relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 32 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 32

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Looks like Summer is showing signs of breaking out in terminal autumn. Nothing un-ignorable as of yet… the beginnings of fade, individual leafs and such at this point. However, the overall effect is to leave one vulnerable to a did-I-really-see-that glance, maybe shifting your eyes as you drive, trying to locate an odd sound and when you return to the road ahead, it seems a bit more distant than you recall.

But enough of this ‘psychoanalyzin’ and dramatizin” as a certain woman from my way-distant past used to admonish we students.

This is still the Wakefield Doctrine blog. And it’s primary purpose has not changed. The reason for the blog is to make the incredibly useful perspectives it offers available to the largest number of people possible. To this end, is a more personal and specific goal (or, as I mistyped, gaol, which makes for a satisfyingly obtuse wordplay*).

The challenge I long since accepted is this: write a post that allowed the Reader to understand and apply the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine after reading it once. Whether or not, especially, if not, they’d encountered this blog prior to reading the post. This would be ‘the perfect Wakefield Doctrine post’. Still working on it.

(what? now?!?! it’s like, ‘five to’ you-gots-to-get-to-the-real-world!!)

(damn, that old saying is still true***)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective of the world around us and the people who make it up. Based on the notion that all of us are born with the capacity to experience life in one of three characteristic ways: as would an Outsider(clarks), as a Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers). Each of these three inform the personal reality of the individual and, at an early age, we all settle into one, (and only one), of them. While we never lose the capacity to live in the world of ‘the other two’, the context in which we develop our style of interacting with the objective world, (aka personality), is reflected in which of the three worldviews of the Doctrine we exhibit.

When we learn the qualities of the three predominant worldviews, we’re in a position to know more about the other person than they know about themselves. The reason for this: by knowing the nature of the three realities, we can know how the other person is relating themselves to the world around them. (Not, ‘how the other person is relating to the world around them, but how they are relating themselves. Critical difference.)

By observing the relationship of, (the other person), to their world, we are then able to know most of their personal qualities, predilections, foibles and ….and favorite colors! (no, not this last****) And, of course, the more we know about the other person, the more we can predict how they act and interact. And, of further course, the process of learning more and more about another person requires us to identify with them. If we have the faith/self-confidence/desperation to put ourselves at risk by identifying with another person, our self-understanding can only grow.

Lastly, by attempting and failing to write the perfect Wakefield Doctrine post, we cannot help but to self-improve ourselfs.  Seeing how, having all three qualities within, by identifying with clarks, scotts and rogers, we must come to accept the good and the bad of the totality of ourselves. Not easy. Always beneficial.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Don’t forget to share it and send it out to wherever you can, who knows who might read it and, rushing to their phone/computer/fax machine, sending the message, “By George I think I’ve got it!”


* jar, jar** as Friend-of-the-Doctrine, Clairepeek used to say/type

** her native language was Norwayian…. play it safe, Scandinavish… (sorry, Claire… let us make it up to you in our music vid.

*** ‘When the Master is still in the bathroom, the Student walks to the front of the class and shares what they know

**** just a little personality survey joke



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…in which the tale of a discovery is recounted and the lessons re-cast.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The story of the Discovery of Referential Authority.

I wrote the post below as part of a phase we were going through, i.e. application of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to situations encountered in the ‘real’ world. It was truly a remarkable time, here at the Doctrine, during the first three or four (or five) years. Everything was new, and the world around me was filled with blank canvae and nude models, all urging me to take note of how the Wakefield Doctrine has an attachment to everything.

But, before I wax too philosophical, here is the abashed edition* of that post:

(May 3rd 2012)

In our First Post, “Won’t you have a seat, Mr Andrews will see you in a moment“, we examined the strategies available to a person seeking a position in what is often referred to as ‘the corporate world’.  In that first Post, we focused on the ‘pre-Interview’ phase of the employment process. With today’s Post we will stay with this convention, as it seems that, if the first episode is any indication, most Readers find the Applicant’s efforts to deal with the appointment process entertaining and instructive.

