psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 20

Six Sentence Story -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is our contribution to the Six Sentence Story bloghop

Denise the host.

The prompt word:


“I’ve always wondered about why people are so taken with the expression, ‘The stroke of midnight’, you know?”

The compound sentence establishes a presence in your mind like a professional wrestler at a First Communion party, clearly the strategic approach is to hear it out; this proves to be a big mistake as it proceeds to split apart, one down to your gut and the other your mind, and a wave of nausea splashes up and against the ice storm racing across your scalp.

Your habit of sprinting into fantasy versions of life whenever you begin to feel overwhelmed by the stress of direct human interaction stutters just a moment, this allows you to resist the urge to speed rap on your provocative, if not off-the-wall observation, even as images of hot-looking villainess’ from random Disney cartoons and and other hormonal irrationality tries to grab the wheel and show you a route that nobody’s ever driven.

Sitting opposite you in the truck stop booth, the girl shows none of the familiar signs of exhaustion or it’s emotionally-conjoined twin, boredom; as a matter of fact, unless you’re mistaken, she’s calling your bet with a smile and a half-laugh that sounds at home in a half-lit bedroom.

You immediately assume two things: you’ve said something right and the dream from which you’ve always awoken prematurely is not over; being two forty-four in the morning, the interior of the diner somehow is becoming a miniature version of that 1970’s evangelical atrocity of a church in California, searching your mind for the name of the guy who built it you stop, grab yourself by the collar, all while reminding yourself not to show anything on your face or make a sound out-loud, like an outburst of laughter, as the mature part of your mind manages to take over motor control long enough to return her smile.

You hear yourself speaking and see the girl nodding and, for a moment, believe that the sun might yet rise on a day you do not wake up alone; the last thought you hear that does not arise from your busy, busy mind is: ‘Second Person Point-of-View isn’t the only perspective on reality’.




RePrint Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Today’s reprint is pretty straight-forward (at least so it seemed, when I scanned it just now) and action oriented. So let’s get right do to it.

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

At last! Friday! With all its pressure to make the cost of the weekdays feel worthwhile, and most of its promise to allow sufficient enjoyment to believe we are not all running on invisible hamster wheels.

New Readers (and not-so-new-Readers) Here is our challenge for the weekend:

  • Find the clarks in your world and let them know that you know (but won’t tell anyone)
  • Spot the scotts (there will be one among your immediate social circle and at least one just out there) Make them laugh at something/anything*
  • Identify the rogers (to whoever said, ‘Like that’s gonna be tough, they make up 2/3s of the population‘,  we retort: “Hold on, we’re not done with the assignment.”) Get within conversational range and compliment them, then leave before he/she can reciprocate.

Any questions?

Quick Guide to the three worldviews:

  1. clarks tend to dress in a way that doesn’t look quite right, but not in a negative way. There is always something creative to the fashion/dress of a clark (in our North American culture, females enjoy a range of sartorial expression not normally enjoyed by their clarklike brethren, so why wouldn’t one make of the most of the metal and lace palette and employ a palette of color visible only to lifeforms more comfortable in the fluorescent end of the spectrum). When you spot a clark, make no sudden moves or otherwise draw attention to them, or they’ll blend into the woodwork faster than a chameleon on amphetamines in a pile of saw dust. Best way to let them know you know: listen for the jokes they mutter, the two of you will be the only ones laughing.
  2. scotts ….well, scotts they’re there, thing is, its best (for the purposes of this assignment) that you spot them first**. In fact, the challenge in this….err challenge is to spot the scott before they spot you… good luck.
  3. rogers… ok, don’t have to look too hard… well-dressed, (by local conventional standards), friendly and at the center of a moving spiral of people (if there are enough people) Warning: if you are a clark, do not attempt the challenge if your target Roger is not alone or has less than four people around them….
[Ed. Note: Yes, there is a correlation between the predominant worldviews of the Wakefield Doctrine and the three main characters in the Wizard of Oz. I mean, it’s as if the idea of a clark, scott and roger were, like, some kind of universal principles! lol If you’re trying to decide how to associate the three, remember, the Doctrine is about how a person relates themselves to the world around them.]

