self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 9 self-improvement | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 9

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop on this occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the grat ‘hop that Lizzi created.

Very good thing. Very good writers. Very good benefits results from the practice, (manifested in these weekly posts) of appreciating the perspective of gratitude.

Like any good sitcom, come ratings week (or Summer doldrums) who doesn’t like a flashback?

1) First TToT:

June 2013

2) Thanks to our co-hostinae down through the years for keeping the quality in the Very Good/Mature Expression of perspective. (It’s not like the Titanic sank only because it hit an iceberg. Rumor has it the man-at-the-wheel had developed a bit of a pinball jones before the maiden voyage.)

3) Una, Bella and Ola

4) To bring in something personal to anniversary. I enjoyed the earliest days for two reasons: 1) how Lizzi actually started this here ‘hop here and b) the story of when I got to know Christine.

We met Lizzi in the comment streams and FB hangouts we frequented soon after starting the Doctrine blog. I immediately sensed her predominant worldview and naturally began to converse (in comment threads) like I knew her for years. Not long afterwards I got a comment from a Christine (from the Midwest, no less) and I smiled at the first sentence. “I saw your comment. What is your blog about. Lizzie is a friend of mine. It seems like your blog is about personality types. Did I mention I am a friend of Lizzi?‘ My smiled broadened as the perspective of the Wakefield Doctrine on the world around me and the people who make it up was, once again validated. (As you can see in the links of the reprints here, Christine was one of the original co-hostinae.)

I have the memory that, upon advice of a trusted friend, Lizzi started writing posts listing 50 things to feel grateful for. Yes, no! That’s not a typo. Fity items in a single list. And she did for quite some time. All before she became ‘the blog’ to be seen at among the virtual crowd I was tolerated by. Those were days when there were less comments per post than the eventual number of cohosts. That is Will. And one of the reasons, imo, there is still a TToT


September 2014

6) Phyllis and cottage

7) (The last reprint. We promise. Went looking for this one ’cause it’s almost entirely a vid post

July 2016

8) A thank you to Dyanne for keeping the lights on and a special thanks to Kristi for remindereing us of the one of the special qualities this ‘hop has through all these years.

9) Total grats to all the hostinae (and Mimi) down through the decade. Couldn’t wouldn’t have done it without you.  [And Lisa, ’cause being on WP, her link is the simplest path to join in the ‘hop.]

10) Secret Rule 1.3 “the approaching conclusion of the list, is a very valid Grat and is surely meant to be Number Ten

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Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

…we were referencing the concept of secondary and tertiary aspects (in the Wakefield Doctrine).

Early on in this blog, the effects of ‘the other two’ aspects provided a proper answer to those who would ask, “Most of the time my son-in-law behaves in manner very much that conforming to the personality type of a clark. But then, not often, but frequently enough, he gets all sentimental and… well, like one of those rogers. You know, very social, quite analytical. So which is he?”

So the thing about secondary and tertiary aspects: we have the potential, but unlike that fact that we grow up and develop our social strategies and style of interacting with the world, a significant secondary (or tertiary) aspect is not inevitable. Especially to a noticeable level, evident in the person’s behavior.

There are some people who manifest their predominant worldview with no sign of a secondary or tertiary. Poster-people for the three predominant worldviews.

The thing about secondary aspect, (especially), is that they (the behavior, attitude, traits and social style that are a person’s response to a given personal reality, i.e. the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers)) tend to manifest only at time of duress. In a bad spot, nothing the person does helps, emergency behavior. Just a flash of behavior that is in contrast to the person on a day-to-day basis.

There is also the case of a significant secondary aspect that is aroused by something within the person’s life that is of standout value. I am an example of that.

Running out of time.

here, read this:

Hey! wait! wait a minute!!

the second topic should be, ‘Fine!! I get there’s a secondary and tertiary aspect. But, by definition (and future RePrint post) the ‘other two’ may be difficult to distinguish from each other. How do we do that?”


“Enough of the theory!” the Wakefield Doctrine “…the real world, tell how it does us any good in the real world, holmes”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hunter-Trader-Trapper 1937-06

Alert Reader Denise writes:

“…Doctrine! It has provided me with much insight into rogers. In a nutshell: they will always be the ones to say no. They will do nothing to disturb the boundaries, the lines that frame their world. clarksneed to take notice of this. The sooner the better. I leave it in your hands, Clark, to explain to new readership the why. Maybe you need to write the answer in the form of a post.


