predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 47 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 47

phfridae wapup -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘Friday, the most sought-after day of the workweek’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Hey, before I forget, tonight in a box at the bottom of this here Post here, I will paste in the link to the Friday Night Vidchat. Click on the link and provided you have downloaded the google hangout app, you will be on line with the Wakefield Doctrine and them. (Depending on who else stops in), you will have an enjoyable and interesting time, courtesy of 21st Century technology.

short, little post this morning. 1 request and 1 cool insight into the rogerian worldview.

  • I’m leaning towards doing the ‘3 to Bee Blog Challenge’ this coming April (April motto: ‘yeah, go ahead dream…she’ll forget you by Memorial Day‘*) and my theme will be the Wakefield Doctrine. The question I have, does anyone know of anything like a word generator that can produce random words, but allows one to enter the first letter?  (My second thought is that I need to approach the month as, ‘The ABCs of the Wakefield Doctrine’… which, if I’m successful will leave me with something useful at the end of the Blues Challenge…. your thoughts?
  • ok, so we all know that the Wakefield Doctrine provides a description of the three worldviews, (personal realities) of clarks, scotts and rogers… and (these descriptions) are accurate and detailed enough to permit us to …kinda scare people with our insight into their personal lifes  (true story: back in the beginning of my blogging, when I met someone online who I knew their worldview from chatting with them** I’d sometimes say things like, ‘I know what’s on the floor of your bedroom closet’  (this being a clarklike female) and I’d describe the clunky but oh-so-comfortable boots and the sensible but worn shoes for work… etc  and 9 times out of 10, they’d be all, ‘hold on! how can you know that‘  (eventually more reasonable people around me at the time, Denise and Molly, said, ‘uh, clark? maybe you might want to lay off on the ‘I know you’ thing until they get a little more comfortable with you and your Doctrine thingie…’  (lol  and yes, I did take their advice)   anyway… back to the rogerian worldview. While we know enough about the personal reality of our rogerian friends to identify other rogers, there is a level of understanding that we can only acquire by inference. A good example is ‘referential authority’.
    (I just ran out of time. I’ll try to link to the post that initiated this insight and I’ll certainly try to carve out the time to add to this Post. Failing that, I guess you’ll just need to join us on the vidchat tonight.)




*                                      *
*                                                                                                                                                                                                   *

 * seriously, I have no idea

** well, yeah… it is possible to infer a person’s predominant worldview on the basis of the written word and/or chatting on line… just takes practice, yo


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘if everyday of the week were Tuesday, there would be no wars’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


No! I’m actually serious. Consider your day right now.  You’re over the strain (for some the assault) of the beginning of the workweek… you’ve given up your hold on the weekend.  You have your job, you have your classes, you have the home-to-make tasks… and, maybe for just today, you kinda think you can handle it! Hell, there’s a good chance that you’ll find yourself, maybe not enjoying it, but at very least, having a good feeling about what you do during the workweek. And the people you work sit by side with/ sit in class alongside/ talk to and instruct and raise into adults they’re not so bad today, are they? We all have workweek days and we all have weekends (maybe minutes at a time, maybe a lifetime’s worth), but Tuesdays are the day of the workweek and when what we do (during our workweek) looks and feels and gives us the most of what we thought it would when we started out, new in the job/first day of class/infant brought home to build the family…

So, if the world could just make itself see everyday as a Tuesday, there would be no wars.

What does this have to do with the Wakefield Doctrine?  a lot…

(I have to interrupt myself, this and the previous Post this week, were started at my usual time of day for writing Posts, i.e. 5:30 am, however, today I thought to try to complete the Post(s) in the later morning. It is now 5:30 pm  so I need to wrap it up.  What’s interesting is that when I write about a Day, it is the day (yet) to come, not the day that has passed… I suspect I may need to work on my scheduling.)

… a lot and nothing. The Wakefield Doctrine is not an answer, it is, however a very cool set of questions. And, even as a set of cool questions, it is not the implied answers, (to these cool questions), that is the value of learning this thing of ours,  it is the process of asking… that is where the benefit of the Wakefield Doctrine can be found. Simply put: every time I use/play with/look through/use as a inter-personal Cliff Notes/ or otherwise use the perspective that the Doctrine offers, I learn something about myself. There’s an old saying, ‘every window is a mirror’. To use the Wakefield Doctrine is to accept yourself, (the good qualities and the ‘oh-no-way-I’m-like-that‘ parts); when you set out to see the world as the other person is experiencing it, you will run into yourself. But that’s a good thing….not always comfortable, but good.

what time is it?

…oh!  oh!  vidchat this Friday…. we usually start at 7:00 pm (which as we all know is ‘are you still awake British Meantime’) but if anyone knows that they will not be able to join us until a later hour… lets us know! Adjustments and accommodations will be made.


