Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)
This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. The reason? It is better to exist in a personal reality where the default emotional-state is positive. Like fashionable clothing or an expertly prepared meal, it is in small things, ingredients finishes,(clearly we didn’t think through this particular metaphor), that are responsible for the overall overall effect on the objective observer. And, as Mimi and the other hostinae demonstrate, the details count.
(For the clarks out there? Details, in this context, should not be construed to be the: ‘oh, shit, I see, now that I read through it, I missed a point, over-did the similes all those little things!’ No. Despite being how ‘details’ may manifest in the personal reality of Outsiders, the true meaning is way easier. And simpler. And, ‘ya coulda told me!!’
That said, we place our faith in the notion that ‘Practice leads to approaching perfect’. And so we make the decision to look at the world and decide to see how it, or the parts (of it) we encounter, are positive. Rather than negative.
1) Phyllis —————————————————-↓
2) Una ——————–↑
3) the Wakefield Doctrine
4) the Six Sentence Story Doctrine’s Six-Pick of the Week: ‘Happiness‘ by our very own Mimi.
5) the Unicorn Challenge Wakefield Doctrine’s Choice Challenge of the Week: ‘Champagne on Ice‘ from the Sicilian Storyteller
6) Tom and me and the Serial Six ‘Of Heroes and the MisUnderstood. (This link takes you to a page we’ve created that allows you to read the story as a whole. Let us know what ya think of it!)
7) Weather is reasonably moderate. Not only can’t complain, but gotta sigh with relief.* No frozen water.
8) something, something
9) getting some rainage…. this past week
10) Secret Rule 1.3
* purely in a personal, aka selfish sense. It does not bear too much thought about conditions in the ‘real’ world. ya know?
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