Month: October 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2 Month: October 2010 | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 2

On Saint John and Paul’s day while the inhabitants were in church, he played his pipe yet again

Today’s Post title is a reference to the Tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin….and the question we will pose is, ‘which of the major characters are which’?

Pop Quiz!!  Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day-style ( … Oh, Santa Madre del cepillo de dientes! No estoy listo, Jimmy dijo que sólo estaría fuera hasta 10!… )

Close your books, class! This won’t take long, we really need to assess our “progress” in the spreading of the  Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers), thing.

We all know the story of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, (Town in Europe has problem with rats, a guy turns up and offers to get rid of all the rats for a price, the townsfolk agree and the Piper guy does his thing only to have the townfolks try to stiff the guy, he gets revenge by getting rid of all the kids in town…) now our age-enhanced Readers will recall the version of the story that turned up on “the ‘Television”, back when we were still young and all too impressionable.
Produced for TV by Hallmark Hall of Fame, this version  starred Van Johnson (in dual roles which was cutting edge for the times), Claude Raines (yes, that Claude Raines) and Lori Nelson. These kinds of special-TV-presentations were almost always scheduled for Sunday evenings (the original Family Hour) and was representative of a certain type of “entertainment” that was characteristic of the early years of TV,  the late 50s and early 60s. ‘Good influence entertainment’  produced by the likes of Hallmark and Walt Disney, in actuality, these movies and shows were  all too often so manipulative and contrived that the result was a generation of emotionally scarred children simply because they were forced to watch this stuff  by their culturally insecure parents. Collateral damage in the war for the hearts and minds of the new television generation.  “You need to get some culture, never mind those trashy comic books and pulp novels, here  at last is a some good quality TV”.  Lets all sit down as a family  and watch: Ole Yella, Bambi, Darby O’Gill and the Little People or maybe the Wizard of Oz. Today’s Post topic, the Hallmark Hall of Fame Presents the Pied Piper (etc) surely produced the sound of relieved parents saying,  “‘oh look dear, they have that fairy tale, the Pied Piper of Hamelin on Hallmark Theatre, go get the kids”!!  (Old writer to young version of self, “Run!! clark/scott/roger, run, hide somewhere!! You will understand when you get older, now just run”!!)

Ok class, time is up.
I realise that some of you will be ill-equipped to pass this test. After all, today’s Post is geared to those Readers who grew up in the 1950s and early 1960s and, just between you and me, we really, really hope that the demographic of the Wakefield Doctrine readership is not limited to the 40-65 year olds sitting in some office or at home somewhere, waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

….anyway back to our little Pop Quiz.
We all know the story of the Pied Piper, so lets agree there are three main ‘characters’ in the story: the Piper, the Parents and the Children. According to the Wakefield Doctrine, which (group) are best represented as clarks, scotts and rogers….and why is that?

(While we wait for the slower students)…if you are of the target age, try to remember what it was like being young in the late 1950s and 1960s. You would have been between the ages of 5 and 15. Now this is old enough to be curious, perhaps eager to learn about the world  beyond your front yard/your school yard but (still) young enough not to be distracted by the hormonally induced certainty of later adolescence. The perfect time for fairy tales and pop culture morality plays.

Having trouble remembering?  Mr B!! clips please!


Damn…I forgot myself what this thing was like…sorry this seems to be more of a topic than I was prepared to get into… plus providing a saying that has becomes ironic to a degree way out of proportion to the original context**

Really, class! Pencils down. Times up!

The answer now!   Who was the clark, who was the scott and who was the roger?

…next Post… ole yella, Bambi’s mother…hey Disney!! you suck…why don’t you and your paedophilic buddy Norm* get the hell away from the kids

*Norman Rockwell
** ‘…time to pay the Piper his due


Old Blue’s feet was big and round

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).

So what good is a ‘theory of personality’ if it don’t tell you what job you ought to get? or the kind of person you should try to go out with? or at the very least, give you reasons why your family and friends, “just don’t get you”? huh? what good would that kind of theory be?  Kinda worthless don’t you think? I mean, we know that you are an intelligent and curious person and that you really got a lot more on the ball than your parents/teachers/friends/family give you credit for…what the hell! you:

  • work hard
  • mean well
  • would do a lot better but there are so many other factors to consider
  • don’t mean to come off so snooty
  • really? how can they say such mean things
  • will do much better once you get some breathing room
  • fuck them,  I like the way I am
  • get them to understand what you are going through

To you we will say, “hey!  the Wakefield Doctrine is your answer”! Not only does the Wakefield Doctrine understand (all of the above) but the Wakefield Doctrine can tell you which job would be such a natural fit for your unique and totally special talents. And…and… when it comes to ‘the perfect relationship’? we got your back, big time. We wouldn’t let you down. So today we will layout which jobs you should get and who it is that will most appreciate you, forever and ever.

