Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16 Personal | the Wakefield Doctrine - Part 16

TToT -the Wakefield Doctrine- “…there’s a light*”

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


Welcome to the Ten Things of Thankful (TToT). (‘the bloghop that Lizzi built‘)

1) Lead off Item is the Friday Night walk, which thanks to the return of Daylight Savings Time, Una and I can afford to take a ride to the bank before our walk around the golf course.

2) Daylight Savings Time (that’s the tie-in to this week’s subtitle and music video)

3) The Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) which includes the case for items of hypogratitudeness which (are) defined, in part, as  “those aspects, occurrences, fundamental elements of every day life, that cause a reasonable person to pause and appreciate that what might be a negative, instead produces an insight into reality, thereby further enriching one’s life and such” Case in point, the following that was the subject line of an email from my cell phone provider:

“$50 Reward Cards: what are friends for?”

No! seriously, this is the actual teaser line on an email from Sprint. It did cause me to reflect briefly on the sad subtext (what someone in marketing must have convinced their boss would be an effective sales strategy). On a positive note, this brief episode made me recall an excellent Post from Friend of the Doctrine Christine, over at ‘the Coop’

4) This week’s activity included the Six Sentence Story, over at zoe’s, but not, despite my own refusal to read the instructions carefully, over at the Carrot

5) the Wakefield Doctrine …just because it’s fun and enjoyable to be in a position to know more about the people I encounter than they know about themselves.

6) Chapter 22 of Blogdominion is due to be published this weekend. For those of you not reading along, it’s the start of the climax of the story. You don’t want to miss it! (I’d normally spend some italics-time talking about what the characters are up to in the coming chapter, but I won’t this week, because, well, because this is serious stuff now! For starters Sister Bernadine’s life is in danger… and Orel, well, he knows more than he’s sharing with his young friend, Stephen and Anya, well! don’t get me started on Miz Clarieaux! But, Maribeth… you know, she really deserves more happiness, too bad she’s the person standing in her own way, but… you know, sometimes people just surprise us. Anyway, guess you’re just gonna have to read and discover for yourselfs what happens next!)

7) Phyllis for reading the Chapters (of Blogdominion) before I publish them. This is valuable and important to me, as she is a roger and her reaction to the story provides me with a check on how well I’m communicating with the majority. (Yeah, the general population is 2/3s roger and half a third clark and a half a third scott.) Yes, you’re correct, most of your commercially successful writers will be rogers. Of course, as a student of the Doctrine, you could identify any given author’s worldview simply by reading a sample of their work. rogers are very good tellers-of-tales (as opposed to story tellers, that honor goes to our scottian friends.) ‘Know the Wakefield Doctrine and know a whole bunch about total strangers‘, is the old saying.

8) shout out to the Graviteers (at the Gravity Challenge) if you have a desire to alter your weight, you owe it to yourself to come and check us out, serially! It’s an approach to losing, (or gaining, if that’s your goal). weight that, admittedly is not for everyone, but for those of us who do participate, I’m confident that none of us feel that we’ve done anything but benefit from participation!  Ask anyone! christine, val, lisa, kristi, joy or sarah…. they’ll tell you why it’s one of the cooler activities that involve minimal clothing, food and photography!

9) I know I’m forgetting something, but I’m grateful that it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it might have at an earlier point in my life.

10) SR 1.3    and now the music. (you really should see RHPS at least once!)




**my god! this age thing! I put a simple asterix tying the subtitle reference to this very excellent song/video and let it go at that (along with RHPS in item 10) , and published this last night. I was talking to a person who enjoyed the video and is of an age to have seen it when first released (withholding identities to protect the innocent, but I can say, her name rhymes with denise)… anyway math was done and I came to the realization that probably half of the Readers were not even born when the movie (Rocky Horror Picture Show was released***). Two words: aiiyeee!
***released to the single movie theatre still has shows every Friday at midnight (lol… RHPS joke****)
**** go ask your parents!


Ten Things of Thankful
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Monday Morning Carrot Cake -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘I went down to the crossroads, tried to beg a ride’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)

goin down to Rosedale, try to beg a ride

Friend of the Doctrine, zoe, has this blog, Carrot and on Monday’s does a rather cool ‘hop. People are invited to send in something (they’ve done) in the way of expressing creativity. Of course, creativity is as creativity does, so zoe reaches out beyond the blogosphere and invites everyone and anyone to send samples of their efforts in on Mondays. très cool, non?

Anyway. Every gallery opening has, like hors-d’oeuvres and canapés (usually arranged on stainless steel serving dishes, following a clever thematic… er  theme!), the Wakefield Doctrine brought the soda and little meatballs and such.


