psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 11 psychology of personality | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 11

-the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘a holiday classic’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

A true classic in so many ways!

Readers: Here, in mid-Oceania, we are celebrating today the most scottian of holidays. The Fourth of July.

How scottian? Welll… how does: minimal clothing encouraged, menu geared to ‘eating-on-the-run’, cuisine grounded in out-door-cooking by impromtu chefs, copious amounts of aliphatic petroleum solvents in squeezable metal cans with a spout most professional squirt-gun enthusiasts would envy (for both volume and range) and…

Fireworks! sound to you?

The only holiday-specific activity that, on the other three hundred sixty four days of the year, requires a Master EOD rating (the insignia with Seven-Fingers wreath, that is). All explosive materials and devices, made available this one day of the year in your local Walmart, Ace Hardware, Toys ‘R Us and Hallmark Party Store.

Heck! Fourth of July and scotts be like:

  • sudden loud sounds and the profession of love
  • running and … capturing!
  • asking a group of the opposite gender: “Does this bathing suit look too small to you?”
  • on the wall of the local 911 call center: “Hey! Watch this!” and “Last reported traveling at excessive speed…”

We could go on all morning, but what’s the point of having a rogerian aspect (very weak, in the case of Your Humble Narrator) if we can’t leverage the past?

the first Doctrine post noting the proclivity of scotts and certain holidays:

a chart providing the average shelf-life of ideas for Posts* …..the Wakefield Doctrine ( happy scottian Holiday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine ( the personality theory that you can learn, understand and use today!! )

childhood memories involving  learning to become a better person:   …………………………… 6 hours
childhood memories involving learning bad habits and behavior:      ……………………………  3 days
childhood memories involving doing something publicly embarrassing to adults:    …………. 2 years
adolescent  fantasies   that result in being scarred for life:
(physically scarred): 3 years  (emotionally scarred): 5 years
workplace situations that result in receiving a raise:  ………………………………………………… 6 hours
workplace situations that result in being fired: ………………………………………………………..  3 months
workplace situations that result in being arrested: ……………………………………………………. 4 years
relationship maturity demonstrated in daily life:  ……………………………………………………..  1.4 hours
relationship immaturity demonstrated in public: ………………………………………………………  4 days
a Post trying to illustrate the ephemeral nature of creative ideas: ………………………………….. 75 minutes

Quick reminder about the Holiday tomorrow:  If you do not know that July 4th is one of the most scottian of holidays, then you need to write  in one of the Comment boxes below 50 times

scotts love loud noises, it lets them believe they can have an effect on the world“.

Seriously, picture the coming Holiday:

  • takes place at the height of the Summer season
  • eating and drinking to excess is encouraged
  • minimal clothing allowed in virtually all public places (including churches and hospitals)
  • outdoor sports activities including chasing frisbees, being dragged behind a boat and the use of explosive devices (such explosives, that were it December instead of July,  a visit from Homeland Security would be the immediate result)
  • …minimal clothing

So for you non-scotts reading this, three July 4th Survival Tips:

  1. stay indoors
  2. keep the lights off and the glow of the TV shielded from windows and doors
  3. turn up the air conditioning and ….wear extra clothes

We hope that helps.



#wakefielddoctrine #clarksscottsandrogers #personality types


Monday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

First thing this morning, we thought, ‘Lets get back to writing original content.’ And, we were, like, “Dude, the Doctrine, like exists, eo ipso (if’n you need to get technical, and being a cloudy Monday morning, that would not be ill-advised). There is nothing you can make up that is not already inherent in everyone’s favorite personality theory, the Wakefield Doctrine.”

‘Yeah, that’s true.’ was the only sensible retort.

So we searched ‘summer school’… ’cause, for many Readers, it’s Summer. Stumbled on the post below.

(Let you in on a little secret: we will read (and, in fact, make available for Readers) every post in this here blog here but, like everything else alive, the definition and insights into the Doctrine have… not changed… more a matter of ‘have become more accurate, more easier to understand because writing is better and such… lol)

…anyway… what cheered me up this morning was seeing that one of the key phrases in these pages was there as early as this post (2013). That phrase: (dit.dit.dit ‘…how we relate ourselves to the world around us and the people who make it up‘.)