And since we are talking about rogers**

Our Friend Zoe says to us in a Comment, she says:

“… my new roger is settling in to his new environment a bit too well… coveting my office…I loan my office out readily without reservation, but he made it very clear by saying ” I want that office… when are you leaving?” and has left telltale signs of his usage… I may have a rogerian twist and be a clark at heart… but never piss off my scott.

Sorry. The ‘damage’ is done.

Not to ‘baby-coat’1 our assessment, but you are witnessing a roger challenging your membership in the herd. How is that possible, you ask? The frickin guy got there 20 minutes ago and he thinks that he can include himself in the group? ( you say with not a little emotion). What gives him the right to try that?  If you are in possession of any of these thoughts, I hate to tell ya, but you have just painted yourself a lovely shade of blue2. It is totally ‘too late’.

Not ‘too late’ to make things right, restore the proper balance, achieve an understanding among the players in this little drama…. just ‘too late’ to avoid a ‘conflict’ with the roger in your environment.

If he had perceived you as another roger or a scott he would have:

  • presented his credentials, not to meet your approval but to allow him  to ‘tune himself to the herd’ (you know how the sound of cattle and herds of cows are often presented as a single  ‘MOO’  ?  well, I think our Progenitor roger will attest to the fact that what is heard as a single MOO  is, in fact, comprised as a harmony among the members… your roger probably started with presenting some of his history to everyone he came into contact with…to hear the pitch of his new herd)
  • presented his ‘soft-underbelly’ if he thought you were a scott (at least, a predominant scottian female)… but this observation is moot, because in that particular tango, the woman leads… (at least initially and to the extent that the average person is able to see

So… now you have yourself a roger feeling like he can enhance his standing in the herd by making you appear more and more the Outsider. Remember, a dominance move by a roger, in contrast to that of a scott is never made ‘alone’.  While he may appear to be addressing the matter of use of the office space to you directly, most of his efforts are actually directed to the others in your environment. rogers always work in the context of the group, the herd. It is this ‘contexting’ that rogers will base their strategy on, that and, be on the lookout for (him) invoking referential authority. ( Hey, I know you love your space..I respect that, but we were talking about how, with the practice growing we all need to work together more…”)

All kidding aside. you now have a problem that, interestingly enough, can be seen as a manifestation of the trap that would appear to an inherent aspect of the desire for self-improving oneself. You rightly know that you can ‘over-come’ this person’s attempt to reduce the quality of your personal work environment. But at what price? The Doctrine states that we all retain access to those two worldviews that are not our predominant worldview. In your case, (we hear you say), ‘ a clark with secondary rogerian and tertiary scottian aspects’. but…. but!  here is where the conflict begins to manifest.  (If) you are a clark, then your personal reality is that of the Outsider…which makes perfect sense given your situation. You can access your scottian aspect and inter-act with this roger as would a scott, and as we have already said, if this were a scott-on-roger thing, none of the the above would be happening.  So, you can dominate the roger rather decidedly. But then what?  Will you trade your predominant (clarklike) worldview for a victory in a single circumstance? Or… is there a way to reach an understanding with this person?   unfortunately, the Wakefield Doctrine says ‘no’.

Well, sorta. We’re playing with the words now.  clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel.  So, if you want to reach an understanding, you are out of luck. That is not to say that there is nothing you can do, but it should not be thought of as an understanding.

Lets return to a strategy we have previously offered:  ‘love your roger‘  This is still the preferred strategy, but it will require a bit more….finessing.  Yes, you should ‘love your roger‘,  but that does not mean (as is all too often the case with clarks), you must allow him to do as he wishes. But, to love your roger requires that you relate to him on an emotional basis… more than that!  you must regard him on an emotional basis. We’re using italics here to convey the idea that, if you are able to know him completely on an emotional basis you will be relating to him as a member of the herd. That’s right!  trade that lovely azure coat for a comforting wrap of brown and white spots!

(will continue later today…. )

Wait a minute!! If you haven’t seen it yet,  watch the scott and roger…. everything is right there. (the roger looking to left and right for the herd that is his context, his invoking referential authority, his offering of emotional currency…his love).

