self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18 self-development | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 18

RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This Monday morning is one of the justifications for using RePrint posts. Lots of words written through the end of last week, i.e. three Six Sentence Story posts. We will return to the topic, ‘What’s the Deal with getting Tired of Writing?’ in a little bit.

First our Post-from-the-Past. (It’s got Doctrine ‘splanations and a music vid and ever thang.)

{Before we hit Publish, a note. What we found interesting about posting this post, (yeah, we do read them first, despite, you know, having written them), is our reactions). Our initial reaction was: ‘err, kinda early in the Doctrine process, maybe we should get something a little more on book?’ And, courtesy of whatever forces were part of the whole original Eureka! experience, we almost immediately were, ‘Nah. That was what the Doctrine was back then, in the second full year. Sure, it’s a little rough (lol) and the focus might be a touch blurry.’ But the beauty part is that the second intent prevailed. That gives us hope. Because we all know that dealing with the world around us and the people who make it up is all about habit and routine. Usually, oldest habits trump younger ones. Which helps explain why, when we try to self-improve-ourselfs, all too often, we backslide. When, and this next is way more than we have time for, change is integrated into our lives properly, it lasts. Very much like an organ transplant. Except for it being energy rather than blood. What is critical to assure the new liver/habit has a healthy, normal supply of…}

Ask us again, when it’s not so late on a Monday Morning.

“…of hats and hearts and minds”, correctly understood and properly applied, the Wakefield Doctrine will change your life!

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the theory of clark, scotts and rogers )!

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that all people…you, me and the roger who you think you want to show this blog to (but know instinctively that it would be a bad idea), are all born with the ability to experience the world in one of three ways.1 The Wakefield Doctrine is totally based on the idea that, come a certain age (say 3 to 5 years old) all of us ( even that scottian friend who is so much fun to be with but is so exhausting ) settle on just one of these three ‘worldviews’ and we go on to live our lives as clarks or scotts or rogers.  Even though we ‘become’ one of these three personality types, we never lose the capacity to see the world the way the other two personality types see it.

…so there you have the three personality types : clarks, scotts and rogers

The Wakefield Doctrine is both gender neutral and culture neutral.  While limitations and conditions may be imposed by the fact of gender or the requirements of local culture, the drive will not change. a scott is aggressive, a roger is sociable and clarks are outsiders no matter what. Sometimes you have to look a little closer at what kind of world the other person seems to be living in.  What makes this a critical concept is that the Wakefield Doctrine is built on the idea that personality is not a collection of traits and impulses, interests and desires randomly scattered through the population of humans. The key to understanding and using the Wakefield Doctrine is the willingness to accept the idea that all of us have individual, slightly different but mostly the same realities and that it is the character of the reality we find ourselves in that drives our choices of behavior and therefore accounts for our personality. The advantage to this approach is quite simple, if I know which of the three realities you are in, I will know how you are likely to respond to any given situation.

But most of all the Wakefield Doctrine is fun! Fun to know about, fun to use in daily life, fun to share with certain friends2.  And the cool thing we are finding is that  once you learn to recognise the clarks and the scotts and the rogers in your own world,  the rest of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine will become apparent! Sort of on it’s own,  it lets you see the world in a different way. Really. We are totally serious about this. We are seeing this ‘self-learning’ effect with the new Readers every day. Now to be fair,  this is saying as much about (you) Readers as it does about the Doctrine.  Anyone who finds the personality theory of the Wakefield Doctrine interesting (and who doesn’t?) has the kind of mind that likes to play with ideas. And it is this kind of person who will find the uses of the Doctrine pretty much on their own.  A warning! Depending on which of the three you are, you may experience some initial difficulties getting past the initial, “well I get the three personality types, but how do I know which one I am“?
It’s all here in the Posts and the Pages. If you are inclined to do it all yourself then you will find all the information you will need. If you are not so inclined, then just ask one of us!  Write a Comment. If you are not feeling like being so…public in your learning phase, then contact one of the DownSprings or FOTDs ( Friends of the Doctrine ). I assure you that they will be more than happy to help, either by sharing their experiences (the clarks), giving you simple instructions (scotts) or happily taking the time to layout the Rules and Regulations of the Doctrine ( if you choose a roger as mentor)3.