Small Business Environment:

….a small restaurant, in a coastal town which is also home to the State University. With only 10 tables and an open kitchen layout, the Owner, (who is also the cook), is able to greet and interact with all the patrons. It’s quite evident he enjoys what he does, is reasonably skilled and, as a result, the business is successful. The increase in business has been rapid and the Owner is finding that the part-time help from family and relatives is insufficient, and so, the ‘Help Wanted: Waitress’ ad in the local newspaper.

…The Interviewee:

The wife of a faculty member at the University, following a Sabbatical from Field Work, you have been unable to find employment in your area of expertise, Paleo-sociology (and) Urdic Languages. Rather than spend another summer in the overly-large home that you share with a husband and two cats, decide that being a Waitress wouldn’t be the worst thing to do, at least until the market for Sociologists (fluent in Farsi) improves. So you call the number in the newspaper and get an appointment to meet the Owner. Wearing your best Interview suit (a subdued brown pinstripe) and carrying your trusted iPad, you set off to the restaurant, confident that you will be able to recall your undergraduate days of work-study working in the school cafeteria.
(…. oh!  do we need to mention that you are so a roger?)

…(Second Interaction)

…you have been sitting at the table 15 minutes (30 minutes later than the scheduled interview). The ‘breakfast rush’ has finally quieted down and the woman at the cash register brings you coffee, asks (again!) if you would like something to eat and tells you that the Owner will be over in a minute.

Do you:

  • ask the woman questions about the restaurant, how long has it been in business, what background the Owner has in the restaurant business
  • Look annoyed and ask her if it is always this busy
  • smile, hand her the Application for Employment that you have completed (and somehow stapled your curriculum vita to the slightly grease-spotted form) and say, “Thank you so much! I am sure that I will enjoy working here!”
The Question: if you are a roger, which of the above is likely to be your initial reaction and which, (of the three actions above), should be your reaction, in order to increase your chances of being successful in this Interview?
Well that should be enough to get us started! As with the first Interview, consider not only which of the three personality types the people in our scenario are, but tell us why you think they are (clarks or scotts or rogers )… and while it is helpful to know the correct way to get this particular type of job, add what you can about what the Wakefield Doctrine gives our Interviewee, in terms of tools or aids that will allow her to get whatever the hell it is that she wants…. (yes, Molly and Claire  that is a totally leading question!)

So what makes this little story so landmarkistic?

As soon as it was published, every roger within reading distance was all kinds of upset and outraged. (Yeah, like that’s a surpising response…lol) But they were!)

So, naturally, I thought, ‘Hey ho! Whats the problem? She’s just trying to be helpful to another human being.” Then, enjoying the benefits of this here Doctrine here, I said (out loud) “Hey! Why so upset?” And, after much discussion, it turned out that the job applicant was taking liberties with the social order (of the restaurant) and that the only way she should have done anything was after receiving permission from whoever was in charge.

I thought to myself…”Holy smoke! I have discovered an artifact in the predominant worldview of the Herd Member that is not visible, even when employing the list of characteristics contained in the Doctrine.  …. wait a minute, I remember the story…. bathrobes… no, bath tubs…. streaking (streaking?!?!) Greece…. Eureka!!***

* an early example of a rogerian expression. An associate at my office was a movie buff and was holding forth about an upcoming release of a complete set of Star Wars movies on DVD, it was to be complete and unexpurgated , except he was a roger. He said, “I already have my pre-order in, in a couple of weeks, I’ll the complete, unabashed edition of George Lucas’ masterpiece.”
I excused myself and made haste to my computer to record this fine example of how a roger exhibits near-scottian aggressiveness.**
** no, nothing wrong with asking me to explain that reflection. Thats why god invented comment threads.

*** yeah, kind of a long way for a laughtette

To make you feel old:


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Monday?!! An actual, non-sponsored by Hallmark/the car dealers of America/Friends-of-three-day-weekends holiday?!

Well, there was a time when the days without a new Wakefield Doctrine post were the noteworthy exceptions. The most remarkable thing about this blog, (and the Wakefield Doctrine itself), has been its ‘low overhead’. It, (both this blog and that Doctrine), has never ‘been a chore’, or, for that matter, work. Better to say, the energy (benefit/enjoyment/pleasure) we derive has, consistently been more than we’ve had to expend. Even a semi-spontaneous post like today’s.