1) a rogerian expression of sorts… a fascinating characteristic use of language found only in rogers…here,  go to the page on rogers  down towards the bottom

2) a reference to the description of a clark in the context of a group, or perhaps it would be more realistic to say, ‘a clark in contrast to a group’ in any event, the term ‘blue monkey’ is a remnant of grad school days when we learned of (or came to believe that we learned of) an experiment in which one young monkey was painted (more likely dyed) blue and returned to his troop, you can imagine the result. In the Wakefield Doctrine we use the blue monkey image several ways, as a symbol of the innate outsider-ness that clarks exhibit when in a social setting, and it is also used to refer to (a) clarks self-sabotaging by make an extra effort to ‘contrast their differences.




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful bloghop. Each week we compile a list of the people, places and things that have, in time recently passed or lodged in the distant memory like a shard of mirror stuck in the plaster in an old building. We list them in a list and link it to the TToT. You’re invited to read and enjoy or write, link and (also) enjoy.

For this week:

1) Una (Saturday Day morning tv)

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the Una garden (Phase I Winter’s Rest Soon to be Disturbed)

5) the Zombie Christmas Project Phase Phive  (Hey! Readers Clap your hands. Maybe thats all the zombie tree needs to to flourish)

6) Cottage project: Patio and walkway. Gathering bids. Hopefully this Summer

7) Six Sentence Story bloghop

8) something, something


10) Secret Rule 1.3 from the Book of Secret Rules aka the Secret Book of Rules) “…getting to, like, Grat #6 means if you don’t sabotage yourself, you’re home free for the week… almost. To dodge the hubris arrow, best to wait until this, Number 10 before citing it as a Grat.  (PS… go back and do something with that blank at Number 9!)


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Monday~ the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

If you are of a certain age, you will recognize this person… a high jumper named Dick Fosbury who changed his sport in as fundamental a manner as possible. (Look him up) RIP 2023 (yeah, so a clark)


(Thought I already had a Reprint post, the original intro-section, but discovered it’d already had a music vid attached. But, it, (the vid, not the words), just didn’t connect to anything in the world, this morning‘s world, at any rate.)

Hey! There’s a possibility!

And… and! it ties in (sorta) to a comment Nick made, the end of last week, about how the concept of ‘expectations’ might be an interesting Doctrine post.

Speaking of connecting to the world, we trust everyone reading knows that Wakefield Doctrine is about nothing if it’s not about the relationship one has with the world around (them) and the people who make it up. Correct?

(clarks: yeah, of course; scotts: we got ya; rogers: well, maybe you should go ahead and tell us)

We would say that the parenthetical above has everything a person would need to re-create the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers, but that would not be true.

The thing of it is, the Doctrine? All these words and posts, music vids and bullet lists, the three personality types and descriptions?

They’re for clarks and scotts (with a significant secondary clarklike aspect and rogers with a significant secondary clarklike aspect) only.


hey! wait. Today’s post photo has totally derailed the direction of this train (lol… not quite a rogerian expression but still fun)

With the Everything Rule* in mind (hell, lets put it on a banner along the top of the blackboard) consider:


    • clarks: genuine creativity and therefore rarely a direct benefit, i.e. a place in the first generation history books; clarks being the Outsider are in a position to take from nothing and bring back (or leave on a scott or roger‘s doorstep) expressions or things, songs or viewpoints that are not nor ever have been of the world.
    • scotts: with endless energy one might think the world would not be able to keep up and a path out of the known world would be available (to gather something new and novel) but no, a scott will use their energy, (and, therefore, power), to take pretty much anything and, (with as many exclamation marks as necessary), raise an old, sweat-stained-liner, slight tear in the crown, fedora and say ‘Hey! I have a new hat. Aint that cool/funny/amazing?’
    • rogers: being of the Herd, they are natural eingineers/accountants/law makers. the creativity of a roger is found in their talent in combining the parts, (already in existence), in a novel fashion.

Out(ish) of time.

Expectations: a very provocative iquiry, fer sure. Afterall, this thing of ours is about relationships. And can there be a more intimate relationship than that between ourselfs in the present and ourselves in the future?