There are three categories into which all jobs and occupations, life-callings and careers fall into: teacher, salesman and machine operator. And these three categories correspond to the three types of personality; clarks, scotts and rogers. Now let’s combine this ‘easy guide to a fulfilling career’ with a Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day by considering why each of the three are particularly suited to the three job classifications.

clark  teacher   examples: teacher….er  professor…counselor….( goddamn, there’s got to more examples….) actor!  (yeah them!)… nurse, lighthouse keeper (…wtf?!) veterinarian…locksmith (but not a clockmaker)…artist…(…better make that “unsuccessful/appreciated after death”  only…lol) …damn not a lot of choices…homemaker  (…homemaker!!?! you’re gonna sell a lot of books with that career advice), shit ….better move on…

scott  salesman   examples:  salesman, military leader, policeman/woman, bank robber (unsuccessful), owner of a diner (only a diner, it takes a roger to own a restaurant), handyman, (successful) builder/contractor, electrician (but not plumber), surgeon, stripper/exotic dancer (but not a hooker), TV newscaster (female scotts only), TV pitchman (male only), muscian (frontman only), junior and senior high school gym teacher

roger  machine operator   examples: lawyer (all but criminal defense), engineer, accountant, chemist, restauranteur (but not a diner), judge, teacher (7th grade and up only but not gym), carpenter (but not general contractor), firefighter, politician, muscian (technically astounding, but not the frontman),  owner of a bed and breakfast, physician (but not a surgeon),ballerina, plumber (but not an electrician)

Alright,  that gets us started with the careers best suited to the three types of people in the world. Now to the question: Why are those the proper occupations?

clarks: need to accommodate others in the world, need to share beyond means, need to place own requirements second to another, clarks believe that knowledge has a value in and of itself, clarks are the ultimate in ‘behind the scenes/limelight aversive/unselfish to a fault’  people.
scotts: need to act, to do, to change things for the sake of change, does not simply place own needs before others, rather does not particularly perceive any other person as having needs (not counting immediate dominant scott) scotts as predators will simply act with or without support or reinforcement of others, they make ideal leaders in that they are always certain in their plans to act
rogers: need to maintain and preserve the status quo, make excellent technicians, engineers, they consider the herd as support for themselves without there being an issue of dominance/submission, have very little curiosity and as such will be the most likely to succeed

There. Career Counseling, Wakefield style!  (yes and we are serious).

At this point, if there is anyone still reading and/or not yet muttering, “who the fuck do these people think they are? I am not selfish…! I do think about others!!!they have no right to say such untrue things!!’  then in our next section we will be happy to tell you the outcome of any effort at having a relationship with another person… on the other hand….let’s save that for the next Post!

Mr. B!! Mr.B  get us out of here,  you old, rogerian, sellout-your-best-friend-for-chance-to-be-hazel’s-bitch, janitor!  Tell these fine folks how you would rather give up being a…never mind…screw it…  get us some traveling music, yo.

alright, very amusing, but some of these folks are immune to an emotional appeal, so let’s move dem feets



lost my shirt in a card game, at which I did not have a chance

Hey, it is Sunday and nothing in the Doctrine says these Posts have to be fun and funny and cute and amusing every time does it? So the sooner we get our learnin’ out of the way, the sooner we can get to the videos and the Polls and the references to imaginary high school exchange students (Imaginario? ¿Qué significa este “imaginario”, Miguel?  ). Everyone ok with that?  Fine. Let’s begin.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) which as new Readers will want to know is, a unique and productive and fun way to look at the people in our lives and the way that they act. Not a ‘theory of personality’ in the sense of  listing traits and behaviors, the Doctrine is more a perspective, a deliberate and voluntary effort to see the world as the other person experiences it. The Wakefield Doctrine is built upon the notion that we are all born with the capacity to experience the world in three characteristic ways, which we call clarks, scotts and rogers. We say that we all have the capacity to live in the world as a clark, scott and roger and at some point early in life we become mostly one of these three. We always have the other two traits, but it is mostly, clark, scott or roger. Gender and culture have no bearing on this way of looking at the way people act. Once you know if a person is a clark or a scott or a roger, you will see that they will react and respond in predictable ways in any situation.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

Since today is Sunday, last night probably was Saturday night. ( ¿Cómo en el nombre de mi Señora del bazo, ¿puede pedir que? Al igual que hay otra respuesta? Aiiee! ) Of course, it was…Saturday night, that is. And if it was Saturday then it must have been time to drive through Wakefield. (For new Readers, the Wakefield in the Wakefield Doctrine is a very real place and due to it’s location in the more temperate regions of North America, drives are possible throughout the year. And it is on these drives that a particular forum is held to discuss theory and application of the Doctrine. Attended by yours truly and DownSpring glenn it is often the scene of a spirited, occasionally  one-sided debate,  but never a dull exchange of ideas. If you have ever served Jury Duty, the judge will often explain that the jury system is predicated on a contest of facts, which by this contest, the truth will emerge*. The drives through Wakefield are like this, except louder, with more creative use of language and the truth does not always emerge. But it is fun. And this blog is the direct product of such a drive.)

