Month: April 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: April 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

3 personality types add up to one darn good theory

3 personality types, you already know all about them. 
The theory, the Wakefield Doctrine, well you surely know about that… so why make such a fuss about it?

The internet is nothing if it is not over-loaded with personality theories and secrets of the psyche and how-to-understand he/she/them schema!
So why should you spend any time here, reading about this theory? I could say something meant to be amusing  like,  ‘we have music videos’ or ‘ look at the clever photos and intriguing Post Titles’! or even ‘but we have hats (for your damn head)’. But to be serious, these are not sufficient reasons to stay and browse through a blogsite; well, maybe the hat (for your damn head), that might be intriguing enough. But, no, really…

The reason is this thing just makes sense in a way that nothing else out there does. Personality blogs that have tests and talks about traits ‘n interests are a dime a dozen. They all talk about our personalities in terms that are totally generic ( “…you will know the Ocean because it’s color is a shade of blue! …except, that is, times when it is more a blue-green…make that grayish…”).  We have all seen those sites. The thing of it is, if you are still reading this, you are one of the fortunate people in that you have intelligence and curiosity. You could be somewhere else, looking at pictures or listening to a music video but you are reading about something that seems interesting.

The reason the Wakefield Doctrine is different and better than anything else out there is that it holds together better than other personality theory (real or recreational).

holds together..??!  I mean:

rogers are people who perceive the world as being quantifiable and with the social perspective of a member of a herd:

  • they are very sociable but only in a group-setting, they would never go travelling on their own, seeing new locales, (if they have a choice)
  • in the work environment, they will be part of ‘the network’ the ‘water cooler’ crowd
  • rules and regulations, which are inherently meant to apply to the group( as opposed to the individual) are bread and butter to the roger
  • aggression towards another is based on getting the group to disapprove of the (target) individual, “everyone knows that jimmy is such an asshole…”
  • a victimized  roger will react to adversity by portraying themselves as a victim and will immediately look to the group for support
  • since rogers see the world from the perspective of the herd, they will also be driven to preserve anything that is held in common by the group, traditions, customs, habits

scotts are people who view the world as a place of predator/prey (they be the predator) think about dogs for this one:

  • sociable, but from a perspective of themselves to the group, not part of the group
  • the world is a simple place for scotts therefore their emotional life is simple; anger, lust, joy quick to start, quick to stop
  • they are aggressive without being mean, they are friendly without being personable
  • scotts act without excessive introspection, so are thought to be certain which in turn makes them leaders (for rogers)

clarks are, in a sense,  the opposite of  scotts

  • where  scotts live through action, clarks (try) to live in reflection
  • the geek that appears clueless is often a clark and they are not stupid, they are simply distracted
  • being creative, clarks often are seen as the outcasts, this is as much the herd rejecting them as it is not being able to blend in

Well, I hope that cleared things up! Clearly you have before you a tool of value and as is the case with most tools, practice is required before it can be used effectively.

So read, Comment and drop us a live (0r a line, hey I’m a fricken clark details are not always us)…or hey, here’s an idea! Next Saturday Evening pick up your phone and call us (the number is in the upper right hand corner). You clarks, you think we believe that you will be busy?  hey roger! yeah we know how important your schedule is but consider this: if you believe any of this Doctrine stuff, then we have the herd-member Prime, the Progenitor roger and you know you want a shot at him…scotts?? sorry, Saturday is a time in the future and we know how you people hate the I-can’t-see-it-touch-it-eat-it  things…so maybe not


the 3 personality types according to the Wakefield Doctrine: clarks, scotts and rogers

Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Back to Basics. (Simple as a Supermarket…)

We are all born with the capacity to experience the world in three distinctly characteristic ways: as a clark, as a scott and as a roger. The Wakefield Doctrine holds that it is the way you experience the world that constitutes your personality type, not the other way around. By knowing which of the three describes how a person experiences the world, you can know everything about that person, not just their likes and dislikes, but whether they are inclined to trust strangers or how they will react to novel situations, even the kind of sport they will find attractive. You will know very, very much about that person.

