3 personality types add up to one darn good theory | the Wakefield Doctrine 3 personality types add up to one darn good theory | the Wakefield Doctrine

3 personality types add up to one darn good theory

3 personality types, you already know all about them. 
The theory, the Wakefield Doctrine, well you surely know about that… so why make such a fuss about it?

The internet is nothing if it is not over-loaded with personality theories and secrets of the psyche and how-to-understand he/she/them schema!
So why should you spend any time here, reading about this theory? I could say something meant to be amusing  like,  ‘we have music videos’ or ‘ look at the clever photos and intriguing Post Titles’! or even ‘but we have hats (for your damn head)’. But to be serious, these are not sufficient reasons to stay and browse through a blogsite; well, maybe the hat (for your damn head), that might be intriguing enough. But, no, really…

The reason is this thing just makes sense in a way that nothing else out there does. Personality blogs that have tests and talks about traits ‘n interests are a dime a dozen. They all talk about our personalities in terms that are totally generic ( “…you will know the Ocean because it’s color is a shade of blue! …except, that is, times when it is more a blue-green…make that grayish…”).  We have all seen those sites. The thing of it is, if you are still reading this, you are one of the fortunate people in that you have intelligence and curiosity. You could be somewhere else, looking at pictures or listening to a music video but you are reading about something that seems interesting.

The reason the Wakefield Doctrine is different and better than anything else out there is that it holds together better than other personality theory (real or recreational).

holds together..??!  I mean:

rogers are people who perceive the world as being quantifiable and with the social perspective of a member of a herd:

  • they are very sociable but only in a group-setting, they would never go travelling on their own, seeing new locales, (if they have a choice)
  • in the work environment, they will be part of ‘the network’ the ‘water cooler’ crowd
  • rules and regulations, which are inherently meant to apply to the group( as opposed to the individual) are bread and butter to the roger
  • aggression towards another is based on getting the group to disapprove of the (target) individual, “everyone knows that jimmy is such an asshole…”
  • a victimized  roger will react to adversity by portraying themselves as a victim and will immediately look to the group for support
  • since rogers see the world from the perspective of the herd, they will also be driven to preserve anything that is held in common by the group, traditions, customs, habits

scotts are people who view the world as a place of predator/prey (they be the predator) think about dogs for this one:

  • sociable, but from a perspective of themselves to the group, not part of the group
  • the world is a simple place for scotts therefore their emotional life is simple; anger, lust, joy quick to start, quick to stop
  • they are aggressive without being mean, they are friendly without being personable
  • scotts act without excessive introspection, so are thought to be certain which in turn makes them leaders (for rogers)

clarks are, in a sense,  the opposite of  scotts

  • where  scotts live through action, clarks (try) to live in reflection
  • the geek that appears clueless is often a clark and they are not stupid, they are simply distracted
  • being creative, clarks often are seen as the outcasts, this is as much the herd rejecting them as it is not being able to blend in

Well, I hope that cleared things up! Clearly you have before you a tool of value and as is the case with most tools, practice is required before it can be used effectively.

So read, Comment and drop us a live (0r a line, hey I’m a fricken clark details are not always us)…or hey, here’s an idea! Next Saturday Evening pick up your phone and call us (the number is in the upper right hand corner). You clarks, you think we believe that you will be busy?  hey roger! yeah we know how important your schedule is but consider this: if you believe any of this Doctrine stuff, then we have the herd-member Prime, the Progenitor roger and you know you want a shot at him…scotts?? sorry, Saturday is a time in the future and we know how you people hate the I-can’t-see-it-touch-it-eat-it  things…so maybe not


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. Glenn Miller says:

    You really should tune in to the phone-in show. Slowly but surely we are exposing secrets of certain of the Downsprings. With your help and participation, we may be able to peel off a few more layers. Do tune in. It gets rather boring just talking to Clark. No offense, buddy, but…sheesh. “Timelines, strings, alternate realities, blah, fuckin’ blah, fuckin’ blah…”

  2. Downspring#1 says:

    “Secrets”!? Surely you jest:) And what is wrong with discussing timelines, etc.?!:)
    I enjoy when the conversations are such that they elucidate and further “validate” this thing called the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers. There’s nothing better than positive reinforcement, eh buddy?

  3. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    …it’s only Wakefield Doctrine,
    only Wakefield Doctrine.

  4. Downspring#1 says:

    ….yeah, only the most simply explained, spot on theory of personality ever….the Wakefield Doctrine…
    and you can see it at work right here….on Saturday nights 8pm – 8:45pm there is even the opportunity to participate live and on the airwaves via the Saturday Night Drive Call In Show….damn! coolest blog ever….

  5. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    can I get an Amen!


  1. […] who are these guys? Well, according to the WD’s blog – and I quote from the post “3 personality types add up to one darn good theory“: rogers are people who perceive the world as being quantifiable and with the social […]

  2. […] The theory of Clarks, Scotts and Rogers… who are these guys? Well, according to the WD’s blog – and I quote from the post “3 personality types add up to one darn good theory“: […]