Blogdominion Monday!  Chapter 21 is out and readable! Hey, moving towards the climax of the story. You can wait for it to come out in print (open to suggestions of editors and the like), or you can read it the old-fashioned way, as it unfolds! (Start at the Prologue…. take a day off from work, half a day if you’re a fast reader and don’t have any distractions at home. Anyone hassle you on it, the Doctrine will send you a ‘(Your Name) totally needs a little time to read the complete serial. Now back the hell off!’ to take to work or wherever.)


Our Contribution to (the) Carrot is, from September 2011, the following Roadtrip video:


and some music appropriate to the theme:

‘Monday the unlikely’ -the Wakefield Doctrine- ‘…of Motivation and videos, serials and insights’

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


So a number of topics to cover:

  • friend of the Doctrine, zoe has a new bloghop that we are participating in, over at the Carrot… (this will be linked over there, so be on your best behavior! I don’t want a repeat of what happened last time we went visiting as a Guest Post writer!  I still haven’t heard back from the blogger who asked us!)
  • running a little late on Chapter 20 (will still write a little teaser)
  • an old video, like the secret moon rocks sample, still waiting to go viral
  • Cynthia and Denise and I had a most excellent and insightfulizing discussion during Saturday’s Call-in…. about why clarks are so easily bored. We’ll trial-balloon a few thoughts today.

Carrot!  (oh shit!  I just jumped over there and…and she’s got people sending in genuinely interesting things, information and samples of, like, talented people working on things paintings  and playing musical instruments, making really attractive jewelry. damn! gotta just tough it out)

Hey! I used to do travel videos! Well, not so much travel videos as videos of places that I visited when on business trips… not so much videos as selfies (before they were all the rage and total expected)…. here’s one I found in an old Post!

here you go zoe!

Item 2: Chapter 20…. a little late this week. Plan to publish tonight, still need a little polish and a rogerian review (courtesy of Phyllis). Chapter 20 accounts for what happen after Chapter 19…. no, wait, that did come out right, of course, it deals with Chapter 19! What I’m saying is that, you know how Chapter 19 ended? well, it now seems that Sister Margaret did not make the safest decision, one might even say that her impulsive act has set off a chain of events that no one could have anticipated… yeah, I know! I like Sister Margaret too! Watch for the Chapter later tonight, early tomorrow morning.

Item 3:  well, that’s kinda already covered in Item 1

Item 4: so we were talking about the Doctrine and someone, I think it was Cynthia said, ‘I notice that I always end up getting bored, no matter how interesting or challenging or difficult a project might be at the beginning. You don’t suppose the Doctrine addresses that, do you?’  As a matter of fact, the Wakefield Doctrine does! The Wakefield Doctrine can say that it addresses virtually everything in life, because it’s concerned with relationships, not merely a list of activities, attributes, tendencies or inclinations. The Doctrine does not limit itself to providing a comprehensive list of things that hopefully match what a person ascribes to their own personality types. No, it does not. What the Wakefield Doctrine does, is direct our attention to the way, ‘we relate ourselves to the world around us‘. (Note the exact wordation. I didn’t mean to say, ‘we relate to the world around us‘, there is a huge difference in the two statements).  So that’s why I think we can work with the topic that our accomplished friend has raised…. in the next Post!  lol  (sorry, gots to finish Chapter 20)


Tuesday -the Wakefield Doctrine- insights and intuitions

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


You know what it’s like, having the Wakefield Doctrine as an Alternate perspective on life and the people around us? It’s fun, that’s what it’s like! I had an ‘old school Post writing moment’ Sunday afternoon that was so much fun, because it took me back to the early days of writing this blog. Which is to say, you’re sitting there, minding your own business, maybe watching TV and someone says something or does something that makes the lightbulb go on, over your head. No, I’m serious, that’s very, very close to the experience. Maybe not, get-out-of-the-bathtub-and-run-outside-without-clothes-on level of excitement, but I did stop, (reading or watching TV or whatever I was doing), and walked directly to my computer to write the first draft of this Post.

(A little contexting here, for our newer Readers), the Wakefield Doctrine is predicated on the notion that we all live our lives, to a certain extent, in a reality that is characterized as being that of:  a) the Outsider (clarks), b) the Predator (scotts) or c) the Herd Member (rogers) and that it’s the style of our coping strategies and social skills, (to contend with these three very different realities), that gives rise to what others call ‘personality type’.
A big part of the process of learning to use the Wakefield Doctrine as an effective tool for understanding the people in our lives, involves discovering what the world looks like to people living in (one of ) these three realities, (i.e. worldview). There is considerable information available here that will help you identify the behavior that’s characteristic of clarks, scotts and rogers.
You know, the girl wearing the cutest little dress with an exquisite string of pearls…and a plaid shirt and Doc Martens…. or the guy on the bicycle with 3 water bottles, streamlined helmet and enough logos on his head-to-toe spandex to almost not make you think of Pat Benatar.  Those characteristics. The very cool thing is that it works. You will find that rogers, given a garage workshop and a pegboard, will decide that it makes the most sense to outline the tools before he hangs them on the pegboard… well, because

But that’s not what this Post is about. This Post is about the gifts of insight, the eureka moments enjoyed when new insight and understanding makes itself available. Some things are ….too far inside a worldview to be accessible to those of us from one of the other two realities. Then it’s totally critical that we remain alert! The best example, which is a little too long a story for this post, was the insight that lead to the recognition of ‘referential authority‘ as being a feature of the rogerian worldview, and only the rogerian worldview.