The Wakefield Doctrine is based on the fact that while we all have the capacity to experience the world in these three ways, at an early age we chose one way. While we all become, as adults, a clark or a scott or a roger, we retain the capacity to see the world in all three ways, most of us just forget…we forget that there are two other ways to experience the world.
If you are still reading this blog, then you are among the people who have the capacity to imagine experiencing reality as the other two thirds would experience it. Good. If you have that, then everything here will not only make sense, it will be useful to you. If you can imagine that we all experience the world, reality itself in one of three distinct ways, then you are ready to take the Wakefield Doctrine and have some real fun.

So with the essentials of the Doctrine established, what else will help? It will help to know that:

  • you will think that you are a roger in one situation and a scott in another
  • you will immediately know a person that you are sure is a scott
  • right after thinking of this, you will think that maybe you are a clark (but you are hoping you are sort of a scott)
  • if you find yourself not finding anything in this that describes a roger, then you are a roger
  • this applies to men and to women and if you think there should be different names for women, then you are a scottian female
  • this is also cultural neutral and no, you do not need to have this explained….roger
  • this applies to young and the old, even though the old are easier to identify
  • no, there is not a quick test to take to tell which you are, but if you thought of this, better put a check in the rogerian column
  • this blog? this is as organised as it needs to be for now…
  • …because we are only interested in attracting people with enough flexibility of intelligence to get it on their own
  • yes, we do have hats ( for your damn head) but you have to write a Comment and give us a reason to send you one
  • these Posts will let you learn which of the three types you are and which of the three types everyone else in your life is
  • yes, all this is free…for now

That wraps up another Sunday Post.  Tell us something we don’t know.


(psst!…) it’s Phucked-Up Pfriday!….(yes, again!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ). Special Edition of the Phucked-Up Pfriday! We are practising with the page layout ( yeah, scott  thats very amusing…) So lets get right to it, explanatory, exculpatory, indemnitory explanations to follow…


  …so whats the problem? …the Doctrine sez
  Too many rogers with not enough to do… Believe it or not, listen to your scottian instinct to avoid being trapped by the herd!
   them short-sighted scottian capitilistinas  Listen to your inner-clark, find ways cut back on your use and direct it towards one oil Company that you find a personal reason to believe are behind the huge conspiracy to make your life even more challenging
   you can hear the projectile-mooing of the findamentalist rogers off in the distance  …like politicians don’t have enough things to screw around with…the more interesting question is who is the clark/scott/roger
   children, more and more of them every day  adopt! (…a puppy, they are much better behaved and appreciative… what scotts can be if raised in the wild, lol)

Hat? Did I hear someone say, “Do you still have those wonderful Wakefield Doctrine, the kind where I can be immediately identified, cause my type will be in red?”
Why yes we do and tomorrow night on the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Live Drive we will give away five (5) of those little darlins! 


christ, what an imagination I’ve got!*

Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

I was going to publish another instructional Post this morning,  the kind of Post that should help the New Reader ‘get’ what it is we are trying to do at this here blog here. For the last week or two, at the editorial urgings of ‘KH and DS, I have been trying  to keep it simple and direct, more scottian, ya know? So anyway,  this morning I am wandering the internet in search of a ‘hook’ for a Post. I actually know what I want, I am looking for an image of an ‘Easter Bear’. The reason being, last night on my way home from my office, I saw a lawn decoration consisting of two bears in a ‘frolic’ pose, playing with purple ribbons. Of course, I recognised what they were supposed to represent, nevertheless. I was also struck with a double what the fuck1 moment.
Part 1 was, when did it become normal to place major lawn decoration on every calendar-significant holiday, (major, semi and demi holidays)? I am expecting to see full sized fan-inflated, pencil in hair women on my neighbors front lawn next week on the 27th!2 
Part B (of the wtf) was, “Bears’??!? Easter?!?