Lets finish up where it all began.

One October morning in 1984. (Or, perhaps a September afternoon in 1983. Definitely not a May morning, like this one, but possibly during the early afternoon of a day that did not include: excessive cold, snow, rain, or months with more than seven letters and a ‘Y’.)

One day, I drove to Pawtucket, Rhode Island to visit my friend, Scott. He worked in a small music store located next to a large music store. (Before the rise of Chain-Everything stores, the large store was Ray Mullins Music. For reasons lost to the passage of time, we called the smaller music store next to it, Tony American’s. Pretty certain that wasn’t its real name. But, if you’re a regular visitor to these pages, that comes as no surprise).

In any event. Scott worked as salesman and repair guy. The building, an extension to an Art Deco office block, (you know, lots of plate glass, brass handles on the doors which were mostly glass; there was even a transom window over the entrance.) The interior was a single open space. On the left, instruments on display, to the right, a glass counter running from the front window, and taking a 90 degree left, along the back wall. The repair department was the counter along the back wall.

The morning, (or early afternoon), I walked in, the store was empty except for Scott and one customer. They were standing at the counter, ‘in the repair department’. The customer had arrived only a minute before, as I heard him say, “Hey man, this thing my uncle gave me don’t work no more.” With that he placed an electronic component on the counter in front of Scott.

Catching Scott’s eye, I nodded and held back, pretending to look at guitars. Now that I think of it, here, forty or so years later, this was an uncharacteristic choice, i.e. to not get involved in their conversation. From where I stood, I had a view of both men and the counter top. Being as small, (and empty), as the store was, I had no trouble hearing the conversation that followed.

“He gave it to me for my birthday. I used it fine for a while. Now, it don’t work.” The customer repeated, somewhat redundantly.

From my vantage point, I could see the electronic component was what some called a, ‘dubbing deck’. Basically a cassette tape recorder with two recording heads. A person could put a pre-recorded cassette in one side, a blank cassette in the other side and copy the contents of the first to the second. The device had volume and tone controls for each of the two recording heads. There was a single Master Volume control, (a wheel-type dial, set nearly flush with the surface), in the middle.

Scott looked at the dubbing deck. Reaching under the counter, he brought out a roll of black electrical tape and tore off a two inch piece. Making certain the Master Volume control wheel was up as high as it would go, he put the tape over it. All without saying a word.

“Here you go, good as new.” Scott pushed the component back across the counter. In answer to an unasked question, Scott plugged the recorder in an outlet, the customer put a cassette in both sides and, after testing all functions, grinned broadly and, with a “Thanks, man!” left the store.

My world changed.

And, (how odd this may sound), my life changed.

I was not directly aware of it, (the nature of the change), just that something happened that was significant.

As best as I can express it today, thirty-six (or maybe thirty-seven) years later, my reality now included the ‘fact’ that we all live in a reality that is to a small, but very real degree, personal.

(While it took another twenty years before the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers coalesced into what gave rise to this blog, that day, in a store that is no longer in existence, I was given a gift of perspective. Scott’s solution to the customer’s problem was incontrovertible evidence that his personal reality was different from my own. That his solution to the problem reflected a world, a reality, quite distinct from the one that I inhabited.)








Often the choice of music to accompany any given post is a matter of feel more than (any) historical significance or congruity. This is an example. From 1968. Still in high school, two years before encountering the progenitors


Monday Morning Musings* -the Wakefield Doctrine- (*…because nothing says, ‘Here, read this. I wrote it years ago’, like alliteration**)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Lets do a reprint post. This one is from May of 2013

(Here is where I usually Tom Sawyer myself into writing an actual, not a reprint (at least to the extent that we all agree that everything, after puberty/adolescence (puberty/adolescence motto: You remember how, when you were four or five years old, you were sure that you were meant to be: an astronaut, a ballerina, a cowboy, a doctor, a mother, the President, …an astronaut? You will have all of what you need for an insane few teenage years to achieve that. Try to keep it in mind.)

