Month: April 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3 Month: April 2011 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 3

OK, so how does this Wakefield Doctrine thing work?

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

 a quick overview of this thing of ours…

All people are born with a potential to experience the world in three distinct and characteristic ways. Depending on which, we say that a person is a clark or a scott or a roger
When we say, ‘experience the world’ we don’t just mean things about you, we mean the way you see the world, the assumptions you make, how you feel about other people; all are in keeping with the description of your type. Not as difficult as it sounds.
Try this: if you are a roger that means that you know that the world is based on rules and that people who know these rules gather in relationships and groups, sort of like a herd of animals does, common interests in common. (Stay with me, now) as a roger, to your very soul you know that the universe is quantifiable, knowable, organized. Furthermore, it is entirely natural for you to see the things in the world that demonstrate this quality of being quantifiable, as a result you tend to like things in an orderly, traditional arrangement. You are naturally attracted to work or study that reflects this, rogers tend to be engineers, accountants, judges, historians, members of the clergy, high school home ec teachers, girls’ gym class intructor. Anything that is based on natural organization, you will find a roger.

The same applies to clarks and scotts. What our personality type is goes way beyond likes and dislikes, aptitudes and interests. What we are, as personality types is demonstrated in what we do for work, what our idea of recreation is, who are friends are and what we reject the most in our daily lives. All in reflection, in support of our personality types: clark, scott or roger.

How this comes to be? That question is way beyond the scope of this Post.  For today, lets just establish what the Wakefield Doctrine says about personality typing. One of the best things about this Doctrine thing is that you don’t have to take a test or a college course, you don’t have to pay someone money to test you and you don’t even have to know anything about psychology. None of the things that most of the other personality typing systems do.  All you have to do:   be able ( and willing!)  to step outside yourself, to see beyond the most basic assumptions you make about life and reality. Do that and you can join us.

The other thing about the Wakefield Doctrine that we often hear is, “I read the description of the three personality types, sometimes I think I am a roger and other times it is clear I must be a scott. That must mean your theory does not work on me.”  The reason this happens is that we are all born with the qualities of all three personality types, clarks and scotts and rogers; at some point in early childhood we settle on one of three, we become predominately a scott or a roger or a clark. The other two qualities do not go away, we always have them within and sometimes we will act like one of the other two types. So don’t worry too much if it seems you are disproving the Doctrine, roger.

So thats it. The Wakefield Doctrine. Step A.

Everything else on this site is about the Doctrine. We are either discussing the Doctrine (Comments and Posts) or we are illustrating the Doctrine(Pages and Posts) or looking at photos of people demonstrating the Doctrine or dressing in Doctrine fashion ( Fashion Center) or just listening to music. It’s all good. If you want to learn more about this thing, have at it.


Help is available: 3 personality types, one phone number

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ).

The three personality types are:

  • clarks
  • scotts
  • rogers

On the April 9th Wakefield Saturday Night Drive the topic will be:

“Workplace and the Doctrine, managing (or mangling) the Managers”

The topic is designated by DS#1 and the discussion will be moderated by Ms. AKH.

Call in early at the number listed on this site.


personality types in the Wakefield Doctrine…it’s here and you know it

Personality types in the Wakefield Doctrine, its all about the three ways of experiencing the world!
It comes down to this simple fact: you are reading this and responding as a clark or as a scott or as a roger. Why?

Because those are the three personality types that the Wakefield Doctrine tells us accounts for all people. Not only does the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers tell us which of the three types we might be, but the Wakefield Doctrine is so comprehensive that the very fact of whether or not you are still reading this Post is predicted (by the Doctrine)! 

  • (if you are a clark) yes,
  • (if you are a scott) possibly, but only if you are forced to stay in one spot and
  • (if you are a roger) probably not.

Pretty simple isn’t it?

In the coming days of April these Posts will be touching on various aspects of the Wakefield Doctrine, both from a theoretical point of view and a practical (application) point of view. We will be addressing such concerns as:

  • why do I think I am a roger sometimes and a clark the others?
  • where do you people get off at telling me what personality type I am, you didn’t even graduate!
  • will this Doctrine thingie really help me?
  • how much does this all cost and where is the DVD set that TV woman gives away free DVD with each miracle!