It is key because it focuses on the concept of relationships. And the Doctrine in general and the three predominant worldviews in particular are about relationship if they’re about anything.

better save some insights for tomorrow…


Monday Morning (at) the Wakefield Doctrine (“…like that Rosetta Stone thing on TV, ‘cept more useful and way more fun!”)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)853px-Francesco_Primaticcio_-_Ulysses_and_Penelope_-_WGA18409

The Wakefield Doctrine is a personality theory, it is a unique, useful and fun way to look at the behavior of the people in our lives. With an understanding of the principles of the Wakefield Doctrine you need no longer find yourself saying, “Why on earth would they say a thing like that? I really thought I knew them better than that!” This ‘Doctrine’ maintains that we all live our lives in  personal realities (what we refer to as ‘worldviews’). This is not an overly exotic notion, nothing too metaphysical. All of you out there reading this sees the same world, a world where…

…where the supermarkets have big plate glass windows, the parking lots are full of new-car-paint-scraping-carts; that the world is full of a variety of people in an incredibly diverse range of occupations, with the teachers, the nurses, the hookers in the bad part of town, the politicians in the wealthy part of town, and socially we all see the same associations, the boss out to get ahead, the co-workers who refuse to say anything about the bruises on the new worker, the friends our children make at school, the rejection that happens in our mind on Friday while trying to hope for salvation on Saturday night, and in a very personal way we all share the world of hoping to meet the expectations of our parents, trying to endure the pain of seeing them in a nursing home, we hear the ‘why-didn’t-you-say-something-before’ from our spouse in bed late at night, we bear up under the terrible/wonderful experience of helping our pets at the end of their lives, while at some time in the course of this very Summer we will smile and we will frown at the predictable behavior of our husbands at the annual family cookout…

…the world in common is the same for all of us. What the Wakefield Doctrine focuses on, and where our personal reality becomes personal, is that for all of the above common things, people and situations, the important thing is ‘how do we relate ourselves to them, to these parts of life’?  It is how what we think we know about/how we tend to respond to/how we feel about these (and every other of the tiny little aspects of life) that the Wakefield Doctrine is about.

The Wakefield Doctrine maintains that we all have the capacity to experience life in one of three characteristic worldviews (these personal realities we just mentioned). At a very early age we ‘pick one’ and that is the world we grow up and develop in: the reality of the Outsider (clarks), the life of the Predator (scotts) or the world of the Herd (rogers). When you know the characteristics of these three personal realities, you will be able to recognize the three personality types. When you recognize the three personality types, you will know more about the other person than they know about themselves. When you understand the nature of these three worldviews and recognise your own predominant worldview (your personality type), you will have new ways to change the things about yourself that you have always wanted to change but have been unable to change (or have changed for a while…).
It is a principle of the Wakefield Doctrine that we all have one predominant worldview/personal reality but that we never lose the potential of the other two worldviews.

The original topic of today’s Post was to have been the latest developments in the Wakefield Doctrine. And as such, might be of limited interest to the causal reader*. But as DownSpring Molly has said in the past, “Don’t worry too much if they understand what you are saying, clark! If they are interested and don’t understand, they will either figure it out for themselves or ask you.”

But rather than tell you the somewhat esoteric, although totally exciting insight into the rogerian worldview, which holds huge potential to increase our understanding of all three separate worldviews.

With the Wakefield Doctrine you may:

  • identify your worldview as being a clark (which you suspected since the pretty quick after reading this blog) because for you,  ‘there is a whole wide world full of people and things and stuff …’out there’
  • see that your best friend (the one from longest ago) is probably a scott though there is a roger running a close second
  • decide that this Doctrine has a thing or two that you might find handy and so decide to hang out
  • find yourself on a damn international conference call with totally cool guys and remarkably attractive womens and yet, you are comfortable (…clark)
  • need to remind yourself that the Wakefield Doctrine is gender, culture and age neutral
  • find that the rambunctious scotts and the charming rogers and occasionally scary clarks are actually  kinda fun
  • learn ways to self-improve-yourself… the way that you want to change, not necessarily the way that everyone says you should change..



(bought a beat-up PC and learned how to type…lol)

*yes, on purpose …a little humor for the Writer



One-K Friday -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Once again, we rejoin our friends jenne and ceayr for a go at finding the most important 250 words hidden in la fotografía.