So, back to our story. Phyllis got a call on her phone, didn’t answer, there was no message and, more importantly, it was not a telephone number she recognized. She googled the number, it showed an address in a nearby city, but not one that was home to anyone she knew. Fine. End of story. Wrong number.
I went back to my book/TV show. I looked up a short time later and Phyllis was still trying to figure out who made the call and I realized right there, ‘rogers do not believe in wrong numbers‘   (hint: in the worldview of our Herd Member friends, the universe is quantifiable and knowable…and definable.  ‘there is always a reason for ___ (fill in the blank when you have a couple of hours).

Anyway. As soon as that lightbulb went on over my head I was headed to the Wakefield Doctrine to add one more characteristic of the rogerian worldview to our collective understanding.  …well, because I’m a clark!! and there is no higher value than to know things!  of course.



TTOT -the Wakefield Doctrine- of snow, moes and internets (late, way late, but it’s still Saturday!)

Welcome to the Wakefield Doctrine (the theory of clarks, scotts and rogers)


What a week. Thank goodness for the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules)! The end of the week this week, was social interaction equivalent of putting barbells in a clothes dryer. Messy, mission accomplished, loud and… did I mention messy?

So I was trying to communicate with Abbie and Kerry and Zoe and Val last night, and was, pretty much on the whole, un-successful. I had no internet. I am glad that I do now have internet. (1)

We ‘talked’ about, or rather, Abbie had a simple and reasonable question/observation, which was to the effect that she might, on this particular week, have difficulty finding the 10 grat items. (Typist’s Note: she may very well have changed her mind on that and written a standard 10 items, however, I’m writing this a day later (than that ‘conversation’ and have not, as of yet, gone to read anyone’s TToT. At the risk of inappropriateness, I like to write before reading other posts). Hey, I’m comfortable with that! (2)

In any event, no sooner did I hear a question (or, imagined hearing a question) regarding the requirement for 10 Items in every TToT post, than I was busily typing… ‘Booke of SRect RUles’!!! (did I mention that I was touch-typing on my tablet?) That being said, sure glad I had it or I would have spent the entire evening in the Un-cabled Country. (3)

I did communicate enough vowels and Capital letters so that Val was able to come to my rescue and wrote on the chat, ‘the Book of Secret Rules (aka the Secret Book of Rules) and even made a suggestion of a possible SR that might be applicable in Abbie’s current situation. (4)

Snowed, by Jesus, really snowed yesterday. Imagine we got nigh onto 6 inches. (5) (damn! totally forgot to mention to A and to Kerry, who was also at the type-chat, that Items of Hypogratitude are allowable, when properly contexted!


6) Una enjoyed the snow. But then again, Una enjoys everything. Except maybe annual trips to the vet. Now Ola was a total power of example for me in this regard. She, like Una, did not enjoy going to the vet. However, once we arrived and got out of the car, she would drag us towards the building. Accepting the visit as inevitable and despite feeling fear, she chose to charge, rather than run away. (7)

8) Graviteers who stand up to the center of any and all significant masses (those of a planetary scale. of course) and, cameras in hand, laugh!

9) Blogdominion. Chapter 17 is sitting right here, in 2nd draft.  Hey!! Any one wants to suggest plot vectors, let me know. In Chapter 17: Maribeth and Margaret take some time to themselves, minus semi-boyfriends and interesting attorneys and compare notes, it’s Criminology meets Demonology… well, maybe. Diane Willoughby has lived the best life she’s been able to and raised a fine and pretty much happy family, but now she needs to know more about a chapter in the life of her husband, a chapter that she fears may threaten everything she’s worked to accomplish! And, speaking of lives and families raised, (or hopefully!) Cheri Fearing needs to know what’s behind the change in her husband Tom’s outlook on life, an outlook that finally took a strong turn towards the positive, with his success as a blog writer, but there’s been a change, not so positive, made worse but it’s familiarity. Read all about it tomorrow!

10) Probably the first identified, SR. 1.3  allows that the completion of a list is, in fact, an Item of Gratitude and therefore may be applied as an Item on said grat list.


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