heh
 Hey…I kinda hate to repeat myself with the song picks, but I have had this Alan Jackson song in my head all week, and it do have some fine pedal steel in it!
1) a modest and (hopefully ) successful attempt at a rogerian expression.

Video Friday! Episode 2!! the Wakefield Doctrine (wherein we reflect upon the significance and importance of the new Readers and participants in this) personality-theory!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Lets just go right to the Video!

That was fun! Hey, you know what the hardest part about writing these Posts is, at least lately?  Writing from a rogerian point of view.1 We know what it should ‘look like’, we know how the words should ‘read’, we have even had discussions on Saturday Night Drives about the ‘shape and tone’ of the rogerian style. But it is a lot like learning a new language. At first you memorize the words and common phrases and practice pronunciation. Then you begin to form whole thoughts and complete sentences (in this new language), finally you either get everyone in your language class to agree to speak only this language, or (better yet) you go to the country where they speak the language and try to get through a day.2

In any event, we will not be going into a long discussion of the challenge of writing in the rogerian language. For now we will direct your attention to Comments from the Progenitor roger, and DownSpring Phyllis (in the previous Post) and anything you will find on the Secessionist Rag, or mostly teachable. Those are written in the rogerian style. We bring this up as we are going to be making a concerted effort to bring in some (new) rogerian readers, or better I say, we will try to get the rogerian Readers out there to get more active with this Doctrine thing.

To that end, let me ask the question: Is there any interest to either: a) modifying the times of the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Drive or 2) adding another ‘time slot’ doing an additional ‘call in’ show? We could do a Sunday morning or afternoon (which might be useful to our more time-zone challenged Readers). Just wanted to get the idea out there! Let us know your thoughts/impulses/feelings.


(cool, vintage music video:  only Hendrix could do a line like “…carnival traffic noise” and get away with it!)


1)  not as concerned with the language of scotts, mostly Hey! Fuck! come over here and ‘hey, pull my finger’ Mostly the written language of the scott is as the spoken language, very direct: noun-verb-object.  Pretty simple, isn’t it?

2)  people who actually do learn or teach foreign languages are invited to add to modify this description (of the learning process) apologies to any Rosette Stoners who may take offence at my simplification of an arduous and complex process.  (danke)


hey! my Day is Starting here….gimme something from the Wakefield Doctrine that will actually make a difference!!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Out “there”,  where you the Reader exists, chances are that at this present moment, you are going to work or waiting for the bus to school (or leaving the dorm for breakfast before your first class) or having coffee before starting the day keeping the household healthy and happy for babies and children.
Today’s Post,  we offer one single bit of advice (technically three single bits of advice) to you that will make a difference to you at some point in your day today. Your day will be better because of it.



clarks: make one List of the things you need to do today, (spend no more than 10 minutes on that list) and then….  put the List away. Put it in a place where it will sit until the end of the day. Do not put it among the things you will carry with you throughout the day, do not save a copy (if you are using a computer either print the list and put away or if not printing the list save it to the desktop on the computer.) Now go out and do everything you think you need to do just as if it were  the only thing on your List.
(At the end of the day you may look at the list and write us a Comment).

scotts: make one List of the things you think that other people ( your family, your boss, your workers) would be happy to see you do today. Take that List with you today. Check it constantly. When you see the opportunity to do anything on that List, do it. And (this is important) do not tell anyone about your List or about the things you do.
(At the end of the day you may tear up the List and write us a Comment).

rogers: make one List today of the things that you know you have to do, but really hate the thought of doing. Give this List to whoever is the ‘most’ Significant Other in your life at the present time. In the course of the day, contact this person and ask them to read you the List. Try to do at least one of the things that this person reads to you. Keep the List to yourself (and your significant other) do not tell anyone else.
(At the end of the day, ask your Significant Other if there is anything left on the list….and write us a Comment).


OK people!!  There it is  from the Wakefield Doctrine to you. A better day….

…don’t forget to write that damn Comment at the end of the day.



this Wakefield Doctrine, it will help me live a more satisfying life? It offers (me) a better way to relate to people? What do I do first?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The answers to the questions posed in the Title of today’s Post (in reverse order):

  1. …read as much of this blog as you need in order to understand the Wakefield Doctrine, read the Posts and Comment on at least one of the Posts
  2. …It most certainly does!
  3. yep!
While the three, conveniently numbered answers above are all the information that the clarks in the audience will require, lets take a moment to address the needs of our rogerian and scottian Readers. In their case, we will use (a) bullet point/numbered list format, mostly because it makes the information appear to be organized in a concise and direct fashion (for our scottian readers) while, at the same time,  making everything look all neat and orderly and deliberate ( you know, rogerian!)
First up, to our scottian Readers:
  • Hey! you’re not frickin gonna believe the ‘edge’ that this Doctrine thing will give you out there in the real world
  • Thats right!! an edge…an advantage that no one…no one else but you will have at work or at play or (especially) at home
  • this is really easy!  you’re right you do have it down pretty much already  just a couple of quick pointers
  • you’re the cool action-oriented one of the three
  • the rogers, the ones you love to make fun of?  they are so easy now it’s not funny ( just joking!  still funny but better!)
  • that third type? these ‘clarks‘? you still can get them to laugh, ‘cept now with the Doctrine, they’ll get all “hey scott you really understand the Doctrine now! thats great lets talk about the theory…blah…blah…blah
The rogerian Readers will find the Wakefield Doctrine interesting for the following, well-thought out reasons:
  1. there are numbered reasons and (they) are nicely indented
  2. obviously this Wakefield Doctrine was not developed by those scottian personality types, there is not a single crayon-drawn ‘FUCK’ anywhere to be seen (…on this page)
  3. it all seems to make sense and they do appear to be quite sincere in their appreciation of the necessity of maintaining traditions
  4. those clarks, hmmm …a little…wild-eyed and impractical, but they seem to be appreciating the necessity of maintaining traditions
  5. this all does seem to form a very neat and tidy box, too bad that I don’t recall ever having thought of it myself
  6. …wait a minute, this is all beginning to look a little bit familiar, I believe I thought of this in 1975…
Well, that should take care of all our New Readers.
Everyone else? Have fun! Seriously! (lol) after all is said and done, the Wakefield Doctrine is a fun, and useful and unique way of understanding the behavior of the people in our damn lives. If you know the characteristics of the three personality types, you are totally all set.
Boyfriend a scott? Forget the long involved appeals to his intellect:  go for the BRIGHT SHINY SEXY…when you have his attention (for however brief a time) you have all of him! As much as you are going to get, at any rate.
Wife looking like a roger? Fine, not the worst thing in the world! Need to get something done? Never surprise a roger, never present a new idea to a roger in public…always in private first get their attention” REFLECT SHINY SEXY/HOME IMPROVEMENT* If you manage to get her to believe that what you want is something that she already knew and wanted, you are all set.
clark for a friend?…how in luck are you! just don’t take their ideas and efforts at figuring our their own lives personally, there is nothing you can do to help…other than point them to this blog and hope for the best.
(Hey, do you think I should do that last section as bullet points too?…it really is some useful, practical Doctrine advice…now that I read it, it might be the whole point of today’s Post)