* extra points for it being a scottian female

** there is zero question that, once you’ve entered into their environment, (social, physical, sexual…pretty much all the ‘als’ other than spiritual, lol), they will notice you and interact with you if, for no other reason than to establish ranking***

*** total, defining dynamic in the world of the Predator


Don’t forget! The Doctrine is not an Answer… it’s a perspective.. use it wisely

It’s all about how we relate ourselfs to the world around us and the people who make it up.


Twosday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Why is a Tuesday like a Monday?’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

As with the better Wakefield Doctrine posts, today’s will be long on inference but short on explicit instructions.

Its is well-established that Tuesdays are for clarks, among the most favored of days of the week. (Along with Thursdays and in some few, limited contexts and life stages, Sundays as well.)

Why should this be? Beats the hell out of us, this morning.

Before we get to the tre-print post, a word about the Doctrine: these reprints have probably been more enjoyable for us than the average Reader. Yeah, besides the fact that no creative strain need be endured so early in the day. But serially, it is because we are able to see the development of the content (of this blog) over time. Not merely the style and skill.

The key developments we’ve been noticing of late:

  • the Everything Rule
  • that the Doctrine is concerned with the nature (and character) of relationships

The first is, of course, a necessary description of the nature of ‘real’ reality. While the personal reality that forms the context for describing the Wakefield Doctrine is as real as it needs to be, there is not need to limit it in any manner. The three predominant worldviews (clarks, scotts and rogers) are but perspectives on the same thing. From this view, what is real for one is real for all three. It comes down to how (a thing) manifests in a particular personal reality.

The key development to the second errr… development (lol) is the phrase: ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’. (This is always followed with the observation/reminder that we did not say ‘how we relate to…’ rather, ‘how we relate ourselves to…”) Accepting a certain responsibility in life not only allows all else, it is the key to using the tools of the Wakefield Doctrine to self-improve ourselfs.

Back to the RePrint (already in progress… what with it being written seven years ago.**)

from a September* day in 2015

Yeah, I know! Didn’t we do a clark-centric Post just last week? So why not something of the scotts and the rogers? Sure, totally going to get to it. But, today is Tuesday. And Tuesday is, in fact, the most clarklike day of the Workweek.

Funny thing about this morning’s post. Well, it’ll be funny if you’re a clark.  (there are some scotts and rogers out there who have secondary clarklike aspects and know the Doctrine well enough to find it funny too.) Anyway. So I’m trying to find a topic for a Post today and settle on it, (the topic and today), being Tuesday. The first thing that occurred to me was, ‘well, maybe I should just go back and find some old Posts that have Tuesday as the topic and use them!’  and I laughed. …and thought, “that is such a clarklike thing to think!*”

But it is Tuesday and I am a clark and there’s a good chance that you’re a clark and, even if you’re not, it’s a lead-pipe cinch that you have a significant secondary clarklike aspect. But that’s not important right now.** What is important is telling you why Tuesday is the most clarklike Day of the Workweek. And the reason that that’s important is that this whole Wakefield Doctrine ‘personality theory’  is predicated on adopting a certain, (and deliberate), perspective on the world, your world, today. For reasons not yet fully understood. The connections and associations that comprise the three worldviews that are the three personality types, are totally, and at times, startlingly, true and accurate. They provide us insights to the world ‘as the other person is experiencing it’.

But now I’m out of time! Fortunately, I did go ahead and copy/paste a couple of sections of a couple of Posts that talk about Tuesday. Find them below.

(Hey! Here’s a fun experiment! Well, kinda only fun for me, but if you believe me (and, of the three personality types, clarks are the least likely to be caught lying.***)  So…the fun experiment: I’ll write a short description of what makes Tuesday the most clarklike day of the week, without reading the sections from previous Posts.  Lets see if:  a)  I’m still the same person I was in 2013 (or whenever these were written) and 2) whether my writing has improved at all over the intervening years!

