On Saint John and Paul’s day while the inhabitants were in church, he played his pipe yet again | the Wakefield Doctrine On Saint John and Paul’s day while the inhabitants were in church, he played his pipe yet again | the Wakefield Doctrine

On Saint John and Paul’s day while the inhabitants were in church, he played his pipe yet again

Today’s Post title is a reference to the Tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin….and the question we will pose is, ‘which of the major characters are which’?

Pop Quiz!!  Wakefield Doctrine Lesson of the Day-style ( … Oh, Santa Madre del cepillo de dientes! No estoy listo, Jimmy dijo que sólo estaría fuera hasta 10!… )

Close your books, class! This won’t take long, we really need to assess our “progress” in the spreading of the  Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers), thing.

We all know the story of the Pied Piper of Hamlin, (Town in Europe has problem with rats, a guy turns up and offers to get rid of all the rats for a price, the townsfolk agree and the Piper guy does his thing only to have the townfolks try to stiff the guy, he gets revenge by getting rid of all the kids in town…) now our age-enhanced Readers will recall the version of the story that turned up on “the ‘Television”, back when we were still young and all too impressionable.
Produced for TV by Hallmark Hall of Fame, this version  starred Van Johnson (in dual roles which was cutting edge for the times), Claude Raines (yes, that Claude Raines) and Lori Nelson. These kinds of special-TV-presentations were almost always scheduled for Sunday evenings (the original Family Hour) and was representative of a certain type of “entertainment” that was characteristic of the early years of TV,  the late 50s and early 60s. ‘Good influence entertainment’  produced by the likes of Hallmark and Walt Disney, in actuality, these movies and shows were  all too often so manipulative and contrived that the result was a generation of emotionally scarred children simply because they were forced to watch this stuff  by their culturally insecure parents. Collateral damage in the war for the hearts and minds of the new television generation.  “You need to get some culture, never mind those trashy comic books and pulp novels, here  at last is a some good quality TV”.  Lets all sit down as a family  and watch: Ole Yella, Bambi, Darby O’Gill and the Little People or maybe the Wizard of Oz. Today’s Post topic, the Hallmark Hall of Fame Presents the Pied Piper (etc) surely produced the sound of relieved parents saying,  “‘oh look dear, they have that fairy tale, the Pied Piper of Hamelin on Hallmark Theatre, go get the kids”!!  (Old writer to young version of self, “Run!! clark/scott/roger, run, hide somewhere!! You will understand when you get older, now just run”!!)

Ok class, time is up.
I realise that some of you will be ill-equipped to pass this test. After all, today’s Post is geared to those Readers who grew up in the 1950s and early 1960s and, just between you and me, we really, really hope that the demographic of the Wakefield Doctrine readership is not limited to the 40-65 year olds sitting in some office or at home somewhere, waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

….anyway back to our little Pop Quiz.
We all know the story of the Pied Piper, so lets agree there are three main ‘characters’ in the story: the Piper, the Parents and the Children. According to the Wakefield Doctrine, which (group) are best represented as clarks, scotts and rogers….and why is that?

(While we wait for the slower students)…if you are of the target age, try to remember what it was like being young in the late 1950s and 1960s. You would have been between the ages of 5 and 15. Now this is old enough to be curious, perhaps eager to learn about the world  beyond your front yard/your school yard but (still) young enough not to be distracted by the hormonally induced certainty of later adolescence. The perfect time for fairy tales and pop culture morality plays.

Having trouble remembering?  Mr B!! clips please!


Damn…I forgot myself what this thing was like…sorry this seems to be more of a topic than I was prepared to get into… plus providing a saying that has becomes ironic to a degree way out of proportion to the original context**

Really, class! Pencils down. Times up!

The answer now!   Who was the clark, who was the scott and who was the roger?

…next Post… ole yella, Bambi’s mother…hey Disney!! you suck…why don’t you and your paedophilic buddy Norm* get the hell away from the kids

*Norman Rockwell
** ‘…time to pay the Piper his due


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    Hey!! Everyone over at the Old Blue Post!! new Post here!! over …heerrreee

    no, granted that this Post is not nearly as pleasant and enjoyable as that last one, what with the hippy on one leg and the bluegrass music…but you know this can’t be all fun and games!! time to get back to applying our-own-damn-selves to the task of learning about the Wakefield Doctrine and all and then spreading the word, yo

    The sooner we have people using the expressions, “he is such a roger” and “she’s a little scottian what with the tude and all, no?” and “so clarklike that you gots to look away”…the sooner we can rest but no sooner…

  2. Downspring#1 says:

    Frightening. So very frightening! (musical refrain etched in my brain)
    The impact on impressionable youth was undeniable. What child did not have nightmares as a result of watching this particular “family” program?:)
    The expression I heard growing up, “children are to be seen and not heard”, emanated from this?! Aha…..
    The musical score to these type productions as well as the cartoons “back then” was intense and I wonder at who it was that made the final selection – the writers, directors…..

    The Pied Piper – clark

    Mayor Claude Raines – scott

    Townspeople – rogers

    I would agree that there could be quite the lengthy dialogue about the effects of early children’s programming….

  3. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    “In The Hall of the Mountain King” (Music by Edvard Grieg) is the citation for the song…also whats up with Van Johnson in dual roles

    don’t even get me started on Disney movies

  4. Downspring#1 says:

    Which is why I did not mention the movie Fantasia….on second thought, go ahead. We want to hear about the Disney movies:)

    Coincidentally, I heard only yesterday evening that very music, “In The Hall of the Mountain King” used in an advertisement for some network TV shows” Halloween episodes coming up. See. Scary music.

    (I know. Not even getting close to talking about the scarier stuff. Ah, those funloving “formative” years)

  5. DingoDogg says:

    Interesante, no va a continuar con este artнculo?


  6. clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

    We will no doubt revist the topic, but as I told the DownSprings, sometimes you get a Post started only to realise that your topic is too frickin big for you…lol