predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 37 predicting human behavior | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 37

‘Monday the unlikely’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Motivation and videos, serials and insights’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So a number of topics to cover:

  • friend of the Doctrine, zoe has a new bloghop that we are participating in, over at the Carrot… (this will be linked over there, so be on your best behavior! I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time we went visiting as a Guest Post writer!  I still haven’t heard back from the blogger who asked us!)
  • running a little late on Chapter 20 (will still write a little teaser)
  • an old video, like the secret moon rocks sample, still waiting to go viral
  • Cynthia and Denise and I had a most excellent and insightfulizing discussion during Saturday’s Call-in…. about why clarks are so easily bored. We’ll trial-balloon a few thoughts today.

Carrot!  (oh shit!  I just jumped over there and…and she’s got people sending in genuinely interesting things, information and samples of, like, talented people working on things paintings  and playing musical instruments, making really attractive jewelry. damn! gotta just tough it out)

Hey! I used to do travel videos! Well, not so much travel videos as videos of places that I visited when on business trips… not so much videos as selfies (before they were all the rage and total expected)…. here’s one I found in an old Post!

here you go zoe!

Item 2: Chapter 20…. a little late this week. Plan to publish tonight, still need a little polish and a rogerian review (courtesy of Phyllis). Chapter 20 accounts for what happen after Chapter 19…. no, wait, that did come out right, of course, it deals with Chapter 19! What I’m saying is that, you know how Chapter 19 ended? well, it now seems that Sister Margaret did not make the safest decision, one might even say that her impulsive act has set off a chain of events that no one could have anticipated… yeah, I know! I like Sister Margaret too! Watch for the Chapter later tonight, early tomorrow morning.

Item 3:  well, that’s kinda already covered in Item 1

Item 4: so we were talking about the Doctrine and someone, I think it was Cynthia said, ‘I notice that I always end up getting bored, no matter how interesting or challenging or difficult a project might be at the beginning. You don’t suppose the Doctrine addresses that, do you?’  As a matter of fact, the Wakefield Doctrine does! The Wakefield Doctrine can say that it addresses virtually everything in life, because it’s concerned with relationships, not merely a list of activities, attributes, tendencies or inclinations. The Doctrine does not limit itself to providing a comprehensive list of things that hopefully match what a person ascribes to their own personality types. No, it does not. What the Wakefield Doctrine does, is direct our attention to the way, ‘we relate ourselves to the world around us‘. (Note the exact wordation. I didn’t mean to say, ‘we relate to the world around us‘, there is a huge difference in the two statements).  So that’s why I think we can work with the topic that our accomplished friend has raised…. in the next Post!  lol  (sorry, gots to finish Chapter 20)


TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- Saturday

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


1) Big shout-out to scientists and their recent discovery of Gravity Waves. Nice job guys, only took 100 years and 5.2 billion dollars. All ya had to go was ask a Graviteer, ‘hey! Graviteer! is gravity composed of waves, or what?’  and the Graviteers would be, all like, ‘Clean your room and, as a reward, I’ll tell you‘. (Christine) …’what a good question! what a smart scientist you are, now, lets start with how you frame your question.’ (Val), …’well, there are many ways that the beauty of world that God created is expressed, I really enjoy talking to you about that.’ (Kristi), ‘I knew you’d ask that question! You’re doing a great job with your ‘astrophysics experiment’ (Lisa) ‘Well, sure there are, wait, let me get a picture, what a good scientist you are!’ (Sarah),   “Hey! you’re talking to me? Well, of course there are Gravity Waves! I know, ’cause I’m a Graviteer, see what it says on the Tee Shirt? (Joy)

2) (man! at this rate, this is gonna be a 3k oT! sure glad that my typing speed has increased!…. wait!  what did I just say?   ….cha-ching!)

3) vidchats  … cause they’re all different each and every week! Last night’s was no exception (whoa!  watch it! big-assed ontological pothole there… shhh, don’t think)  OK we’re past that danger…for now. Last night Sarah and Kerry and Denise and KristiLiz (actually, it was more, Liz-Kristi  because of the camera angels, we had a perfect half (longitudinally divided) Lizzi and Kristi.  and then, a little later Lisa joined us. It was fun.