All in good time! We will be addressing each of these concerns, starting with the very common question, ‘why do I feel I am a roger sometimes and a clark other times?’… But for the answer you will have to do one of two things:

A)  call us on Wakefield Saturday Night Drive…the number is up there, figure it out
2) subscribe to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )
C ) submit a Comment explaining why you feel you should not have to do these things…

Until then, sit back and enjoy the semi-free music, courtsey of some clark on youtube.

(…this shit below here?  just a joke beginning to the Post…figure the rogers and maybe a clark or two will get a kick out of it…)

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…things change…

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Hey, did you hear? FOTD Mel (Spatula in the Wilderness) is hangin up his blogational ‘whites’1.  (Damn!)

In any event, Friend of the Doctrine, mentor, ‘first-blogwriter-I-know-personally-to-get-material-banned-from-facebook’, former hospital chef, Mel announced in a Post at the Spatula that he is hangin up the Ladle-of-Literature, you know, the Colander of Characters, the Flour Sifter of Florid Prose, the…. ( …stop, not another keystroke…stop! ) .

In any event, Mel has experienced that ultimate nightmare of anyone who acquires an new interest, a hobby, an avocation. How many of us have come upon a talent, a gift within ourselves and realised, perhaps late in life, how much pleasure we create for ourselves and those around us? We experience trepidation as we find a joy in the hard work of learning and practicing new skills, the better to express our new talent. The world changes, our lives expand, we become more, not better and not worse, not even different. We become more of what we are as people.  Be it music or art or even writing a blog, we laugh when people ask, ‘how can you spend so much time: practicing scales/ writing and re-writing those Posts/ drawing and sketching, so few people ever hear/read/ see them’.
We laugh because they are right and we laugh because we remember a time when these same efforts, these same exercises, the same frustrations that are a part of our new interest ( music or art or writing a blog) were work, to be dreaded, not looked forward to after a long day at the money-paying job.
How many of us sat through grade school music class, high school composition class, college art appreciation class and couldn’t wait until it was over? Funny about how work can turn into (a) pleasure of the most sublime nature. And this ‘ultimate nightmare’ of those of us who discover a talent, an avocation? While this nightmare is there for all of us, it is perhaps only the clarks among us who can actually see the nightmare, aka Changing Life Priorities. This nightmare is not an evil thing, it is not even a bad thing, but to the child (or the clark in us) it is the most awful of the nightmare that we  encounter in life. We call it a nightmare because it represents the fact of life that things change
How innocuous a pair of words…how totally harmless, …things change… As a junior high school student my parents got me a piano teacher because I had an interest in music and as a clark, I applied all of my energy to lessons because that would make everyone be proud of me. I had some talent, not a lot but some so there was early progress in my learning to play and because I was a clark, I asked the question of myself, ” I really like this, what happens if I lose interest in playing piano?”  …things change… who among us has not heard those two words come from a person who was part of the framework of a life,  ‘(I’m sorry but)…things change.”

But that is what makes a clark a clark…the capacity to see the nightmares that will consume all of us at one point or another in life, whether we are aware of it or not, whether it affects our lives in ways that we can feel (or not). scotts? they pretty much feel the advancing storm and dig a burrow and wait it out, never wasting a moment to consider the rightness or wrongness of the thing. rogers? they can hear it coming down the walkway at night, but they will close their eyes and tell themselves tales of old when things were simpler and when they open their eyes, things are changed to the way they have always been.

So, go read the Spatula while it is still up and write something to Mel.

1)  The traditional chef’s uniform (or chef’s whites) includes a toque (traditional hat), white double-breasted jacket, and checked pants. It is a common uniform in the Western world. The double breasted jacket can be reversed to hide stains. Its thick cotton cloth protects from the heat of stove and oven and protects from splattering of boiling liquids. Traditionally knotted cloth buttons were used because they could stand up to the frequent washing and survive contact with hot items without melting. Typically, men button to the right while women button to the left. The black and white checked pattern frequent on trousers serves to camouflage minor stains. The white color of other clothing articles is intended to signify cleanliness and are often worn by highly visible head chefs. Aprons are used to shield the rest of the wearer’s garments from food splatters and stains. The toque is a chef’s hat that dates back to the 16th century when hats were common in many trades. Different heights of hats sometimes indicate rank within a kitchen. The 100 folds of the toque are said to represent the many different ways a chef knows to cook an egg. Some modern chefs have put their own distinct spin on the traditional uniform utilizing colors, patterns and design changes. Chefs may express their personal style by wearing a decorated chef’s coat, some of which have food inspired prints. In more traditional restaurants, however, especially traditional French restaurants, the white chef’s coat is standard and considered part of a traditional uniform and as a practical chef’s garment.