Get everyone you know to write a comment to the effect: ‘Hey! We want to read a post on expectations! Nick’s idea/topic is what you should write about next. Come on! We promise to come back.’

* everyone does everything at one time or another



Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘thx, Mimi’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

oh, man!

(this is either: ‘oh man this is the perfect post for the today’s topic?’ or it’s ‘oh man! this is the most on-point post for the topic today!’)

Today’s topic is (as often the case) suggested by/inferred from/insinuated/ and/or ‘jeez, it’s all there, save some typing for the Six Sentence Story tonight, cher’ from a comment by Mimi

(Ok, I’ll concede that point. But only because of my Reply to her Comment. (It would have been killer-insightful and almost, ‘Eureka!* I’ believe she’s got it!’)

Tuesday Wednesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “of occupations, worldviews and the Everything Rule’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)CSR copy

Firefighters are rogers and cops are scotts

While there clearly are some occupations that congeal* with one personality type more than the others, there is nothing in the Wakefield Doctrine that says that clarks, scotts and rogers cannot excel at any and all, occupations, avocations, careers and…hobbies.

The example at the top of this post serves as the best illustration of how some occupations demand personal qualities found in one over the other predominant worldviews. This comparison provides a way to come to a greater understanding and appreciation of the nature of the reality that ‘the other two’** personality types confront each and every morning.

(A word about predominant worldview and personal reality. When the Doctrine refers to: personal reality and worldviews, we mean reality. Just because it’s personal, as in the woman next to you on the bus may not perceive how uncomfortable you are with her gum chewing or the fact that some people just creep you out, before they say or do anything, doesn’t mean it’s not real. It doesn’t mean that it’s in a lesser category of real, reality is real. To the person experiencing it. What makes me a clark (my predominant worldview) is not my inclinations and sub-conscious urges or predilections or tendencies. What make me a clark (or, better, what makes me recognizable as a clark) are the behaviors, learned responses, reactions and interpersonal strategies that I’ve acquired through a lifetime of living in the reality of the Outsider. These traits and reactions and style of interacting are the best I could come up with to deal with the world that I am in. I am not mistaken for a roger, if for no other reason than the fact that the way I relate myself to the world around my is totally inappropriate to living in the world of the Herd Member.)


About those cops and firefighters…  so, one job involves driving cars real fast and if that’s not noisy enough there’s a siren on the roof and the highest expression of the profession is to chase down and capture people…. and tie them up and such.  remind you of anyone?

the other job relies on routine and tradition, brotherhood and cooperation and preserving houses and buildings, and forests, if there are no houses on fire, to preserve what is… save people if necessary, the first thing is to put the fire out and not let it spread and destroy other buildings.

…. ok, personality type identification (PTI) aide:  picture the firefighter,  everyone is in the fire station, maintaining the equipment, polishing the brass and chrome until it shines, coiling hoses now,  picture Joe Pesci and Jack Nicholson at the fire station.  any problem with that?  lol

The Everything Rule?  ‘everyone does everything, at one time or another‘  which is to say clarks can be effective cops, scotts can be kindergarten teachers (in fact, a friend of the Doctrine happens to be just that), so there is no, ‘hey that’s a scottian job, you can’t do that!‘ The intent of the Everything Rule is to remind us that it is how a thing manifests in an individuals reality that counts.


*  an approximation of what is called a rogerian expression. the maladaptive, semi-aggressive use of language; the result is a shocking and hilarious mis-use/pronunciation/application of a word

** all of us live our lives in one of the three worldviews (Outsider/Predator/Herd Member), what we refer to as our ‘personality type’ is nothing more than a remarkably comprehensive group of social adaptations and interpersonal strategies, as appropriate to the character of the reality we grow up in… we have one predominant worldview, we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ personality types. Hence the value in appreciating the other guys reality…provided you’re a clark, of course.


* subtle, but gratuitous link-drop to Nick… one reason: a) he’s got a serial running on his site that’s kinda addictioning** but it’s only on his site and not at the Six and 2) he’s one of the few Proprietors*** that I have facebook linkage and if’n you’re gonna try and game the internet, then why not treat yourself to some muy cool story while your’re there****

** not a ‘real’ word

*** a bunch of ‘people’ what hang out at a virtual-but-fun-place in the blogosphere

**** tell ’em the Doctrine sent ya