4) ‘Blogdominion’ now has a Chapter 17 (which had a later-than-usual release date of Wednesday)… not to worry, I’ll be back on track for Chapter 18 this weekend where we,  “drop in on the Willoughby’s where Ed and Diane have a rare evening (at least the first half) alone at home and they talk… well, to be technically non-lying, Diane seeks to understand things that are affecting her life and the life of her family and Ed replies to each question in whatever manner is best… for Ed. (I think there’s something up at the Fearing’s so don’t be surprised if we pay Tom and Cheri a visit) and, of course, Unit 17 as Unit 17!”  (sorry old cultural reference). Hey! do me a favor go and read Chapter 17 at  and vote the hell out of it. There’s a rating system (aka competition, ala high school popularity contests) and I really need your support. So read Vote up comment, whatever.
thank you

5) wood-stoves.  we have a wood stove and Phyllis and I’ve developed a curious, (or not so curious, if you’re in any way familiar with the Wakefield Doctrine)protocol …. I’m really good at getting the fire started, without filling the house with smoke and Phyllis builds and maintains a fire that is remarkably efficient in terms of heating the house…. yeah, I know.

6) Una:  we went for a walk last night:

7) the Wakefield Doctrine

8) hey! new TToTeers!! you’ve heard the term Item of Hypogratitude, right?  That’s (yet another) feature to the-bloghop-that-Lizzi-built, that’s really cool and you won’t see on a gratitude bloghop anywhere else! I had an experience this week that provides an excellent example of what we refer to as an Item of Hypogratitude (and thereby valid in making up your 10 Items):  so this week I’m out doing my real estate thing, and have to check on a couple of houses in the snow and ice and such. I get home for lunch, (and to feed Una), and discover my glasses are not in my pocket, (reading glasses, don’t need them except to see the thing I want to read). damn!  (nope, this is not the hypograt….wait for it), so I look everywhere. Nothing. I retraced my steps throughout the day, (two stops: the post office and one house where no one was home). still nothing. I went to the drugstore and bought replacements (which weren’t really replacements, because what I lost were prescription reading glasses!) totally bummed out. I Kübler-Ross’d myself to acceptance and went on with life. YEsterday morning, I had reason to go back to the house I visited on the day of my loss and, as I walked up the walk, what do I see?  in the snow!  my glasses!! (why, no! how could this be hypogratitude? remember the prefix hypo- means deficient, less than normal…nada)  I was like, wow! it’s a miracle! I reached down to pick them up only to find that they were frozen into the ice, wooly mammoth-style. So, I kicked the snow (why, yes, I do hail from the Land of Y Chromia, why do you ask?) and click! 1 pair of glasses transformed into a matching pair of monocles….. that’s an Item of Hypogratitude

9) Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)…. read all about

10) SR 1.3  (the first and still the best!)

Ten Things of Thankful
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‘Pha ri dae!’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- vidchats and serials, rogerian expressions and responsibility

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Quick(ish) Post today.  oh!  wait!  gotta go check on Kristi’s  Finish the Sentence Friday!  hold on! ( oh! shit!  another one of her patented and seductively devious, ‘trick-you-into-writing-something-that-reveals-more-about-you-than-you-think’ prompts!  damn! )  ok well this Post ain’t getting any shorter, so I best get to it…


Vidchat tonight… lets make it 7:30 pm EST  (will send out invites the usual way)


Finish The Sentence Friday  (courtesy of Kristi van Helsing  and April May Indeed) who, in today’s intriguing word prompt ask that we reflect* upon a most human of human impulses, i.e. to see ourselfs (perhaps as others see us, or maybe as we would hope they do, or are determined that they must). One might argue that the Fall from Grace of Man (and Eve) was brought about, not through the agency of fruit, as it was the use/misuse of this most personal of all tools, the mirror. So, lets complete the sentence:

When I look in the mirror,’

I can see the world.



Chapter 17 of ‘Blogdominion is out!  Read it Here (  …Sister Margaret Ryan and Maribeth find that complimenting each other’s strengths necessarily emphasizes their (individual) weaknesses and leads to conflict. Unit 17 continues to become….more)

and. finally, a little insight to our multifaceted friends, the roger(s)

rogerian expression:

A rogerian expression is an idiosyncratic statement made only by a roger, is incorrect but nonetheless very powerful. A rogerian expression is not simply an incorrect use of words, rather it is a deliberate use of the wrong words that results in a statement that denies the listener the option to ignore it.. You know them when you hear them. There is a moment of disbelief, then you laugh and shake your head in admiration for the sentence that was made. Examples:

  • looking at his paycheck, a roger was heard to say: ‘oh man! Look at how much they deducted for aggravated security’
  • talking about a new DVD release for a movie: ‘no, I am going to wait until they release the un-abashed edition’
  • about to talk to a client: ‘I know I have to give them the bad news with the good news, I just won’t baby-coat it’
  • writing in a blog about how egotistical certain real estate agents tend to be, an unknown roger wrote: ‘ I have to say that as a professional class, most agents are much too self-absorbent…”