(How to choose?… whichever sounds like what you are thinking):

  • “…alright!! I get the Rules and the Principles but wheres the fun at!!!”  You so need to contact Ms AKH  or Alx
  • “…well, this is all very interesting, and you seem quite sincere about this ‘theory’ of yours…”  your only real hope is to contact the Progenitor roger or maybe DownSpring Joanne, right now
  • what was the question”…”sorry, I was looking at”…. “what do you mean. ‘only one characteristic quote per personality type’”?”…”oh, I’m sorry, I really meant to follow the rules to the letter as I really think this Doctrine could be useful”  you are in luck!  Molly is there, as is DS#1 awaiting your question…

Alright. Enough for today. Got to come up with a Video Post for tomorrow…send in your suggestion for a topic and if we use your idea we will send you a (nearly free) Wakefield Doctrine hat (for your damn head)!  HTFU!

Big shout-outs to newer Readers!!  Debbie, yo… write us a Comment, already… Jasmine, Jasmine, Jasmine – come on baby, we are so totally waiting for your comment so we can send you a hat!! Anthea!! Don’t worry,  this is a fun place for us kind of people…really!!

1) when we say ‘see the world in one of three ways’ we are totally serious, as in the actual world is ‘different’ for each of the three types….not  “clarks choose only to see the (whatever) parts of life” or “scotts are active because they have so much energy”  no!  we mean the reality, the world itself is (slightly) different for the three personality types….thats why there are three personality types.

2) a word to clarks:  the first person you think ‘would enjoy this’ is a roger…the second person you think of is a scott and they are the ones you should tell about this thing.



Memoir Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Still haven’t settled on a title/label/subtitle for this series. (First, Second and Third)

(We have found, mostly through writing RePrint Mondays that a ‘previously on…’ is an enormous help in this type of blogging. Not, as you might think, tho’ in turn, not totally incorrectly, simply put: to remember the narrative that preceded the current post* is sufficient, however, to read the actual text is conducive and, therefore more to the mood/spirit/’yeah! that’s what I was going for’.)

previously on

Will not go into the full Wakefield Doctrine origin story. It’s: Here. We’re making reference to it today only because this post is reminding us of how unlikely it is to have written more than 2,913 posts and received in excess of 32,000 comments!1

But that’s not important right now.2

The point that is elbowing it’s way to the topic section of this week’s Memoir post is: there is no way I would have been capable of writing this blog without some serious serendipity.

But, with the idea that today a new Reader might be standing in the upper back of the room (stadium-slant auditorium of course. hey, it’s our fantasy) lets wrap up this week’s train wreck with:

The thing about clarks that is both wonderful and maybe a little sad is that we find that discovering novelty in understanding an otherwise, mostly, incomprehensible world as being fun. Fun in the sense of a five-year-old opens a Christmas present. Promise. Excitement. Satisfaction. All drive the Outsider to smile when encountering either a novel aspect of the world or find ourselves down a path we had not consciously intended to follow. Hence the predilection for quantum story telling (i.e. we forget or willfully neglect the fact that our listeners have not encountered all the facts). And…and! the ease with which we go all neologism on spelling and data and facts. To the point of this paragraph: clarks have a lack of concern about one thing: our commitment to curiosity.

The ‘little sad’ aspect of this, we’ll leave for another Tuesday.


* my dear sweet god! is that the level of entanglement inherent in the literal representation of my writer’s thought process?!?! ba’kha Yeshua** (John 11:35)

** and there it is! the purpose of seemingly random thoughts thrown at an LCD blackboard! to remind ourselfs of a particular stream-of-thought in a section of a river with no name (aka ‘Where we were trying to go with this post’)

  1. ok, being raised with proper blogger manners, half of the 32k would be my replies to comments. that still leaves 17k*** of real people. So, lets consider if it’s possible for all 15,000 to be ‘I want the time you stole with that post that made no sense whatever, I want it back!!’ comments. lets do the division. Round up for the math 3,000 posts divided by 16,000 comments ….
  2. Airplane! of course.

*** who said that a clark’s propensity for neologisms was limited to words? (malapmath might be the proper term for deliberate incorrect math and stuff. sure let’s go with that)



RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As to the thought, ‘What more is there to say about a theory of personality that has three types and is predicated on (one’s) relationship with the world around them?’

