Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…in which the tale of a discovery is recounted and the lessons re-cast.” | the Wakefield Doctrine Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…in which the tale of a discovery is recounted and the lessons re-cast.” | the Wakefield Doctrine

Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…in which the tale of a discovery is recounted and the lessons re-cast.”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

The story of the Discovery of Referential Authority.

I wrote the post below as part of a phase we were going through, i.e. application of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine to situations encountered in the ‘real’ world. It was truly a remarkable time, here at the Doctrine, during the first three or four (or five) years. Everything was new, and the world around me was filled with blank canvae and nude models, all urging me to take note of how the Wakefield Doctrine has an attachment to everything.

But, before I wax too philosophical, here is the abashed edition* of that post:

(May 3rd 2012)

In our First Post, “Won’t you have a seat, Mr Andrews will see you in a moment“, we examined the strategies available to a person seeking a position in what is often referred to as ‘the corporate world’.  In that first Post, we focused on the ‘pre-Interview’ phase of the employment process. With today’s Post we will stay with this convention, as it seems that, if the first episode is any indication, most Readers find the Applicant’s efforts to deal with the appointment process entertaining and instructive.

Small Business Environment:

….a small restaurant, in a coastal town which is also home to the State University. With only 10 tables and an open kitchen layout, the Owner, (who is also the cook), is able to greet and interact with all the patrons. It’s quite evident he enjoys what he does, is reasonably skilled and, as a result, the business is successful. The increase in business has been rapid and the Owner is finding that the part-time help from family and relatives is insufficient, and so, the ‘Help Wanted: Waitress’ ad in the local newspaper.

…The Interviewee:

The wife of a faculty member at the University, following a Sabbatical from Field Work, you have been unable to find employment in your area of expertise, Paleo-sociology (and) Urdic Languages. Rather than spend another summer in the overly-large home that you share with a husband and two cats, decide that being a Waitress wouldn’t be the worst thing to do, at least until the market for Sociologists (fluent in Farsi) improves. So you call the number in the newspaper and get an appointment to meet the Owner. Wearing your best Interview suit (a subdued brown pinstripe) and carrying your trusted iPad, you set off to the restaurant, confident that you will be able to recall your undergraduate days of work-study working in the school cafeteria.
(…. oh!  do we need to mention that you are so a roger?)

…(Second Interaction)

…you have been sitting at the table 15 minutes (30 minutes later than the scheduled interview). The ‘breakfast rush’ has finally quieted down and the woman at the cash register brings you coffee, asks (again!) if you would like something to eat and tells you that the Owner will be over in a minute.

Do you:

  • ask the woman questions about the restaurant, how long has it been in business, what background the Owner has in the restaurant business
  • Look annoyed and ask her if it is always this busy
  • smile, hand her the Application for Employment that you have completed (and somehow stapled your curriculum vita to the slightly grease-spotted form) and say, “Thank you so much! I am sure that I will enjoy working here!”
The Question: if you are a roger, which of the above is likely to be your initial reaction and which, (of the three actions above), should be your reaction, in order to increase your chances of being successful in this Interview?
Well that should be enough to get us started! As with the first Interview, consider not only which of the three personality types the people in our scenario are, but tell us why you think they are (clarks or scotts or rogers )… and while it is helpful to know the correct way to get this particular type of job, add what you can about what the Wakefield Doctrine gives our Interviewee, in terms of tools or aids that will allow her to get whatever the hell it is that she wants…. (yes, Molly and Claire  that is a totally leading question!)

So what makes this little story so landmarkistic?

As soon as it was published, every roger within reading distance was all kinds of upset and outraged. (Yeah, like that’s a surpising response…lol) But they were!)

So, naturally, I thought, ‘Hey ho! Whats the problem? She’s just trying to be helpful to another human being.” Then, enjoying the benefits of this here Doctrine here, I said (out loud) “Hey! Why so upset?” And, after much discussion, it turned out that the job applicant was taking liberties with the social order (of the restaurant) and that the only way she should have done anything was after receiving permission from whoever was in charge.

I thought to myself…”Holy smoke! I have discovered an artifact in the predominant worldview of the Herd Member that is not visible, even when employing the list of characteristics contained in the Doctrine.  …. wait a minute, I remember the story…. bathrobes… no, bath tubs…. streaking (streaking?!?!) Greece…. Eureka!!***

* an early example of a rogerian expression. An associate at my office was a movie buff and was holding forth about an upcoming release of a complete set of Star Wars movies on DVD, it was to be complete and unexpurgated , except he was a roger. He said, “I already have my pre-order in, in a couple of weeks, I’ll the complete, unabashed edition of George Lucas’ masterpiece.”
I excused myself and made haste to my computer to record this fine example of how a roger exhibits near-scottian aggressiveness.**
** no, nothing wrong with asking me to explain that reflection. Thats why god invented comment threads.

*** yeah, kind of a long way for a laughtette

To make you feel old:


clarkscottroger About clarkscottroger
Well, what exactly do you want to know? Whether I am a clark or a scott or roger? If you have to ask, then you need to keep reading the Posts for two reasons: a)to get a clear enough understanding to be able to make the determination of which type I am and 2) to realize that by definition I am all three.* *which is true for you as well, all three...but mostly one


  1. phyllis0711 says:

    My favorite Rogerian expression remains “self-absorbent”
    It is important to know one’s place, but every once in awhile the hidden nature of the universe becomes apparent – “…the least will come first.”

  2. Unabashed indeed. It abashes me to say that while i want to ask all the questions, i have learned enough tact and how to apply it to not do so.

    • clarkscottroger clarkscottroger says:

      It (for us at the Doctrine) is all about having one more perspective on the world and the people who make it up. Its been said in previous posts, the Doctrine is not an answer, it is a new set of questions and insights. The goal is simply to better appreciate how we relate ourselves to the world around us.*

      *and I always qualify that statement with a reminder that I did not say, ‘how we relate to the world around us’ I said ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’.

      With very little provocation, I can go at length on how, if we see the world (and especially, the people who make it up) through the lens/perspective made available by the Doctrine, we learn more about ourselves than we do the other person.
      ya know?