Month: September 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: September 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

If the world *were* to make sense, there would still be only 3 personality types…the.. the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Hey there. There are some people I want you to meet. These are the real people behind/around/with and involved in this here blogsite here. The one you are reading right this moment,  the Wakefield Doctrine.

These people are not writers, (well not all of them)…they are not mental health professionals (well, maybe  one of them); they are people you might describe as ‘run of the mill’/average people (nah, not any of them) but …these people are people  who,  if you happened to meet them at a party or social function, business affair/professional conference, Church Social/blind date…well let me say that after meeting (any of these people) a week later you would say to your friend , “Remember that night…who was that girl/man/woman/boy? They were really something!”
That is what would happen… if you met any of the  ‘DownSprings’ or ‘Friends of the Doctrine’ in person…as opposed to the voices in the video…and even that… allow me to attribute some words to them folks:

Interesting! Fun!! Clever! (a little) Naughty!! the Wakefield Doctrine has to have it all for you (the) Readers to stop your damned surfing and read…learn…enjoy and ask for a (nearly free) Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head).
You know if we write like we talk between ourselves then almost everyone should find something interesting.
You need to not try so hard and let the Readers be comfortable with what you are offering them.
We will keep putting these Posts up and adding to the body of knowledge.
…traditional web page look, with the blog secondary might make it more attractive. Blogs have a tendency to feel personal, so leaving comments kinda feels like calling a stranger and leaving a message on their answering machine about how their yard looks.
… Is there anything you would like to do that you have not yet done with The Wakefield Doctrine Blog?  You know, cable TV show…that sort of thing.  Rumor has it you’ve been writing a screenplay?
Ya gotta grab ’em  make ’em watch
Here or at the Wakefield Doctrine Blog over there….this shit is real, it is usable and yeah, it can be fun. It’s not all parlor games I can tell you that. It requires an ability to look at one’s own self rather closely and not just the good stuff. In the end though, if you look, it’s here to find
You know they really like you, you just have to relax and let it happen
Give what they want! maybe even naked pictures then after they are paying attention you can tell them about the three personality types!!
I expect your admiration, and I accept it. Humbly
Without the implications of the ramifications of the various variables, how can we get this thing across?

( MS. AKH / DownSpring glenn / Molly / DS#1 /   ) 
They will support and deny the sentiments expressed above. In fact, last night’s Saturday Night Drive resulted in a  (near) consensus of the highest order:

  • Keep showing examples of the three personality types  
  • Be funny (ier)
  • Be outraageous!!
  • Be sexy
  • Be intimate
  • Be personable
  • Be interesting and clearly without extraneous agenda. Be sexy.
  • Be cool and above all,
  • …to thine own self be true.

Tall order, no?   No!  It is not (…a tall order). The above characterisations and descriptions may have issued from 5 or 6 people (depends on your counting method) but these qualities are inherent in everyone/me/them/you.  Do not forget, damn it, the Wakefield Doctrine says that we all have the capacity to experience the world as a clark or as a scott or as a roger  three different ‘realities’, and (the Doctrine says) that we become predominately one of these three but never, ever… ever lose the ability to see the world as the other two see it. That is why you/me/them can claim the above “blockquote” as your own.

(…think we covered last night well enough?) (yeah…you’re right, I better…)   Hey Readers!!  you want to get one step closer to knowing these here people here? 

Look at this! (well, it’s really more ‘Listen to this’) This is the fun we have with the Wakefield Doctrine.


Video Friday …is this thing on? the Wakefield Doctrine clear, plain and simple

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )  Vid  Deo*  Friday

Today is Friday. Friday is Video Friday Day at the Wakefield Doctrine.

The Wakefield Doctrine, as in:

“…hey dude, you seem kinda bummed, whats the matter?”      (and your friend/friendette goes)

” Well,  at work yesterday my boss called me into his office and was all like, ‘We appreciate the work you do here, you are a hard worker and you never complain, but I have to let you go. It’s just that some of the other people say that you seem to not want to be a part of the team and sometimes you act like you don’t even care about the work we do here.
And I couldn’t think of a thing to say, so I left and no one would say goodbye to me or anything (except that odd little guy in the corner with the really clean desk and he just looked up and half-smiled and looked away). I feel like such a loser!”

(To which you can reply):
You ought to go and read the Wakefield Doctrine blog and/or website!! They have the answer.  

(and your friend/friendarini says)
“What? Is it some kind a one of those stupid self-help places or cult things or…I don’t think so, I just need a chance to ask for my job back, maybe they’ll  give me a second chance”

(…and you will say):
“Dude/dudette!  don’t waste your time with your old job! They think they know you, you don’t have a prayer…go to the Wakefield Doctrine blog and try and figure out what the hell they are talking about! If you do,  (just so you know, a lot of people just don’t have what it takes to understand it), but if you do ‘get it’  everything will be different”

(…and your associate/personal friend will look hopeful and say)

“Are you sure they can help?”                  (and you will say)

“Of course I’m  not sure! What do I look like, a scott?  Jeez, you really are a clark, aren’t you!!  Damn, if you are lucky and work real hard and ask questions, maybe…just maybe you will understand what the Doctrine is all about…and you will see things differently.  Especially those fuckin rogers at your old job…you will have a view of the world that at times you will wish you didn’t have, but things will never be the same.”                        