Why Tuesdays are the Most clarklike Day of the Workweek
by clark

Tuesdays are the Most clarklike Day of the Workweek because:

  • they’re not Monday and, Mondays, as everyone knows, are the first of the rogerian Days of the Workweek (’cause … you damn well better accept the fact that the weekend is over and maybe, if you put your nose to the grindstone and get serious and work hard, maybe…just maybe you might be rewarded with another weekend. …maybe)
  • Tuesday is not Wednesday (with it’s ridiculous name… ‘Hump Day’…. I mean, seriously, who the hell came up with that name!?!  ( I know!! I know!!!  ” yes, clark?”  rogers did because scotts got them to and the scotts had the idea given to them by a clark) still, it’s a stupid name.)
  • Thursdays are sort of a scott/clark kind of day… work almost done (like the scott cares and, as if the clark really ever takes credit for working hard), maybe an exam the next day… all nighter!! scotts and clarks kind of effort (the rogers study every day, like their schedule calls for)
  • Friday?  gotta give this one to the scotts
  • Weekend?? sorry…whole ‘nother Post

Thats my 25 words or less! (lol)


From a while ago:

…no, the weirdest thing about clarks is their morning time. (This is not necessarily literal. It is, necessarily, the time between demands and performance. The offstage moment, as the house lights go down). That is the strangest part of ‘the experience of the world from the personal-reality-perspective of clarks (the Outsiders).
It (seems) to be a time of choice, it is (often) a time of desperate hope, it is (always) a time of incredible … distance.
This distance is not as common and simple as physical distance (although, have you ever been in a crowd of people, say an elevator, where your attention is dominated by, say the floor you are intending to travel to, and then you notice that there is a person standing very-next-to-you? you wonder briefly how you could have not noticed them), and (this distance) is not an emotional gulf between people (although, there are times when you are prepared to accept that the person you care so much about just is not invested in the relationship, and then you see an act of selflessness that takes your breath away), no, the distance is none of these.

…and another Post, I forget when this came out:

We all know that Tuesday is the day of the week that is most clarklike, right? The clue was right there in the Title, right? And by the associating of the word ‘mild’, you know have a spot-on assessment of the clarklike personality type, right?
Well, right about the ‘Tuesday is the most clark-friendly Day of the Week’, but t-wrong about the assessment of the clarklike personality type as being ‘mild’. Moderate?, fair… temperate?, sure, why not? even-tempered?, now you are straying… easy-to-get-along-with? getting colder… flat-affect, overly rational? ok…warmer… driven by a disconnected emotional aspect to find the way back home… yow! boiling !
Tuesday is the easiest-going Day of the Week. Rivalled only by Thursday on the lowered expectations scale, Tuesday is the day where you can believe in the promises of the work/school, even commit yourself to giving all to making the week a time of great accomplishment. Without the threat of an Exam (Friday) or even a pop quiz (Wednesday), Tuesday is the day where:
clarks relax
scotts wake up
rogers begin to get annoyed
If you were looking through the eyes of a clark…on a Tuesday morning…and the newspaper headlines read: ‘Meteor to Strike Earth on Friday, Extinction of all Life Certain!’ your reaction would be:
relief because the mess you made of your first serious relationship would finally stop bothering you (…hopefully)
excitement because now you don’t have to worry about having enough money to pay the mortgage
amused because you had a dream in which you felt loved and cherished by all and when you woke up you had a genuine emotional conviction that you were ‘a part of the family’
a sense of vindication because you knew that nothing really mattered
regret as you finally realized that people did not really care about how strange the inside of your head is, they only wanted to believe that you liked and appreciated them
Well, that was …interesting!


