relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 31 relationships | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 31

Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So you got these three personality types, clarks(Outsiders), scotts(Predators) and rogers(Herd Members). And, because everyone else around this blog seems to be having fun, you’re willing to give this ‘Doctrine thing’ the benefit of the doubt.

What next?

This is a legitimate question. In fact, for the other two-thirds* of the Reader population, it, (this question), indicates a sincere desire to explore the use of our personality theory in the ‘real’ world.

Get out there and watch the interactions between your fellow planet-mates. We trust you’ve been doing your reading of posts, both current and archival, but just in case you’ve been falling behind, or simply giving this blog one more try**, lets go with a quick refresher.

The Wakefield Doctrine holds that there are three personality types, clarks, scotts and rogers. These three ‘types’ are markers for the character and nature of the relationship one maintains with the world around them. We all are born with the potential of each, but develop in the world of one and only one. Good news, (and sorry, rogers), since we never lose the potential of ‘the other two’, we can experience these other realities at various times and in a variety of circumstances, mostly under duress.

So how does that help you use the Wakefield Doctrine today as you make your way through classes at school, sitting in a doctor’s office, waiting for Godot or trying to buy the week’s groceries?

Pay attention to any and all interactions between people. And it will, without exception, be ‘between people, not among people’. One person and another. Now, you’re saying to yourself, you’re saying, “So, everything is a duet?” To this I say, “Take a penny, please! That is a most insightful way to express the observable ….err… expression of the Wakefield Doctrine!”

It’s always a duet. Even when there are five people.

Back in the day I might have gone on, at length, providing multiple examples of how interactions are, at their heart, always ‘a duet’. But not this morning. This morning, we will say, go out and watch the interactions, see for yourself. If you’re not directly involved, stand two-people away and watch. You will see, in order of visibility:

  • a scott enjoying themselves, seemingly sharing their insight and/or take on whatever the situation is, they will do so loudly enough that even you people two or three people away will feel all theatre-in-the-round, (Doctrine Tip: don’t leave before they are done, you risk becoming their next act);
  • a roger reminding everyone around them (and they will wait, they’re in no real hurry, if they are talking to one person they plan on it being passed along), they sound welcoming, inclusive and disarmingly friendly, don’t you wish you were that confident in public, (Doctrine Insight: with rogers, the person in ‘personable’ is always me;
  • a clark… keep your eyes (and ears) on the other person, the one who doesn’t fade in and out like an AM radio on a supersonic plane. they, the clark will be mumbling and slouching, but not running away. Watch for them to try to bring others into the situation, however, don’t let them see you looking, (not eye contact, no one but another clark is ephemeral enough to maintain eye contact with a clark) but if they spot you, you might find yourself playing the understudy,

Keep in mind, as you observe the world that we, all of us, relate ourselves to the world as Outsiders(clarks), Predators(scotts) or Herd Members(rogers).

…you’ll know each when you see/hear them.***



* without being obsessively. rogerian about the math, the accepted distribution of the three worldviews in the general population is: rogers: 66 (74, if someone attractive is asking) percent, scotts: 11 percent and clarks: 23 percent, or so

** interesting insight to the readership hereabouts, anyone returning a second time and reading to the end (yes, footnotes count) of a post is either a clark or a scott or a roger with a significant secondary clarklike aspect.

*** Doctrine Warning! Stay around reading long enough and you will see them, the clarks, scotts and rogers in your world. The thing is, you might not be able to not see them after this.



Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Was engaged in a conversation with Phyllis this morning that inevitably came round to the Doctrine, I believe the touch-point was personal reality and it made me think of the early days of this blog.

Back then, the pace was…different, faster, in the way of running across a field of rain-soaked snow, you know, keep the speed as high as possible because the ten-year-old inside knew that it was possible, if you did it right, to lift your foot even as you stepped forward. At a running pace, you’d try to not put your full weight on the lead foot, and basically, hop over it.

The better to not get your shoes soaked in the grey-snow pools lurking between the tufts of grass that offered a dry passage.