So, I see the post below and I smile. I think to myself, I think, ‘Man! Did you really write these every day of the week?’ Of course, the answer is: ‘Yes, yes, he did.’ I will avoid the temptation of getting all Master Po on this thing and leave it to you to remember the inference and/or look it up. In any event, this is good excerise  (lol…. I misspelled exercise…. the spellcheck insisted on ‘Excretes’.  I laughed. The universe can be a funny thing.)

It’s good to see that the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine have remained as they were since we started writing this blog. A couple of developments, refinements, if you will, have enhanced the usefulness of our little personality theory. The Everything Rule. This Rule reminds us that, as far as the Doctrine is concerned, there is nothing that is exclusive to one of the three worldviews. There is no ‘thats something only a scott would do’ or ‘working at the profession is exclusively for rogers‘. This (Everything Rule) is not to imply that there are no distinctions among the three personality types of the Wakefield Doctrine. What it does do is remind us that we all live in what amounts to a personal reality. A common world. A personal reality. So, of course a clark can be a cop and a scott might be an accountant or a roger a defense attorney. Where the Everything Rule is most helpful is to require us to consider how these professions (or likes/dislikes, avocations/ hobbies, whatever) manifest in the world of the person we are considering.

Enough of the Everything Rule. Lets read the reprint

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)



Reluctant decision, after forced-into-decision, followed by lesser-of-two-evils decisions and there you are, stuck in your seat in class with nothing more on your desktop than a folder (one of those drugstore binders with the little square windows built into the covers (that rectangular window is created with a clear material that you know must be the ‘plasticene’ that the Beatles sang about) and inside the square window are the words: ‘the Wakefield Doctrine (an alternate perspective on personality and personality types)’ and when you open the cover (an improbable pale blue-greenish color) you see one page with the words.  ‘The purpose of this paper….’   (you know, the weird thing is not that you have not completed the assignment that you know you are capable of completing, no the weird thing is that you are feeling self-conscious…in advance of the words, “Mr Clark…. your Report, please’)

(ahem,,,,)  the purpose of this Post is…

In the week coming, we will:

  1. return to the Comment/Question posed by Amy (Adorable Chaos) that asked what our personality theory had to offer her (…being beset on all sides by a scott and/or a scott with a little faux pack of rogers),
  2. describe our first Thursday Wakefield Doctrine AP Study Hour (and announce the time of this week’s Hour)
  3. talk about the Wakefield Doctrine book
  4. write 2 participatory Posts: one tomorrow on Tuesday ( Twisted Mix-tape Tuesday hosted by Jen and Kristi ) and FTSF ( the tilt ‘n whirl of blog hops presented by our Four Sistas:  Janine and Kate and Stephanie and Dawn )
  5. and finish this Post… which while it may not seem important, I have come to believe, courtesy of DownSpring Cyndi, that there are ‘Read-blogs-days’ of the week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday),  so I damn well better find a way to provide you, my Monday Readers, with a little more in content than a catchy Title and a numbered bullet list.

The Wakefield Doctrine says this: we all experience the world in what you might call a personal reality (we call it a ‘worldview’). Now this idea of a personal reality is nothing radical, no ability to fly… no invisibility (well, except for clarks) and no unicorns ( have you read the description of the worldview of scotts?! unicorns? nooo sorry, all chased off or eaten).
Personal reality is simply meant to designate character of the world as we experience it, the ‘inside view’, if you will. We are all born with the potential to experience three distinctly characteristic realities: the world of the Outsider (clarks), the reality of the Predator (scotts) and the life of the Herd Member (rogers). At an early age, we ‘pick’ one of these three and grow and mature, responding and reacting and developing traits, strategies and behaviors appropriate to the worldview we inhabit. clarks are very creative because they see everything from a distance, not conditioned or indoctrinated into ‘the right way’, scotts are confident to a fault, simply because in order to survive as a predator time spent in introspection is time spent being eaten by a larger scott …and rogers, they make such ‘good’ managers because they know that everyone and everything will be so much better once they understand ‘the Proper Way’.

So, for the Wakefield Doctrine, personality types are not habitual ways of responding to situations in life, personality types are reflections of the world as the person experiences it.