Not so much more information, as with better style. Rather than recitation of data, (an ongoing) demonstration of effects and consequences in the real world.

In other words, the actual topic of pretty much every Wakefield Doctrine post is on any given day, which at the moment would be Monday, we ask: how does this day of the week/that particular occupation/going to the gas station/trying to get ‘A’s in school or find love in a relationship, manifest in the reality of the Outsider (clarks), the world of the Predator (scotts) and the life of the Herd Member (rogers)?

This topic, i.e. reprint posts came up on the call-in show this weekend past. The Why and (the)  is it an irredeemable fault or, at least, a less than.

Our position was, in the context of RePrint Monday, was that it was like a prompt, a warm-up, if you will. Not to give away too much insight into the early years, gots to save something for the next installment of  our weekly series: ‘عمر خیّام Tuesdays’ * 1 ‘Hey!!’ (Last week’s installment: Here)

Believe it or not, three hundred fity words in and we’s still gonna post a RePrint post.

Come back tomorrow! Subscribe or like or, better yet, tell someone you encounter in your day today to come here and read and such.

sun don’t shine, the gods look down in anger

(Well, oh kay… interesting note to start a Post on… but stranger things have happened in and about the Wakefield Doctrine)(…”this just in”…’clark…the seventies…were…thirty…plus…years ago’…stop…’please, stop’…)Hey Reader! Yeah you!
Do you believe that your (personal) history defines and (pre)determines your future or what? Is there such a thing as the momentum of habit. (The ‘momentum of habit’  is the notion that what we are is simply a more elaborate form of what we have always been.) (Cheery thought, no?)Well? Do you think it does?  (Don’t you dare touch that “Back” button.)
(in a fairly creepy, sudden shift to a calm tone…)Do me a favor, (After all, you know something about us here at the Doctrine because of the information we are throwing out into the world by way of this blog.)……Look back on your life. Try and recollect the things you have done, the places you have lived, the people you have known, since as far back as you can.
Now, erase the names of the people, delete the addresses of the locations and take off the labels of the things you have done (job title, education, religious designations). You can still remember your life, can’t you?
Even with names and labels removed/deleted/eliminated, you know that you have been alive, with a life that is yours and yours alone. You know, even without the names, you lived in one place (or many different places), you knew some people (or a lot of people) and you spent your waking time doing this (or doing that).
Your ‘life story’ runs from the first (and often sketchy) times you remember as a child through and right up to now.Pretty goddamn ‘straight’ line isn’t it?
(Come on roger, stop protesting. You what I mean. You are capable of this.)
Look at your life in terms of how many different interests and activities and ways of investing your time is evidenced. How different was your life when you were 7 years old compared to when you were 17 years old?(…or 27 or 77…)
(Yeah, yeah scott, I get the, ‘I gots the girlfriends/boyfriends, thing’ Does not matter. Lose the names, and they (still) are people you shared yourself and your time with, no different than a best friend in second grade or a spouse in middle age or the person in the bed next to yours in the nursing home.)
What I am trying to get across here is that the important thing  is not the names of the people, places and activities that comprise(s) your life.
Rather, I am asking you to consider the question, what did they (seem) to add to your life, why did you give them your time!?I want the Reader to consider their lives without the qualification/rationalization/justification that we all impose when we reflect on our lives.

… ‘he was a great friend, even though he was an asshole’… ‘I really liked spending time with her, but I had to because she was family’ … “of course we are happy together! We have beautiful children and a nice home’… ‘I know this is a boring job, but I will stick with it, because otherwise, what will I do?…’maybe I can still pray and maybe its not too late for me…”who will take care of me if I get sick?’…

(These little quotes barely  hint at the myriad of ways that we employ to make the fact that what constitutes ‘our lives’, the essential nature and character, if you will,  is the same today(as you read this blog) as it was on your very first day at school.)

So what, what is wrong with that, at least I have a life that I can look at and say, ‘hey I’m not doing so bad’!

(You are correct, scott. roger you can come back in the room, we have stopped talking about life as if it were totally unpredictable and un-certain. We won’t talk about interchangeability any more.)