….where was I?

oh, yeah , the early years and the kinds of things we’d write to get attention

clarks think, scotts act and rogers feel  (err not exactly fire-in-a-crowded-theatre level on the provocative meter)

I got one!   clarks are crazy, scotts are stupid and rogers are dumb  (distinctly remember when I came up with that one… interesting, the scotts laughed but the rogers (the Progenitor roger, no less) got really mad.)

ok, ok, one more then a music vid and its off to work

‘Everyone lives in a perfect world

(I stand by this statement, but will provide a hint as to why its so terribly true: a) we all live in a reality that is to a small, but meaningful degree, personal and 2) the world we encounter is a reflection of us (including parts and aspects we may not be aware of).



Monday Musings -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Plenty of topics from the weekend to discuss. Everything from: Best Practices to determine a person’s predominant worldview (aka personality type), the role of secondary and tertiary aspects, to the question of seemingly multiple types. These are gratefully drawn from comments and observations from Pat and Mimi  in comments and, in our Saturday Night Call-in, Denise and Cynthia.

Before we get started, lets crank up the wayback* and see what we might have already written on these (and other) topics.

So, I’m here at the keyboard, feeling good about remembering my recent resolution to write more Doctrine posts, and the thought arrives, all paper-lunch-bag-frantic-bell-tolling as the yellow school bus, still half a suburban block in the distance, swallows it’s last passenger, and I think to myself, I think, ‘Hey, lets jump-start the post with a reprint, that always works‘.

In this weekend’s TToT, I thought to clever-up and devise a method to produce truly representative Grat Items** so I went and found a random time generator (‘Yeah, I wish***’). That experiment did not work, but the idea came to me this morning, ‘How about trying it with dates?” (Full Disclosure: up until now, when we’re in the mood for a reprint, our first strategy is to go back and find the same date, different year. Surprisingly (lol, ok, stop laughing, clarks) it doesn’t always work, all that well.)

In any event, I got me a random date generator and it produced three dates between January 2009 and October Now, 2020. The first two (12/22/2011 and 09/13/2019) did not yield a post, nothing written on that date. The third time was the charm.

So, from the Wakefield Doctrine on 10/03/2012 we present:

Wednesday Morning: (“…when I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide”) the Wakefield Doctrine 3 ways of relating to the world

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( a personality theory that gives life to the adage, ‘first walk a mile in their moccasins’ )

Me?  …” oh, not half-bad”… “well, you know, a little of this and a little of that”…”six of one, a half dozen of the other”… “fair-to-middlin”

Wednesday: the end of the first half, the beginning of the second half of the week, and therein lies our perspective for Today’s Post!
As we all know, the Wakefield Doctrine is all about inferring the ‘nature’ of the personal reality (worldview) of a person. We see a girl walking down a city street at lunch hour and (from a distance) we see: a tailored business suit, fashionably understated eyeglasses, LV handbag… but! when the distance between you decreases and she passes you by,  you notice a streak of purple in her hair, a silver and black bracelet with spikes and the unmistakable sound of Michael Schenker’s guitar leaking from her ear buds. …yes, she a most likely a clark! and her life is an open book. That’s why the Wakefield Doctrine is as useful as it is!

Wednesday? No, we have not forgotten about ‘whose day is Wednesday?’ it is important to remember that there are new people reading this blog every day and seeing how they come to these Posts first, it is incumbent upon us to try to help them get up to speed on this thing of ours… speaking of which… a lot of Readers are coming to us from ‘the Facebook’ these days so we need you to go there and ‘LIKE’ the Wakefield Doctrine page that we have there. So click on the following link:  ‘God yes! I truly ‘LIKE’ the Wakefield Doctrine and I might even someday work up the guts to write a Comment…just not today!’