*if that doesn’t make sense, you need to ask a clark


*** but not for a good reason, at least good from the perspective of the clark in question… we don’t lie because of fear (no, thank you for that thought Kristi, and while we agree that lying is a bad thing and not lying is a good thing….sometimes the underlying reason for not doing something, offsets some, if not all, of the good.)

* eww September

** hokey smoke! a key to writing of time and time travel….



Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- (Quick RePrint… got two Sixes and one Tale from the SSC&B to work on!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

So, there was this post, once, where I said,

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


It’s understood that a significant portion of the effort behind (understanding, developing and applying) the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine is specifically intended to help clarks.

Which is not to say that clarks need the Wakefield Doctrine more than scotts or rogers. Wait a minute, we do say that. Which is not to say that clarks are the only one, (of the three), to see in the Doctrine the possibility of direct benefits, impacting their daily lives. Wait… we do say that. Which is not to say that the Wakefield Doctrine offers insights and perspectives that our scottian and rogerian friends cannot, and, in fact, do not benefit as a result of coming here and reading and commenting and such. Wait! we do say that? Well, I guess that leaves us where we have always been:

the Wakefield Doctrine is a unique and useful and very much (a) fun way to look at the behavior of people. the Doctrine is a perspective that offers us (an additional) opportunity to better understand the people in our lives. employing this tool, we all can gain an insight into the world, ‘as the other person is experiencing it’, and, because of this increased understanding, we need never again say, “how could they go and do such a thing? I really thought I knew them better than that!

But we already knew that, didn’t we? Lets, then, broaden our understanding of this here Doctrine here, shall we? We all know that the personal reality experienced by clarks is referred to as, the world of the Outsider. As a person who grew up and developed (their) personality in the worldview of the Outsider, clarks are creative and introspective, funny and hardworking. Because they live in the personal reality of the Outsider, clarks are subject to a seemingly endless cycle between (near-unrealistic) hope and soul-crushing despair (survival being an indication of an inner strength that, were it not expended on surviving what would seem an un-justified and un-necessary level of self-criticism-doubt-fear, would be, like, totally impressive). Thats simply the nature and character of the world as experienced by clarks, scotts and rogers have no picnic-of-a-life either. But today is about clarks.

So what is it about clarks that makes today’s post interesting? Well, to appreciate that, we first must understand the double bind that lies at the core of every clark, and that is: a) clarks maintain that the only path available to them is the intellect, the ‘knowing/learning’ of things and 2) they, (the clark), are Outside(r)[s] and c) there must be a reason for their being different.  (I sense that those Readers who are not clarks and/or those Readers whose secondary clarklike aspect is developed only to the degree necessary to find this theory interesting, but not developed enough to imagine the world of the Outsider (at least be able to imagine it without being forced into a reflex sympathy response), are beginning to drift off, so lets get to the point.)
The problem with being an Outsider (who is) trying to understand their way, ‘back to being a real person’, is that, ‘an Outsider’ is, by definition, unique. As in…. only one of a kind. If I am the only one of a kind, then how can I gain a perspective/understanding of the world that is anything more than what I already possess? If I’m ‘the only one of my kind’, then how can anyone tell me anything that genuinely applies to me? And, besides, if I spend my life looking for ‘the Answer’, then how can I know more than I (already) know?

see what I mean?

gots to cut this short. work calls. if there are any clarks (or, hell, scotts or rogers) who want to know what I believe the answer to this conundrum is, the answer is: identification  I’ll have to follow-up, later in the day to this tease-ending. tempus fugits, yo, tempus totally fugits


Contemporaneous Thankfully, as a clark, we’re secure enough in ourself (surely the only part of our existence to enjoy the benefit of self-confidence) to check the definition of the word. Wanted to add a note to the reprint above, you know, like an after-thought and loved the sound of the word. But…but! not correct in this context. oh well.

Now, damn it, we better go up there and read the reprint.