Last night the topic was, as it often is, ‘What is the Point of this Wakefield Doctrine thing?’

(Damn this is boorinng!!) Hey someone out there? For the love of Jethro, somebody write something! Anything! This Wakefield Doctrine really is a total hoot, it is fun and amazing, you and your friend will laugh and laugh. And you will have Hope that things will get better in your Life. All this is true. Hell, all this is guaranteed.
Trouble is, for a host of reasons, nearly all  of these Posts are written by a clark. And if you have learned nothing else about the Doctrine, you surely know that clarks are: creative, crazy, intuitive and pedantic, inventive and persuasive (in person) , but clarks are not, I repeat, not good at communicating to the Masses. In no way derogatory, but clarks simply do not translate well to a general audience. One on one, totally. Read it in The WatchTower? no fuckin way.
rogers are the one who can communicate to the Masses. Read Progenitor rogers blog, Precession Recession or go to Friend of the Doctrine Mel’s blog, Spatula in the Wilderness. You will read words that are easy on the eyes and brains, or as glenn put it last Wakefield, ‘so easy going, it reads itself to you’. That is what rogers are so very good at. But a roger would have no need to create the Wakefield Doctrine, so what good is it to wish to be rogerian?
scotts, scotts!….frickin scotts…no, they will not write better, more accessible words. But if you find one who knows about the Doctrine, they will present it in a way that you will not ignore! scotts will take whatever piece of this Doctrine they happen to like and make it fun!! exciting!! interesting…and for the small, small price of a piece of your soul, they will let you enjoy the Wakefield Doctrine too. But you will not have the Doctrine in any form that is anything more than amusing. If you get it from a scott, it will not be a tool, it will be a toy….a fun toy, an exciting toy  (…very fun, Miss Sullivan!! )  but a toy none the less.

So, why bother?

‘Cause…you are obviously curious (if you are still reading this thing), you must be intelligent ( to have waded through this stuff ) and most importantly of all…and in fact, the conclusion arrived at by the end of last night’s drive through Wakefield…you, dear Reader, must already have a certain flexibility of intelligence, i.e. you are able to imagine what is not. The only way you are still reading this is that you have that quality of intelligence that enables you to live with the idea,  “ok, I know what is real, but I betcha that stuff those Doctrine people are talkin about is just as real, but different…still real…what else does their theory of clarks, scotts and rogers do?”

…Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine.

OK, you have gotten this far…you done good…and no, we are not all work here at the Doctrine, even on Sundays. Mr. B? Some music if you will…

What?  yes, yes glenn did behave himself and while he still has a way, ways to go, let’s give him a little treat….( hey downspring glenn, this is why using the Doctrine to evolve is a good thing….)

( * The cornerstone of the legal system in the United States is the jury trial. Many of the opinions of the U.S. Supreme Court, which set forth the law of the land, are based on the issues and disputes raised in jury trials. The jury trial method of resolving disputes is premised on the belief that justice is best achieved by pitting the parties against each other as adversaries, with each party advocating it’s own version of the truth. Under the adversary system, the jury, a group of citizens from the community, decides which facts in dispute are true. ) (…is this the feet notes that we must study? Mother of the Virgin, how can we learn so much?)


let me introduce to you the act you’ve known for all these years

A fan, short for fanatic and sometimes also called aficionado or supporter, is a person with an intense, occasionally overwhelming liking and enthusiasm for a sporting club, person (usually a celebrity), group of persons, company, product, activity, work of art, idea, or trend. …

Look at this first video! Garth’s fans recognise his facial expression/body language (and this in a stadium-sized setting) before he plays the first frickin chord! And then! and then (for the benefit of  new fans) he plays the opening chord real slow (some ‘common as noodles’  depleted 7th chord), then everyone knows the song coming next!
Please excuse the rant, but my generation is the 1960s and that was a place/time that was characterized by us being, how to put this diplomatically, often fucked up. Now in the 60’s and early 70s, when a performer would start a signature song, the members of the audience would,  provided of course  they had the receiving side of their heads aimed in the general direction of the stage and someone said, “Hey man, that’s that song!” react appreciatively. They would clap and cheer and otherwise react as an audience should.  But these modern audiences, jeez!
What’d they do, spend their entire waking life at home so they could memorize concert videos with lyrics flashcards held up by their kids? (“but, momm  I need to go to bed”) (“Never mind that where the hell is chord chart for Thunder Road…now hold the kitchen faucet spray nozzle over my head”)

We did not, in our youth, devote quite so much to our cultural role models.