The big thing for those looking to use the Wakefield Doctrine as a way of understanding the behavior of the people in their lives is that, while we all inhabit one of the three worldviews described here, we never lose the capacity to see the world ‘as do the other two types’ do. In other words, I am a clark, but somewhere within is everything I would need to live successfully in the worldview of a scott….or a roger.  Herein lies the key to the Wakefield Doctrine being a tool for self-improving yourself.
Quick example: DownSpring Cyndi. A clark. We all know that you can spot a clark at family reunions ’cause they are the ones behind the camera. Show me people at a get together where some one whips out a camera and I will show you the clark…they are ones that volunteer to take the photos. In any event, clarks hate to have their pictures taken (and they are not wild about being tape recorded).  Cyndi has started to do a series of video Posts. They aren’t just good. They are amazing. I say this because as you watch them, you are not seeing a clark ‘toughing it out’ enduring the fear and revulsion of being on ‘film’. You are seeing a clark using a portion of (her) scottian aspect. (scotts, as we all know, loves the spotlight, they are natural performers.) Cyndi has managed to access that aspect of herself (remember, we always retain the abilities to experience the world as do ‘the other two’). How cool is that?  Example: Video Post

Enough. It’s Monday and the alphabet, like a fuse has ticked itself down to clark…. time to “hit that streets a- runnin’ “



** nah, just wanted to use the word ‘alliteration


now for some music to ease into the week ahead (nothing like so seamless, 70s horns and vocals


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Hey! Here’s a not-as-common-as-it-once-was situation. I have Episode Fifteen ready. I’m just starting to write. Una and Phyllis have not yet begun their own Saturday routines.

Lets get all Jack Bauer on this post.*

1) thanks, of course to Kristi for doing all the actual, hard-work involved in maintaining this here bloghop here

2) technology ’cause were it not, (for the level of casual, everyday technology), I totally would not have been able to post this week’s train-wreck of a TToT post

3) Una

4) Phyllis (to the right, out of frame, in the above photo)

5) the Hobbomock Chronicles (in general) and, here on a Saturday(?!) is Episode Fifteen (in particular)

6) working in a business that has been deemed ‘essential’ by the two states that make up my market area.

7) Hypot-grat**  March in April (see photo below)

8) ** per the Book of Secret Rules, aka the Secret Book of Rules: “…a valid gratitude citation, i.e. a person, place or thing that you totally could live without, except it has happened, so it behooves one to accept it as gracefully as possible…” (see: Mimi, and the hostinae for the true spirit of proper relating to the hypo-gratistic events and people that we, all of us, are heir to by virtue of being alive.)


10) Secret Rule 1.3 […from what is, imo, a feature of the bloghop that Lizzi created, that is of singular utility and value, the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)… this pretty much puts the dial that draws deliberate and perfect curved lines on your Etch-a-Sketch, causes mumbles to sound like John Luc Picard or Brenda Vaccaro, and accounts for that person who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and insists on regarding you as you’ve always hoped someone would and...and they’re still there, the next day.  You know, that kind of Book]



*perhaps not literally… just the idea of a ‘realtime’ TToT


Lets go  with multiple videae

Naturally, the song that comes to mind, when Spring is mentioned, (provided it’s Spring on Klendathu) is Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. I picked this particular video because they have subtitles and you really get to watch the members of the orchestra. It puts a certain amount of drama and suspense into the performance… (“Boy, clark, did you see that viola player arguing with his team mate as the conductor walked in?” …. “Boy, that oboe player seems a bit on edge… reminds me of an old Robert Klein joke.”) Story has it, there were riots at the premiere. It’s good to know our grand, great-grand parents weren’t all that different in the totally understandable human trait of reacting to the fear of the strange with anger and violence.

And, then, there’s:  (Hey! Serious question here. I really love the music, melody that doesn’t sit still for a second, the arrangement (old fashioned but technically superb) and the vocal harmonies. But, then there are the lyrics. Not to get all serious and, surely not forgetting when this song was written, but what about the toxic sexism? Such a thorny question, bath water…baby.  bath water…baby. Kinda can’t hear the words without getting a little cringy. Anyway, seeing how this post is threatening to be published before 10 am on a Saturday, I thought I’d solicit for your opinions.)


Of course the following requires no introduction*

* for Readers of the Wakefield Doctrine or anyone more than ⇑ this old

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