Well, that was fun, wasn’t it?  (Yes, I am seriously getting ready to close out this Post for today.) (No, I actually don’t have a more satisfying denouement for todays Post)

(writer leaves, house lights stay off…)

Alright, alright. Seeing that we have some new visitors (from Italy and Sweden and Ghana to name a few) and, of course, Sloveniaaa  is in da house!! I will try to impart or at least ‘duct tape’ some kind of coherent point to this Post.

If pressed, I would have to say the point of this (Post) is that our essential natures, (clarks, scotts and rogers), will determine how our lives are experienced and will force a consistency throughout the years (of our lives).
Having said that, I will remind everyone that the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated (yeah! he said predicated, he must be back from wherever…) on the idea that we all have the full range of potential, we are all (potentially) clarks and scotts and rogers.
And, despite how this Post reads, we always have the potential to feel, act, or think in the manner of the other two personality types. In fact, that really is the purpose of the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers).


* 1 ‘Hey!! lol we apologize to any New Reader who might be a roger with a secondary clarklike aspect on a razor’s balance between getting mad and clicking away or staying to see this if Doctrine thing might not be kinda fun. The clarklike autosome that contains the code for ‘ain’t no reference too obscure that it can’t be fun! should never, ever be underestimated as to the effect it exerts in the life of an Outsider. (The reference to Ghiyāth al-Dīn Abū al-Fatḥ ʿUmar ibn Ibrāhīm Nīsābūrī** will pay off in future Tuesday posts.)

** lighten up… like you didn’t see that coming? we’re just messin’ with any rogers in the Readerverse***

*** damn right we’re claiming that word! Unless someone (most likely another clark) has already coined the term.


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weekly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT).

Established by Lizzi R in the late 19th C. (aka ‘Someday kids will thank us for wearing so many articles of barely-functional clothing. That and laying the groundwork for steampunk‘ Era) Toiling under the flickering illumination of a glass, brass and gas lamp, she wrote the first blogpost of what initially was to be ‘Fifty Things of Thankful (FiToT). Her descendants thank their choice of deities that the number required on a list was reduced. In no small part due to the unfortunate acronym that would have resulted.

Below is our list of less than Fity things.

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) writing (samples from two bloghops: the Six Sentence Story and the Unicorn Challenge

5) geography (as in being in easy driving distance to the ocean)

6) technology that has developed to the point of making Grat #7 possible.

7) the beach:

8) something, something

9) at the top of this week’s post, one of our favorite photos of Ola (‘big smile, large teeth‘)

10) Secret Rule 1.3


music vids







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drei…dri…fff Freiday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey, I know! What the hell are we doing here this week when we participated just last Friday?!?!

(New Reader: the Doctrine has been joining jenne and ceayr and their band of mutants on an every-other-week basis. This, today, is quite out of the ordinary. Which is a condition you, if you continue to frequent this here blog here, will see as the rule rather than the exception. In any event, here we are now…)

This is a photo prompt bloghop. Our hosts provide a different pitcha each Friday and invite people to write a story. The hook, besides the TAT-like image to start us off, is a two hundred fity (250) word limit. It’s challenging and it’s fun. So click on the Unicorn Challenge and, at very least enjoy the wonderful imagination and mad story-telling skills of the writers there. And, as long as you’re there… feel free to link your own story.


“I don’t understand why they have to be kept refrigerated. It’s not like when we put them on, the first of each month, there’s a limit to the conditions in which our new Persona will function. I mean, isn’t that the idea, having a different body to show that, deep inside, we’re all the same?”

“Well, dear, it’s a little more involved than that. When you’re older, your Persona will have additional features besides height or weight or race or ethnicity.” The woman in the doorway looked suddenly uncomfortable.

“Geez, Ma, I’m not a kid anymore, I’m in the sixth grade. We’ve a class on the Rules of Equitable Persona. The teacher told us about how, after the Down-Under Insurrection ended with the capture of Jacquier-the-Terrible, the Department of Self-Equality spent billions on the technology; the UN passed the law that each month we get a new body and can be the person they… we always wanted to be. No more racism or discrimination.”

“What?” Stepping from the shower, the boy stood at the State-mandated blue persona transference cabinet and saw the look on his mother’s face.

“About those ‘isms. When you get to seventh grade, there’ll be a special class of physical body added to the system. It’s one to deal with the first and Original ‘isms’. The law limits talking to young people about it until a certain age. But as you get older, you might hear people mention the #MeToo model Persona.”