Another phenomenon of modern music fans is observed in audiences comprised of people who not only know the lyrics, but in all likelihood are stopping by the concert on their way to their Julliard School of Music  Open Mike nights. Consider the following sample from Fred Hammond.

Damn! Jealous? I think I am comfortable enough here at the Doctrine and with you as the (putative) Readers and DownSprings and Progenitors to answer in the (branded, not to used with copyright acknowledgement) Doctrine-approved manner, “Yes. Yes, I am”
I will admit to feeling, ‘jeez how cool it must be to have total strangers come miles to watch you do something that they can do on their TV/computer. And they (the fans) do it on purpose, they want to!’

But that is Garth and Fred and we are us. And while those two (and the ridiculously large group of other people on earth who have actual fans) have the fame and fortune and everything that goes with it…(no, much as I like the song, a Queen video would be varnishing, the brass that coats the goldleaf covering the carved out of human bone figurine…i.e. obvious, lol).
The simple irrefutable fact is that what Fred and Garth and them don’t got is a grasp and understanding of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) and we do.

And by ‘we’ I mean you Readers and Friends of the Doctrine and DownSprings and Progenitors. You have this very rare and quite special thing. (And we also know that at this moment the rogers among us are grumbling, “hey wait you ain’t so special”.

Which, of course, draws the attention of the nearby scotts

So, while the smorgasboard (to use a rogerian expression) gets set up, let’s leave with a Contest!  Real Easy one!  Let’s make it a Poll, those are fun!

OK, but while I said easy I did not mean totally easy.

Ok. Enough for now…of course the prize is a hat (for your damn head) haven’t you read not a goddamn thing? and you’re supposed to be a repers of intelligence.


Hey! alguien mejor decirle a Miguel, tan preocupado como él se acerca de los exámenes sorpresa, hoy realmente hay uno!

You will all take out a Number 5 pencil and put it on the desk/tabletop/lap/really-unattractive-roll-of-fat in front of you.

students, yes real or imagined students You will also (imagine) a Test Booklet,which is sealed. Do not Open it! We will tell you when to open it. Simply sit/recline/lean or otherwise maintain your posture while the Instructions are Read to you.

People keep asking us, “when are you people going to come up with a Test that will tell me which one of these three types I am”? (The implied statement that, “I am too mentally lazy/crippled/retarded/restrained/uninspired”, will have to go un-answered until another Post at another time.) Today we have a Test.

Since the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers) is culture neutral and universally applicable and therefore Readers taking this Test today may be from any part of the world, there will be Monitors available during the Test Period. If your ‘translator application’ produces a unintelligible answer or if a cultural reference leaves you muttering, “Kaj za vraga! Tisti, zahodnjaki ne more mogoče, da je self-absorbent!”   Then raise your hand/click on email/submit a Comment and one of our Monitors/DownSprings will come to you and answer your question.
Your Monitors are: DownSpring#1, Ms. AKH and the Progenitor roger.  (If you simply need to go to the bathroom and don’t mind the risk of being exposed to public humiliation, you might ask Downspring glenn for assistance, but you have been forewarned).

Monitors? Please stand up/Comment Briefly/Digitally wave/or otherwise indicate that you paying some attention to this thing.  And of course, for any extreme stress reactions, Mr. B will be in the back of the “room” with plenty of sawdust. ( Señor Miguel, ¿tomó mi sugerencia de que se saltan el desayuno de esta mañana? No, obviamente no estaba bromeando! )

Alright then, to the Test.

There will be three sections in the form of Polls. Take each of three and note your point total for each, it will come into play when it is time to score. (…Very funny, Jimmy, I am sure Ms. AKH will be quite amused...)

Pencils Down!

That was just to warm us up. Before we continue the Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day,  consider this:  Whether it is at school when we are young or in the workplace as we are older, even  in advanced age, we have to take Tests.  If there is a time when each of the three types are at ease taking a test, which are which.
Lets rephrase that: Tests in school and tests in the workplace and tests in the retirement homes, who does best in which? A clark, a scott or a roger. (Now it would hardly be a Test if I give you the frickin answer right here, would it?) While you are thinking it over, lets take another Poll. Pick up your “pencils”…now!



How are we doing?  Monitors? Anyone seen Miguel? Alright  one more Poll then you can go to your homes and write us a nice Comment and maybe you will get your Test Results in time for them to do you any good!

Mr B? Some “file-out-in-an-orderly-manner” music?