If’n you like wordage and fun, you owe it to yourself to head over to the très avant-gardiste bloghop, the Unicorn Challenge. (Tell ’em, ‘the Doctrine sent ya’)

“That’s strange,” Anton Rilke pushed back from his new desk, which given his considerable girth was more than a slight adjustment from the monitor. The new head of Interpol’s Human-trafficking, Drug-interdiction and War crimes bureau, made reaching out to the police departments in his jurisdiction a priority.

“What’s that Detective-Capitán?” Inspector-Jefe Carlos Delgado, eager to get a sense of the man, ignored the cultural and political barriers that impeded law enforcement in 21st Century Iberia.

“Your latest kidnapping,” the face of Inspector Delgado shrank to a thumbnail as a black purse, lying on the sidewalk at the top of a alley-staircase filled the screen, “I’ve a flag on the DNA your most fastidious patrolman collected on the scene.”

Appreciating the left-handed compliment, Carlos smiled, “What do you mean?”

“Although no help identifying the kidnappers, it links the owner of the purse and the young girl who went missing last month near this location are blood relatives, mother/daughter in fact.”

“Then you’re going to find our medical examiner’s report on the body of one of the two Alphonso brothers that was found floating in the harbor this morning most fascinating,” the detective paused as he watched Detective Rilke glance at what were surely other monitors on his desk, mutter something in German and raise a bushy-white eyebrow.

“Am I correct, Senor Delgado, there is a match between the DNA on the purse and a blood sample on the late, and apparently quite tortured, Nico Alphonso?”




TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s weakly contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop. A grat-blog by design, it has been on the air for something like ten years. Which, as anyone online can tell you, is, like, eighty-seven years in the ‘real’ world. (Our fourth Grat this week is for Kristi reminding us of this mill milestone.)

So what say we proceed with the list and we’ll be sure to sneak in references to the festivities and such as the countdown …. counts… down?

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) longevity Check in with Kristi, being protector of the history, has mentioned June as being the 10th anniversary of this here bloghop here. Stay tuned

5) Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) cottage (see Grat 4)

7) Out, driving in my automobile yesterday. The time? 7:53…. P. M.  sun just setting. yes!

8) something, something

9) the photo at the top of this post: a fishing boat heading out of the West Gap from Galilee (google: Point Judith Harbor of Refuge) Photo taken from East Matunuck State beach.

10) Secret Rule 1.3


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TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

This is the Doctrine’s contribution to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT) bloghop.

Publlished continuously since 2001, the TToT is one of only three bloghops still listed on Interpol’s ‘Must Read’ posting (of seditious and ‘oh-they-can’t-be-serious) blogposts. Read while you still can! Freedom to write is secured by the persistence of those willing to stay up late (or get up early) and put their secret souls and less-than-back-from-the-cleaners laundry out before the world.

1) Una

2) Phyllis

3) the Wakefield Doctrine

4) semi-progress on the cottage patio project. Final choice to be made in pavers and, with any luck, work can begin soon(ish).

5) the Six Sentence Story bloghop

6) Friend of the Doctrine Cynthia joined the ranks of Sixarians this week; writing a story; she will, we know, return with more adventures; we did, in appreciation, offered her a free subscription to: Semicolon Quarterly (The use and joyful abuse of second-rank punctuation; and others applications.) She, respectfully, refused to comment; semicolonolgy is a cruel mistress; relentless taskmaster and thrives on ambition and an excess of words.

7) the Zombie Christmas Project Chapter Nine: “O quam cito transit gloria mundi“* .

8) something, something

9) shout out to Nick and Mimi in their synergisticsynchronisone of those cool Greco-Latin words ending in -istic** for their comments this week regarding the photo of the three progenitors. The served to remind us that not only does Time pass more rapidly than we realize, but the world around us*** changes. To wit: while the photo has been used from the beginning, a time during which direct knowledge of these three people was common among those frequenting this blog, time has totally slipped past us and, with it, the awareness that contemporary Readers might not recognize them nor their significance to this blog.

10) Secret Rule 1.3


* this form of the phrase appeared in Thomas à Kempis‘s 1418 work The Imitation of Christ: “O quam cito transit gloria mundi” (“How quickly the glory of the world passes away”).

** which we all learned in school is the a total ‘Be On Exam’ sigil

*** the personal reality that we experience as defined in these pages, ex cathedra of the Wakefield Doctrine

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