4th Day -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘lets talk …get them clarks up here for a moment’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


While the subtitle of today’s Post hints at a topic understandable only to odd-at-heart, there is much that can be useful to our scottian and rogerian Readers. Please, stay with us. While you may be a person living in the world of the predator (being a scott) or comfortably grounded in the reality of the Herd (as a roger, it’s tough to imagine a World without Rules, isn’t it?), you do have a secondary clarklike aspect. I say this with certainty, because I have gone out into the world and spoken of clarks, scotts and rogers to …well, to scotts and rogers who have only a predominant worldview (without any significant secondary aspect) and I’ve felt the stares and ‘that look’*  The look from a person who knows they are dealing with an Outsider. So, if you’re a scott or a roger and you’re still reading, then you have a significant secondary clarklike aspect. So what? Well, you’re not the only person in your life are you?  … oh, sorry roger, let me rephrase that… (lol  just a little joke for Michelle and Kristi and Phyllis and the other rogers who not only enjoy our little Doctrine, but are invaluable to our efforts to know all three personal realities. The point is, there is always something of value when we manage to ‘see the world as the other person is experiencing it’.

….to our Post.

hey clarks.  what’s worse about those days when you wake up and your creativity drive is somehow  ‘on 11’?   is it the fact that you have a ton of ideas that you know you don’t have time for or is it that foreboding feeling that something bad will be the end result?  I mean, it’s not like we hate the feeling, but we always wonder why it only happens sometimes and, hardly ever, on purpose.  The other thing (about clarks)… the worse it feels (inside) the funnier we can be (funnier being defined as making other people laugh… for whatever reason, the quick and clever asides and observations seem to be of a  way higher energy level when we are heading towards that dark place… life can be frickin hilarious, no?)

Anyway, short post.  non-clark Readers?  this post should provide two things of value:  a) an increased sense of the world of the Outsider (’cause, like we implied a little earlier, you’ve got some of that your-own-self and 2) parents? you clarklike children… they get like this too  but, you probably already have a sense of that (by virtue of being a parent who has enough on the ball to be reading the Wakefield Doctrine) but… a tip: the eyes. Watch their eyes. It’s been said that, when you’ve studied the Doctrine long enough, you will be able to spot the clarks (and the scotts, for that matter) on the basis of a photograph of the person’s face…. and it’s true. You can. or could, if you want to… (bonus hint: the fear is the easy thing to spot (in the eyes of the clark)… the ‘distance’ is less easy. There’s something in the eyes of a clark, that if you look you can see that they are somewhere else… not necessarily all the time, but it’s quite clear that they do leave the world as you know it. (Kind of the opposite of the eyes of a scott, when you think about it!… with scotts, the totally distinctive characteristic is that they are totally there…. in the present …alert.)

Enough for now. This was supposed to be a short Post.


* clarks are quite familiar with ‘that look’…. hey, just because we’re invisible most of the time, doesn’t mean we’re blind


monday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘no, not weirder than some Posts… just trying to get back to the basics’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…you know how, on some days, (not that you notice anything when you wake up, and, certainly not something that you do deliberately), you are, for all intents and purposes  …invisible?

…have you ever found yourself getting angry at something that a co-worker has done, quietly inadvertently, they probably would not know what the fuss was about and that makes you all the more angry and yet, when you try to get something done…. no, not punishment, simply doing something so that the person making this mistake does not make it again, or, failing that, at very least, understand their error?

isn’t frustration…. frustrating?  no, we know what you mean, and it’s not something that you dwell on, except when the people who are probably the least qualified to criticize, or worse, clueless… yet manage to impose their arbitrary rules on others and you, well, there is nothing wrong with being …direct with them.  that’s reasonable, right?

the above is the Wakefield Doctrine. (In our block quote today,  done in a faux art film  Mise-en-scène sorta way, ya know?)  Of course, that’s just one of the ways that we offer the insights that warrant the effort to learn our little personality theory.  Other times, the real fun of the Wakefield Doctrine can be found when we go the ‘outrageous route’.  I don’t mean outrageous in the scottian sense… the ‘Hey!!  fuck you!!’   (no, not all scotts yell ‘fuck you’ to get attention.  sometimes they’ll make funny faces…) That’s not the point!

The point is this: the Wakefield Doctrine offers a perspective on the behavior of the people in our lives. There is ‘an internal consistency’ to the (application) of the principles that is…well, pretty frickin incredible. Long story short, a roger will exhibit rogerian attributes and behavior ‘to a depth’ that should not happen without the individual having at least scanned this here blog here (god knows, a roger would never admit to a clark that they, (the clark), have stumbled upon something remarkable).

See? right there!  that last part. That is the fun of the Wakefield Doctrine!  No of course not every roger will begrudge a clark,  just as not every scott will talk in a louder-than-totally-necessary-voice addressing everyone in the line at the supermarket,  just because someone laughed at a joke.
It is in the exaggeration that we express the insights (that) are inherent in the Doctrine.
(Having said that, you need to go over to Christine’s TToT post from the weekend. She tells of a confrontation with a …lets call them a service provider (I don’t want to talk the fun out of reading it, if you haven’t already gone there)…  go ahead  go read it.
… am I the only one who was picturing the scene as the guy using his computer as, like a chair… you know, the old lion tamer chair and whip to try and maintain the semblance of control?