(What do you mean almost out of time?!? 300 words already?!? damn!  no, totally critical to the narrative arc of this here story here… yeah, the video had better be great… ok to the point)

Screw this,  hey!  You people (not counting most of the DownSprings like DS#1 and Ms AKH and Molly ) have had a free ride for long enough… lets see you give something back for a change! You read these Posts and you listen to the videos and you scratch your heads while trying to figure out the reason for some of the photos… well here’s the thing. You need to offer your opinion of who’s ‘Day’ is Wednesday. (?…alright,  for the benefit of S. who is almost ready to write a Comment, a little help with deciding how to Vote)

Wednesday is for clark:

  • a day to hope that something un-expected, (but good!) will happen to make up for the first half
  • the end of the first part of the week, and therefore a success
  • a very good day as the memory of the last weekend has faded enough for the expectations of the coming weekend to start to show
Wednesday is for a scott:
  • another day
  • if there have been no Warrants served by now, chances are there won’t be
  • those frickin rogerian bosses are getting distracted and off the constant harping about doing better work
Wednesday is for a roger:
  • another day to work and to learn and excel against the backdrop of those losers
  • a new opportunity to show the Professor, the Supervisor, the Owner how much better you can do the job (than those others)
  • a day to hope for a Quiz, ask for a Date, make fun of a geek or keep a secret from the spouse…what a Day of Promise!
Thats all ya get!  So Write a Comment and vote for which of the 3 personality types gets the most out of Wednesday!

So, as we can see, the Everything Rule was anticipated back then, in the early days of the Doctrine.

Refresher: ‘the Everything Rule’ states: “Everyone does everything, at one time or another.”

In a nutshell: all three worldviews are of common, there is nothing in the way of a job, hobby, occupation, avocation, predilection, inspiration, vocation or perversion that is the exclusive domain of one of the three to the exclusion of the other two. The key to illustration this principle is to ask, ‘How does the very scott-friendly occupation of cop manifest in the world of the clark and the roger‘, or ‘Those rogers are natural machine-operators, everyone knows the best accountants are rogers, but!! what does a clarklike accountant look like or, god-forbid, a scottian CPA (“You want a Profit Loss Statement?!!? I got yer Profit Loss Statement… right here!)



* ‘Wayback Machine, from the cartoon ‘Mr. Peabody and Sherman’

** ‘Grat Items’ a term for the components of the list of things for which I am thankful for the TToT post (created by Friend of The Doctrine, Lizzi)

*** lol don’t get scared, New clarklike Readers, at our hearing your thoughts, this is, after all, the Wakefield Doctrine


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of renewal and resuscitation’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

That, when I begin to type my standard intro-line (‘Welcome to…’) the WP autocorrects no matter what letters I use shouldn’t bother me; that, sometimes, I let it, should.

We could consider the role of ‘energy’ in the quality of our daily lives, and by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’ and by ‘consider’, I mostly mean, ‘the Reader reads’ and by ‘the Reader’, well, that where things get interesting.

After all, one of the beauty parts (as Lou Collins would’ve said) of this world of blogs and blogging is that we have all the benefits of companionship and friends and such that is available in the ‘real’ world, without the responsibility and emotional upkeep that the mundane requires of it’s participants.

‘Communication is the problem to the answer’ suggestive? Sure. A description of the goal of the Wakefield Doctrine? Kinda*

At the heart of the Wakefield Doctrine is the simple (but very difficult to acquire) power of perspective.

ok. enough of the ‘hey!! write one of those ‘oh-my-god-I-can’t-believe-you-made-that-connection’ posts that were the style here, back in the heyday** of the Wakefield Doctrine.

(This post is the result of a October 4th Resolution*** to write more, with the goal being of a certain clarklike characteristic to expend effort in a cart-horse manner. lol)

The Wakefield Doctrine is a perspective on life, the world and the people who make it up. Grounded in the notion that all of us are born to experience the world in one of three characteristic manners, as the Outsider(clarks), the Predator(scotts) or the Herd Member(rogers), this personality theory offers an opportunity to see the world as the other person is experiencing it. The key premise to this, ‘personality theory’, is that reality is, to small but perceivable degree, personal. What makes one’s reality personal is the character of the relationship between the individual and the surrounding world.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that the most useful, (and, fun), way to characterize the relationship is, as mentioned: Outsider, Predator and Herd Member.