* ha ha… and, yes quite deliberate and without the slightest shame



Six …Sentence…. Sttory -the Wakefield Doctrine-

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Starting early today. I feel like Tom Fearing sitting at my ‘desk’ in my ‘home’ ‘office’…. hey, wait a minute! If truth is stranger than fiction, and life imitates art (and all the world loves a clown) and all the world is just a play… what am I to make of the notion that I just likened myself to my own fictional character, including participating a scene from Chapter 16, granted it was simply sitting at a desk and,  jeez an author can use their own reality, right?  We’ll leave determination to zoe (and the other rhetoricians) at the Six Sentence Story (which is where you need to go to link your sextaphilic musings). So this week’s prompt word is ‘charge’

…damn! got to go


In truth, the bandages were not encasements of pain or suffering, although, they did mark injury, or, to not put too fine a point to it, calculated trauma.  Bodies of gauze and clutching fingers of tape, much the lover who could not let go, he awoke to a tugging and pulling remembrance of his time in the impersonally-caring arms of the medical practitioners.  While it is said that,  ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul’,  an observation most frequently heard from lovers seeking advantage and interrogators ….seeking advantage, the converse perspective is usually underemphasized.

To paraphrase Nietzsche, ‘for when they gaze long into your soul. Your soul informs and changes them‘, and so, although temporary in it’s shaping of the world, he looks with view encumbered, obstructed by not blinded.  He sensed that with bandages serving a specific function to protect his altered form, the blurred and limited vision might allow for a world, altered by  a change in perspective, a lifetime of seeing the world the same way, might be found to be only one way to see it.

Accepting the change, he stared back into the world.


riday -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘of vidchats, serials and sentences to finish, all in less than 500 words!’ (yeah, I know !)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


not much time, only a small supply of words!

Finish the Sentence Friday  (FTSF motto: ‘they’ll think it’s easy and fun, then when they find themselves tangled up in their own heads, like wearing a soaking wet running suit to a first date, it’ll be too late to back out! ha ha!’) brought to/at/for us from Friend of the Doctrine, Kristi and Vidya and Kerry (‘kerrr ri! vidchat tonight, yo’).  the fragment:

In 2015, I learned….

that when we strive to improve ourselves, the hardest part of the process is to inform ourselves of our success. Whether it is a minor change, (“I will eat more foods that are healthy for me”) or a major change (nah…. don’t bother trying to make a distinction, they’re all major), I’ve found that I all too often neglect to update the self-image I have of myself, as I engage in the effort to change. The Wakefield Doctrine holds that personality is about, ‘how we relate ourselves to the world around us’. When we embark on a program to improve, or otherwise alter facets of our lives, most of us will be sure to inform the people in our lives of our ambition, ‘the world around us’.  Even though, at the beginning of the process, we focus intensely on ourselves (in order to identify what we would change and what that change entails), as the process gets underway in earnest, we often fail to ‘check in with ourselves’.

Ironically, successful self-improvement can result in a situation in which all the people in our lives are amazed and astounded, impressed and happy for us and yet, in the secret mirror of ourselves, we’re still seeing the person who started out to improve, not the person that the world observes.

I’m pretty sure I learned that in 2015…. I’d better check, you know how I tend to overlook certain details and over-focus on the grander parts of an idea


Chapter 16 of Blogdominion! “Sister Bernadine reads a letter from a departed friend and learns more than she bargained for about the computer problem at St Emily’s, Orel Rees takes a quiet walk through the Provo facility and makes a little, quite minor, really, addition to the hardware that comprises the server hosting system… Anya Clarieaux, who brought herself up through the ranks, from near fatal anonymity in the secretarial pool at Omni Corp, (yeah, right! like Anya would ever suffer herself to be a part of the background, unless, of course, it served her purpose to do so) and now is about to start a project that Stephen Eddington must decide to become an integral part of (or not!), Anya is willing to do anything to anyone on behalf of the Omni Corporation, (and it’s CEO), she lives for it…. ‘like they say, if you love it, how bad can it be for you?‘ All this and more in Chapter 16! coming to a computer near you this Sunday.  Hey!  go read the whole thing!  You’ll be glad you did! it’s an engaging tale.


Did someone say, ‘Vidchat?’  sure, sounds like a great idea!  same place….Lets plan on a little later start time, say, 7:30 pm EST I’ll post the link where I think it’ll do the most amount of good.  Hey, while I may need to leave a little on the early side, (say, 9 pm EST), cause I have to work on Chapter 16…. my vspouse, Laura needs to stay up all night (preflight 9 am), so bring coffee and a blanket…. with any luck, we’ll get Dyanne to join… no body sleeps when she’s at the party