(New Readers? Christine is a self-identified*  scott.  the worldview of a scott is that of the Predator  lion(ess), wolf,  any predator you might like,  ferocious when frustrated, mercurial in temperament  defender of the pack… the Wakefield Doctrine simply states: ‘the way that Christine relates herself to the world around her has the attributes of the predator’  pretty simple, isn’t it?)

Anyway, I’m rambling. Go out there today. Keep the following in mind:

  1. clarks relate themselves to the world around them as would ‘the Outsider’… ‘there but not there’, clarks shy aware from the spotlight, but will not tolerate being ignored.
  2. scotts relate themselves to the world around them as does ‘the Predator’ …. the lion, (not the invisible alien in the movie)…. scotts are a lot of things, invisible is not one of them, the men are great leaders and the women are hot
  3. rogers relate themselves to the world around them as should ‘the Herd Member’  if there is a Right Way to do things, a roger will be interested, they know that the world is quantifiable and understandable, provided it is taken seriously enough… rogers do an amazing language thing that is part humor and part aggression, we call it a rogerian expression and you’ll know it when you hear it… ex.  a blogger talking about the real estate business, ‘on the whole, I found most real estate agents to be much too self-absorbant‘  or,  upon seeing the deductions on their first paycheck at the new job, ‘oh man! look at how much they deducted for aggravated security‘  or  “I really like that movie, but I’m going to wait until they release the un-abashed edition”  yeah…like that.

* and that is the only kind there is…. self-identified  (One of my few rules around here. No one has the right or authority to decide which of the three types another person is. At least, not to the extent that the person labeled needs to feel that it is with any force or effect. That’s not to say that we can’t talk about and help and try to figure out which of the three a person is… that’s how we practice the Wakefield Doctrine!  It’s just that it’s for each of to decide that the way (we) relate ourselves to the world around us is consistent with being a clark or a scott or a roger.

New Readers?  try it out! the other thing we say about the Doctrine is, ‘you can’t break it and you can’t get it wrong!’


Mu -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘the Weekend in (re)-View: there were encouraged smiles in Outerville’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


…I thought I had the ‘hook’ for today’s Post earlier this morning, around 6:10am. My computer froze up and the Error Message appeared:

Hit continue to ‘Force Quit’ the Application

damn!  doesn’t that describe what happens to clarks so often? (Especially on Mondays because we’ve just had two days during which time we could pick the people we were with), we learn and remember that part of what the Wakefield Doctrine offers is, as they so cleverly put it, ‘to self-improve oneself’. But this weekend was encouraging. A good TToT and a good Call-in discussion. So today, I will go out into the world (see, I told you I was a clark!) and know that there are other clarks struggling with the semi-self-imposed status of Outsider and, simply by virtue of this (identification with other clarks), I will more frequently remember to not forget that I have a choice in how I think and act and feel.

Had a great Saturday Night Call-in this weekend. Cynthia, Denise and the Progenitor roger! Topic: how do clarks best deal with the roger in the workplace (or to be a bit more accurate: how to manage a rogerian-dominated workplace). Very fun and informative and entertaining and everything you could want from a phone conversation.

So what do we clarks know now that we did not know, say, 3 or 4 years ago? For starters, that there is a direct (but not directly appreciable) benefit from associating with clarks in a context that encourages identification (with/for the other clarks). We also better understand our selfs and while this is not, in and of itself, a benefit, it is the sharing of this (increased) self-understanding that makes the identificationing with other clarks so effective.

But enough about clarks. how about scotts and rogers? What are they getting out of this thing that they could not get elsewhere? Again, for starters:

  • an increased sense of awareness of that which bothers scotts (on a pre-conscious level), with a better acceptance that it is not a flaw (this, by virtue of the scott’s heightened clarklike aspect)
  • (for the rogers) a sense of an increased-enthusiasm-for-nothing-that-is-identifiable, yet not perceived as threatening




Feet notes:

so: Denise and Cyn-thee-uh  and the Progenitor roger were all on the Wakefield Doctrine Saturday Night Call-in this Saturday past. It was a splendid time, the high points, syllabus-istically speaking the insight nodes were as follows:

topic: how do clarks manage (themselves or others) in the workplace  with an emphasis on the difficulties of dealing with rogerian co-workers

agreed: the negative, ‘lashing out’ of a roger is worse than being nipped by a scott or ignored by a clark

agreed: that the reason for this ‘over-reaction’ by the clark is their emotional investment (conscious or otherwise)

agree: the tendency is for clarks to take (false) responsibility for the actions, reactions and consequences involving others

agree: rogers (and scotts) think they know what it is it fear (the negative) reactions of others, but they are wrong

agree: rogers do not accept admission of ineptitude, no member of the Herd would ever consider this