For reasons not yet understood, we all settle into one of the three realities, (predominant worldviews), at a very early age. Although we never lose the capacity to experience the world as do ‘the other two’ we proceed to grow, age, mature and otherwise develop our style of interacting with the world in response to the character of our world. One might say, I have the perfect personality type, given the nature of the world I had to contend with as a child:

  • clarks growing up in a reality in which they are Outsiders, learn to avoid the spotlight, while at the same time, searching for the missing piece, the one bit of information they apparently lack, something that clearly, most everyone around them were taught, given how comfortable they all seem with each other… they all belong. Outsiders do not.
  • scotts live in the world of the Predator where life is threat and reward, pleasure and discomfit, win and lose, a simple life which does not provide a whole lotta time to reflect on the meaning of things that do not appear to be chasing you or are not running away,. Predators live for the day, not so much philosophy as strategy.
  • rogers are a part of a complete and wholly quantifiable world, growing up, the Herd Member does not spend time hiding from others or chasing others, rather they spend their time learning the ways of those closest, this learning is not a discovery of something new as it is practice of something, (a Way of Life) that is tried and true.

Thats all we have time for today. However, the effort has, for me, already been rewarded. (Besides the tuneage)

Hey! Tell your friends you’ve come across a really fun personality theroy.


* but not really

** thanks to our friends at etymonline for:

heyday (n.)
also hey-day, late 16c. as an exclamation, an alteration of heyda (1520s), an exclamation of 
playfulness, cheerfulness, or surprise, something like Modern English hurrah; apparently it is an extended form of the Middle English interjection hey or hei. Compare Dutch heidaar, Germann heida, Danish heida. Modern sense of “stage of greatest vigor” first recorded 1751 (perhaps from a notion that the word was high-day), and it altered the spelling.

*** yeah, I agree, doesn’t quite have the gravitas of ‘New Year’s Resolution’ but then, as the old trope would hold, ‘Its New Years Day somewhere, or, at least, sometime’

the above tune started us off on this post, the following is soundtrackistic for the post that picks up where the strikethrough ends


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A black and white picture. One sees a chalice while another, the profiles of two people facing each other. An example of an ambiguous bi-stable image, aka (the) ‘Rubin Vase’, created by Edgar Rubin in 1915. For us here at the Doctrine, it serves as a reminder, perspective is everything.


This is the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Kristi hosts (with the help of Pat and LisaDyanne and, of course Mimi) this long-running bloghop. The theme is gratitude and the approach is simple. Write/share/and-otherwise-list the people, places and things in your reality that have inspired/incited/or-nudged you into feeling grateful.

Pretty simple, isn’t it?

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) work It gives me something to do during the day that gets me out of the house, ’cause Una has her own schedule during weekdays, which involves a concentration (as we might have said in college) in napping.

4) Six Sentence Story each week a bunch of writers write a story-ette employing a prompt word. It is very good exercise, (in crafting the wordage) and fun to read.

5) Serials. the Case of the Missing Fig Leaf and the Whitechapel Interlude. Each week, one (of these two serial stories) has a chapter added by way of a new Six Sentence Story.

6) Replaced old(er) car with new(er) version, there is something to be said for continuity*

7) No longer summer (Una and Phyllis don’t mind. Phyllis is in charge of moving new firewood onto rack and backyard stack, via yellow wagon to Una’s left)

8) THIS SPACE AVAILABLE. for anyone out there in the Reader-zone thinking, ‘Hey, I could write one of those posts. Heck, if this Doctrine post is the bar, well, I’ll have a double!’  Come on down. But if you’re wanting to check the water temp first, send us a single Grat Item and we’ll plug it in right here. Give you a look-see and all.

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3 because without process how could anything begin and without an ending, how would we know? (Book of Secret Rules (Secret Book of Rules) Prologue to Chapter II ‘so what’s the deal with this Rule 1.3?’ et al ibid.


* Continuity is, as we all know, Habit’s younger brother, who, unlike his older brother appreciates the value of hard-work. To this older brother, (and his friends Novelty & Hormones), constant amazement, Continuity applies himself to his studies and, as a result, prepares for the future in a way that does not involve the wholesale destruction of irreplaceable braincells or a GPA that is kept afloat, like a seat cushion in the North Atlantic, SAT and Miller Analogy test scores solidly in the 99th percentile.