 (and you will hear the other person say):

“You sound confident and happy”…            (and as you part ways,  you will say)

…”hey! they have hats, too!

If you really need to hear the other three videos then you will have to go to the other Doctrine site…click here.

*from the Latin:  deus videissimus  roughly translated to ‘Thank god for a video clip, I got nothin in the way of content today.


how easy is this Wakefield Doctrine self-development tool to use? …you do not want to know!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

No, seriously, you do not want to know how:

  • easy / impossible,
  • difficult / it’s-a-frickin-cinch or
  • I-have-to-do-whatt??! / no fuckin way!

 it is/will be up to you (or anyone else) to realise the direct benefits of this Doctrine thing of ours! We are talking about changing personality, we are talking about better understanding the people in our everyday lives, we are talking about having the kind of life that you know you should have (yet you are barely willing to admit it to yourself).

Bold claims? Yes, yes they are. But true nonetheless. The Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ), by describing how people experience the world, will provide you an insight into your own personality that no other personality theory/self-improvement program/self-help/self-service/ or major religion can even begin to make available. Just one catch…

This blog is a ‘work-in-progress’, our explanation of the theory behind the Doctrine is a little sparse (at the moment), our outline of the steps that one takes to utilize this viewpoint is a touch sketchy in spots….the program of self-actualization through the application of the Principles of the Wakefield Doctrine  is still gettin tuned-up. 
So why are we telling you this?**  Because we would rather that no one miss the opportunity that is inherent in this blog, in this Wakefield Doctrine.  It is said that in the beginnings of any great philosophy there are casualties, that pioneers in the arena of self-development are a rumpled, scarred and messed up bunch. And this is true, it is just that when something like this (a new tool in understanding the human personality) finally irons out the wrinkles and takes off, it will gather followers and grow by leaps and bounds. When this stage is reached there is a tendency to forget the ‘early days’.

We are still in the ‘early days’ of the Wakefield Doctrine. (Having said that, let me say we are in the latter part of the early days! A lot of work left, but are beginning to see our way much more clearly).
So if you see anything here you like, if you read even one Post and think to yourself, “OK all those people need to do is…”, or if you find yourself saying to a friend or a colleague later today, “hey, I came across this site…Doctrine something…pretty weird stuff about rogers and scotts ,  for that matter,  if you are still reading this damn Post……..stick around!
Things will begin to change pretty damn quick around here and since you are here ‘in the early days’  you might as well get credit for it. That way when the Doctrine gets all world-famousy and such, you will be able to proudly tell your grandchildren…” You know, I wrote Comments to the Wakefield Doctrine back when it was nearly impossible to figure out and trying to write a Comment was an exercise in…in.. ”  and your grandchildren will look up at you with excitement in their eyes and yell, “Mommy Grand Ma/Pa is talking crazy again!!!”  (and you will then shout, with a little spit hitting your arm), “Screw you, you little bastards I have one of the first Wakefield Doctrine TEEEE Shirts, let me show you!”   (“EWWW”)

Anyway, it will be something like this. And all because of the people like the Progenitors (the roger)  and DownSprings ( DS#1 and Ms AKH ) and Claire and Molly and them. I will convey a little semi-secret: the Doctrine works as a tool for changing things about yourself that you have never been able to change before and if all you are looking for is a way to understand why the people in your life act the way that they do, then the Wakefield Doctrine is for you.    And…..we…..have hats!*

And do not forget!!! Tomorrow is Video Friday!!!

*and Teee Shirts!!!  Coming soon to a digital display near you! the first Wakefield Doctrine Teeee Shirts!!  Damn! is this a personality theory or what?
** and our Miss Molly be writin and giving us what we asked for….a perspective…be careful what you ask for??!  damn!


more necessary than you think, impossible to ignore, more popular than it should be, its the personality tool of the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

The Wakefield Doctrine is a tool that is easy to learn to use.  The theory of clarks, scotts and rogers is a fun way to look at the way the people in your life act and behave. The Doctrine is a tool that can be a huge help in changing the things about yourself that you have come to believe should be changed. The WD is a group of people with a common interest who share a way of  knowing about human personality (and) the interactions between different people.

Because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: clarks will come to understand that they are not as different from scotts and from rogers as they sometimes think;  because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: scotts will see for themselves that the world is less difficult and challenging and (that) not everyone is a threat; because of the Wakefield Doctrine and this blog: rogers will know that it does not matter whether they understand the reasons for the actions of others and (that) people who are different can be ignored without fear.