But that is not what has me typing frantically this morning, leaving my  carefully outlined Post:   How To Work  the Wakefield Doctrine, in 3 Easy Steps, on the floor of my office.  No! That was not it!  Instead it was….

Wait! Better I slow down and say, at this juncture, “would all the New Readers please click to the following links, where you will be brought to a Post that is grounded in the Doctrine, possesses some logical rationale and makes a little sense, we will call you when it is time to return. Thank you, the links here and here and here….”   (er  DownSprings, Progenitors?? you need to remain seated…(this is something that you might get, at least Progenitor roger will…)

(They gone?) Alright… ‘there is an internet bathroom locator’…. Really! The site for Imodium (the medicine for clarks and scotts) has a tab that says, Bathroom Finder!! And it covers the whole damn country!! jeez louise all those years, waiting for the culture and the technology to enable me to drive from point A to point B without worry. We better bring back the Readers, before they go wander off and read, ‘AH Mel  We Hardly Knew Ye. com’)

(OK the new Readers are returning…)

So in conclusion, I need to ask if anyone thinks the social networking thing has gone too far?
I watched a TV commercial for Cymbalta, you know the medicine that may cause you to commit suicide, and at the bottom of the screen was an icon: F!! …As in follow us on facebook!! Again I say, wtf? Who befriends a pharmaceutical?? Does everyone have a Facebook page and is it considered sane, or even near-sane to follow it on facebook.  ( “Hey honey, did you see? Cymbalta totally de-friended Imodium! Won’t Oscar Meyer be jealous!)


(Hey Sacramento and Seattle!! Write us a damn Comment, ok?)

1) aka wtf

2) National Secretary’s Day

*) The title is a line from an incredibly prescient book by John Brunner, Stand on Zanzibar and specifically it is a line repeated by a character by the name of Bennie Noakes


‘Placeholder’ Title with gratuitously cute photo of a Chodsky Pes

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )


If I could come up with a good Post Title, everything would be alright. But it seems I cannot. Come up with a good Post Title. So why ( you are asking) are you still typing? I am glad you asked! I am still writing because even something as contrived and labored as this is better than sitting staring at a blank, wordless Post window. God! I would hate to be a real Writer, with deadlines to meet and Advances to justify. The pressure must be enormous. But…wait a minute! The Wakefield Doctrine tells us that most Writers are rogers, in particular the Writers that achieve significant popular/commercial sucess. Stephen King, Harold Robbins, Ernest Hemingway (pretending to be a scott, lol), Leo Tolstoy, Danielle Steel, J.K. Rowling  You do not believe me? Well here is a photograph of one of these people. Tell me he is not a roger!


 So,  my point? My point is the Wakefield Doctrine is useful in an incredibly diverse range of aspects of your day-to-day life! At work, at home and at play, if you know that a person is a clark or a scott or a roger then you (will) know what they will like, and what they will hate and whether, (and this is the important part of this Post)…seriously, if you take nothing else from this short and on-the-fly Post, take this following bit of information to heart and your time spent here today will be well worth it! The information I am going to impart is a double edged sword of knowledge, but it is so damn useful, I cannot resist….and besides a certain percentage of you Readers will feel your head swell up, some of you will laugh and the rest will get mad. What the Wakefield Doctrine can allow you to know about a person you have not even met, and this is something that totally none of those other ‘theories of personality’ can tell you is this:
if the person you are meeting for the first time is:

  • a clark…. then they are crazy,
  • if they are a scott… then they are stupid and
  • if they are a roger… then they are dumb.

Go ask them Oscar-Meyers-Briggs folks if they be offering such insight. Go ahead, ask ’em….and be prepared to be lied to….frickin rogers! And yes, I can prove my assertion!