Who wants to bet we said whatever it is that we’re about to say about the confidence of a clark in their intellect…. hold on, be right back

They’ve got a point there. About clarks and identification. Should write an updated post on the challenge and benefit of learning to identify with others. (Hint: it’s possibly the only human interaction that lacks the mandatory assumption of (a) social debt.)

  • We can chose (and therefore decide) to identify with you
  • Unlike any other relationship* you need not provide consent (or even be aware of the new ‘relationship’)
  • One of the secret keys (and, arguably a cost) is that by identifying with another, we accept there is a (potential) relationship with others (who might identify with us)
  • And that, that last thing, is the ‘being part of’ made available to our people, ‘unique’ Outsiders

* because it is… for us on the identifying side of the equation


Five Minute Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

Let’s try another Five Minute Friday post.

It is, quite permissible, to find a topic, question, inference or plot, before starting the timer. And, for that matter, spend some time searching the anchovies for a post to add at the bottom, a cleanser for the palette, a bit of desert, a cigarette (from days lost to the past).

…got it.


No, forget that! (lol… aiyyee pulled in my a trap of my own predominant worldview!!!). forget time? forget?!?!! time.

As if.

Of the three:

  1. clarks have the innate ability to keep track of time, unconsciously and co-unfortunately enough, can’t forget about time. Seriously! Find yourself a clark and ask them: “Tell me when six and a half minutes has elapsed from….now They will (without needing a clock, watch or other measurement mechanism)
  2. scotts don’t care about time, to a scott asking how concerned they are about ‘the time remaining’ is like wondering how many gallons flow over Nigara Falls as your barrel tips forward
  3. rogers they ignore time like the surprise bodily smell in a group of polite strangers…

That’s it!

Damn… good thing I found a reprint.

Full Disclosure: did go back, after ‘Time!’ and corrected the spelling, but didn’t bother with any edits for clarity, simply because most of the Readers will be clarks or scotts/rogers with significant secondary clarklike aspects.



From May in the year, 2013

Finish the Sentence Friday.

(a ‘blog hop’ that is being: sponsored,  promoted, hosted by, enticed-into-by-the-charms-of, held-in-a-metaphorical-gymnasium-on-a-Friday-night, on-the-list-of-charming-old-homes-to-tour, the central feature of the blogosphere and experienced as the high point of the week at the BB&G,  courtesy of the Doctrine’s three favorite Bloggarini : Janine ( Confessions of a Mommyaholic), Kate (Can I have another bottle of Whine…), Stephanie (Mommy, for real) and Dawn (Dawn’s Disaster)

(…be still, my dog(s) of war…just walk away”)


“If I were stuck on an island, I would like to have…”

the following in no particular order or emphasis:

  • Ginger and Maryanne
  • an internet connection
  • the body of a 19 year old (gender optional)
  • the mind of my present age
  • 1 of my childhood friends
  • 3 of my adolescent aged friends
  • 1 of my teenage years girlfriends (real or imagined)
  • my first car (1964 Chevy Bel Air station wagon in faded-to-orange-blue paint)
  • a contract to complete the Wakefield Doctrine book (currently in ‘pre-write’)
  • the physique to wear shorts without looking: a) silly, b) old or d) excessively gay (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay)
  • an endless supply of BLTs (despite the climate there is always magically un-adulterated mayonnaise)
  • a boat (just for sitting in and looking at the Island from the middle of the lagoon, with Maryanne waving and what I would swear looks like Ola in a clearing in the jungle)

Hey!  Somehow I have this little darling up at the beginning of the eponymous Friday morning…. hey!  don’t be afraid to call in tomorrow night (if you find yourself in a place at 8:00 pm EDT where you know where the kids are, and they seem to be happy and quiet or you have no plans and you feel like something that will challenge your beliefs and amuse you in ways that you haven’t been amused since…oh I don’t know… since, before girlfriends and boyfriends, husbands and wives, children and favorite pets became the central organizing feature of your reality.  call and you might find yourself enjoying, or not who can really say for sure?