We are not being overly lyrical or mystical or theoretical or controversial with today’s Post. Sometimes it helps to just let passing thoughts see the light of day.
The Doctrine is beginning to catch on with people who had not heard the term: Wakefield Doctrine. We are getting emails from people who, after reading these pages are asking questions.
Questions about the value and the validity of the Doctrine. 

In order to get the most out of today’s  little Post,  please do the following:

  • finish reading this Post before moving on*
  • know that everyone has the qualities of all three personality types, the idea is that one (of the three) is dominant
  • understand that this is a tool, however,  the Doctrine is more  a file than a saw,  more a screw driver than a hammer (simply, relax, go slow and it will come to you)
  • take assurance that if you have gotten this far, in this Post, you will grasp the concept of the Wakefield Doctrine and you will get something (in return for your efforts)
  • the Doctrine is genuinely inspired and has a core of truth that is a little bit amazing in what it offers, but lighten up…it is meant to be fun as well as useful
  • practicing the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will return benefits way in excess of your efforts
  • talk to others about this Wakefield Doctrine
  • don’t worry about getting it right ( and you clarks especially!…don’t worry so much you will get some of it wrong at first)…but the Doctrine is very flexible, you can’t break it
  • use the tools this thing offers, use it on yourself and when it works tell others

Glad you could stop by. Follow these simple suggestions and let us know how you make out!

* clarks!  do not jump around half reading pages….scotts sit! read! think first then act….rogers get back here, you will be glad that you did…later they will understand you, first you must understand them


scotts move around, rogers form the center and clarks look on… the Wakefield Doctrine

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )


I went to the Crossroads but I did not ‘claim it’. We all know that the Rite of Hat, (with it’s documented record of the power established with the Treaty of Tordesillas), empowered me to claim the Crossroads of Rosedale,  Mississippi as my personal property.  I was there, I have a video record to prove it, (it can be viewed on the last Video Friday Post). I also have still photos and maps and notes and (I may not have thrown aways the bottle of water that I bought at the Double Quik Lunch right there on Mississippi Rt 1 less than 100 yards from the intersection of Rt 8 and Rt 1). …and, and I had the hat on my damn head and my video camera in my hand and

…I could not do it.
I could not claim the Crossroads as my own.

Don’t get me wrong, it was not that I looked around and saw the people standing on the corner  or (that) I could see the movement of a teacher at the blackboard in the little elementary school on the north side of the intersection or (on the south side of Rt 8) the supermarket where shoppers were busy buying groceries and such…it is not because I was given a look of disapproval of anyone of these people,  but I could not say the words: “I claim this Crossroads, by Rite of Hat for my own…so get your damn things and move it on out“!

Interesting.   I was not afraid to claim it, I was not embarrassed to claim it, I was not too busy to claim it, I did not feel pity for the (former) owners of the place, I did not think that someone would disapprove of my actions, I was not in fear for my life, on the run from the law, or even going to see my baby… I simply had a feeling of respect for that place. 

Interesting.  And what does the Doctrine tell us about the significance of a reaction like this?

  • clarks think  …therefore  it was not an emotional attachment to the place affecting my decision
  • rogers feel  …but it was not a roger who travelled to this area, dressed in a business suit with a Wakefield Doctrine hat on …so it cannot be a weakness of character
  • scotts act …but there was plenty of activity and people were moving about in plain view and there was no instinct driving me to give chase, so it could not be that I viewed the people there as prey

So what the hell?

We all know that clarks are the outsider(s). Justified from your point of view or not, that is the basic worldview of a clark.
We are and everything else, the world and peoples and places are all  ‘out there’. Even when a clark knows better, realizes that everyone else has the same fears and dreams,insecurities and confidence we cannot escape the feeling that we are different.  Not (even) necessarily different/deficient or different/more than or different/you-will-disapprove…just different.  Just as a scott knows without thinking about it, that the world is a hostile place and that only by staying on the alert can they survive and (as) the rogers feel the certainty that the herd is proof of a world where the rules are there to be understood and shared and maintained and preserved, clarks know they are different. 

So maybe it was this, this sense of seeing Rosedale without pre-conception, as an un-abashed outsider, maybe that is what kept me from claiming the place.

Damn.  Is this a Doctrine or what?

Hey, great Saturday Night Drive last night. Nearly full house  as we had DS#1 and Ms AKH(in the dashboard) and DownSpring glenn (aka Lunchbox Lennie) riding shotgun. Even better,  we were joined by Molly!  Located in one of the big, regular-shaped States that use longitude and latitude for house numbers, Molly is providing us with a perspective on the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers , in addition her feedback on  the writing of this blog,  will surely result in an acceleration of the growth of the Wakefield Doctrine. So don’t get left behind, call or write us here at this here blog here and tell us which of three (nearly) identical Wakefield Doctrine hats (for your damn head) we should be sending y’all. Don’t delay, supplies are limited.