Chefs clothing remains a standard in the food industry. The tradition dates back to the mid-19th century. Marie-Antoine Careme, a popular French chef, is credited with developing the current chef’s uniform. The tall hats had already been introduced, but Careme wanted to create a specific uniform to honor the chef. White was chosen for the chef’s coat to signify cleanliness. Later, the French Master Chef Georges Auguste Escoffier encouraged his kitchen staff to wear suits outside of work to signify professionalism of chefs. Escoffier brought the traditional chef’s coat to London, managing the restaurants at the Savoy Hotel and then at the Carlton Hotel  (courtesy of our friends at Wikipedia’s_uniform)


don’t try to lay no boogie woogie on the king of rock and roll

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers )

Hey, I have the Right of Hat and I totally owe it to (our) Readers to stand up for the Beliefs and Principles that are at the foundation of this here Doctrine here.
So the Bonneville Salt Flats? Mine. Salt Lake City? (BYU co-eds inclusive? ditto that, good buddies). Guess that covers the useful and/or attractive parts of the State of Utah (State Motto: …‘as many wives as they want? and the Pope is cool with that?…ok come on down! ‘ ). And this is all mine by virtue  of  the Treaty of Tordesillas (ratified by the Pope in 1494). Hey, just taking what’s mine. Don’t look at me, I didn’t make this stuff up!

( The country you are sitting in while reading this Post? Look around…go ahead, get up from your computer and look out your window, we’ll wait.  Thats right! All that you could see is what it is just cause some Pope in 1494 decided, “Heyyy, Portogallo, Spagna … vieni qui, vieni qui! Ya non può mantenere combatte il nuovo mondo … è un male per affari, capiche? L’unica cosa giusta è quella di dividere tale emisfero tra voi due … i popoli indiginous? non ti preoccupare ’bout nulla, quando la Madre Chiesa ha finito con loro … non voglio sapere! )

So Utah is mine. But thats not important now.

Notice the upper right column of the Wakefield Doctrine ‘homepage’? We are in the process of re-doing the  ‘About’  feature/section. The unavoidable truth of the matter is that a lot of people visit  this site and a lot of people leave as soon as they see the first page! They leave, even though it clearly says that the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers ) is both very, very helpful in interpersonal relationships and is totally fun for everyone!  ( “…what? it doesn’t?!?!?  you mean we don’tmake it totally, un-avoidably, trans-abundantly clear that the Doctrine is both useful and fun!!?…wtf!! )
Sorry, I apologise for an apparent mis-communication between the creative department and the editorial department at the blog. If there was one thing that was to jump out at new Readers, the very second they could read the Title of this blog, it was to have been:  this thing of ours is unique and it is useful and it is fun!
Appears that this has not quite been the case. That will be rectified. We’re asking any Readers out there for any suggestions for how we get this message to the new Readers, any input will be appreciated. Heck, you could even call in your suggestions tonight! This being Saturday, tonight is the Saturday Night Drive ( 218-339-0422 then when prompted 512103# ).  ( “…that is up there, isn’t it? On the front page? “ )

Here is a quick list of the ways that the Wakefield Doctrine can benefit you:

  • you will understand why it takes your husband until the end of Summer to decide on which lawn mower to buy
  • you will have fun with your extremely out-going bff by demonstrating to your (other) friends how easy it is to distract them
  • the quiet person in your office? the one with the clothing from the late 80’s? the Doctrine will show you how to get them to do all your work!
  • you know how much fun you think it is to laugh at people in distress? the Doctrine will tell you why your thinking that is funny is proof that you have the ‘depth of personality’ of a 5 year old
  • hats, you are a reputedly hetero-sexual male, yet hats make you want to wear them…the Doctrine will introduce you to re-enacting! (Civil War, Revolutionary War, Peloponnesian War, doesn’t matter!)
  • all this and more is waiting for the person with the flexibility of intelligence to understand the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers

So stay tuned!

