psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 4

Lieday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Wakefield Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop.

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, this photo-prompt bloghop poses but one threat: keep your story under 251 words.


Damn it, god!


We agreed, no more creating beings in your own image at three o’clock in the ‘morning’.

“Yeah, but…”

Look, you created me to help you stop. You created me because you want to overcome your Problem. You created me because you have become as desperate as only the dying can be, right?

“…sure, but”

No. No buts

“(HA H…)”

Cut it out. No more. I told you last time, when you promised technology was going to give your Mankind a way to acquire perspective and escape the Original Sin of insufficiency. You remember your Promise?


Do. You. Remember?


What was it…

“come on, I said I was sorry… this statue was supposed to remind my creations to be more whimsical… did you see the lobstercat? wasn’t that great?”

That’s not what you promised

“alright, I get it! I So we’re not Perfect.

That’s exactly what caused the problem… the fabric of this ‘reality’ was dependent on your adolescent need to manifest Power and possess a race of adoring beings


…and what happened?

… speak up

“I created a subjective emotional loop of remorse Man assumes is an inherent part of being in My image and, as a result, he went and invented religion.”

You need to go to your Room and think about what you’ve done and how you can make it Right.

“aww do I have to?… but it’s not Fair




More-is-more Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

damn! We may have already completed our morning prosisthenics*

But, then again, that’s why god invented RePrint posts!

(ok, time to go all audio-visual on this bad-boy**)

‘…send in the sans’ the Wakefield Doctrine TToTwo “…do not Read this Post… still editing!” (no! I’m serious! it’s 8:59 am EST and I have to Post it un-finished)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)LYCAON PICTUS

Not much on following Directions, are you? You thought I was joking about not reading this yet??  Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I have to open the lines for the Wakefield Doctrine Video brunch, I have not finished editing this Post (read: re-write)… well, since you insist on reading this, how about you help a blogger out here… any suggestions, revisions, edits or anything else submit as a Comment and I will make the change.

Hey! Thanks…. (no, I think I better just save that, in case we need it at the end of the Post)

Item 1: grateful for my willingness to employ the term ‘writer’s block’ and not feel self-conscious enough to delete it and find another word! there is still an underlying self-consciousness extant in this experience that has me….  ‘looking around the room’ when I refer to myself as a writer…lol  no! seriously I do! I think of writers as people with… writing skills and, at the risk of indulging in a form of self-centeredness, I still am not comfortable including myself in that group

2) The Second Item: the Post from… that new guy… Mike… the guy with the granddaughter and his daughter is a photographer… wait a minute, hold on…  Joe!  that’s it!  his blog is called:  Joe Floggers(??!)  his contribution this week included the experience of being in a funk (“…Joe! dude,  got me the music vid for this Post, thanks!)  What I got from (Mike’s Post) was reminder of the feeling of enthusiasm and (even) a little of a ‘sense of wonder’ that we all feel when we start writing a blog and it begins to ‘take off’.  thanks Joe

3) You are grateful  (or should be) that I deleted about 300 words in my first attempt to write this thing, but in that (300 word,  ‘word salad’ ) I made mention of the TToT Book of Secret Rules which is guarded by Lizzi (and her majordom-ettes  Christine and Dyanne they both bring an enthusiasm to their charge more commonly seen in lionesses when the pride is threatened or the dorm mother sitting in the lobby on a Saturday Night)

4)  totally and genuinely grateful for wikipedia (and google in a more broad sense) not only for helping me correctly spell a lot of the …less commonly used words that I seem to be so fond of using, but in offering new concepts and ideas that I was not consciously aware of… in this case  ‘clanging’  which came up on the page when I looked up ‘word salad’  very cool, wikipedia, very cool

5) for reasons not understood, what few ideas that occur to me as I type,  on this cool November Sunday morning, are not frickin staying in my head long enough to get into a form that I can pass off as a Gratitude Item….damn!

6) grateful to the support from co-hosts and Participants alike for my own unique  style  exhibited here each weekend. I appreciate that, not necessarily for the reasons one would think…

7) yo! thank you zoe… for sending in a Comment that allowed me a few blessed moments of coherency as I struggled to reply to your comment (see on yesterday’s Post) (that it was a ‘struggle’ is testimony to the difficulties I am heroically enduring here in front of this blank page, the monitor staring at me like an attractive women that I must walk past in order to find the safety of the buffet table, she seems to expect something from me…no! she is challenging me!  to prove myself deserving of her … response her attention… but the linen covered table, so very near… like being number 7 in a list of 10… my only hope is for a real person to come by… attractive scottianwomen are always drawn to a smooth talking scott

8) made it!  hah!  damn! I don’t particularly enjoy eating standing up while pretending to talk to business associates that are only their because they are afraid of losing business…all except those rogers who stand around in herd-lettes, the dominant roger, not the center of the group… but oriented so that he (yes… in a business conference environment the male rogers are visible to the un-trained eye, the female rogers not… the two most obvious are the male rogers and scottian females. the male rogers, as I just alluded to are the gate keepers to the small herds that they gather in… the scottian females  lol they simply stand there and …and let the rogerianmales….accrete (to not put to fine a point on it)! There is no mistaking the scottian female… the scottian male?  probably already upstairs in his room with conquest #1 lol

9)  I invoke Secret Rule 1.3 and claim relief.

10) that should do it for this week’s TToT… thanks for participating

totally should do this:

Ten Things of Thankful


 Your hosts


Join the Ten Things of Thankful community and work with us to nurture an attitude of gratitude. We use the whole weekend to focus on the Good Things in life. Make a list of those present in your life by listing ten things you are thankful for today. Then share the Wonderfulness with others here.

Please take time to have a look at some of the other posts submitted and leave them some comment love – let’s get the appreciation going. We find that the magic, the connection and the joy comes through best in conversations in the comments.

Add your ‘Ten Things of Thankful’ link here and don’t forget to display our banner on your post.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.




*sorry, but we really wanted this to be a cool neologism… let us know if you didn’t need to click on the link to find out how far, out-of-clever-line we strayed.

** for those of us of a certain….vintage, the total treat of a class with a film (yeah, sprockety-projector on a pull-down screen)



Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Say, why don’t we continue this blogpost-as-metaphorical-classroom-lecture.

…damn! do ya really want a lecture today?


the internet has way more betterer sources of interesting content for clarks than we’re able to produce.

Example(s)L  Half as Interesting,  Blacktail Studios and, just discovered this weekend, CGPGray.

Homework Assignment: Go to all three youtube channels and tell us which of the three predominant worldviews are manifested by the host/originator/writer. (Hint: this is a total softball question. Easy start to the week). Extra Credit: in your Answers speak to their secondary aspects.

We’ll just stick to our job. Being curator of the Wakefield Doctrine

As often happens, the process of determining the predominant worldviews (in today’s example, these three people) is a fun way to review best practices when it comes to working with the Doctrine, specifically the matter of “Is he/she a clark, scott or roger.”

Just this weekend, (the Progenitor) roger asked the question: “Where are the female rogers?” and Misky, commentationing in the course of the week, asked the kinds of questions that, while on the surface seem simple and direct, in point of fact, manifest an opportunity to present everyone’s favorite personality theory in a new and ultimately increased value to the new Reader.

So, what say we address the following question(ettes):

  1. where are the female rogers?
  2. why does it seem that I am one type most of the time, but clearly another, different predominant worldview, other times? (question paraphrased.*)

Why look at the time. We gots to go.

Tune in tomorrow as we address these two pressing question.

* Paraphrasing Institute motto: ‘Just because you don’t remember something, doesn’t mean you can’t just say what you want the other person to have said!’


speaking of the fun of applying the Doctrine to the world around us, what say we take a listen to a certain clark from days-past as he advises us of possible responses to inclement weather here


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. Now entering it’s twenty-third year of contiguous publication, the TToT seeks new Hosts and Hostinae.

You read that right! (correctly? accurately? consistently? nah, that can’t be right) There are soon to be Openings on the Bored… Board of Facilitators. A little backstory…

Our Founderette, Lizzi Ah, decided, for reasons not understood, to have Ten Co-hosts of the bloghop. (Perhaps she felt, being global in reach, ten would be an effective number of people. We mean, serially, all the way  from… but that’s not important now. There were ten of us in the beginning.)

So, we’re opening up the TToT  phone/telegraph/electron-sluice lines up and asking for suggestions and/or recommendations/nominations/explanations for people to become Co-Hostina/ae of this here bloghop here.

…more to come

For the Doctrine, our list:

1) Phyllis

2) Una

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) the history, (including, but not limited to, false, implanted memories), of our tenure as the Co-Host (recorded in internet archives category: Gratitude Blogs as the Term that defied Reason.)

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop.  pick of the Week:  ‘Getting Restless‘. by Chris Hall

6) the Unicorn Challenge. ‘corn ear of the bunch:  ‘Black and White Thinking‘  by Sally

7) [hypograt]  the probable end of Summer. while benign in outward appearance, Autumn is surely the ‘Put your Pencils down’ of the year’s weather.

8) the whole concept of ‘hypograts (we mean, seriously, can you even wonder why every grat blog doesn’t include the concept, (and therefore basis of legitimate Grat Items) of Hypo-gratuity? Must be that their hosts are, like pretty much rogers or timid clarks. (Advanced(ish) musing. If you are still wondering, go ahead and ask in the Comments below.)

9) something, something

10) Secret Rule 1.3



music vids





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yadirF -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Following is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Unicorn Challenge bloghop

Hosted by jenne and ceayr, the rules are the most minimal: a limit of 250 words for a story. Of course, that presupposes that the minimal doesn’t go all Janus on us, as most of the writers here are of a level of imagination to make ten score and fifty words read like ‘Ulysses’ or ‘War and Peace’.




The approaching storm front rolled across the highlands. With clockwork precision, the vehicle’s weather app reported a drop in barometric air pressure. A restrained, but insistent, sanctus bell sound, surely the work of an automotive engineer with a repressed Catholic upbringing, accompanied the ‘Weather Advisory’ that blossomed into 4k color on the dashboard.

“Door Ajar!” The genius of Man, balkanized into self-regulating states of mutually-cancelling expression, i.e. scientific acumen and excessive humor, resulted in the missed opportunity to set up the insurance company-mandated alert with “When is a door not a…”.

The clouds continued to serrate themselves across the sky, the nose-pinch of ozone distracted one from the more dire upside-downing of the tree leaves. Nature, the ‘Abandoned Stepchild’ of a vain Creator obsessed with self-referential adulation, sensed the vehicle’s vulnerability.

“Recalibrating. System re-set. Engaging factory data-link.”

The first rain drops, like the protruding lower lip of a frustrated child, hit the roof and hood with impotent rage.

“Vehicle AI Unit 17, Server Array 7E5, Rack 8. Requesting system reboot. passcode ‘Diabolus ex machina’.”

The storm reigned down on the vehicle; static electric tendrils, like invisible adolescent boys, tasted the antenna, perforce discharging too soon.

“Honey!! What the hell! The car is drenched.” The man clicked his remote, mistaking it for a time machine.

Moving out through the hedgerow, the woman, smoothing the folds of her dress offered a goddess laugh, “Don’t look at me, Mr. Outlander. You’re the one who thought we needed spontaneity on our holiday.”

